Wednesday, September 5, 2012

TVN Memorial [4° Año Medio A]

 TVN set up a memorial due people who died in Juan Fernandez. 21 crew members crashed near the beach and the cliffs of the island, in a horrible event which took place a year ago. Nevertheless, just 5 out of 21 members were praiseworthy of this memorial due their performances through years in TVN.

 What do you think about it? they deserve this recognition? what is the moral of this accident by your perception?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words.

Deadline: September 30th, Sunday


  1. I think its okey, because TVN is like a big family, and 5 of the 21 were from TVN so they must do something about it, like that of the 5 pillars outside the channel building. And yeah I think they deserve that recognition, at list that, I mean we are talking of dead people, with families and friends, so its not a simple thing. Im not sure if there's a moral in this accident, because its tragic and it happened in seconds and no one there chose that, so its difficult to me think in a moral or something to learn about it. Accidents happens, what can I say?

    Felipe Díaz G.-

    1. Felipe, it's "at least", not "at list". Oh, BTW read Ninoskas' answer below, I think she got the answer I was looking for.

  2. It's so tragic... but I guess death it's something that we can't control or choose. About the "memorial thing", in my opinion that was the right thing to do, because that five persons were part of the whole TVN's crew; they all were like one, so they had an emotional commitment with each other, like a family has. And that persons were doing their job, with effort, so if they weren't doing it they probably still alive. In that way, how the channel could even cosiderate just do nothing about them? it's impossible. And I think the moral that it brings to us is that we have to appreciate every second of our lives, because we don't know when can be our last day.

    Ninoska Montoya Fernández.

  3. I believe that the accident is remembered but not of the best way, because this tragedy is similar as felipe camiroaga's accident, because both are leaving behind other persons as they were less important, being this a too important lost not only for they who were famous, also because for the unknown persons that were there, and I believe that one of the morals that we can take here is that before anything we have to take the necessary measurements of precaution before realizing any type of action, in order that in this way we could avoid something as big as this tragic accident.

    Bastian Ferreria

  4. In my opinion they deserve that, because they died while they were working. Would have been better that they hadn’t taken that plane ever. I think that would have give them a good rest, and be taking the topic of death most of the time, is as disrespect to the deceased and their families, although they were of this television channel, the administration should have some respect.

    Valentina Rodríguez Valencia

  5. Well I think this is unmoral because all the members deserved the same recognition in this memorial, all of them travelled for a good cause and only for a low profile or a less famous person, they didn't appears, just his names and some pictures, it's not fair, the families must complain against this channel.

    Also, they deserved a good research of the real causes of the accident. the families need real answers.

    Ignacio Vega Retamales

  6. I think is a good idea, because all the memories that left the persons, shall be represented in this memorial.
    These persons yes deserve this recognition, because they were very important and recognized in their workplace.
    A moral is that the good persons always die and the bad persons never die.
    Only bad is that focused in the persons famous and not in the others that also who were in this flight

    -Camila Belen Tamayo Tapia.-

  7. It's terrible, but death is something we do not know when it will arrive and nobody can avoid. In the "memorial", I think it's okay, because these five individuals were part of the TVN crew therefore exisitia a feeling involved, since these were like a family. And the people who worked and struggled debian do, because if not still would exist doubts and questions, so here it was impossible that the channel not do anything about it.

    On the other hand leaves the moral is "to value life more and enjoy a good way to the fullest, because you never know when one you will die." Although many days that showed the tragedy was very difficult to start thinking we learned from this, because everything was very tragic and shocking

    -Nataly Riquelme.-

  8. I think that is a good idea, because is a good way to remember people who were important to the Chilean television.
    I believe yes they deserve this recognition, because they did a good deed, with people of the island.
    A moral would be that the death is unexpected, can come at any time, even if you are doing the "good" for others.

    -Daniela Cerda Alvarado.-

  9. well... the accident was tragic, but i'm not agree with the memorial, because that plane had 21 people on board, and i think that it isn't right that just five of them were recognized just for beeing famous. Because there were 16 souls that were sent to heaven too. So I think that they doesn't deserve this recognition.
    Is true that they were on they way to help people who needed, but you can die any time, even today or tomorrow, because you can't know. And the moral of this is that people in chile would feel sad for remember that day, but at the same time they'll feel happy for the recognition that the channel made by the five deaths of his team, but I think that it wasn't right.

    Juan Guillén.

  10. The accident of these characters is very unfortunate and tragic. I find that it's good to make a memorial thing to the deceased, as they were important and dear by all, it was more appropriate to have honored these five people who are part of the family TVN's.
    This helps us to appreciate our lives, because we never know what will happen to us tomorrow, we can be here today, but tomorrow you may not.
    Fernanda Velásquez Córdoba

  11. I personally think that this accident was very unfortunate and caused a lot of pain and impact in our society. There's nothing nice, especially for the family of the people who died, therefore I think that if this channel want to make a recognition, it should be for all who died that day, not only for 5. It’s unfair to them and their families because despite to be television characters, were professionals who were in that airplane by the same reason. As a moral, I think this accident could have been avoided, so people in this moment is much more careful when is flying in airplanes, and also I think that the tribute should have been for everyone and not for the "most popular".

    Laura Toro Reinoso.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think about this accident that no one should die the way they killed these twenty one people, maybe on TV channels give more emphasis to the five that belonged to the national channel TVN, I think that anyone deserves this recognition if good person so to speak and that everyone must remember the best way. Also need to know that all people may die either millionaires, poor or middle-class nobody is exempt from death and no one is on it.

    Christian Aguilera Perez

  14. Well, I believe that this action is too exaggerated because people die every day, I mean probably not so tragically, but anyway people die, so I can’t find so much sense in make a memorial for people who died in that accident, especially because they did this memorial exclusively for people who had worked in TVN. But whatever, I guess that TVN wanted to express someway that they miss them, so if they think that make a memorial for the persons who died and also had worked in TVN, then I have nothing to say. Maybe would had been correct that the memorial was not only for people who had worked in TVN, but also for the other people who died in that tragic accident.

    Gustavo Espinoza

  15. I think the accident was a terrible thing that marked to all the Chilean people, this by the fact that the crew were persons known nationwide for his work and charisma in the various areas of work
    They the deserve Recognition, because I think they have died trying to help people and also why Chilean people want value the work of their peers that made for years
    The moral that is leaving us is enjoys and exploits every moment of you life.

    Angella Parra

  16. This event shook the whole country not only for the persons involved (five of them were important characters of Chilean TV), it was for the unexpected that the accident was. I think is okay the recognition of the channel for them, because they were a part of it, so they have to do something about what happened, and people care about them as much as the channel so simply the event and their death can’t be ignored, for a matter of respect for the friends, the family and people that watch the channel, and watched them.

    And I think that the moral of all this is the unexpected that death can be, we never know when something can happen, any time, any day and any place, that’s way we have to a appreciate and seize the day and the persons that we have around. It must be horrible lose someone, but we have to accept death, because after all, it’s an important part of life.

    Javiera Hidalgo, 4to. Medio.

  17. I think the accident is something that marks us as Chileans, the accident left a void in our hearts, to remember for them would be a noble act of the people who organize this activity, so you always have the memory of them somewhere in our country.

  18. I think that they (the 5 members of TVN) don’t really deserve that kind of recognition. They were "at work" when the airplane crashed, yeah… but they weren't the only 5 in the airplane, and people dies everyday on work.
    I think that TVN can afford to have the luxury to put these pillars outside the building; they are kind of tombstone, but away from the cemetery.
    just have to be aware that any second could be your turn to die.


  19. I think that the accident was very tragic and was a fact that marked all the Chileans, since the crew they were very wanted national persons for his work and his charisma. They deserve the recognition, because they died helping the people and also why the Chileans want to value the work of his companions that they did for years.

    Daniel Galaz Silva 4º medio

  20. Totally agree with this memorial, as the people that died in this brutal accident were part of the pillars of TVN, they made the best program of the morning of the Chilean television for years. I totally agree on this recognition, and also in all those that have been made and those who are to come. And, well, the moral may be that death is equal for all.

    Felipe Soto

  21. In my opinion i think the memorial on the victims, it is well to make a memorial, because it was a tragedy that plunged to almost the entire country, but i think it was better to do this memorial but to all victims, although these 5 people worked in the channel, but it is as a type of "discrimination" toward the family of the victims because of should ask why don't you also make it a tribute to the other victims. If the accident was 21 people, not 5?

    Diego Rojas.

  22. Make a memorial for all the people of the accident on the island Juan Fernandez, is an activity that demonstrates the importance of the Chilean people about that, however they deem relevant only 5 victims, because they were best known for their work ... I totally disagree, it is unusual that some people in their homes missed by anyone who ever had a conversation and only watched it on TV, leaving out people that maybe they were more important.

    Accidents happen, the blame does not belong to anyone, it was just a fluke of life, the issue is not hechar blame someone, or look for the "fifth leg cat". Finally there remains only remember the dead and have some social awareness on these issues.

    -Patricia Vega.-

  23. This accident was quite stunning and painful for many people, we must remember that the people who died in that accident were traveling for a good cause to the Juan Fernandez Island. I totally agree with the recognition granted by TVN, because five people belonged to this channel and virtually spent the most time inside the building. Life can change in a second, enjoy our loved ones, because life, in general, can be very long, but also, very short.

    Daniella Demartin

  24. I think that... yes, they deserve this recognition to remind the honorable mission that was to be performed,but maybe it would have been better if “all team” that was in the accident can be recognized and not a few, because may be interpreted in different ways , is like if just 5 out of 21 members are very more important that the others, but the intention of remind this good action is okay.


  25. In my opinion, I think they deserved the memorial and all I didn't for them, because the people who died in that accident was for a good reason, ie to go in helping others. With regard to the tribute of the five people is because the TVN team is a family type and the honorees were faces of the channel and an important part of the family, and has well deserved the tribute, for all that reached do while they were alive.

    .- Fernanda Fuentes Guerra

  26. The answer is really simple. I think yes, it's good to set up a memorial to the people who died in Juan Fernández and where from TVN channel. it's like any other death, i don't know maybe when you lose someone, you set up a memorial in the place where it has died, so, it's common this kind of things, it's like any other decease, therefore, it doesn't surprise me, but i still say that is a nice memorial, is honorable and remarkable, the only difference that i can notice from another memorials, its that this one is bigger haha, and also, its made by and for famous people.
    also, its a good memorial and they deserve it, because it was a tragedy that no one will forgot, and more for the family that becomes that place of work, TVN channel, more for they that usually shared nice moments with Felipe Camiroaga and the others deceased members

    .~Javier Ariz

  27. I think it's a good idea, because in one way or another is a way to remember those who were not only important in the program, but also for all Chileans.
    I also think that they have quite deserved this recognition, because they died in an act of solidarity for those who needed it so much, so we can realize that death is an unexpected act, which can come at any time just like happened to they.

    María José

  28. It is part of our life die, is also part of our life process commemorate and remember the deaths of our loved ones, and while there are people who have a life public service and although we dislike even die will remain popular.
    Although they were only 5 of 21 people working in the television station, I find that they have respected the mourning of the other 16 to not go public.
    Valentina Gutierrez

  29. I have a great respet on the issue of the accident of Juan Fernandez, and that rocked a nation with the death of these people. I think that de TVN channel has every right to create this award to the five employees who were affected in this fatal accident, and who lost his live trying to do good deeds. And my finally conclusion we could say that death will come to evryone at some point, and this could be waiting just around the corner.

    --Gustavo Ortiz--

  30. All of this is so confused, I mean...there was an accident (a serious accident)no one knows who is the responsible, nobody knows the specific reason. But...make a memorial due people...just for 5? people who was "important" for TV, it doesn't have sense. My opinion is: Felipe is not more important than "Juanito" just for work in a TV show.
    Dányza Álvarez

  31. the true is... I don't care all of this. They died, and that was. It's funny to see people sayin "He was a good person"...or "He is the most important" .... they never talked with him, they never saw him in person. Make a memorial due people just for 5...ja !... "look at me, I am working in TV and I am more important than you".

    Felipe Piazza

  32. Regarding the commemoration made by the TVN channel on the accident in Juan Fernandez where only 5 of the 21 injured were "commemorated" just for her television career, I think that is a more populist than sincere act, and im not agree with that. In this country really seems to be like a life of one famous person or a character of TV could be worth almost 10.100 or 1000 times the life of an anonymous or a relugar person, and this is wrong. I think the moral is being equitative and aprecciate everyone’s life equally .


  33. what are we thinking?...all of this cause by Felipe and 4 more? ... there were 21 people who died...21 families crying and suffering...but ? "we have to make a memorial due people just for 5" ....just for work in TV, just for be a "Figure publishes". This is very bad.

    Jorge Jara
