Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Music is Here to Stay! [Seniors]

Dear Students:

 In the last thread of this semester, I'd like you to comment about the questions we covered durin the last sessions, regarding your musical preferences. What is your favorite genre? What does music make you feel? What would you do if there's no music? What was the last song you heard or downloaded? Please leave your comments below in at least 100 words, giving reasons of your choices. You can aslo include links about the songs and their lyrics.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: June 8th, Wednesday

Water Creatures [Junior]

Dear Students:

 In this thread, I'd like you to talk about ONE Monster, creature, pet or any kind of living being that you'd like to share. You can take examples from movies, series, animes, videogames or books. Remember that it's important to use connectors, a varied amount of words that show evidence of your language competences and the use of syntax. ENTRIES CAN'T BE COPIED FROM OTHER SOURCES, NEITHER FROM CLASSMATES NOR EXAMPLES FROM THE TEXTBOOK. Leave your comments below in at least 80 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: June 8th, Wednesday

5 Things to do Before you are 20 [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 After a very tough month, it's time to chill out and write about a different topic. In this case, I'd like you to comment about 5 things to do before you are 20. Refer if you have done this activities  or you plan to. Include expressions as I wish and the vocabulary seen in class. Leave your comment below in at least 70 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: June 8th, Wednesday

Gadgets Among Teenagers [Freshman]

Dear Students:

 In this final thread, I'd like you to mention one gadget that called your attention during the first pages of the Student and Workbook, and explain the reasons you love or hate it. In this text, I encourage you to use connectors seen in class, such as: Although, However, While and Though. Please leave your comments below in at least 60 words. You must write connectors in UPPERCASES.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: June 8th, Wednesday

The United States! [Eighth Grade]

Dear Students:

In the last thread of this semester and, as we have practiced in class; I'd like you to talk about The United States. What do you like of this country?What do you hate of it? Why? Can you compare 2 cultural aspects between Chile and The U.S.A.? Please leave your comments in at least 55 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: June 8th, Wednesday

Online Profile! [7th Grade]

Dear Students:

 The final thread of this semester is about a summarized version of your personal information. I encourage you to use all the ideas that we have brainstormed so far and create your Online profile. What you need to include is: hobbies, clothes, movies and styles. Please write a paragraph of 50 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: June 8th, Wednesday

Monday, May 23, 2016

My own Myth and Legend [Senior]

Dear Students:

 We have done several activities about monsters, creatures and famous characters from horror movies. Then, we started to include chilean legends and myths. Now, in this thread you'll have to talk about your OWN myth or legend created IN CLASS (the one that will have to be exposed). Please leave your comment below in at least 100 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 31st, Tuesday

Domestic Rain Water Harvesting [Junior]

Dear Students:

 As we debated in class, a billion people around the world don't have access to clean water, therefore, we came up with a system called Domestic Rain Water Harvesting, which is basically a system where you can collect water  for drinking, cooking and washing. We created letters for creating a campaing that is looking for supporters that can donate to this project. Can you write your final version below? Please include names, connectors and vocabulary needed.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 31st, Tuesday

Plays in Patricio Lynch! [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 We have been working so hard on your plays (and scripts) and, in this occassion, I'd like you to stop and think about the experience. Did you like it? what did you learn? was it difficult? please include extra information that you'd like to mention too. Leave your comment below in at least 70 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 31st, Tuesday

Funny Inventions! [Freshman]

Dear Students:

 According to what we have covered in Unit 2 so far, I'd like you to write about a funny invention that you can come up with. We mentioned ideas such the crayon holder, electric vest or the tyres with suction cups; however, can you imagine something brand new? What is it? What are the materials? what is its purpose? Please leave your comments in at least 60 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: may 31st, Tuesday

Stands creation and your experience! [Eighth Grade]

Dear Students:

 I'd like you to write about your experience based on the activity prepared during this month. In this thread, please share your thoughts about what you liked, disliked, what you learned and if you'd like to repeat this activity. Also, add extra information that you may want to include. Please leave your comment below in at least 55 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 31st, Tuesday

What's your style? [Seventh Grade]

Dear Students:

 As we discussed it in class, in this thread you'll have to talk about different styles regarding clothes or accesories. What do you wear? do you wear different clothes according to your mood? What do you wear in cold / hot days? Why? Please leave your answer below in at least 50 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 31st, Tuesday

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

First Impressions [Senior]

Dear Students:

 In this thread you'll have to give opinions about first impressions, specially about YOU consider it's important to see / notice when you meet a person for the first time. Consider: What things do you pay attention when you meet someone for the first time? why? have you judged someone by his appearance and then you realized how wrong you were? why do you think people are so concern about physical appearance? Leave your comments below in at least 100 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 16th, Monday

How to survive in a Post-Apocalyptic World [Junior]

Dear Students:

 We have been talking about disasters that can occur in our country, Now I propose you the next situation to discuss and write below. Imagine that you and 2 more people are the only survivors of a huge earthquake that stroke the world. There are limited resources (water, food, etc.) and you have to survive as much as you can, otherwise humanity will perish. Leave your comments below and include: Objects that you'll carry, how you'll eat, water sources, the 2 people that will be part of your group and where you'll look for shelter. Leave your comments below in at least 85 words and give reasons why you chose something in particular.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 16th, Monday

Unusual Schools around the world [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 I'd like you to write about a topic that we covered during Unit 1. In this occassion, you will write in detail, about an unusual school around the world (it could be in Chile too). What I mean by unusual is something that doesn't follow traditional activities / norms; for example: the type of lessons, teachers, extra-curricular activities, facilities, evaluations, etc. Please include a link of the school that you're writing about and your opinion below as well. Write in at least 70 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 16th, Monday

Urban Tribes in Chile [Freshman]

Dear Students:

 After your oral presentations, it's important to also discuss about the trending urban tribes in Chile. In this occassion, I need that you comment about which is the style that teenagers follow the most. Include in your paragraph: clothes, music, ideology, friends you have that follow this style, what's your style?, etc.

 Leave your comments below in at least 60 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 16th, Monday

Countries around the World [Eighth Grade]

Dear Students:

 I'm looking forward to see your stands during this month and I wish you good luck. In the mean time, I'd like you to write about a country that you'd like to visit in the future. Consider: cities, landmarks, food, money or distances in your comments. Please include a paragraph of at least 60 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 16th, Monday

Monday, May 2, 2016

Hobbies and Routines [Seventh Grade]

Dear Students:

 I'd like you to write about your routines and daily activities as we discussed in class. Write a paragraph of at least 50 words, including vocabulary, likes / dislikes and expressinons seen in class.


Juan Guevara

 Deadline: May 16th, Monday