Monday, May 23, 2016

Domestic Rain Water Harvesting [Junior]

Dear Students:

 As we debated in class, a billion people around the world don't have access to clean water, therefore, we came up with a system called Domestic Rain Water Harvesting, which is basically a system where you can collect water  for drinking, cooking and washing. We created letters for creating a campaing that is looking for supporters that can donate to this project. Can you write your final version below? Please include names, connectors and vocabulary needed.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 31st, Tuesday


  1. 20 May 2016

    Mrs. President

    My name is Iván Salinas Infante, and I am leader from a non-profit organization called "No water, no life", and we believe that maybe a good idea tell you about a project for help many families who they don't have access to clean water. This project consists in build DRWH systems for every home.

    For this project, we need your help for us. We need money for build the DRWH systems, because people have to walk to other towns for collect water. Many people died from diseases like diarrhoea and typhoid, because they drank dirty ground water. We are 150 families.

    Ypur help is necessary; we need US$1500 for building DRWH systems for each family. We believe DRWH can supply the home with clean water for 70-90% of the year. Families are more likely to take care of their own domestic storage, because people don't take care if this is communal.

    Your donors will benefit us because there will not be death from preventable diseases, and with a good storage, stored rain water is safe to drink.

    Yours truly,

    Iván Salinas Infante

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  3. La Moneda, Santiago,
    Metropolitan region.

    May 28 th, 2016.

    Lady Michelle Bachelet.

    The project it's about a apparatus that basically collet rain water in the
    storage tank therefore people drink water.

    This system serves to continents like Africa, in place like desert or rain a few, because thouscends of people die from diseases like diarrhoea, typhoid
    and dysentery caught from dirty ground water, and this could be prevented with
    this project.

    The goverment can help providing money besides promotion this project nationwide
    and places in the world who need it, because they can sign agreements with other

    This will help in the production this project for what people find out and if
    they need the receive, and lessen the death of people due to lack of pipe water.

    Victoria Rojas.

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  5. 11 September, 1973

    Compatriot Salvador Allende

    My name is Javier Solis Vargas Compatriot Chilean leader of a nonprofit organization called: Without water Compatriots take land? This organization works with an invention or project that provides drinking water to thousands of Compatriots Chilean scarce water in their homes which is called DRWH.

    For this we have organized your help to facilitate access to drinking water Compatriots with DWH project. In addition to millions of Chileans Compatriots They have lost their lives due to lack of potable water and stomach infections resulting from contaminated water with waste. We need your help to lower the death rate of Compatriots.

    We need 2500 dollars for total construction in the most affected areas of our Compatriots. With your contribution this will give drinking water to compatriots 95% of the year.

    Their contributions of Chilean Compatriot They will help to prevent disease and lowering the death rate product contaminated water.

    Yours truly,
    Javier Solis Vargas
    Organization leader Without water Compatriots take land?

  6. Street los ponis salvajes, Valparaíso, Chile.

    20 may, 2016
    Dear thomas nord

    Is nice to write you, and right now I am going to the main point, first I am going to explain my Project. The name of this Project is “save the world”, this consist in simply words a system to collect water from the rain called “DRWH”.

    This system it is needed because, the poor people are dying for consume dirty water or just for not drink water, this system will help all the affected people by collecting this water and make it pass for a filter that will clean this water, obviously with this they take water to survive.

    For this Project I need some cheaper items like an storage bank or piper and maybe (only if you can and if you want) solidary people that could help in this Project giving lessons to the people from how to do this system and how it Works.

    Clearly this will benefit you for the simple reason that you will have more motivated workers, therefore, a better income.

    I really want you to think about this Project because this will help to ALL the world for a lot of reasons and it is necessary, and we believe that this is one of the best actions that a person could for another person, with this I mean that you are saving a lot of life.

    Yours truly,

    Pablo Andres Ruiz Ramirez de las mercedes de la santa inquision augusto pinochet

    1. I forget to add the "do" in the last paragraph, then of "could" and before that "for"

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  9. 18 June, 2015

    My name is Nicholas Rivera, and I am part of a nonprofit organization called "Water for all", and we think maybe a good idea to tell on an aid project for many families who have no access to drinking water. This project is to build the so-called DRWH systems for all households with financial problems, or any problem of sustaining water.

    This project consists of installing pipes from roof gutters, and leading to a tank to store water; so when rain, the water is brought to the tank and in the same place, it is filtered before being occupied by people living in the house.

    well, to carry out this project, we urgently need your help, we need monetary support to build the hundreds of DRWH systems, to facilitate their work people go to other cities in search of water, or simply take dirty water, or poorly filtered, and because of this many people died from diseases like diarrhea and typhoid.

    to carry out this great project that will improve the quality of life of many people, for this, we need an amount of US $ 20,000, and we have sought different types of aid, but none has given us a concrete answer, and wanted to know if you , which has great power in our country would help for this nobly cause of improving the quality of life of much of the much of the population of Chile.

    Yours truly,

    Nicolas Ignacio Rivera Sanchez

  10. San Roque, San Martin street. ValParaiso
    17th sptember,2011

    Míster Sergio Jadue

    Hi, I talk about of the great proyect, the name of the proyect is: Domestic rain water harvesting. This proyect searches for help to people that is imposible for them do drink clean water, because the water hace earth or residue of the garbage.
    The people need this proyect because in your home the water is not clean. In the most poor countries also need to save. The health in this countries is bad, but with this proyect they can cook and drink clean water. Millions of people walk many kilometers for your water, clean and healthy.
    We are the fundation that works without money,but in this several case, we need to ask if you can help us with some money or the materials to install this domestic rain water harvesting system,besides, if you can help us with some volunteers, it will be awesome.
    Finally, you will be benefit, because the spendings of water will be decrease, in fat, the people will learn how to filter the water.

    Yours truly,
    Joaquín Mauricio Novoa Pizarro

  11. white house
    may 30th, 2016
    dear Donald Trump
    hi future president of united states , mi name is Victor Riquelme manager the moustache corporation a company that help to people for strengthen your houses for resistance the passed the diarrhoea , typhoid and dysentry , and also rebuild their homes if necessary and reforcaiment for prevent to the future, finally add a system called water consumption called Domestic Rain Water Harvesting (DRWH)
    the end is that the house doors are reinforced with bars resist in the case of roof place a well resistant material other than tin , the windows placing thick , sturdy glass also create an underground room for them to stay there if the nature wins where there will be instant food , first aid kit , flashlight , powered by the system liquid DRWH if you interested in this topic I will also note that electioneering campaign for only ask you to sustain us the rest we take care
    your new partner
    Victor Marcelo Riquelme Elgueta

  12. May 30th,2016 Valparaíso,P.ancha,guillermo lawrence 805

    Dear Bill Gates:

    Hi, my name is Constanza Piazza, I am manager of the organization "L.I.U"(life is unfair).Well, ours project be about help to the people that not have water purification, or not each other can drink.
    Ours proposal is join bottom, to trough of you, for i hope prevent that the people have illness, as for the example, anaemia, cholera, hepatitis, etc. the idea is that with the collect, can open the door to that need, help to have the water cleansing, and i hope can reduce the number that dead.
    Can give it better, that people each feels comfortable, and secure.The project consist in put the bucket, have the one tube of each house, i hope can divide equitable, and not have the problem, as long as, not one another abuse.This project take the some years, and many fortune, wait for the answer, and your help for we.

    Yours Sincerely
    Constanza Piazza

  13. Street Newton 666 , Valparaiso Chile

    20 may , 2016
    Dear minister of Kenya

    Hi mi name is Fernanda bravo I belong to a foundation external waters where we want to make the next project The project is a process and transport mechanism of water that begins when it rains where it is stored in the down pippes and is still through tubes and then falls into a container where rainwater is collected and then by the top takes the Water .

    What good is this mechanism?
    This mechanism is used to take and consume water in homes that do not carry drinking water.

    Why do people need?
    You need it because the human being is made up of 70% and 80% water and thanks to water consumption can stay hydrated and stable health.
    Do not take water causes many bad things can even cause death

    That's why I dirigo you, Mr. Minister of Kenya because every human being needs clean water and it is alarming that in the continent of Africa have no drinking water and no person can live in these conditions

    How the government can help?
    The government can help make a collection of drinking water for the world What I mean by this? To you Mr. Minister kenya send a message to all the presidents of the world and that the message consists in saying that all states provide WORLD WITH A BOTTLE OF 5 LITRES FOR PERSON WHILE OUR ORGANIZATION MAKES THE PROJECT.

    the state or government would help me maintain and supply through charity to the people of Kenya while the project is built as I mentioned I was originally constructed.

    Yours truly

    Fernanda Bravo Parra

  14. Valparaiso,fueguinos;Chile
    Hello, my name is dante diaz and I am manager of a nonprofit organization called (WFA) water for all, which is to provide purified water scarce this countries such as Africa that without this natural resource arises many diseases and infections high mortality, however, you can help in monetary form or sending proved necessary resources for survivals of these people as tames facilities for water ingress as gutters, water bucket, etc. in addition you will be able to visit the advancement of preceso water project for all. We await your response eagerly WFA organization and mugras thanks.

    Yours Truly:
    Dante Diaz.

  15. 591 street Strecci
    Valparaíso, Chile
    20 May, 2016
    Mister Sebastian Piñera:
    I write this letter, because i need your help whit the people of the South Africa, contributing whit money for doing a Project to the people that no have pipes wáter.
    The Project consist in put gutterings in the celings of the houses, and this connect whit two down pipes and this guide the water to a stroage tank. So then the people can get clean water of the tank to drink.
    The government can contribute to the project, giving the money that is required to obtain the materials to begin building this project. In addition to collaborating with staff, which can help mobilize materials and build, and at the same time teach the beneficiaries of the project to how the water tank and tank as this will benefit them.
    The benefits of this project are that millions of children and women won’t walk many kilometers to get drinking water, along with the project with a good filter leaves the water ready to drink. And the benefits that this project would specifically for the government would maintain a posture that contributes to people who most need it, plus it wouldn’t be so great for government spending as many of the materials required can be made with recycled materials.

    Yours Truly
    Fernanda Vega.

  16. Miss Queen Isabel II
     326 oxford, London, May 27th, 2016
    Hello, my name is Ignacio Godoy and I represent a DRWH’s social group from London, we want to try to the people can use and knows about this project . This project is call “Domestic rain water harvesting” (DRWH), therefore, as the name say, is a water saver. The objective of this project is about the build a mechanism for save water. This mechanism start when the rain is fall into the guttering, after go for the down pipes and finally fall down into the storage tank. As we know, in our country is raining all of days so, this project is a good opportunity for save warter and save the world. However, we don´t have money though this a DIY or homemade and you can do it with recycles things but, we can`t pay for that, if you give us some money, we will so excited by the people could use that, as long as you can help us I am going to wait for your answer.   Goodbye Ignacio Godoy.

  17. Porvenir avenue, 1570
    Valparaiso, Chile
    May 31
    Mister Sebastian Piñera
    Clearly the critical crisis of our country in terms of water has been from bad to worst, I am sending this e-mail to propose you our project "Falling Water", it is designed to save our country.
    This great project is so easy and cheap that everyone can install it in their houses, this project consist on gutterings around the roof of the house that are connected to down pipes that lead the water to a storage tank with a filter. When the people empty the tank they must boil the water in case of any toxic substance, but there is no doubt that this substances are nothing comparing with the ground water that we have, this water from the ground can easily make us ill with consequences like diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid and death.
    We believe that this project can save our country but we need help of you for the families that have not enough money, specifically we need that you provide them the implements that i have told before or if that is not possible you can provide them the money to buy the materials and to install the device.
    But you may ask... and how this is a benefit for us? well, we all know that to you the money is very important and with this project you will not have to spend more than the 10% of the money that you used to spend for clean water, it will literally fall from the sky for everyone, what is better than that?.
    Rodolfo Rojas, owner of "Falling Water"

    (This isn`t a true story)

  18. Cesar avenue 2015, valparaiso,chile.
    13th july, 2016
    Mr donald trump
    I am to going to teach about the drwh proyect we are enginers to want to help the people and seek the equity in the world for the condtions in human that live some people in the world.
    Well basicly the proyect is for people that dont have a posibility of consuming and using clean water because they dont have this posibility to get acces to clean water without spend a lot of money and time to wait fall the water in his bottles
    The house of the proyect must have a guttering, down pipe, and oulet tap, and obiusly a filter to clean the water that fall of the roff because come dirty and are not good and healty to drink or use after this may boil with the mecanism incloud the proyect and finally the watrr can be use to drink
    The full proyect cost $20.000.000 uss. Only for 200 family for this is so important your colaboration mister drump
    For your comprention thanks

  19. Cesar avenue 2015, valparaiso,chile.
    13th july, 2016
    Mr donald trump
    I am to going to teach about the drwh proyect we are enginers to want to help the people and seek the equity in the world for the condtions in human that live some people in the world.
    Well basicly the proyect is for people that dont have a posibility of consuming and using clean water because they dont have this posibility to get acces to clean water without spend a lot of money and time to wait fall the water in his bottles
    The house of the proyect must have a guttering, down pipe, and oulet tap, and obiusly a filter to clean the water that fall of the roff because come dirty and are not good and healty to drink or use after this may boil with the mecanism incloud the proyect and finally the watrr can be use to drink
    The full proyect cost $20.000.000 uss. Only for 200 family for this is so important your colaboration mister drump
    For your comprention thanks

  20. 126Playa Ancha
    Valparaiso, Chile
    May 31
    Mrs President
    My project is very interesting, why helper meny peolple is the other contries they don't have clean water and my project consisit in to create machine to cleaning the water the ocean in the countries they not have water clean to hydrate, drinking, etc...
    Is PRoject is nesessary so that people can live a good form and they have meny water for drinking and hydrating and not have to walk so for to collect some water and thaks to my proyect decrease diseases
    Perhaps this project is a bit expensive but with everyone's help we can achieve the impossible by those people who have to work hard to get only a few drops of water
    Yours sincerely.
    Yerko Antonio Osega Carvallo

  21. Mister Vladimir Putin
    Russia, May 31th, 2016

    Hello, my name is Alejandro Leiva and need your help, our group is working on a very important project that could change the lives of many people.

    what is it about?

    Our project aims to raise the water falling through the rain and leverage for consumption or for whatever you want the person obtaining this artifact

    how does it work?

    works as follows , the rainwater falls through a pipe of this falls into a storage tank, within the storage tank water filtration begins a state that is not much delay and at the end of this is stored in this , and when one wants can be removed through an outlet tap.

    what would it do?

    This device will help people living in the countryside, in this case will serve to water the plants in general or to low-income people who need it, because everyone knows that water is necessary for life.

    to achieve this we need your help and thanks to that many people to be grateful for that.

    Thanks for read this, and goodbye Alejandro Leiva

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  25. Valparaiso,P.Ancha,Roberto Hernandez
    May 31, 2016
    Mrs. president

    Hello my name is Luis Reyes
    I am part of the non-profit organization of water for all and believe it is a very good opportunity to inform you about a project for families who have no access to clean water, this project involves the construction of DRWH systems for families.

    to this project and help more than 100 families we need money to build DRWH systems. Since many people have not had access to clean water and have had to drink dirty or contaminated water they have been detected diseases such as diarrhea and typhoid.

    For contruccion DRWH systems need 2000 dollars for each of these systems, we believe the systems DRWH provide water to these people in more than 70% of the year.

    This whole project benefits us that deaths from diseases such as diarrhea and typhoid fever will decrease considerably in our country.

    Yours truly

    Luis Fernando Reyes Martinez

  26. 31 de mayo
    Dear L.Farkas

    the project that i want to realize with help of the company is to be able to help the o thers taking good water since this is taking a few bad consequences and i need the help and attention from the others to salve it

    It is necessary to take his help as that this system does that adult people, children or teenagers lose his life for this problem. This system podra to help to the whole affected and like that company podra to clean the whole water affected by a filter and this way they take the water well to survive.

    I personally want of the government that I could help with some machines to be able to clean the water, also I need a species of bank or something that could store the drinkable water and also we need money $ to be able to finish the projects of the families

    Finally they are going to benefit for that the company is going to change, are going to see fewer dead men of diseases, and the stored water podra to help babies or relative easily.

    Yours truly,
    Catalina Cerda Sanchez

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  28. White house, Washington DC, EEUU
    20th May, 2016
    Mr president of United Stated
    I writing this leter to ask if you can finance our proyect called Domestic Rain Water Harvesting (DRWH) to help people that had not water.
    The proyect is about a machinism to recollect rain water for under development countries, We need money to buy and built our proyect, because the proyect is a house that have an a guttering, down pipes, storage tank and outlet tap.
    Mr president if you support our proyect, you will to save thousands of people who dies from preventible diseases like diarrhoea, typod and so on..
    Also the people from places like South Asia, East Africa and Central America
    Could stored rain water (safe to drink) and they should not to walk many kilometers to collect water
    We only need 1.000.000 US $ to finance our proyect and we could to built a few DRWH to see if it work.
    Thanks for reading, I waiting for your answer.
    Good bye Mr.
    Cynthia Cáneppa, president of DRWH corporation.

  29. 364 street azzip
    May 31
    Organization the nation united
    As you know, a billion people in the world haven't right to potable water, for different reasons. The project I want to do, along with monetary help, is that through a well or collector of rain, can collect all this water in those places, then the water is filtered through a filter, to loosen list pond there to drink it without any problems. For these people have no water is very serious, fatal, as this leads to many diseases that cause death, poor hygiene does not help for this. So I want to carry out this charity project to help those people, because I've seen those people who have no right to water live.
    Yours truly,
    Joan Dubo

  30. Dear Mister Mohammed bin Rashid:
    I hope you are having a good week. My name is Fernanda Ramos and with some of my friends, we are trying to finance our project which is called “Domestic Rain Water Harvesting”. Thousands of people die for preventable diseases caught from dirty water. Our team created the DRWH which is a system for collecting water for drinking, cooking and washing
    As I said, thousands of people die from drinking dirty water, but with a good filter or boiling, stored rain water is safe to drink, and in our innovator system we do something pretty similar and inexpensive to purify the water, so people who doesn’t have access to clean water will have it and DRWH can supply the home with clean water for 50 to 90 per cent of the year.
    We’re a nonprofit organization, so we don’t have enough money to buy the materials and we think it is very useful and necessary in places like South Asia, East Africa and Central America where people have to walk many kilometers to collect water. So we hope you understand the situation and help us with our project.
    Fernanda Ramos

  31. White House, Washington DC, EEUU
    Mister President of the United States

    The name of the project is "Domestic Rain Water Harvesting (DRWH)" which has to do with collecting water for drinking, cooking and washing. It is compounded by storage tank, down pipes, guttering and outlet tap.
    This mechanism it needed to places like South Asia, East Africa and Central America, because they are under development continents therefore they not have some water.
    Mr. President, I need you to please work with us money to finance the project already named places or materials for construction.
    On the other hand if this mechanism is implemented elsewhere that are not necessarily vulnerable, would benefit much of the planet as water more easily be obtained without cost.

  32. May 20, 2016
    Mister juan pablo

    Hi i am barbara bravo from chile , i writting you because i need your help in a proyect that deal with help peolple in south asia, east africa and central america to recolect watermto comjnities was living distaht to the cities.

    This proyect is important as long as talk about a system that clean water so the comunities can drink clean water, also we prevents disaseas like diarrhea and other infections.

    Some people live far from the cities, its more dificult to gather water, however , the system DRWH is so feasible to the people .

    Thought your help are useful this system is so god to gather water, and this is important because the comunities to live in south asia, east africa and central america need clean waterto survive.
    I wait your answer
    Barbara bravo

  33. May 31, 2016
    Middle of the Galaxy,1492

    Mister Nelson Mandela:

    Through this Announcement, I want to comunicate you my brand new project, that conssist in a tank that can store the rainwater through a down pipes, wich ones are connected to a guttering, to drink the water, you need to use an outlet tap.

    This programm is very important,because, you can use the rainwater, wich one is free, it can be placed in every house and it is a cheap system.

    Our fundation needs some help of you, because we do not work with money, our help is for free, however, in this case we need some help with how can we handle with the materials prize;Besides, we need some people if somebody of the government or parents of them can help us to overtake this.

    Finally, our country will spend less water than the other days, and people that can pay for purified water, will have it for free and it is one hundred percent natural.

    Thanks for understand us.

    Sir Ian Stevenson

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  35. 4 october, 2013
    Mr. President
    My name is Antonia Muñoz I communicate with you through the be letter for inform that with a group the people, we are organizing a project the which lies in help to the people from the south, already that make some month behind the water from the piping salt whit very little pressure and dirty, we to learn us put the agreement for go to help.
    The truth Mr. president we need the his help, the poor people have to walk far to fetch water clean and take up for consumption or for the kitchen. It has also arrive us the information to people who are sicken, with diarrhea and vomit very high fevers they drink dirty water coming down the pipeline.
    The government could help us make the statement that I am commanding you can be informed through the tv to see people around chile and help us take in money they are more or less US 2000.
    And finally I wait for can help financially also, and perhaps with all season that do not get what we need and southern people need these benefits or if people continue to die health standards.
    Yours truly
    Antonia Muñoz

  36. 742 Evergreen Terrace
    May 31th, 2016
    Dear Montgomery Burns
    I am writing this to you because I am the manager of the foundation “Bullet Club” and my foundation be a project when help a billion people when don´t have a clean water in the south of Africa, but in this area of continent rain a lot in the year and we need a much money
    This project treats as the incorporation of the system of water storage of rain called DRWH that consists of the installation of guttering of the low parts of the ceilings, followed of down pipes that come to a storage tank, which they have an outlet tap. Many families that live in the countries very poor family that not to have the possibility of having drinkable water in his houses, lamentably this is the reality of many countries of Africa, and the intention of our foundation being to help to these countries.
    We communicate with you with the purpose that should help us to finance this project, since we are a foundation without ends of profit, due to it do not have the sufficient resources to carry out this project, beside not possessing the personnel and the specialists who need to realize this project.
    The benefits that this project would have are principally the decrease of infections across the contaminated water due to the fact that it is not in constant maintenance.
    He says goodbye
    Alexander Dubó Vera

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  38. 806 Guillermo Lawrence, Valparaiso, Chile
    31 May, 2016
    Dear Steve Jobs:
    I am writting this letter because I need your help for make an ecologist proyect that the purpose is help to the people of Central America with the purpose of give them a clean water.
    The proyect is call Domestic Rain Water Havesting (DRWH) and consist in a system of down pipes connected with the gutterings of the houses, so when rain the water will fall down by the down pipes into a big bucket.
    This proyect is necessary because the people of Central America need a clean water for drink or cook and with a good filter the stored rain water will be safe for use. Besides, many children and women need to walk many kilometres to collect a clean water, so this proyect will be good for them.
    You can help in two ways: You can buy the implements: Down pipes and bigs buckets. However, the other way can be give me a 15,000 US for install the system in 45,000 houses of Central America.
    I really hope you help me to make this proyect, I want change the situation of the Central America people. As long as you help me, we can stop all the illness that the dirty water cause to the people and we change the lifes of the people who lives in this part of the world.
    Montserrat Rojas Bravo

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  40. Direction 1
    Direction 2
    Dear Tony Stark:
    Let me introduce myself, I come from the "Candy water" company, responsable of the "DRWH" project, wich consist on the installation of gutterings of the bottom of the roofs,down pipes and also storage tank, with an outlet tap for water to come out.
    We focus on all the poor countries like Africa where the majority of the people do not have clean water at home, besides of risking themselves in a lot of ways getting it and even drinking it. However, as a non-profit organization we do not have the resources for the instalation of this method.As a philanthropist we know you have the will for helping billions of lifes along with us.
    Yours truly
    Camila Quezada

  41. May 31, 2016
    Valparaiso , Chile

    Mr. Mohammed Bin R. :
    Hi Mister , my name is Leslie Lepe and I respresent the project DRWH.
    This project is called "Domestic Rain water harvesting " (DRWH) , it is about a mechanism for collecting water of the rain, for drinking, cooking and washing.
    This project is for the people who needs water or save money , Also for the people who wants to look-after the water of the planet .In the poor countrys or continents like Haiti or Africa, the people die from dirty water, because they do not have access to clean water. To make the project is necessary to 9000 dollars, but we do not have the money needed to implement it, This is why I am writing you, expected that you can help us with money for use this mechanism in the poor countrys or places , where there is only chance of drinking dirty water .
    Thanks for understand.

    Leslie Lepe

  42. 31 may, 2016
    661 street brijida Valparaiso, Chile

    Mr. Obama

    My name is Mauricio Valderrama, and I am a leader of a nonprofit organization called "water equals life", this organization helps many people on this planet who unfotunately do not have access to potable water, these people commonly contracted illnesses that range from a simple diarrhea to cólera that combined whit the lack of reocourses that normaly hace in health underdeveloped countries can become fatal.

    A practical and cost effective way to help these people is the DRWH system is used to collect rainwater in the house it self so that it can be used.
    I hope an answer

    Mauricio Valderrama, Junior level

  43. May 31, 2016
    Valparaiso, Chile

    Mr. Barack Obama:
    Hello Sir, my name is Daniela Oñate and I belong to the new project of collection of rainwater (DRWH). This project is collecting rainwater in a mechanism with which it can be made useful to wash, drink it, etc. This project will be installed in countries more vulnerable and with water scarcity, which do not have drinking water and drink dirty water, many people die unfortunately do not have access to drinking water. This project requires a very large sum of money, which is difficult for our Organization to reach such a high sum of money, that shipping this letter to ask for help with a large sum of money to carry out this project and so help to countries out of the vulnerability of drinking water. Thanks for your understanding I say goodbye.

    Daniela Oñate
