Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Unusual Schools around the world [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 I'd like you to write about a topic that we covered during Unit 1. In this occassion, you will write in detail, about an unusual school around the world (it could be in Chile too). What I mean by unusual is something that doesn't follow traditional activities / norms; for example: the type of lessons, teachers, extra-curricular activities, facilities, evaluations, etc. Please include a link of the school that you're writing about and your opinion below as well. Write in at least 70 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 16th, Monday


  1. Hi!
    I’d like to write about “Vittra organization”, it’s not really a school but an organization that has a very peculiar way of teaching. Vittra schools works with Individual Development Plans (short: IDP, but what is this? it’s a tool for documenting and evaluating each student’s development and achievement the “Vittra book is web-based with the aim that you as a student and parent require a more constructive, direct and clear feedback about the work done in the school” as points out the website.
    Also, the teachers will have their own laptop computer to increase the quality and efficiency for them to fulfill their educational assignments
    In Sweden, attendance at school is obligatory for all children aged 7-16. The age when children may start school is flexible: a child can start school as a 6, 7 or 8-year-old. obligatory school is free of charge.
    In my opinion, their way of teaching, by focusing on every children individual development and achievement it’s essential for a successful learning; also it maintains the interest of the students on learning by not implementing any tough schedule or homework, this make this Sweden organization to be my ideal school.
    The website also point out a lot more detailed information about their way of teaching, so I’m gonna leave the link below:
    p.s: I did a total of 216 words, I know it was 70 but got really overenthusiastic about the topic ∠( ᐛ 」∠)__

  2. Hi!
    Okay, I'd like to write about a school that is in Brooklyn (New york). This school is called free school (I don't really know the real name, I just watch a video in youtube and this school caught my attention), in this school the kids, for study, are self-motivated, they choose their classes and they establish their study plans, what I mean with that, I mean that the kids choose the classes of their interest, and they didn't have to go the school if they didn't wanted. The classes, at my opinion, are really weird, in some classrooms comment about the food of the restaurants that they visit during their expedition, other childrens can be playing football, another can be sleep, in other classroom the kids can comment about TV shows, etc.
    Camila Villarroel González

  3. Hi!:)
    I will talk about a country that has been much talk lately of the, which is also an example to follow for some Chileans.
    Finland is one of the most developed countries in the world where education is most remarkable, as lately is known for having one of the best educational systems in the world, this country produced a radical change which it hopes will improve the quality their schools: the abolition of the different materials.
    A start is this year (2016), all schools in the Nordic country began to implement a new method known as "phenomenon learning" .Under this system traditional classes will be displaced by thematic projects in which students will appropriate the process .Now, instead of isolated acquire knowledge on different subjects, the role of students is active. They will participate in the planning process, they are researchers and also evaluate the process.
    In my opinion this is a clear example to follow and testing new projects and ideas that are held, I find it a very good idea and should be applied in several countries such as Chile, but for that, we need to be a country more developed.

  4. Hi Teacher:
    I am going to talk about a school called ¨Witch School¨ in Salem, are like 40,000 students that take classes online, the school don’t have a physical campus and includes classes like Wicca, paganism and Arts of Divination. The school was initially located in Roseville, Chicago but moved because locals Christians tried to burn the house. Moved to Salem where is the biggest community of witches and you can also attend classes in person.
    And the Link if you want more information:

  5. Hi teacher:
    London England existed a school where there were no rules this school was called burgess hill in this school students used to smoking, bring all kinds of dangerous things, bring pets to class, driving cars outside the school, etc. This school students could literally go to school when they wanted did not exist inspectors.
    For obvious reasons this school was closed in England was considered one of the worst private schools

  6. Good I think Many children about the world must take the most incredible and unimaginable routes to receive the education that some of us give seated. Some types of trips are 5 hours in the mountains with ways of a 1 broad foot towards the most remote school of the world in Gulu, China. The children travel across the forest for a bridge of roots of a tree in the India. Children travel to a boarding school across the Himalayas, Zanskar, The Himalayas Indú. In conclusion it might say that these schools are very unusual in the world since to receive education it is necessary to walk along dangerous places.
    by: Bastian Pereira

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  8. Hello teacher,the school that I go to speak is located in Estates Unidos, the school is called itself academy a choir of harlem,in this school not only the vocal chords are taught if not, to the introduction to the spiritual valles, but the basic one With a humanist sigo. The mission of the teachers is to extract his secret talent.It consists principally of singing,donde,and I touch of instrument. This school algo there is importance to the sports as the football and volleyball. The difference With another school that does not teach so mano matters as.
    By Sebastián Soto

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  10. Hi teacher!
    I'd like to write about "Grey School of Wizardry", it is a School of magic that is located in San Francisco. This School teaches sixteen disciplines as history of magic, launches of spells, defender against the dark arts, etc. That each year they become more difficult and advanced. The students are divide into four houses, Sylphs, Salamanders, Undines and Gnomes. The School is mixed in where the students pay a enrollment of thirty dollars and must be add the books and magic object like a wand, magic broom, etc.
    By: Belén Rojas

  11. Hello teacher ! I`d like to write about the public school Mountain Mahogany Commnunity School (MMCS) in Albuquerque , this school from to choose stundents for a raffle is very rare for me , but Is a fantastic idea , this give a posibility that everyone can attend hopefully.
    The learning aproach is based on fun , safety and emotional development. Always program of this school is based on ultimate neurological research, ensure on delvoment positive and active in lesson.
    The school teaches children to interact with nature and household skills like sew, cook or gardening.
    The students planted thousands of tree so that they eat organic food. It focuses on developing the student with different types of class : Art, philosophy , nature and different workshop, which serves for the student find their space and security to explore and find their own answers. MMCS uses a interdisiplinary and intercutural curricular aproach.
    For me this school is good for the world because , respect the nature and teach new generations to live with this , which now worth a lot, and also achieves that students develop skills and mentally. Constanza Cornejo

  12. Hi teacher!
    Found a school of very characteristics inusuals and i really liked the way i see things, i talk about the Maharishi free school, a school in Gran Bretaña, the curriculum is based on the principles of education based on awareness, incluiding mandatory daily practice of transcendental meditation.

    In my opinion this way of teaching students somehow relax and the stress is gone.

    This school, free at least one of the schools with the best academic record in Gran Bretaña for the last 25 years.

    Here is the link of this school:

    Montserrat Lopez

  13. Hello teacher!
    This time I will write about the free school of Brooklyn, in this school the students are divided into two groups, one is 4-11 years old and another are children aged 11 to 18, un this school students choose whether por not to classes, teachers are only as mediators and moderators. http://www.sopitas.con/470946-las-siete-escuelas-mas-extrañas-del-mundo/ .In my opinion this school is very useful so that young people become more independent taking their own decisions, but I think that the age difference between the groups is a lot, could perhaps do more groups with more similar ages.Although it is a very good idea and that the time could be inplemented in Chile.

    Kailtin Díaz Garrido.


  14. Hello Teacher: I will talk about the "St Christopher`s School" This school is located in the UK "Reino Unido", has education level: Infant, Junior and Senior.
    Started in 1961 by a church for the purpose of giving British education to foreign children.

    The quality of this school is its prestige both teachers and academic results, the admission is a process in which the student wishing to enter will have
    to fulfill some conditions, one of which is the handle English, but teach second languages ​​as Spanish.

    Its capacity is currently 620 people in various courses, also is concerned about the environment so it has gardens or orchards
    for children to learn how to care for the planet.

    My opinion about this school is that although not anyone can enter a school where teaching is good and the results too, plus worries
    by current issues of concern such as recycling, and has a good environment to study.

    Andres Araya S.

  15. Hello well I was researching different from other schools, and caught my attention one, which is referred to as maharishi schools, these schools are very relaxed throughout, there are ample places within it, where the students instead of learning algebra and other things, teachers taught as meditate, see the future, and the best thing is that they try to find the point of peace pure It is also important to emphasize that this school does not send tasks and tests students since you are looking for the above. It should be noted that these schools are in different parts of the world, even in America Latina.
    Gerald Lobos M

  16. Hello teacher!
    After my research on some unusual schools, I was interested in three. One of these is called "Kinder del Bosque", attended by children 3 to 6 years old, they learn outdoors to socialize, climb trees, colors, etc, finally, coexist with the ambient. Another school that caught my attention is called "Primaria Disney", here children learn basic things but related books and characters of Disney, I think it's so attractive that Mickey teach you how to add. Finally, the last school that interests me is called "Escuela libre de Brooklyn", I think it's the best because it allows develop responsibility in students along with the freedom to choose to study alone or in groups and the general objective it is not hate school.
    In my opinion, the combination of these three schools is perfect because the function of the school is to teach and not to stress to students, sometimes being cooped not allowed to learn
    I saw this information in the next video:
    By: Macarena Medina

  17. Hello teacher!
    After my research on some unusual schools, I was interested in three. One of these is called "Kinder del Bosque", attended by children 3 to 6 years old, they learn outdoors to socialize, climb trees, colors, etc, finally, coexist with the ambient. Another school that caught my attention is called "Primaria Disney", here children learn basic things but related books and characters of Disney, I think it's so attractive that Mickey teach you how to add. Finally, the last school that interests me is called "Escuela libre de Brooklyn", I think it's the best because it allows develop responsibility in students along with the freedom to choose to study alone or in groups and the general objective it is not hate school.
    In my opinion, the combination of these three schools is perfect because the function of the school is to teach and not to stress to students, sometimes being cooped not allowed to learn
    I saw this information in the next video:
    By: Macarena Medina

  18. Hi teacher!:D
    I would like to grite about Dongzhong Elemntery School is located in a cave in a mountain village of Miao, China. "Dongzhong" means "in a cave". The place where is located the school is one of the poorest areas of China. Instead of using the resources to buildba building independent school, the school community began in the cave in 1984 with eight teachers and 186 students.
    Some students spend up to six hours a day traveling to and from school only to get knowledge, but some locals have raised concerns about the school because of its continuity.
    Theirs fears were realized 23 years after the school opened its doors, when Chinese authorities closed the school. A government spokesman said the change was necessary because China is not a "society of cavemens"

    Joaquin Ortiz

  19. Hi teacher!
    I was researching on the Internet And I found a school that caught my attention, what is it Saunalahti, located in Finlandia. What it has this school special is that it is extremely large, where seeks the interaction And collaboration between students, to foster teamwork.
    I also caught my attention that the school is designed to foster An educational system that favors informal learning, where the recess And class time is almost indistinguishable.
    This school is also designed to not have at no time the feeling of being locked up,something very common in traditional schools, so has large windows, with many places to sit, work, study And have fun.
    Finally, the educational system of this school attaches great importance to art, physical education And manual labor.
    Link: www.el confidencial.con/alma-corazon-vida/2015-07-10/es-el-mejor-colegio-del-mundo-es-finlandes-y-tiene-tres-cosas-que-los-demas-no-tienen_897921/
    By:Ignacio Rodríguez.

  20. Hi teacher!
    I was researching on the Internet And I found a school that caught my attention, what is it Saunalahti, located in Finlandia. What it has this school special is that it is extremely large, where seeks the interaction And collaboration between students, to foster teamwork.
    I also caught my attention that the school is designed to foster An educational system that favors informal learning, where the recess And class time is almost indistinguishable.
    This school is also designed to not have at no time the feeling of being locked up,something very common in traditional schools, so has large windows, with many places to sit, work, study And have fun.
    Finally, the educational system of this school attaches great importance to art, physical education And manual labor.
    By:Ignacio Rodríguez.

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  25. Hi! Teacher

    In this occasion I wish to talk about The Primary School - cave Dongzhong is in a cave in Miao in Guizhou's province, China. Dongzhong means " in the cave”.Guizhou is one of the poorest provinces of China and receives very little support of the government. instead of using the resources for construct a establishment for the independent school,the community began the school in the cave in 1984 with eight teachers and 186 students. in this school the teachers show to students the knowledge and peace.

    After a few years the Chinese authorities closed the school, A spokesperson of the government said that the change was necessary due to the fact that China is not a " cavemen's company ".

    this school caught my attention, but In my opinion I think that it is not a suitable ambient for the students

    By: Felipe tamblay orostica


  26. Hi teacher! I'm going talk about Gulu primary school

    Gulu is a town little known in Hanyuan County in the mountainous province of Sichuan, China. The only way to get to the villa is through the Milky Luoma, with the way in zigzag, passages between rock walls and old bridges. Almost like a secret, in a Mountain this Elementary School GuluVillage.

    The School is present from the past, in 80 years and this charge of a single teacher, ShenQijun. Qijun came a Gulu, when he was 18 years old. In this moment , the school was in a poor condition and did not even have plumbing. He did an assembled with The Villagers after of that a student fell and was injured while trying to reach a toilet in another part of the mountain. All the Villagers renovated school and have added a toilet. The update also includes a basketball court, which took the blackboard unused. Students have to be careful when they play, above, in the case when accidentally thrown the ball out of the mountainside.

    In my opinion, is a school very particular and special, because the situation of the people is very poor, and is a place far and hidden.
    Diego Gonzalez

  27. Hi teacher!
    The school will write is called "Witchcraft heights elementary school" is a school where the students learn witchcraft obviously through of much online grades.This school have between 40,000 students registered. Also have a fisical school where the students can learn of the teachers who teach love potions until potions for be mote succeful in the life. Located in Salem city where in more of 400 years ago, many people were accused of witchcraft. I think that is rather unusual, I would like be part of something like that.
    Valentina Casanueva Vega.

  28. Hi teacher!
    I'd like to write about a school that is in Bugibba, Malta. This school is called RBSM Boarding School, The objective of this school is strengthen the artistic skills of each student, they have classes of coreography, theater, Chinese gymnastics, ceramics, etc.
    And the traditional classes like: Math, History, Science, Language, have a maximum of 12 students, and every day they can have individual sessions with their teacher to explore concepts or create a work.
    They have a dance room, a recording studio, a gym, a chemical laboratory, a big library and one restaurant.
    The most of the students who graduated from this school, join to the best universities of the world.
    The education of this school is considered one of the 100 best in the world, because the students develop their two facets, the scientific and the artistic, and this allows them to get into the best universities in the world.



  29. Hi teacher!
    I'd like to write about a school that is in Bugibba, Malta. This school is called RBSM Boarding School, The objective of this school is strengthen the artistic skills of each student, they have classes of coreography, theater, Chinese gymnastics, ceramics, etc.
    And the traditional classes like: Math, History, Science, Language, have a maximum of 12 students, and every day they can have individual sessions with their teacher to explore concepts or create a work.
    They have a dance room, a recording studio, a gym, a chemical laboratory, a big library and one restaurant.
    The most of the students who graduated from this school, join to the best universities of the world.
    The education of this school is considered one of the 100 best in the world, because the students develop their two facets, the scientific and the artistic, and this allows them to get into the best universities in the world.



  30. Hi teacher!

    Unusual school that I investigate is located in Findland and is called Ritaharju School. This school is different from the rest ,because innovates in the form that has to implement technology appropiately in their academic curriculum for improve the performance of teachers and improve the learning process of the students.

    This school offers a welcoming learning environment, for example, has a room where students can have fun with ping pong and pool tables as well as a videogames room was implemented so that students can share and play, particulary in winter where outdoor activities make it difficult.

    The objetive of this school is use the technology of the century 21 for the students can learn in a way more pleasant.

    Benjamin Rivera C.

  31. Hi teacher!
    I would like to write about "The school of the future". This is a public high school, supported by Microsoft and located in Philadelphia, USA and here one of the important things is the technology, because the student doesn't have to use notebooks, books and pencils, they use computers given by the school. Also the student can use lockers and open with an electronic identification card and the teachers use an electronic whiteboard. However enter is difficult because the student must participate in a draw.
    Link were i take the information:
    Link of the school:
    Javier Cárdenas E.

  32. Hi Teacher!I'm going to write about some Schools that I think are the most interesting,the schools are called The Boat Schools of Bangladesh.

    Twice a year, Bangladesh experiences floods which leave millions of its citizens without access to clean water, electricity, and other necessities. It becomes difficult for children to attend schools and for those schools to keep their doors open. To combat the challenges caused by the annual floods, a nonprofit organization called Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha came up with a brilliant solution. They built houses, health care centers, and schools that float.

    The nonprofit operates almost 100 boat schools. Each of these schools is solar powered and equipped with a laptop computer, Internet access, and a small library. The boat schools are a school and school bus hybrid. Whenever there’s a flood and every other service is closed for business, the floating schools are still operational. They pick their students up from docks and riversides, then dock somewhere so that class can begin. After the lessons are through, the boat schools return the students to their homes and another group of students is picked up. About 70,000 children have benefited from the boat schools since they were established in 2002.

    I think these schools are the most interestings of all the other schools,because the students of these schools makes efforts to study,and they are in BOATS!!
    I found the information of these schools in this site:

    Mauricio Aguilar R.

  33. Well, I will talk about of an Institute whose name is "Instituto River Plate" which is located within the stadium of such equipment in Buenos Aires, Argentina. They have the support, security, and stability provided by the Club. It’s a young school that incorporates physical activity as a motivating source for the integral formation of their students, their pedagogical actions allowing deploy spirit group and other values linked to the movement, play and sport: Membership, cooperation, pursuit of common goals. It’s pedagogical action tends to generate the construction of meaningful learning, where the student is the protagonist of the process, modifying their knowledge schemes and rich, dynamic, and flexible relationships between the new and the existing
    I watch a vídeo on Youtube whose name is" las escuelas más raras del mundo"
    See you later, teacher!

    Matías Cárdenas

  34. Hi teacher

    One school unusual for me it could be something like this:
    The classes are in the special roo.s of the subject,also of the classes it depends of you want yo study in my case conputer engineering i need more english and mathematics
    And another thing is more activities during the year for example go to parks and do classes there,and i dont know what more
    By william gutierrez

  35. Hi teacher!
    I’m going to talk about a school that is in Europe because has characteristics that I love, their name is “Forest kindergarten” where the children between 3-7 years learn outdoors, as their name says, in a Forest.
    The children sitting in the floor develop strong physical, social and language skills, also, they learn about the planet and how important is protect the environment.
    I would have like to attend in a school where the classes was outdoors because i would never be bored and the classes would be most interesting listening the sounds of bird, the wind, seeing the colors of the different kind of trees, and enjoying the most beautiful thing that you can find in our planet, the nature.
    Natalia Garrido

  36. The school I'm going to talk is not exactly a school but it's a program that helps school called "innovative school". This program is sponsored by Microsoft and gives technological facilities to students, so no notebooks or pencils, are needed; the results it has yielded are positive results. Most students have high grades in classes such as math and physics, the program aims to eliminate the economic and social barriers that prevent educators prepare students for the XXI century.

    For more information about the program go to:

    By: Esteban Larenas

  37. Hi teacher, Now I will write about the school that seemed interesting to me, this is school is called Zhongdon.  This rare school is located in Chinese, in a cave…yes a cave. The school as the town that surrounding is located in a cave. The cave measures 230 meters long, 115 meters wide and 50 meters high. The Zhongdon’s school it come to have 200 students from others towns nearby Link: By: Fabrizzio Sotelo

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  39. Hi teacher
    I goning to talk about one school that the students decide the rules of the school, the school is divided in 2, one part is of students of 4 to 11 years old and the other part is of 11 to 18 years old, they have the independence of select if go to the classes
    By: Bastian Aravena

  40. Hi!
    I'd like to write about a school that is called Zhongdong: The Cave School. This school is located in a cave in the mountainous Miao village in Guizhou province, China. The school were opened in 1984 with 8 teachers who taught 186 students. Some students spend up to six hours daily to travel to and from the school. Unfortunately, the school were closed in 2011, stating that "China is not a society os cavemen". A lot of people were disappointed of that because the cavern education had benefits that others schools not. In my opinion, this school is so original and they shouldn't closed it.
    Elena Domínguez

  41. Hi teacher,ive been making a little research about this topic in particular, because I dont really have enough information about unnusual school`s systems, and this is the one that have called my attention the most so far.
    It`s called the "Brooklyn Free School" and its completely different to our regular school schedule.
    The idea started 11 years ago, when the owner wrote an article in the newsletter of his local food coop,inviting parents to join him in starting a democratic free school.
    The most impresive thing about this school is definetely the fact that the students got the freedom to decide if they want to go to school or not, they can make reunions with democratic decitions, so its basically THEM who stablish the rules and the teachers are there just to moderate that everything is working how it must be.

    the fact that their students can learn through more dinamic and didactic activities is something they are really proud of according to this statement:
    "We honor student choice and facilitate student-centered learning through play and exploration, constructivist teaching, collaborative course work and self-directed student initiatives". feel free to take a look to their website if you want to know more.

    1. Oh its Savka Sepulveda by the way (forgot that I dont have my real name on the gmail account).
