Monday, May 23, 2016

My own Myth and Legend [Senior]

Dear Students:

 We have done several activities about monsters, creatures and famous characters from horror movies. Then, we started to include chilean legends and myths. Now, in this thread you'll have to talk about your OWN myth or legend created IN CLASS (the one that will have to be exposed). Please leave your comment below in at least 100 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 31st, Tuesday


    It is said the house of the river that in certain region, one was finding a beautiful and gigantic house, at another side of he laughed. About time that people were not looking in her so group of curious boys, dared to cross the bridge, and to enter the house.
    One of the children continued waiting for them without crossing the bridge, since the water was scaring it too much. The others continued to satisfy his curiosity, checked all the doors and windows up to finding a place which entering. Finally inside, poking hereabouts and there, they found in some enormous rooms racks, from the soil up to the ceiling, you fill completely of flasks of crystal, with some liquids of colors and some type of mass inside them, the light was slightly scanty, and nobody had had the brilliant idea of loading with a lamp.
    When they were going to the second floor, they saw the horrible painting of a man on the chimney, this one had an expression of annoyance, and seemed that was still attentive each of his movements. The boys continued checking the place, and they found a couple of fósforos, that on having ignited them, they allowed them to see that what existed inside the flasks they were human remains, fetuses and deformed animals.
    They went down traversing the stairs, the man of the picture already was not, that one was actually a window, from which they were being observed. The boy who remained out, only I listen to frightening shouts, and it went out in search of help …
    When the persons came to the place, they could not find the boys. But they untied his anger against all those flasks of horrors, them breaking one after other one, alone to realize with tremendous terror … that his children already were inside them, done also pieces … in the house that in ancient epochs belonged to a doctor, accused of losing the reason.

    Unce upon a time a woman called Caroline that lived in degelon street. Acording to her neighbors, she was suicide because the man which she love, was suicide to. She believed that of she will died, they will stay together.
    The legend say that if you want to get a man, you've to go to your bathroom at 4:00 am, cut your finger and write on the mirror with blood "caroline, please help me", then you've to wait 2 days and the man that you love, will go to your house with flowers.

    Katherine Degelon.


    Many Years ago, in the city of valparaiso, there was a man who was famous, rich, gifted, you name it. However, he had something special, something magical… a bill a 1000 pesos bill, to be more specific.

    This magical bill gave him all the thing mentioned before, and thanks to all this, he was know as ´´ the rich whose is enchanted´´.

    Everything was alright, until one day, the rich guy, was arrested, no one knows exactly why, but while the cops were taking him to the police car, he droped his magical bill and he could not recover it

    in its impotence, he said screaming, ´´if someone dares to pick up my ticket, he or she will meet a terrible fate´´. no one has seen the rich guy ever again.

    the time has passed, and the police have recived multiple reports of deaths, but not regular deaths, instead, horrible deaths, for expample, a man fell down to a trash compactor, another was impaled the wall which a iron stick, but the most shocking thing is that every corpse that the police inspected had the SAME 1000 pesos bill in their pockets.
    the list of deaths keeps rising even in the present.

    people says that the cursed bill still wandering around in valparaiso.

    maybe you are next.

    Nicolás Valencia
    Senior level

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  5. hi teacher, This myth from small town Coober Pedy, Australia ,is about belt, belt is a weird creature , she has a four legs , whose big black eyes cause fear and has a pocket as a kangaroo. Who lived near stream, in the afternoon she which going to find food for his babies and the humans steal their babies for examine , belt go back , but his lost babies and she feels grief in his heart. Belt revenge againts humans , she kidnap newborn humans and hiding in his pocket , babies suffocated and death there after this ,she was to take a corpse and put near stream where were their babies.

    maria jose guerra senior level

  6. The myth consists in an island, which was discovered for a divers, that they sought it.
    These were searching since long time, because this island was very hidden and lost. These divers have to illegally animal experiments, but these divers did not come because they found it, because it wanted the island.
    The island has a secret, she choose who comes or not, it is something magic. the island does reach the people they want because have something prepared, that is to be protect that island because there is already a laboratory experiment with people and one day there was an explosion in this laboratory and all samples were mixed and formed a new pandemic of zombies. La cual

    Whose objective is do not allow more people to enter the island and so it will not spread anymore know. Who arrive on the island for some reason the island does not want, it will be exterminated by the same zombies, which they are manipulated by the island.
    The island need those people to save the secret for much time, but you will wonder these people are ordinary? Well, the people who are choosen is because they have something in their DNA that allows the zombies do not do anything, the island mysteriously knows how to choose.
    Katalina Ramírez

  7. I will tell a story about a strange city on this huge Earth. This is a city called Valparaíso, which is made of hills, stairs, and… cats.
    In the nineteenth century a lot of immigrants came from Europe to Valparaíso looking for economical activities, one of those immigrants was a man, whose wife was a witch. They had a little son, who loved cats and always fed them, even if he didn’t have anything to eat, because unfortunately his family never prospered.
    The story says that one day the little boy was sick and he needed a strange medicine, what was really expensive, so the witch asked for money in every hill, in every street, in every stair, but no one helped her. The little boy didn’t resist and died. The woman, full of anger and pain swore revenge to the people that turned their back on her.
    Today the immortal soul of the witch walks asking for help for her son and when the inhabitants of Valparaíso ignore her, she transforms they into cats to remember her son. So, if you see a women crying for her son and asking help in Valparaíso, don’t ignore her, ‘cause you might be one of the million cats of this city.

    Catalina Concha Chaufleur, Senior


    A very elegant family, quite dressed in black, they were in the habit of walking along the streets of Valparaiso at eight o'clock in the night. According to those who have seen them, they say that; " they all Are very high places and are five, the mother the father, and three children, they all take a long coat with hood and only the red eyes are seen ". Whenever it is sorry to the dogs to bark they all knew that they had come to look for souls or to presage some death.
    Also the sound of the shoes was betraying the presence of the death, frightening barks were listened, as the shouts of thousands of locked up souls suffering. When they were stopping opposite to the property of some settler, they all were guessing, and unfortunately they were never wrong, there someone would die.
    In this time, a man already of age, owner of a small house in the center, did agreement with the family, during a cold and silent night. It waited to the family and I face them in person. Someone of there saw it this night, looking hidden after a few dust-bins, and traversed the rumor. The night was cold, dark and silent it was covering not even a soul. Already they all were sleeping. A woman, what was working in the night, he felt the sound of the family and the bark of the dogs. It gave turned his head, and a soft breeze brought up to his noses. It stopped the noise, and a great silence took place, and, hiding itself behind a few dust-bins, it saw the silhouette of a family that was stopped, and immediately he listened to an infernal bark. It was frightened, as if his soul was attracted by this evil, and the sin.
    It lowered the sight and saw to the family offering to the man a treatment to which the man had to sign with his blood, his next destination of multimillionaire and good life. The man agreed, while his neighbor was thinking that it was costing more a poor and full soul than a tycoon without happiness or own soul. The following day this man already was not the same, he acquired wealths, a lot of lands, prestige, reputation, reputation and popularity, the time happened and this one did that the man forgot the agreement with the family and the devil.
    But what is written and signed by blood is fulfilled. The years happened and the man aged, thirty years later there came the night in which, the family would appear to remove to his new dam. He was never looked by almost the whole Valparaiso, but, it never appeared. Nevermore one returned him to see.

    Kamila Díaz.
    Senior Level.

  9. Hi teacher, this myth is about The chapel small in the village, Elsinor from Dinamarca in 1920, there was a church, where won't fit more than ten people, in which there was achapel for travelers through there could raise a few prayers; one day as any other children of the village decided to play hide and sep, one of the children, whose name was John, who was very loved by everyone in the village, decided to enter the small chapel. They spent hours of his normal day and John missing person , the neighbors decided to look for it but John never appeared. Account history that at night from the small chapel are heard scream of terror and crying of child therefore nobody passes near the small chapel,some travelers claim see child praying in the Chapel and that looking in detail, they see a child. He doesnt have hands and instead of face is a skull.
    Denisson Rodrigo donoso
    senior level

  10. Jose Alberto Montana, The Killer Spirit

    In 1998 was born named Jose Albergó Montana who to his short years had that feed and support alone.
    Montana was born in the street Ismael Rivera, Bayamon where learnt many things that have relationship with the killers, death and violence.
    When starting to the teenager Montana, start to involve with crews, dealers and killers, where in a of the meeting, they killed to Jose Alberto Montana.
    The next week, the people of Bayamon, start to feel and see a shadow, a spirit. The spirit is Jose Alberto Montana.
    They say that the spirit used to arrive to killing their murderer, whose objective is the vengeance, others say that to take care of the Village.
    Also Montana have habilities of changing form, which sometimes is a animal (dog) for can vengeance of way most easy.
    Many men disappear in Bayamon, the people don't have explication of their deaths, nobody this free,“pay in this life or in the other life"

    Jorge Nigga Barraza
    Senior level

  11. The beginning
    Thousands of millioned of years ago there were two beings, one of them was a female who was a pure, delicated, bright and cheerful being and the other was a lonely, cold, off and cheerless male. Beings totally opposed whose feelings were totally sincere, in spite of their differences they were deeply attracted and were the complement of each other. This beings want to be together, but they felt that they couldn't, for some strange reason they knew that something bad will happen if they touch theirselves.
    After some time they decide that this strange presentiment was a silliness and the took the risk and seil their love with a kiss which caused a huge explosion and destroyed everything that they knew.
    Nowadays we know this beings with the names of "light" and "darkness" and this big explosion, caused by the kiss of two beings in love, was named by the cience "BIG BANG", the beginning of everything.
    Nicol Atenas, Senior Level.

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  13. River blood
    This is a legend the one women from south chilean in puerto funck, this woman the name Marcela de la Fuente, walking in the river titi-coco and instant appeared a man whose name is Jack Beckam, this man is assasin steal a woman and he carry her to the river titi-coco for killer full mon night. Late to Jack who thirsty the blood killed a Marcela and throed a this women a full blood.
    Now all night full mon , this river willd full the blood and the people walk and swin in this river, Marcela died a this people thinking that he was a killer
    Marcelo Báez, Senior Level

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  15. Little rescuers
    Since a long time ago, people wondered about the light in the night: moon, stars, fireflies, bioluminescent germs. There is a legend about the origin of this light.
    When good people die, God transforms them into star, and they ascend to the heaven, guided by the moon, whose light attract them. But, one day, evil spirits extinguished the light of some stars, and they fell down. God, who is wise, asked to moon that she would give a part of her light to a little living beings: fireflies and bioluminescent germs. Fireflies, which look for by land, and the, which look for by sea, attract with the moonlight the little lost stars, and they return the little stars to the heaven.

    Dana Donoso Hidalgo
    Senior Level

  16. The leyend of "PREGNITALO"
    The leyend says that, if you watch his eyes, you'll be pregnant, doesn't matter if you are a woman or a man, it will happen anyway.
    This story was born at 2014, in a weird place named "Colegio Patricio Lynch". It's about a tall and beautiful guy, who has the beautiful Calamardo's face, from Sponge Bob Square Pants. This guy was compared to Edward, from Twilight movie. His name was Italo. He was the platonic love for any girl at the place, including some guys whose likes are differents, than the rest of male gender.
    The leyend start when, a virgin girl, who was in love by Italo, was watching Italo's eyes, that everytime were covered by sunglasses, she was watching it like 30 seconds, when Italo notice her. She felt a weird feel, like if something happened, but she didn't have any idea about what could be. Two months later, without period, she was scared, so went to the doctor, and the doctor told her she was pregnant. She notice to his friend, they were bestfriends from they have memory, she told him that, when she saw Italo's eyes she became pregnant, and she was sure about it. Her friend at the next day went to ask to Italo what happened, but he was angry, and a discussion started.
    -What you did to my friend!,and take off those stupid sunglasses(hitting Italo's face)
    +She saw my eyes, and this is what happen when people do it. And now, that's what will happen to you.
    4 months later, the guy notice that he was pregnant...
    Oscar González.

  17. Hi teacher, now I present my legend
    The Cursed Guitar
    In the midle of 18th century when a lot of foreign come to Chile looking for better oportunities one of the foreign was a musician, the legend born in Valparaiso City where Ragnaros who was owner called his guitar, a guitar whose name was referenced to a god of old tribe in europe, ragnaros was a lord of fire. The special of this guitar is that strings, the wood, the capsules and the sound that provide this guitar was perfect and extreme beatiful. When the foreign come to Valparaiso was so famoust and popular, he has a lot followers, money and lovers, this taunt that the musician of Valparaiso has a lot of envy, so the musician of valparaiso killed the foreign and steal the legendary guitar. Now a day , the musician says that who play this guitar start to set on fire and dead for the fire, someones try to broke ragnaros, but died for a hearth attack. In this Period some musicians try to find this cursed guitar, but nobody has had luck for teel it.
    Matias Espinoza

    Every night in every city crime rises and inocent people get afected by. in the dark, only as rumor, as hide whisper exist a man, nobody knows who is he or where he comes from just we know that he are faceless wich makes you fell fear getting closer to him, and he are no longer that 25-30 years old. people trends to call him "darkeyes"(darkais) wich makes sense by his face, no one have see him clearly only blurs or fasts shadows we only know... we owe our kife to him
    The stories that people start to spread arround the world is that this faceless man when he was a child, his parents where murdered by a an unknown clan, this clan which her mom used to be par of, they took his fear and make him brave, took his pain and makes him strong, they trained him, making him a perfect killing machine but this boyturn against them and put end to the clan and he said to himself that never, while he was alive, no inocent while suffer, never... so every time that an inocent needs him, wherever someone needs him, he will be there...

  19. The lovers that are the twilight
    Long time ago, there were 2 spirits, one of them was a beautiful woman who was the life and the light, she can make bloom the ground, build the sunshine’s and give life to the animals. The other one was a man whose represent the death and darkness; he can’t see the light of the day, because his kingdom was the night and the loneliness.
    The death want to see the light so one day he went to see it and in this moment saw at the most beautiful spirit that he has ever seen, at the same time the life saw the darkness and they fell in love with each other. Unfortunately they could not make their love, because that broke many rules as they are opposites. They can’t see each other never ever.
    One day the sky felt compassion of they and he give then just one moment in the day to see each other, the moment when the day finished and beginning the night.
    Since the sky painted of red when the life and the death can make their love.

  20. hi teacher ,my legend....

    The tiny monster

    This legend is about a man of Valparaiso city that when is the twelve o clock this man transform in a ugly beetle. this beetle whose aspect is of a ten legs, and five eyes, has a mouth pointy, the beetle is the color black and it is so tiny , so ugly which is not look. The tiny monster has a speciality from women biting they let pregnant, The womans that was bite for this beetle in few time have problems whit the baby that is in her utero. All is terrible for this womans, but exist one cure, when this insect bite you , you have to put in a glass salt and water in the injury and turn three candles at sleep in your bed for 8 hours. No one know how killed this insect whose venom cause such terror. "if you dont know why are pregnant, better better follow the instructions given above"

    Tihare Balladares
    Senior Level

  21. Gold Rock
    In the old South African Salar had a big rock very perfect and bright as a diamond, a gray attractive. His perfection whose is part the nature. In his interior contained a big quantify of gold, able to attract all kinds of people. But only they could see those who really so wished.
    The rock had a secret which he was able to break it in any possible way would be with the award of the inside of the rock. However, if they failed in the attempt would be punished with the misfortune, unhappiness, misery and, obviously, with poverty for the rest of their lives. Nobody has won the battle with the rock, which does not allow the scratches, touch, break or to be robbed of his most precious content and spectacular. I advise you not defying it if you will not be able to beat them. You should be ingenious and smart; the person who wins will be the best.

    Kimberly Valle Hurtado
    Senior Level.

  22. In one day, the little timy decided, turn on the old console of his brother who desappeared two years ago, When he look the old console and conected this in his room, he puts a game which not had a name and only know of this for his brother, he watched on the TV the start of the game that start many times before he can play. he played the game for hours and lost this ,over and over again, until in a moment the lights turned off Timy felt so cold and after turned on , and timy was inside to the game, he found the lost brother and they are trapped to the game and only have one life.The leyend said that the mother of the brothers who dont knew that her sons trapped in the game, played this and with that couse the death of these.

    Manuel Gutierrez

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  25. “zocalo”
    The leyend said that, a few years ago in the year 1999, tragically dies and creepy way “sonia” who was a dean at patricio lynch school. during the day she was making a tour arround the school and after several hours of walking it comes the time to meet the famous “zocalo” whose a place pulled apart from the school, on this place where only 4 classroom and just two leaders, one to go in and other to go out, leaving the classrooms in the middle, the leaders it give a way to a roof and a blury wall turning in a cold, wet wich aint a place for make class properly. when the dean where ready to go downstairs, she opens the door behind the the leader and give a step in false wich make the dean fall to the end of the leader to the “zocalo”
    wich where empty so nobody could hear her screaming beacouse of the pain… it been said that she scream til she die. Since that day, every night that someone decideo to go there it falls and die at the same way, wich it means that her soul still alive arround the “zocalo”.

    Paullette Cristinich Morant
    Senior Level.

  26. “zocalo”
    The leyend said that, a few years ago in the year 1999, tragically dies and creepy way “sonia” who was a dean at patricio lynch school. during the day she was making a tour arround the school and after several hours of walking it comes the time to meet the famous “zocalo” whose a place pulled apart from the school, on this place where only 4 classroom and just two leaders, one to go in and other to go out, leaving the classrooms in the middle, the leaders it give a way to a roof and a blury wall turning in a cold, wet wich aint a place for make class properly. when the dean where ready to go downstairs, she opens the door behind the the leader and give a step in false wich make the dean fall to the end of the leader to the “zocalo”
    wich where empty so nobody could hear her screaming beacouse of the pain… it been said that she scream til she die. Since that day, every night that someone decideo to go there it falls and die at the same way, wich it means that her soul still alive arround the “zocalo”.

    Paullette Cristinich Morant
    Senior Level.

  27. The legend of the Angry Dragons

    History tells that the volcanoes erupt once in a while, because there are dragons inside, as suddenly a new creature appeared, it was the man, the dragons who lived freely on earth they felt threatened and they hid in some mountains.
    They rest and sleep peacefully for years.
    However every time they wake up, they move inside these mountains throwing ashes a stones opening a hole on top of them. Sometimes, only when they are very restless they throw balls of fire from their noses and mouth, which is expelled to the surface of the earth through the top hole of the mountains..

    Daniela Cerda Sanchez
    Senior Level

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  29. The little wheel live in villa alemana and is a woman who hasn't arms and legs, she gone on a chair wheel all of her life, how she hasn't arms and legs, her sister go with she always, the little wheel cant go to the bathroom alone an the sister use this for charge enter in the public bathroom with the little whell for so much money something that $300000, in the bathroom the mens that enter to the bath whit she,they raped she, in a moment a men enter whit the little wheel to the bathroom and he stabbed and hit she in all of body with a knife which are very sharp. The leyed said that in the public bathrooms of the park on villa alemana the little wheel with the chair wheel whose wheel this bloodstained and the woman is so deform with the hits,appear on the night on the chair wheel whit her head hanging of the chair while shouting.

    Cristobal Leon

  30. Baby Ghost
    In Valparaiso on may 2016 a girl was 4 months pregnant, she was 17 years old and the father was 18 years old. He used to live in playa ancha, pacifico. This boy didn't want a baby, so he ran to france to live with his father. The girl whose boyfriend didn't want to recognicebhis baby, tries to kill the baby with her own hand. The baby die and swear revenge. Now in the present, the baby is trying to find his father. The legend tells that the ghost is in all the city of valparaiso and the baby ghost wich screams and cryes scare only the bad fathers is looking for revenge.

    Sorry for the late i forgot it.

  31. The dark Dragon
    Counting the leyend what a Dragon to steal the kids and boys in the world , countries , cities , towns and everywhere
    The people to look like the dragon how a spect very long and hight , colour green and white in the skin also to say what looked in the night around seven and twelve a clock , also the dragon have one ring in the hand (finger ) what say "the kids are sacre" .
    The kids after to steal they turn in ten or nine days . The kids say to feel very drownsiness and scared but after two days they to recover the consciousness.
    Andres Valdenegro

  32. Murder House
    In a town far far away from the city of amsterdam in the town far far away from the city of amsterdam there were a desolated house near from a biswamp where lived a Rich family who all the weekends were made a big fancy parties for get relax. In a year later they made a the biggest party where all of the elite people comes there.
    At the end of the party and people were leaving the place with its luxury cars except one person , Charles Parker. Who stood for a moment in the house when he hears a animal in the swamp, he curious , went to see what was in place, there was a body floating in the water , instantly, Charles called to the police, but , yes realizes he does not have service, frightened, it runs fast as he could
    But the more he drove away but was difficult to leave the swamp, had kidnapped , minutes after he slept , hence , there came a mist and took him , Charles disappeared . With nothing more than the , days, weeks , months looking for it and nothing was heard , the abandoned house was for the event, to this day , say that anyone approaching the swamp , serums and drowned Led by Charles Parker.

    Catalina Piazza Flores
    Senior Level.
