Monday, May 23, 2016

Plays in Patricio Lynch! [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 We have been working so hard on your plays (and scripts) and, in this occassion, I'd like you to stop and think about the experience. Did you like it? what did you learn? was it difficult? please include extra information that you'd like to mention too. Leave your comment below in at least 70 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 31st, Tuesday


  1. Hi Teacher:
    I would like to say with regard to my play that I learned a lot with the pronunciation and the new words that you use for the dialog and was not difficult, because we try not to do the work that is so complex for the majority of our colleagues to understand that we were talking about (also according to the context of the play)and I like much of what we have done into now.

  2. Hi teach!
    Regarding to the play, I think it has been a pretty fun experience, because it’s not something we usually do on classes of any subject, we had get to learn new vocabulary and it also has helped us to improve our pronunciation, even when we tried to do it really basic for everyone to understand without any trouble; In my opinion the most difficult part of this it’s planning the stage background and things like that.

  3. Hi teacher!
    Well, I didn't like this experience because I do not like to act.
    In this experience i learn things like that i have to move when I talk and act putting emotion in what I say and, in my opinion, that was really really difficult.
    Finally the experience was really difficult, because when I speak in public I stay still and I didn't do something, neither facial expresions and with all of this thing, I started to putting my abilities to act in action and that was really fun.
    Camila Villarroel González

  4. Hi teacher!
    Well, in my short and with a few experience life, i dont have a great talent for act, you question me why? Ok, i answer you: because i don’t a good pronunsation and i speak so fast, and if you sume all that the result is the public don't understand me and finally i don't like act because if i speak in public, i will be nervious. Annd that.
    By: Matías Cabrera Lobos

  5. Hi teacher!
    Well, in my short and with a few experience life, i dont have a great talent for act, you question me why? Ok, i answer you: because i don’t a good pronunsation and i speak so fast, and if you sume all that the result is the public don't understand me and finally i don't like act because if i speak in public, i will be nervious. Annd that.
    By: Matías Cabrera Lobos

  6. Hello I like teacher the experience for which it removes of the normal of the classes but on the other hand I feel that it is something difficult for which one has to learn well the dialogs, in addition when to put the background music in the precise moment. But also it is an activity that helps us very much when words declare and to learn of the grammar from another form as doing a work.
    by: Bastian Pereira

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  9. Hello teacher
    Well, I like it , because it`s comes out of the usual class, I can learn to pronounce and write better new words.( I stay a long of time trying to understand something).
    For me, the English class is very difficult , but in this class , I can express myself. It`s a great experience; I can share my favorite music with my friends.
    We like create stories from our imagination and heart, wich in many places are not appreciate.
    By: Constanza Cornejo

  10. Hi teacher!
    Regarding to the play, in my opinion is fantastic in one case, because i like act, is my favourite hobbie and the classes are more fun respect the other asignatures. in the case of the speak, i don't like it because speak english in front of my friends is very difficult.
    In the creation of the story, I am an expert, because I have too much imagination and "create" is very easy for me.
    Matías Cárdenas

  11. Hi teacher.
    I liked this experience because it was fun to act in another language in addition to we did something different to the usual, and that takes away the routine in which we are always. Thanks to this, I learned how to express myself better in english and improve your pronunciation of some words. I think that what most difficult was to translate the dialogue of the spanish into english and that not is out of context words, also was difficult to calculate the time of music for each scene.
    Kaitlin Díaz Garrido

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  13. Hello teacher teacher my I like this experience of the work, because regardless, we could to being a fluid conversation strictly between ourselves in another language. In this work I could learn to go to other companions in a conversation non-stop. For my there was done I difficult, for the pronunciation, and for the action And to conclude in end of any enjoyment doing this activity, since not quite the days ago.
    Sebastian Soto

  14. Hello teacher, I like this experience, I would like to give more opportunities that the class would be more didactic, I believe so you learn more easy and fast, I learned more vocabulary and pronunciation, the part that I liked most was when we practiced and we laughed ourselves by the mistakes that we made, was quite difficult to make this out together already you had to have a blind trust in which teammates learn the script and none made a mistake or confused dialogues

    By: Esteban Larenas

  15. Hi Teacher!
    I like the experience because is a activity outside of the common, It helps us to learn in a way more fun and simple at the same time we work in team and we improve the friendship in the class. I learned and improve my pronunciation with words difficult and I have acquired more vocabulary. For me , the activity was dificult because i dont have talent for act , but is a excelent work to exit the test routine.
    To complement my opinion I like that is conduct most activities of this type for share a good time with the class while we acquired: vocabulary and we learn in a manner more didactic.

    Benjamin Rivera Cuevas.

  16. Hi Teacher! I like the experience because is fun working groups and more if is for characterized of the character that we ourselves create. Make theater plays is something easy, according to me, but when these are in English… is more difficult. In my case, I learned more vocabulary, improve facial expressions and work in group. Is a fantastic experience.
    Valentina Casanueva.

  17. Hi Teacher:
    I like this activity, because is more funny and is easier to learn, in my case is fabulous, because I love act and is one of my favorite hobbies, and make a work is a challenge for me, if is in english better! because I can´t improvise if I forget the script, and is useful for widen my vocabulary.
    I would like to repeat this activity but with a work that is already written, so create bigger groups and make works more produced.

    María José Ibacache.

  18. Hi Teacher:
    I like this activity, because is more funny and is easier to learn, in my case is fabulous, because I love act and is one of my favorite hobbies, and make a work is a challenge for me, if is in english better! because I can´t improvise if I forget the script, and is useful for widen my vocabulary.
    I would like to repeat this activity but with a work that is already written, so create bigger groups and make works more produced.

    María José Ibacache.

  19. Hi Teacher!
    I like this experience, because it is more fun, dynamic and break the routine, but I don’t like, since I hate act and speak before an audience. In this work we learned new words, and have a better pronunciation. The hardest thing for me was to create the script, cause I have little imagination and creativity, it was also somewhat difficult to translate the script. In my opinion it was a different experience that I hope will not be repeated (I hate act).
    Belén Rojas

  20. Hi teacher!
    I like this experience, because it is very fun and I think that is easier learn when we speak english, in this case actual with the classmates. Also, I like act because if I forget the script i can improvise and all the people think that's okay. In this work i learn new words, more vocubalary and now I have better pronunciation.

    This experience is good and i would like repeat this, because when we are act express our feelings and share emotions.
    Diego Gonzalez

  21. Hi teacher!
    I like this experience, because it is very fun and I think that is easier learn when we speak english, in this case actual with the classmates. Also, I like act because if I forget the script i can improvise and all the people think that's okay. In this work i learn new words, more vocubalary and now I have better pronunciation.

    This experience is good and i would like repeat this, because when we are act express our feelings and share emotions.
    Diego Gonzalez

  22. Hi teacher!
    For starters, if I liked the activity, since it was very entertaining and funny during classes; during all the work to develop the work I learned to modulate better in English since hard for me speaking English, I also learned to better project my voice among many other things.
    Finally, in my opinion it was very difficult activity but not impossible, where I had to rehearse my dialogues to learn, also cost me talk to the respective tones moments of the play, but as I said, was not impossible and it takes effort forward.
    By: Ignacio Rodríguez.

  23. Hi teacher, I loved the experience because it allows "change the air" in the classroom, it left behind structured classes and it gave the opportunity to play with classmates in a totally different way. I learned to have more confidence in my knowledge and to improve my pronunciation and tolerance gradually.
    I would love to repeat this activity because I feel that learning is greater when tough in a dynamic way, unlike when taught locked in four walls
    Macarena Medina

  24. Hi teacher:
    It was a very entertaining experience because although I at least had already acted before it had never done in English at first it was not easy cost me not to think he was saying and trust what I had rehearsed so much.
    on the other hand I would like this to be repeated in the future I think it's a good way to study english in a more didactic way

  25. Hi teacher
    I do really liked the experience of acting, as it comes out of the regular and especially in English, it is great fun and I would like to repeat it because you feel more relaxed and learn a lot at once, such as vocabulary, problems insecurity, pronunciation, etc ...
    It is a very good and fun experience, as we unite as much grade.
    gerald lobos m

  26. Hi Teacher!,
    I think this experience was really good,because it was more funny than other activities,because in this case we had to create a story and that is better than only represent a random story,also I learned new words and the pronunciation of these words.
    I think it was a difficult activity,but to be my first time doing this I think I done a good work and I`d like to repeat this experience.
    Felipe Tamblay.

  27. Hi Teacher.
    In my opinion this activity was really funny,because we had to practise the scenes and that was more entertaining than all the other classes.
    I think this activity served me to improve my pronunciation and to learn new words and how to use it.
    The activity was hard in some moments,because usually we don`t talk in english,but if we repeat this activity I`m going to be happy because it was funny.
    Mauricio Aguilar.

  28. Hello teacher, its a plasure to participate again in the english blog as often as we used to.

    I personally enjoy plays a lot, participating is such a good experience for improving scenic skills, that is incredibly useful for having a better performance on future school or even college presentations.
    I personally think that learning the dialogues is one of the easiest things about short plays, the big issue comes when you got to adapt to the character´s personality and saying the dialogues based on that particular behavior, its also a big challenge not to get nervous while performing, specially if youre not really experienced or if the place is too crowded.
    I learned that plays is a fun and dinamic way of learning, were you can actually get a meaningful knowledge that is worth-learning, specially if its in english because it can give non-experienced english learners a rough idea on how a one on one conversation might look like.
    I almost forgot to say that im a bit fed up with plays... don´t misunderstand me,they are really fun, but we´ve been having so many of them lately, that is kind of exhausting.

    1. Btw forgot to say that im savka sepulveda LOL

  29. Hi teacher! : D
    In my opinion I think it was a very fun activity as we pulled out of the routine of English we commonly do, besides acting is something I love to do. Besides being fun learn from "indirect" way the English language, as pronuncioación, vocabulary, among others.
    In resume it was a very good experience, entertaining at least for me, and its degree of difficulty that makes the work more interesting in my opinion.
    Good activity.

    Joaquin Ortiz.

  30. Hi teacher
    I like this activity, because was very funny,especially the pronunciation, because I was talk in british english and was very difficult learn the pronunciation, and paint the set was very slow.The production of the power point was very produced because have the details of all of the scene and sounds of the things that happened. The process of the translation of the script in spanish was slow, because found some words was difficult, some words we cant found and we have that change this words.
    Bastian aravena

  31. Hello professor: respect to the topic of the work, dialogues etc .. in my opinion I like the theme of doing more didactic classes as it is to change the routine so we can have more interest in the subject

    Although it was difficult to learn the dialogue in English language was entertaining the class act in English and not in theory classes every day.

    I would like to add that I wish the public, as the course also could evaluate our peers and to be part of the note.
    Andres Araya

  32. Hi teacher
    I think that this is a very good way to learn english because it help us to improve our pronunciation, practice the dialogue with others, better understand the language and in my case lose the fear to act with public.
    I personally love the activity,it was a amazing experience, i never though that i would be the minister of education in my life but it was a really good time, i laughed a lot with my classmates and i hope that we can do more activities like this.
    Jessica Oliva

  33. Hi teacher:
    I liked this new experience because was fun think and create the story and the characters. In my opinion the dialogues was the most difficult thing because we had to adapt the story that we created with the characters, but anyway it help us to learn how create a story with dialogues.
    Although I was very nervous when I had to tell the story, I think we did it very well and I hope do again this activity in the future.
    Javier Cárdenas.

  34. Hi teacher, in my opinion and experience life, is very fun because help me in the pronunciation and expression of content. In my case I learned to improve to appear in public. For me it was not difficult, on the contrary I found it easy. What would you add? I would add that there had “invited” to see us, because that makes me nervous.
    By: Fabrizzio Sotelo

  35. Hi teacher! n-n
    The truth to my loved the work we did with my work group and in my opinion it worked out great XDD, the important thing was we learned to make a complete and entertaining work, at first it was difficult because we did not know what to do in a work and what would be the subject, as we had many mixed ideas, before exposing the work gave me a lot of shame and longing as I was so excited to begin and end quickly. Anyway, it was a nice experience, because everything we produce ourselves and our imagination create different works.

  36. Hi teacher
    I liked to much the experience of the activity that we realize in English’s classes, was more didactic and entertaining, in addition I could improve my pronunciation in words that I didn’t know to present a better work in group, certainly that the activity is difficult if it is in another language but with teamwork it was possible to manage. I would love repeat this type of activities, but without guests surprises.
    Natalia Garrido.

  37. Hi teacher
    I liked the experience of the activity because and learn of act in english and learn the dialogue, now that I dont remember it easyly
    and in this case. I could remeber and the most dificults of the activity is for me, the expressions and create the dialogue, I think that type of activities can make more consecutive, is fun act in english and now i think, its not hard, whit my group we practice so much.
    by: william gutierrez

  38. Hi teacher!
    Well, I didn't like this experience because I do not like to act.
    In this experience I learn new vocabulary and I think that I improved my pronunciation, but when I´m before an audience I get very nervous, so the experience was really difficult to me.
    Finally, the hardest thing for me and my group was create the script because I have little creativity and definitely that was a really hard work.
    Elena Domínguez

  39. Hello teacher!:
    in this job lives differents experiences; from teamwork, learn me my dialogues memory and up to handle the texts of the dialogues in both languages ​​, but as would understand !, hard?, yes; stressed out by forgetting some words, and that my classmates group not continue with the dialogues correctly ..

    But i liked this activity because it was something out of the ordinary among our classes, I had fun enough and hopefully more jobs like this one!.

    Montserrat López.
