Wednesday, May 4, 2016

First Impressions [Senior]

Dear Students:

 In this thread you'll have to give opinions about first impressions, specially about YOU consider it's important to see / notice when you meet a person for the first time. Consider: What things do you pay attention when you meet someone for the first time? why? have you judged someone by his appearance and then you realized how wrong you were? why do you think people are so concern about physical appearance? Leave your comments below in at least 100 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 16th, Monday


  1. Hi teacher
    Well, i'm not a person who thinks that the first impression is important, but answering your question i think that the face is the first thing that i see, specifically the teeths.
    I don't remember if i judge about his appearence, but i have judge about his way of speaking, i listen him and i think that he was "Flaite", and i was wrong about that.
    I think that the people thinks that the appearence its important because the society is insecure because in the street there are many robbery, murderers, etc.
    Italo Vignes

  2. Well, I think that, sometimes, the first impressions are important, but only the first impressions about the cleaning and personal care of a person, because, if a person has clothing, body and hair clean, it shows that this person is worries about his appearance, I know that this doesn’t show if someone is good or bad person, but I think that a person cleaning is very important to get jobs or interact with people.
    However, I believe that the first impressions about the physical appearance of someone, if this person is ugly, cute, tall, short; that is not important. People don’t decide how will be their physical appearance, but they decide if they will be neat or dirty. I don’t know if I was wrong to judge a person, because what I think about a person, changes a lot, maybe I have it wrong.

    Dana Donoso Hidalgo
    Senior Level

  3. Hi teacher
    I think we always get carried away by first impressions, not because reason may be the time in which we live or other different factors but we always get carried away by first impressions .in my case if I and I left out by appearances and I avoided people that at first I did not like but to know I have more realized that was wrong also think looks are important because whether we like it or not the vast majority of people we are carried away by appearances.

    Manuel Gutierrez
    Senior Level

  4. In my humble opinion, the first impression are important for me, because the first impression talk about your usual habits.
    Well the most important for me in the first impression is the personality, if you are wearing expensive clothes but your cordiality is bad obviously you gonna give a bad first impression
    The physical impression always is importan less than personality but, is important, because the most of people believe the physical appearance is all.
    in all cases we need to give a good first impression for example, if we will do business we need to stay prepared.
    in all cases is important be a good person for inside and for outside if we do that always we gonna get a nice future, for me the better advice is "sometimes the thief are wearing shirt and necktie", the meaning of this is we need to take care of all not only physical appearance, because We never know with whom we spoke

    Valentin Venegas
    Senior Level

  5. Hello teacher, well the first thing that I care and I believe that all people and even you do is see the clothes having such set individual can also add their speech you have with us, the reason is very simple at this time chile through a time when crime is at its peak and usually people who are related assaults Flaites who have this particularity to have very particular clothes and speaking.
    I tried and I think we all have done but never me and wrong
    Today people are very concerned about their appearance and they may be confused with some criminal

  6. Hello Teacher

    Well, I think that first impression are a neutral thing, because, one, It’s a natural response to the unknown and it can be very important in how to deal with certain persons, for example, gangsters, when someone (or at least in my case) sees another person who looks like a gangster, you got to be careful, because he or she might actually be a gangster, that could possibly rob you. In other cases your first impression is going to be wrong, and you will be seen as a jerk. That why I thing that first impression are a neutral thing.

    In my case, when I make a first impression about someone, I always consider the person in his entirety, I mean, clothes combination and speaking manners, but, I never judge someone by his physical appearance.
    I judge clothes and speaking manners mainly because, the combination of this certain aspects, can tell me how this person MIGHT be. for example: if you meet someone that wears the typical clothes of a Flaite, for me, that means that he/she could be a dangerous person.

    I don’t REMEMBER any moment that i miss judge someone for his physical appearance or anything

    i think people are very concerned about other physical appearance, because, today between between citizen, work employees, shopkeepers, etc. we are disconnected, this can cause insecure between people and can make people more alert, meaning that people will not know each other's, but people are going to try to judge a person in how he/she looks mainly because we are no used to know people that are not familiars.

    Nicolás Valencia
    Senior level

  7. In my opinion, I think that the first impression is important but not in all the cases, and not for all the people. This is alone a behavior that we all adopted, classifying the people for the way that they dresses or speaks.
    Personally I've never judged anyone for his appearence, I learned that the appearence cheatttt.
    When I meet a person, in mi opinion the most important thing is the form in which it id unrolled by the others, the form that they express, and the respect towards other persons.
    While a person respect other one, the appearence doesn't matter.

    Karherine Degelon.

  8. Hello, teacher, I think, that first impressions are not important, because some people pretend to be who they are not, maybe they are good people or bad people, but if we only have prejudices, we will never know, or will be late when we know it. How many times have we been wrong about someone just by prejudices? I don’t know
    I believe that first impressions are like judging a book by its cover, many persons do it, and this is badly. Many times I did it, and I realized my mistakes, I believed that someone was bitter or pleasant, and it was opposite.

    Denisson Donoso
    Senior Level

  9. I think it's important, because a first impression about someone give us an idea about how is that person, I mean, imagine you are walking in the street, you're going to your home or somewhere (7u7),then you see two guys with sport suits (but they aren't doing sport),wearing a hat overlayed, that looks like a plate, listening reggaeton, cumbia, those kind of thing. You will think that you are in danger, and will take other way to avoid be stolen. Maybe they didn't have any intention about steal you, but maybe yes. That I'm trying to say is that a first impression can save you.
    The first thing that I pay attention is about the clothes that he/she is wearing. Because, from my point of view, it's a good way to start to have an image about the person, with this you can have an idea about what he/she likes, like music, or sports teams, social class, and more little ideas.
    Yeah, specially with some girls, that, in my first impression, I though that she was a white dove, and she didn't.
    Because when we see a person by first time, is the only thing that we have, the only thing that we know about them. How is their phisycal appearance. And if you want to give a good impression, that's the first thing that the people will notice.
    -Oscar González

  10. Hi teacher. I think that the first impression isn't the most important, because I can't judge someone if I don't know about him besides his clothes.
    I pay attention to the style of the person, this way I can suppose the kind of music that it likes, places that it attend. Why? because in this way I can know if we have something in common.
    Yes, I did, when I met a guy, apparently rude, but when I started to know him I notice that he's as a teddy bear.
    First impression is important, because, thank this we create a positive or negative base, that will push us to want or not, know about this person, or just get away. Although, first impressions aren't everything, because with the stereotypes people start to tag people that they don't know in a bad way.
    Maria jose guerra

  11. Hi teacher
    The first what I pay attention when I meet someone is their dress and the way he talks, because they are related to the way of being and I can know what kind of person I am relating.
    Often it happens to me that the way to speak draw conclusions from is "flaite" and then , after talking with me I realize I'am wrong and that has nothing to do with my feeling I had towards him/her.
    Physical appearance is important because television, magazines, internet, etc, show certain stereotypes that force us to meet, because if this does not happen, was discriminated against for not meeting certain fashions. Lamentably physical appearance import more than what you have inside.
    Tihare Balladares
    Senior Level.

  12. Hi teacher, Tomas comenting again.
    In thi society, as we know, people trends to judge people without meet them so, first impressions become something almost important today in the way to become sociably aceptable. One of the things that people usually see on other in think is the way they dress, how the t-shirt are, the pants, shoes or sneackers and also their hairstyle, etc. I think as society we see the "normal" statment of apareance, is we wear the same bored clothes everyday and nothing out of common like, ear rings on men, baggy clothes on women.
    a opinion within me is that we, as a world of miles of thousands of people, we have to learn that in this planes lives a lot of diversity of people with diferent cultures,styles,faiths, etc so, the prejudices will end the day that we learn that a person is more that just the way they dress... just that

    A Walking Disaster.

  13. Hi teacher, the first impression are important for me because a first impression about someone give us an idea about how is that person, answering your question i think the face is the first thing that i see, specifically the eyes because are the door of the soul. i judge about his appearence because I do not trust anyone because there are very bad people and I have to be alert. If I judged someone by their appearance, but the face, I mean that if have angry face and after that I talked to this person and I realized I was wrong. I think that the people thinks that the appearence its important because the society is insecure because in the street there are many robbery, murderers, and as I said earlier we must be alert.
    Katalina Ramírez.

  14. Hi dear teacher,
    I think that first impressions are important, at least for me, but it’s not about the style, because when I meet someone one of the first thing that I pay attention to the his/her way to speak: the pronunciation of words, grammar, how many bad words he or she uses, because when you meet someone for first time you must be polite.
    Another thing that is important for me, is the personal care that he/she has, I mean: how he/she smells, the color of his/her teeth, if the hair is greasy, if nails are clean, etc. Maybe you can say that I’m a little bit obsessive but I take care of all that I said before.
    I don’t judge if someone that I already meet is a good or bad person, I’m not God, I just judge if he/she is a person who has little bit of education, nothing else, because I really believe that ”what is essential, is invisible to the eye”.

    Catalina Concha Chaufleur, Senior

  15. The first thing that we notice in the first impression of one a person is the gown that takes position because this says to us with that type of person we are speaking and do it because it is what one notices to the first sight. To judge a person if I have done it and have been wrong but also I have been in the correct thing because we tend to associate the bad acts with the cultures. The people worry for the physical appearance because the bad of the cultures relates in the persona of a bad gown or evil behavior without having known it better and in most cases one is in the habit of being in the correct thing because for example in the flaites always there is an evil behavior
    Matias Cañas..

  16. Hello Nigga Teacher. In my opinion when you meet a person, the important is to see like is the person, that things likes. The clothes and vocabulary, is does not matter, the objective is to share and have friends.
    When one sees a person, one always look at their clothes, their vocabulary, their education, but I just like to share with other people.
    Yes, when I was a boy, was prejudiced, but when one is a teenager meet to many people differents styles or steriotype.
    Generally the people is prejudiced, because like denigrate people and talk bad things of others. In our Chilean society it is a common to sees cases of prejudice toward punks, hippies, flaites, but I wonder, why not talk or share? If it is A PERSON SAME TO ME with other style.

    Jorge Nigga Barraza
    Senior Level

  17. Hello Nigga Teacher. In my opinion when you meet a person, the important is to see like is the person, that things likes. The clothes and vocabulary, is does not matter, the objective is to share and have friends.
    When one sees a person, one always look at their clothes, their vocabulary, their education, but I just like to share with other people.
    Yes, when I was a boy, was prejudiced, but when one is a teenager meet to many people differents styles or steriotype.
    Generally the people is prejudiced, because like denigrate people and talk bad things of others. In our Chilean society it is a common to sees cases of prejudice toward punks, hippies, flaites, but I wonder, why not talk or share? If it is A PERSON SAME TO ME with other style.

    Jorge Nigga Barraza
    Senior Level

  18. Hi teacher, I think that first impressions are important, but no for the fact that it defines you, because it doesn't define us, firts impressions are important only because everyone have first impressions about everyone.
    In my case I pay atenttion to the attitudes of the person, the way they talk, the way that he or she treats another person and stuffs like that and sometimes to the hygiene of the person.
    I never judge someone by only appearence, but I've judged people by their attitudes to the moment we meet and (the most of times) I was wrong about them.
    I think that people care about physical appearence because this world and society is totally superficial and full of stereotypes.

    Nicol Atenas
    Senior Level

  19. Hi teacher, I think that first impressions are important, but no for the fact that it defines you, because it doesn't define us, firts impressions are important only because everyone have first impressions about everyone.
    In my case I pay atenttion to the attitudes of the person, the way they talk, the way that he or she treats another person and stuffs like that and sometimes to the hygiene of the person.
    I never judge someone by only appearence, but I've judged people by their attitudes to the moment we meet and (the most of times) I was wrong about them.
    I think that people care about physical appearence because this world and society is totally superficial and full of stereotypes.

    Nicol Atenas
    Senior Level

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  21. Hi teacher
    Well, in my opinion the first impression is very important, because is how the people see you and the clothes that you wear define your personality; including the hair (style or color) or the makeup and of course your attitude.
    I think that I see first the clothes and then the makeup, for me is VERY important because you can see this at distance and is as your presentation card, I mean for example if you want apply for a job, your look will be so important for your future boss as your look can define if you get the employment.
    I don’t remember when but I believe that everyone makes wrong judgments all day, because we believe in the appearance that they show us for first time and this prevent that we can meet at the persons and maybe this is the reason of the stereotypes (most of the time are wrong).

    Katalina Torres
    Senior Level

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  23. Hi teacher.
    I think that I observe in a person is the face and his gown, I think that I make myself great to go for the brand of clothes that they use. A few years ago behind I knew a boy and judge it often to his backs because he was finding it "flaite" then I learned to know it and it it was not, was a "rapper" jaja alone he liked the style and already, I never thought that now he would be my great friend. The truth now I do not consider myself to be a person prejudice, without I think that there are many people who judges the people for his way of dressing, speaking or acting without knowing that it can be very wrong.

    Kamila Díaz
    Senior Level.

  24. hello teacher, I think that first impressions are important,
    most often the first impression that I have towards a person is by way of speaking or by their dress besides personal cleanliness as
    her nails, her hair, her scent.
    the truth is that if I judged by the way they dress or the way some people talk and if I realize what I did wrong. for me the most important when I meet a person is his way of expressing with others, how you treat others and their language. i dont know because people care so much about the appearance but what I am sure is that everyone has judged someone perhaps without meaning to.

    Daniela Cerda
    Senior Level.

  25. Hi teacher.
    I think thar the human has been cruel a long time ago. We judge all the things how we seems how it is. For example, if you see a piece of wood with 4 legged foot, you automatically will think that it is a wood table. In my case, when i meet with a unknown, my first impressions is how he speaking, cause the speaking of someone reflects their education.
    I once judged someone for their clothing, however i did a "well judging" cause he was with a team and they wore a flaite clothing.
    Matias Kachler
    Senior level

  26. hi teacher, i think that in this days prejudging a person is easy just seeing the way he dress, a very common way to prejudging is that, just seeing someone appearance we take that as a first impression something that in my opinion, is too basic, property of a "primitive-thinking" society because in mi opinion, in every place we look diferent even wearing uniforms, our faces show that we are something more that just what someones can see. also i think wearing suits for a job interview is a good thing because you will represent another company or whathever the job are so elegancy may be a plus for you. The point is as people, we are diferent so diversity exist and we need to accept that, in so many cases appearance isn`t all.

    Matias Espinoza

  27. In my opinion, first i dont like the prejudices,but i use that in so much moments because is something inconcient and is so dificult not do that, i see first the cut of hair of the persons and if have face of someting like "flaite" or "otaku" ,or others, and with this i looking for clues, the form in wich the expressed ,thing that he said inter others.
    my real opinion of the topic is that anyone must discriminate other person for nothing ,because the society is not similar all are diferent with the rest of people and that is good the diferences with other persons, it makes us humans.
    Cristobal León

  28. Hi teacher,

    When I know a new person is very important for me talk with him and know more about him because I think that this is the unique alternative for understand him. Exist characteristic that can help you for know and understand about the other person like the style, the philosophy, the mood of life, the opinions, the form of talk and express, the emotions that show for the rest and the values that he have because this things definite to a person.

    I am a person very sincere and clear with my opinions for this I don’t judged anyone people because I don’t like that other people judged me without know me. I wait the same that I practice.

    Kimberly Valle Hurtado
    Senior Level

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  32. Hello teacher, well my personal opinion brings over of this topic is that the first impressions are not very important because it is necessary to know completely the person or at least sixty per cent in order that we could judge and think.
    In addition the appearances are deceptive, for example if a person covers elegant garment with tie and jacket does not mean that he is a cordial and honest person on the contrary can be a wicked and cruel person, it is never known In spite of the fact that we do not know anything on having known a person always it is necessary to be nice and respectful in spite of the fact that you looked rare or heavy because it is necessary to have present that all the persons are going to be different and the only.
    Andres Valdenegro

  33. Hi teacher
    usually I see the dress of the person, if some tastes are similar to mine ("tactic" clothes, do not wear jeans) depends on whether woman or man as I relate better with women, ever thought evil of person without knowing it because their appearance was very different from mine and I really thought that I could not drop me well but really to know I realized that looked a lot like me and we became good friends.

    Kevin Yañez

    Senior Level

  34. In my opinion the people is very prejudice,in the clothes,in the appearance,in your celphone or 
    their speech,why? the society is very snob,the people with clothes cheap is bad and the people with clothes expensive is good or people with good status,that means this people never 
    would do something wrong. I judge the people for your face,i think this is my weakness,i think the people with face good is trustworthy but the people with the face bad is unreliable,but yes,maybe,this is contradicted,the people have a good face but is bad person,sometimes judge bad.Because this society changes us,the people white is a good and the people black is bad,when you have a money is good but bad,it depends on your skin color.
    The society and makes us have an opinion to someone else.

    Catalina Piazza
