Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How to survive in a Post-Apocalyptic World [Junior]

Dear Students:

 We have been talking about disasters that can occur in our country, Now I propose you the next situation to discuss and write below. Imagine that you and 2 more people are the only survivors of a huge earthquake that stroke the world. There are limited resources (water, food, etc.) and you have to survive as much as you can, otherwise humanity will perish. Leave your comments below and include: Objects that you'll carry, how you'll eat, water sources, the 2 people that will be part of your group and where you'll look for shelter. Leave your comments below in at least 85 words and give reasons why you chose something in particular.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: May 16th, Monday


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  2. Hi teacher
    Well, If I had to live that earthquake, I'll be ready,because I will have a emergency kit with a water purifier, medicine, matches, a tent, flashlight and batteries. I like to survive with one of my friends and my boyfriend.
    I will to haunt to obtain food and make a fire to cook it and with my water purifier, I'll use to purifier water and I'll drink from any site.
    I think that I can sleep in a cave or in my tent, because, if we need to move, we can do it, just we can move tent to everywhere, and that tent, will to protect me and my two partners and keep us snug, avoid to being sick.
    Cynthia Cáneppa

  3. Hi, teacher: If I was one of the only survivors of an apocalypse, I absolutely will carry water and cereal bars to keep active and with energy. Also I'll carry a flashlight and batteries for the night, a warm blanket, a first aid kit and paracetamol (I really don't know why, but it is magical and could be useful). I'll leave my stuff with the stuff from the other two people and then, we'll find a safe and comfy place to stay while we're alive. (Punto aparte) lhfs. I don't think we're going to look for help, because if there aren't more people alive in the world, we don't have anything to do. The rest of the story is waiting to die.
    Fernanda Ramos, Junior <3

  4. Well, if I survive a major earthquake , I would be with my mother and my best friend. First look for a safe place to take shelter, for the next aftershocks, could be a cave or bunker. Then look lease provisions to survive, water, a lots of water and food, make a fire to heat food and receive heat. Finally, look between the disaster, clothes me to stay good, flashlights, batteries and other emergency items to survive after the disaster.

  5. Sup, bro!
    If something happens i would try to be ready with an aids kit, a flashlight (surely with dead bateries) water and food.Whatever I could not have I would improvise it with other things like i would use a lot of blankets and fabrics as a tent.I would like to survive with my boyfriend and my best friend. We would surely manage to obtain food from some remaining damaged stores,I should get a water purifier too, at night we could use a lot of blankets I Stitched together and cuddle and hug to keep body heat.
    Camila Quezada

  6. Dear partners and teacher:
    If a have been in an apocalyptic post world, i would have been (at least with two or more survivors) to repoblate the earth. We would have planned about the limited resources that we could had at that time, that is to say: water, rest of vegetables, food, etc. So, a good plan would be a must. Maybe we could walk around the city or the country and find things to carry with us, such as: battery, flashlights, water bottles, and a survival kit; meanwhile we find a nice and secure place to stay.
    Montserrat Rojas Bravo

  7. Hi teacher!
    i choose my boyfriend and my father because, they know more about
    how to survive this catastrophe.
    We would take backpacks with blankets (if found), water bottles obtained
    from a lake , canned food if we found or we would hunt, weapons that we
    find to hunt or protect, utensils to heal wounds (alcohol, povidone,
    loop, ect), and we prepare the food by a campfire.
    after searching for the backpack items, we would seek refuge in the
    countryside, we would choose the field because it is safer after an earthquake
    tremors less intensity that come after, because they would not have objects
    could collapse on us.

    Good Bye Teacher
    Victoria Rojas Quezada

  8. Hi teacher
    If i was with two other people after an earthquake that destroyed almost all of humanity would with my girlfriend and my mom,we would bring non-perishable food and clothing water to protect us from the cold and sleeping bags,we would try to get a car to get to a shelter or away from the sea as if there was an earthquake could kill almost all mankind may happen a huge tsunami that end up destroying what remains of preferably city would be in a very high mountain to be except water and we would be an intrusion time until things then go back to the city in search of food or something to calm down.
    Luis Reyes

  9. I really thought about it, but if you ask me, I will answer you, I don’t know, maybe I’d be inside of a hospital ‘cos there have all lot of things like medicine, serum, pills, gloves, etc. that maybe it can help me
    But the hospital must be near from a cafeteria, a drugstore (I don’t know why, cos in the hospital have pills and whatever things alskdjaksdj), a supermarket (thinking I can get free food), clothes shop, and a place with Wi-Fi.
    If I have choice for 2 people I'd choice an angel of vs for procreate and my cat, ‘cos I don’t have anybody can really help me. #catslovers #sorrymom #victoria'ssecret #angels #lofiu #freefood

  10. Sup’ Teacher:
    Well, if I have to choose the 2 people that will be with me, I choose 2 ladies (jeje), the first one might be a Professional Chef, because if I need to cook, I wont do it, she is the food-God,not me XD. And the second one will be Gigi Hadid (A very handsome Model), you said before that the humanity will perish, well jeje, we will try to keep it; I will carry, bottles of water, chocolate and pieces of bread I think, buuuuuut, I will take shelter in a supermarket (checkmate dude), because there I have things to eat. Finally, I don’t give a F*** if I’m dirty, I have 2 ladies that can wash me.
    Ian Stevenson

  11. Hi teacher
    If an earthquake of that magnitude, that would be a really bad situation. The first thing that I would do it's find a shelter like a big house that weren't broken (obviously), because if we were the last persons in the planet I would live like a freaking king. In terms of food I would go to the supermarkets and steel every thing that I want, and I would get water from the providers of bottled water (because I love that water) because they should have millions of bottles with water. Also I would use a generator or solar panels to have electricity. If all this happened the persons that I would choose would be someone who knows a lot of surviving stuffs, maybe my father, and a girl who probably would be my girlfriend.
    If the food was extremely limited I would hunt some animals or plant vegetables and fruits.
    What I also would do it's look if there was any videogames or clothing store and stole every that I want...that would awesome.
    I think that I would be fine if this happened and I survive
    Rodolfo rojas
    Junior lvl
    C ya in the apocalypse

  12. Hello teacher
    If I were one of the survivors of an earthquake, I think it would be a little prepared, because as we live in a seismic country in my house we have some things that would help us in case of an earthquake, and in this situation I would survive with my friends.
    I think the best way to survive and have all the things we need, can be we search for a refuge in a supermarket or in a store, because there would find all kinds of food, water and other things that would help us. And if we could not be in a supermarket, I think we would try to find food and water from houses that maybe were not in such bad shape and look for other survivors or someone who can help us, considering that most likely no nobody but us, we always would care and would look for places that were comfortable for all.
    Fernanda Vega

  13. Hi teacher
    Well, after I have survived an earthquake and two persons mas the objects that I can take to help myself it can be a rucksack with some basic things (it waters down, botiquin,, keys, food). I can extract the resources of eating of some plants naturally. The water sources I extract water of drinking fountains as the rivers of sweet water. And finally buscaria resource in a place of height, road surface, where it has a good environment can be probable that in a college a lodging. Finally eligiria to my breast and sister to be able to survive since they are important mas and eligo these basic things to survive because important mas is.
    Catalina Cerda

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  15. Hi Teacher!
    Well if I have to be in this natural disaster I am going to be ready, because in this country one this one accustomed to the natural disasters. To initiate I have seen for television many programs of survival, for example the program of Bear Grylls and Survivorman; this way that in this sense I am prepared. If I have little water, a program I teach myself to purify the urine and to transform it into water, but serious only into a very extreme situation, though we have very much sea and serious most easy purify the sea water. The great majority of plants and animals is a foodstuff like that in this sense not serious so difficult to survive. To like to spend these moments with my nearest relatives. This situation also to doing things that I do not like to make like steal
    Alexander Dubó Vera

  16. Hello everyone
    I think if something like that happened , it would be really very very bad, but if it was one of the lucky survivors, I would like that with my survived a woman ( not just any woman ) and also a person who is my liking, perhaps a friend .
    What would unod flints would take me ( I know it's hard to find ) , some pictures of my friends and my family and finally something to remind me my life was like before the disaster . I do not think water and food is a problem since there are now supermarkets everywhere and with them I be able to feed at least to have my garden when missing food.
    PS: If this happened would do everything I want to do either break things , running naked, etc.
    Mauricio Valderrama

  17. Hi teacher

    If an earthquake would strike the earth I would survive with Demi Lovato and her boyfriend Wilmer. I would carry a knife, a rechargeable flashlight, a blanket, and matches. I would hunt animals with my knife in order to eat. Also, I would get water anywhere: in a river, a lake, etc. Then I would purify it with a water purification system. By the other hand I would look for shelter in Maitencillo, because is a safety place and is located high on a hill, where a tsunami would not strike us.

    Sofia Garrido González

  18. Sup teacher

    first that all; I have to admit I imagine as the film I am Legend haha, well I think that the 2 people who would be with me, would be my mother because mothers are very wise and my boyfriend because I couldn't be without Him :(, I think that a few good shelters would be a cave or something like that, if it is that it wasn't some building , and probably obtain food of some abandoned supermarket, but clearly I need a flashlight, batteries, matches to make fire, blankets to put on warmer clothes, medicines that we need, a first aid kit and primarily water or something to clean the sea's water and use it. I don't give you many hopes, because despite having lived 2 earthquakes I don't feel prepared for something like a post- apocalyptic, so sorry humanity:(.

    Leslie Lepe

  19. Hi teacher!
    If it happened the masive earthquake would choose to have two women to procreate and repopulate the world with lots of love. Objects that would take me it would be a knife, a first aid kit, a notebook with a pencil to write down everything, compass and backpack to eat would try to revise the destroyed houses to self if there is any packaged food cans to strean line and resort to nature but to hunt for water sources resort to a well or a lake to take the water and collect and finally the shelter a cave or basement would be ideal to stay safe.
    Victor Riquelme


  20. Well in the case that the world rules the chaos after the earthquake stroke the city i really want stay with my friends and family but in this moment i stay with mi dog and my friend in the forest of placilla drunk and the only thing that thinking is a go to safety place because all the city are a chaos and damaged buildings a lot for everywhere. We think in find some type of weapon to protect us and save and divid the small porcion of food that we have, and the thing more important than others the water we gonna stay beside of the lake and we have the metod to drink it (put a water up in the fire and boil it) and find tree and build a house for the moment and can survivor some time living there and the food and water should be divid in same parts and hunt rabbits or fishing i don know in this moment we know that we do
    Cesar henriquez bacigaluppi


  21. Well in the case that the world rules the chaos after the earthquake stroke the city i really want stay with my friends and family but in this moment i stay with mi dog and my friend in the forest of placilla drunk and the only thing that thinking is a go to safety place because all the city are a chaos and damaged buildings a lot for everywhere. We think in find some type of weapon to protect us and save and divid the small porcion of food that we have, and the thing more important than others the water we gonna stay beside of the lake and we have the metod to drink it (put a water up in the fire and boil it) and find tree and build a house for the moment and can survivor some time living there and the food and water should be divid in same parts and hunt rabbits or fishing i don know in this moment we know that we do
    Cesar henriquez bacigaluppi

  22. Hello teacher:
    if it happen a great earthquake here in Chile and assuming that there were few survivors the two people that would be in my group would be my brother, which is what most would protect the world and my cousin carlos for the confidence I have for him and the cold blood within. the refuge in a place that handling very well that I would be in quintero in my secret place. the water would obtain through rain, with some barrels located outdoors and food, which would offer us either sea mollusks, fish and vegetables. starting from there would look for more survivors in the area.

    Dante Díaz

  23. Hi teacher!
    If I were one of the survivors of an earthquake with two person more, i choose the girl that i am love (my girldfriend) because this way i can preserve the species and i choose a my best fried. I search refuge in a supermarket because in this place it is of everything to survive (food,clothes,etc), search seeds of fruit and a river for the water. The fire es very importan, it cannot be absent. With this and little luck more i wait survive with the others two persons.
    Joaquín Novoa Pizarro. Junior

  24. Hi teacher 

    well I think that if this disaster happened first would be very frightened but quickly try to find shelter, food and water. If I have food and water for many days I run to some warehouse or supermarket and robbery because the minute they occur these catastrophes people become very upset and all run to steal everything that can be found even though no people would steal the following: water, flashlight, blankets cubrise the cold, wet towels to wipe alcohol gel, medications if someone suffers from an illness, a gun or stick that serves me to defend myself, a first-aid kit, clothes well equipped as hiking boots, jacket, pants comfortable etc ... then my team would distribute the Feña and Victoria and that encargen to rebuild the city and find a good shelter for me would be a bunker and try to survive and find any survivors in our city or in other to be able to endure the human race.

    Fernanda Bravo

    Junior level 

  25. Hi teacher

    First of all pick someone very close to me and my mom to be saved me because have great support and the first thing buscaria is in homes or in places where there are probably Water also seek good food stores or food places because anytime I need energy to maintain the species also buscare flashlight and battery also I seek a shelter and I would go with all my collected resources to continue to survive as long as possible without suffering

    Good bye
    Yerko osega

  26. Hi teacher

    First of all pick someone very close to me and my mom to be saved me because have great support and the first thing buscaria is in homes or in places where there are probably Water also seek good food stores or food places because anytime I need energy to maintain the species also buscare flashlight and battery also I seek a shelter and I would go with all my collected resources to continue to survive as long as possible without suffering

    Good bye
    Yerko osega

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  29. I will survive with everybody, it doesn't matter because a lot of people is fundamental for me, maybe, i will look refuge in my house, but if is destroyed, i will go to a safe place to all the disaster, if there isn't water in the supermarket i will look for a luke or the sea, and for the food, i will have more that 10 supermarket, the food won't end, won't will i do after?maybe, i will get desesperated, and then i will calm down, go to the Mc'Donald, go the mall, i could eat all the food, have all the clothes, and i will have a flashlight, more bags, more warm clothes, and the most important, food and water.

    Constanza Piazza
    Junior Level

  30. Hi teacher I'm pablo and if this disaster happens, I will be with my brother and sister, we will go outside the city and meanwhile we find a system to create food, we will keep a timetable for eat and drink, with that the items that we carry will be cellphones or clocks more for know the time than another use, obviously the food and water, a first aid kid obvious and things to cover us like a blanket. The other things are irrelevant so that's all that we could do in case of this, bye :3

  31. Hi teacher
    I would analyse a situation and get a bag with clothes, batteries , portable charger, flashlight , look for all the perishable food that has in my home and finally gather water bottles.
    If I have to stay with two people ... I'd pick the two most important people in the world : my mom and my brother.
    My refuge would stay in the parking lot of my apartment because out of my apartment have to go through a gateway and this could fall.

    Nicole Badilla

  32. Hi Teacher.
    If me and 2 people should to survive in that case, I preffer that those 2 people be my father, because I think he can be very usefull, and the another one will be my best friend.
    First, think that I would do is get a lot of food and water, water, water and more water to don't be thirsty.
    Second place, look for a place to stay, could be a hill or a bunker if we are lucky.Those 2 places are because after a big earthquake, come more quakes and, maybe a tsunami. Besides, if we stay in a build can be dangerous, because after the earthquake they'll be very damaged.
    Things that I will carry: A first Aid kit, in case of any emergency that request it.
    An a lantern, those big ones, that are used in camping, clothes, blankets.
    When we need food we'll get them in a supermarket or minimarkets, maybe some fruit from trees. Or fishing, my dad know how to. But that can be dangerous because tsunamis.
    Go to a hospital is an option too, to get some medicine and drugs.
    Then, just wait to die.
    -Catalina Carvajal

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  34. mah nigga!
    First thing: I hate u cuz u didn't made a cool topic 4 senior, so I'll comment this one anyway
    Well, things that I'll carry on my backpack(that's a black hole) are: firs aid kit, blankets(the aluminium ones), combat clothes cuz r more resistant, some oil(to be like Carol), a lighter, some plastic bags(r usefull), another pair of boots or mountain shoes, a little kit of tools(besides the tipical swedish army multi tool), an sleep bag, a good knife, a large rope, a gas mask. About food & water, some canned food, bottles of water(and my camelbak). My watch that have a compass. A fire gun if I can get one, if don't my replica will works.
    MMM... 2 people... That's hard decision, but, besides my family, I think that will be my Bro Kevin and a girl friend, if u know what I mean 7u7.
    I think that a good place to stay is a big house, that ones of first class, cuz those kind of house r so strong and comfortables.
    -Оскар Гонсалес

  35. Hello Professor:
    Well, if I had to live a mega giant earthquake and survive after the tragedy the equipment should use to survive that it is the most important thing is an emergency kit, a tent (so to be able to sleep more protected anywhere), blankets, a Water Purifier (thus achieving take from anywhere), flashlight, any food that you energy and strength and finally batteries. If I had to choose two people to survive all this would be my sister and my boyfriend. Goodbye teacher.

    Daniela Oñate

  36. hi teacher
    After live the immense earthquake die many people crushed for the demolish, survive my sister, my boyfriend and I because ours family die to be the three together walking in slope until arrive to middle where find a supermarket open, if well not be nobody carefully go into a search the foodstuff and basic necessity. Have one backpack where put three bottle of water, fruit, cookie and other thing for feed and in another backpack put two flashlight, battery, radio, one carp and first-aid kit to have every the that we need for follow survive go in search of a refuge climb a the hill and us remain there in one carp.
    From: Antonia Muñoz

  37. Hello Professor:
    Well, if I had to live a mega giant earthquake and survive after the tragedy the equipment should use to survive that it is the most important thing is an emergency kit, a tent (so to be able to sleep more protected anywhere), blankets, a Water Purifier (thus achieving take from anywhere), flashlight, any food that you energy and strength and finally batteries. If I had to choose two people to survive all this would be my sister and my boyfriend. Goodbye teacher.

    Daniela Oñate

  38. Hello teacher
    Well, the way that I try to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, probably nomadic, as we have to move from one to another safer place.

    People who probably part in my group are maybe my parents, or some of my friends.

    Survival items we carry are 20 rechargeable batteries, 7 flashlights, an old car to move from one place to another, radio, tents, canned food, hunting articles and weapons.
    For electricity, we would use wind and solar energy. For cooking, we would use solar energy and fossil fuels.

    The places where would seek refuge could be:
    -Patagonia, where we could extract fossil fuels. Besides, I do not think the radioactivity reaches these sectors.
    -Some Island in southern Chile, where we could use the glaciers for water, and we could eat seafood.

    Iván Salinas Infante
    3th grade

  39. Hi teacher!

    Well my country is a country of earthquakes, so I'm used to these.
    if I were one of the survivors of a disastrous earthquake in the world, I would stay with my 2 parents, and objects that would take me would be: an ax, a lighter or matches and a tent.
    The food would obtain supermarkets or stores that sell food, but are closed, would break the doors with the ax to enter.
    Water would obtain the same place where the food, in supermarkets, where there is usually bottled water, or no water at that time, I think I would look for a river or lake, and then boil the water.
    Finally, we would stay in the tent, in a place that looks after the earthquake insurance, such as city squares, etc ...

    Joan Dubo

    Junior level

  40. hello teacher, firstly, the two people who accompany me in this catastrophe, right now, I would choose my girlfriend and my dog, I do not know if I can include it, but if not, choose one of my friends. implements that use could be canned food, or frozen water bottles, or if it rains, could implement the system that we saw in class, the HDWR or can not remember his name right, but it would do much to collect the rainwater and make clean water, as it consists of the water falling from the rain gutters and passing through conduits to a water tank to be filtered and to drink from it, are nothing but bring flashlights or matches.
    Speaking of a place to shelter the main place I would choose is a hospital, because if sick or hurt us we could use the tools offered by a hospital to heal. also could take refuge near a lake or river to use water and filter for drinking.

    Nicolás Rivera
    Junior Level
