Wednesday, June 1, 2016

5 Things to do Before you are 20 [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 After a very tough month, it's time to chill out and write about a different topic. In this case, I'd like you to comment about 5 things to do before you are 20. Refer if you have done this activities  or you plan to. Include expressions as I wish and the vocabulary seen in class. Leave your comment below in at least 70 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: June 8th, Wednesday


  1. 1: I want to go out of 4 average 2 - also I would like to cross Chile 3 - I meet living independently of my parents through 4-To study what I want as something that I have to see with biology or something similar and be happy 5 - Also to want to be in a relation since I would like to share many things with someone to my side.

  2. Hi Teacher:
    Something of all the thing that I wish to do are:
    1) Read a lot of books, see a lot of series and see a lot of movies beacouse I love wastes my time on it in vacations.
    2)I wish end the school and be in the university or something for not wastes this time for estudy and end quickly the university or something.
    3) I wish be a good person and don't change too much in my way of be.
    4) I wish have to be a good relation with my old classmates.
    5) And I wish have a good life like now ;)
    Sofia Diaz

  3. Hi teach
    Some of the things I'd like (and wish) to do before the twenties are:
    1) buy all Tokyo ghoul issues, because uhmm... well, it my favorite manga and I'd like to have it on my shelf solely for self satisfaction :)
    2) another thing I wish to do is getting high scores on my test :(
    3) I wish to go to Hogwarts. But this is just a wishful thinking, there is no way I could go now that I'm fifteen
    4) I wish to go to Denmark, Japan and Russia:) because in my opinion those countries have a very beautiful culture, language and tourist spots :0
    5) and at last I'd like to die :)))))

  4. Hi teacher!
    The five things that I want to do before 20 are:
    1.- I want to learn Swedish, because when I have like twentyfive or something like that I want to go to Sweden.
    2.- I want to finish the high school with good grades, because is going to help me a lot with the PSU.
    3.- I want to learn how to play classic music in the piano, beacuse I like the sound of that music and is a beautiful and I really want to do that.
    4.- I want to learn how to play de drums, because I think that is cool but i have to coordinate my hands with my feet and that's hard to do.
    5.- I want to have a healthy life, do more exercise, still playing basketball, because that is the sport that i love.
    Camila Villarroel González

  5. Hi teacher!
    Something of things that I wish to do:
    1) I would like travel to Italy, because I think that is a citty so pretty, so interesting and full of historic places. It’s my favorite country, I would like to live there.
    2) I would like passing all tests (pml) on all English e.e.
    3) And would like music better in areas such as learning new techniques for guitar and be a drummer (my frustrated dream).
    4) I would like go to a concert of “Metallica” with my best friend, we both like that band and would be great to live that experience with him.
    5) And I would like buy a “Les Paul” ( electric guitar) Because, It is one of the best guitars in rock n roll. I'm raising money for that…
    Valentina Casanueva Vega.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi teacher
    my five things I want to do before 20 are;
    1) I wish to travel to other country how italy, spain or argentina
    2) I wish to buy a car when I have 18 and hace the licence
    3) I wish to Going to one concert of electronic how tomorrowland or other how this
    4) I wish to travel for all of the country between arica to ((puerto montt) i dont now how say this)
    and I wish to buy the most new console of the market because I liked play whit consoles and new videogames
    by william gutierrez

  8. Hi Teacher:
    Something of all the thing that I wish to do are:
    1 I want to buy a combi and remove license in order to live there and travel on it.
    2. I would like to learn about the different philosophies that exist.
    3. I want to go out with good grades from high school so study what I want at the University.
    4. I would like to have more strengthened the friendships that I have now.
    5. I would like to help people to make the world go slowly improving.

    Kaitlin Díaz Garrido.

  9. Hi teacher

    My five things I want to do before twenties are:

    1)I wish to obtain the driver's license class B and C
    2)I wish to finish the game that I have been doing since last year
    3)I wish to be able to speak in english
    4)I wish to learn to speak russian
    5)I wish travel to Russia, to be able to practise my handling of the language

    By: Esteban Larenas

  10. Hi teacher!

    Well,my 5 ideas for when I have 20 are:
    1-.I wish have a store with clothing... my clothing.
    2-.I want to study in the University Company management's career.
    3-.I want to be always happy, because is a characteristic that only some people have it.
    4-.I would like to paint my car with different colours, like a graffiti, because its a expression form
    5-.I wish to do a project for keep clean the place. For example, to install gel alcohol In the bus.
    Matías Cárdenas

  11. Hi teacher!
    The 5 things that I want to do before 20 are:
    1. I wish to practice differents aporta like basketball, soccer or boxing.
    2. I wish to buy a motorbike, because is more inexpensive than a car, and I really love the speed.
    3. I wish to learn English, because a listen to music in this languaje and sometimes I don't understand the lyrics.
    4. I wish todo travel with my family for others countries and learn of this cultures.
    5. I wish to have a healthly life, a good physical condition and eat healthly food for help me to be fitness.
    By: Diego González Carrasco

  12. Hi teacher, well first of all I tell you my five thigns that I wish to do before 20 are>
    1- I wish to have a healthy life and a muscular body
    2- I wish to know improvise playing guitar, because I practice for that.
    3- I wish to spray-painting in a wall, because of the winter’s vacations from now on I practice de spray-paiting.
    4- I wish finish the high school, because if I don’t finish the high school, my dad will punch me in the face XD.
    5- I wish to buy a Gibson Les Paul guitar, because that is a more expensive guitar and I want it.
    By: Matías Cabrera Lobos.

  13. Hi Teacher!
    I know that I'm in the most beautiful age of life and for this reason all I want is to be happy.
    nevertheless before age 20:
    1. I wish to learn to sing because I do lousy
    2. also I wish to travel to Disney World (as soon as possible)
    3. besides I wish dreamed of paragliding from the "Morro de Arica".
    4. I wish to make a long trip with friends to the beach, wake up next to the sea breeze, have breakfast in the terrace, sunbathe all day and at night go dancing.
    5. and finally, I would love to travel the world, at any age and at anywhere to meet new cultures.
    By: Macarena Medina

  14. Hi teacher,
    1) I would to finish the school whit honors, because is important for me future
    2) I would like to work in what I like and be with my friends
    3) I would like travel to Turkey, because is my favorite country
    4) I would like to meeting different types of music and learn more folklore of my city
    5) I would like to be independent of my parent
    ~Fabrizzio Sotelo

  15. Hello teacher !
    Something of things I want to do before 20 are:
    1-I will play gears of war 4 , because is my favorite video game!
    2-I wish learn Japanese , I love the culture of the country (And Yes! I love the anime ºwº)
    3-I wish go to a concert of Porta by second time
    4-I really wish a sincere and funny relationship
    5-I wish travel for many countries , and be someone in the life and a good person (the money no is important compared with this)
    By: Constanza Cornejo

  16. Hi teacher!
    The 5 things that i want to do before I am 20 are:
    1)I wish to speak English like American people to do my next wish.
    2)I wish to work in USA in what I want for my life
    3)I wish to see Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber in a live and private concert and then have a meet and greet with them at the same time, because I want that they falling in love again.
    4)I wish to have a black car because I always thinking that they are cool
    5)And finally I want to be happy with my family and friends forever.
    Natalia Garrido

  17. Hi teacher
    Some things I would do to me are:
    1) I wish to like to go to study what I like is medicine that is hard to get in but I want to try and give all my effort
    2) I wish to like to live alone not wanting to be away from my parents if that towards only be me and nobody concentration more to what I have to do
    3) I wish to like to be more honest and saved me so much that I would like haver done or said that today still chasing me
    4) I wish to like to be more tolerant of others I am sometimes very discriminator without knowing that person
    5 ) I wish to like to follow communicated with my friends because they are the ones who supported me in very difficult and painful moments would not see them again

  18. Hello teacher. My 5 things that I liked to do before the 20, are: 1) To continue playing sports, since I like it very much like: the football, swimming, and athletics. 2) I would like to finish 4 I happen with good notes, then to enter to the naval school. 3) Also, something that I would like to learn to draw well, and to sing better than I sing now. 4) In addition to do a nice trip with my family, for concer mas nice places of chili or of the world. 5) And mas important to live through the life, of good and healthy, and very happy form. For: Sebastian Soto

  19. Hello teacher!five ideas I want to do before 20 are:
    1. I wish to have a good body, because I go to the gym everyday
    2. I wish to be happy with my friends and family
    3. I wish to travel to USA o Australia, and buy very things.
    4. I wish to buy a monster truck, but I think that is impossible.
    5. I wish to travel to Tomorrowland with my partner Diego, is like our dream.
    Felipe Tamblay

  20. Hi teacher!
    Before reaching the 20 years I like:
    1) I wish learn to play more musical instument.
    2) I wish travel.
    3) I wish to study at a university.
    4) I wish learn to skate better.
    5) I wish making field trips.

  21. Hi teacher
    This is what i would like to do before twenty
    1- I wish to travel to the US country with my family or with my friends and know the country
    2- I wish to finish school with good grades
    3- I Wish begin college with a career that I like
    4- I wish a blue car and walk with my mom on the beach
    5- I wish to have a beach house to go in the summer or the weekend
    Goodbye and take care

  22. Hi teacher!
    Before my 20 years old, I wish:
    1) I wish travel to any country of the other continent with friends,to learn about other cultures , to entertain and to know other places.
    2) I wish to have driving licence , and a car, because is more easy travel to the other citys of the Chile.
    3) I wish have approved all the final exams of the school.
    4) I wish to know that is what I want for my life(studies, work, hobby´s, etc), because I dont have a clear ideas.
    5) I wish continue to practice different types of sport , for have a very healthy and active life.
    Benjamin Rivera.

  23. Hi Teacher!
    The five things I wish to do before my 20 years will be:
    1-Learn to talk French,because I want to live in France.
    2-I wish to be a soldier of the french foreign legion.
    3-I wish to learn driving,because I think it is very important to know how to drive.
    4-I wish to have a lot of money.
    5-I wish to buy a house to my mother.
    These are the things I wish to do before I turn 20 years old.
    Mauricio Aguilar

  24. Hi teacher!
    5 Things I like to do before 20 are:
    1) I wish travel to France or Brazil because I find they are two very beautiful countries with beautiful scenery.
    2) I wish keep in touch with my classmates because they have become part of my life
    3) I wish be someone independent and live in the south
    4) I wish to throw me of parachute
    5) I wish learn to play piano, because I find that his tone is very beautiful.
    by: Ignacio Rodríguez

  25. Hi teacher! This are my 5 things that I wish:
    1)I wish finish the school with good grades, because this will help me in the future with the university
    2)I wish have a good PSU
    3) I wish enter in the Fach, because one of my dreams are be a pilot
    4)I wish have a car
    5)I wish go again to Rio de Janeiro
    Javier Cárdenas

  26. Hi teacher! five things I want to do before 20 are:
    1)I wish have clothing store and earn too much money and that my store be the most famous
    2)I wish have my home and live alone
    3)I wish go to partys all time and be the master of ceremonies
    4)I wish study the career that i like (now pedagogy)
    5)I wish practice freestyle soccer and freestyle rap
    Bastian Aravena

  27. Hi teacher its me savka you got me a little bit on this one, as I had to analyze my teenage life in order to provide a well-structured answer.

    1) First of all i wish to go to the university/college for studying anything that i feel happy with(still not pretty sure what)for improving my skills at it and reaching my achievements.

    2) i wish to learn anything new (im actually learning german and playing the piano) is always good to spend time on such a productive and fun activity, any knowledge  is worth-learning.

    3)make good and close friends(there's only a few people that i consider friends, i wish to have more) its always nice to have someone to count with when youre feeling blue, that supports you in difficult situations and has lived many funny/awkward experiences by your side over the years.

    4)Spend more time with the family: I already do, but i wish to spend as much time as I can with them, as I would be a lot more busy on my own stuff after 20 (work, studying, my independence etc.)

    5)I wish to meet people from different countries and cultures(I already do but its just never enough even after 20) I love talking to foreigners and ask them about their thoughts and have a sucessful cultural-exchange that makes me know more about the variety of people in our World.

  28. Hi teacher!
    Before reaching the 20 years I like:
    1) To travel for several countries.
    2) to be going to see a party of the real madrid.
    3) Englishman learns to the perfection.
    4) To practise extreme sports.
    5) To overcome my fears.
    All that and many mas I want to do before expiring 20 years
    Gerald Lobos M

  29. Hi Teacher!
    Five things I want to do before 20 are:
    1) I wish learn to drive for can have a black car and motorcycle
    2) I wish to travel to France, because since child I like this country and also the accent
    3) I wish dance more, because I love so much and is a great exercise
    4) I wish to go to concert from my favorite artist
    5) I wish to learn how to play the guitar and piano, because I like the sounds from the instruments
    By: Belén Rojas

  30. Hi teacher!
    The five things that I want to do before 20 are:
    1) I wish to go to the University for studying what I like.
    2) I wish to travel all around the world, and especially Australia because I think that is a beautiful country and I love the accent.
    3) I wish to have a puppy as soon as possible because i really love them.
    4) I wish to go to a lot of concerts, but my priorities are: 5 seconds of summer, sleeping with sirens, troye sivan. melanie martinez and pierce the veil. I'm just waiting that they'll come to Chile someday.
    5) And finally I wish to be happy forever with my family and my friends.
    Elena Domínguez.

  31. Hi teacher:
    The five things that I wish to do before my 20 years will be:
    1) I wish to travel to USA, because is like a dream that I have since I'm a girl.

    2) I wish to keep my friends that I have today, because I think that is very important, they are a very important part of me, because they help me, advise me, and I feel good with them.

    3) I wish to learn to play a lot of musical instruments, to be a musician, because the music for me is the most important.

    4) I wish to study at the university, and will be a successful women for my famly and for me.

    5) Finally I wish to be a professional dancer and learn a lot of types of dances, because the dance is the second favorite hobbie for me, and I will never end this hobbie.

    Sophomore Lvl
    María José Ibacache.

  32. Hi teacher:
    The five things that I wish to do before my 20 years will be:
    1) I wish to travel to USA, because is like a dream that I have since I'm a girl.

    2) I wish to keep my friends that I have today, because I think that is very important, they are a very important part of me, because they help me, advise me, and I feel good with them.

    3) I wish to learn to play a lot of musical instruments, to be a musician, because the music for me is the most important.

    4) I wish to study at the university, and will be a successful women for my famly and for me.

    5) Finally I wish to be a professional dancer and learn a lot of types of dances, because the dance is the second favorite hobbie for me, and I will never end this hobbie.

    Sophomore Lvl
    María José Ibacache.

  33. hi teacher its me jessica, well this is a complicated, but the wishes tha i have are:
    1) i want to know the most of countries in the world
    2) i want to study in the university, but i want to study some thing thats makes me happy all my life, i don't want to get old and be a embittered
    3) i want to learn to play some instruments
    4) adopt dogs of the street and find a home for them
    5) and the last one is that i got a list of books and i want to read the most of them before 20

  34. Hi teacher :D
    five things I want to do before my 20 years are:
    1- i wish go to the final of the champions league, one of the things that I like is football and I love to attend the most competitive tournament of this sport

    2- I wish to dive on a reef in a tropical environment, South Africa possibly because it stands in tourism for diving.

    3- I wish to travel in zero gravity, because I like to know that he feels "fly" or "float" in the air, it's something I've always wanted to do.

    4- I wish to throw me parachuting from an airplane, I love the adrenaline.

    5- i wish to climb Everest, is complicated requires a lot of preparation but it's something I would love to do because if he did not realize I like the adrenaline and risk

    Joaquín Ortiz

  35. hi teacher!
    The wishes i have for before 20 years are:

    •I want to study in university, which is to my liking

    •I want to have good score in the PSU, and for this to enter a pre-university, year after leaving school ..

    •I want to do things right, hang out with my friends, go out and enjoy my teens

    •I wish to do new projects, such simple things but then I will not have time to make them

    •I wish i could enter the race you want, with a stable economic good and which can form my family in the future and demonstrate my parents my progress..

    Montserrat López
