Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Vocation over Trivial Interests [Junior]

Dear Students:

 When a doctor gives you poor attention, when a bus driver treats you in a rude way or when a police officer prefers chasing innocent people rather than dangerous criminals, it is noticeable that they don't  really like the job they are doing. People who follow their vocation are more prone tu succeed, they won't feel that working is a never-ending nightmare or that only money matters. However, it is quite hard to find your vocation due the pressure that society, friends and relatives put into us to study something because of the salary we may earn, but not happiness. Moreover, they impose adolescents to start university as soon as they graduate from highschool, otherwise it would be time 'wasted'.

 With that being said, think about the following questions: How important is vocation for you? What does it take to find your vocation? Do you feel is it essesntial to start university as soon as you graduate from highschool? Why? Is it difficult for you to really know what you want to study?

Please leave a comment below in at least 130-170 words.

Useful Expressions: Hire, employer, employee, experience, apply, thus, therefore, hence.

Deadline: May 31st, Friday

Kind Regards

Guillermo Salvo
Juan Guevara


  1. Greetings.

    Vocation is quite important. If a person earns fifty thousand millions dollars daily, but does not like what he does, he will not be happy. Vocation is the difference between a bad worker and a good worker.
    The difficulty of find the vocation it depends. If a person does not explores hobbies, and new activities, he will not find his real vocation. For example, when I was a child, I wanted to be math teacher. However, I started to read books of philosophy, and now, I want to be philosophy teacher. If we discover the world, we will find our vocation.
    No. It is not essential to start university immediately, but if we take a year for rest, we have to take advantage of that time, working or studying.
    Yes, it is difficult to me to really know what to study. I have to choose very well. Moreover, for that reason, I prefer to wait all the time I need until be sure to know what to study.

  2. Hi teacher
    in my opinion the vocation is something totally important in my future totally depends on our skills or tastes for the trade, but it also depends on the economic status offered by that profecion to be able to keep us in good economic situation, what I need to find my vocation was to investigate the trades that more called my attention, to investigate each one of them and to guide me with which was the one that I liked more as much as in the economic sense.
    I do not think it is necessary to start university immediately after leaving school in my opinion you know when you are really prepared for this important stage, you can work after leaving school or simply do nothing or go immediately to college. each
    In my point of view it was not complicated what I want to study I am totally determined and motivated to find out about that job and it is the one that is to my liking and taste
    Goodbye teacher.

  3. Hi teacher, how is it going?
    Mi vocation is actually very important for me, and I think for every young student. This is because your vocation is your goal, and as mostly people, I try to reach my goals. If I get this goal, I’ll spend all my working life doing my vocation. It will be just so terrible to do something that I don’t like for the rest of my life, and then if I have kids tell them that I were unhappy during all my life. I think vocation isn’t a call, it’s a long process of taking the right choices in your school life, and it’s also about opportunities, that takes you to see what you are good at and in what you might be happy working on. But as I’ve said, opportunities aren’t always there. I don’t feel that it’s essential to start university as soon as you left school, because if your PSU points aren’t enough, you shouldn’t study something that you don't want to, and I also think that we’re too young to make such election when we leave school. Last but not least, I know that I’ll make the best decision, but of course that it will be hard and heart breaking.

    Have a nice week.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi teacher, I´m Bayron Díaz, by my opinion answering a question, the important that have the vacation for my general level, is a dream of life, I considerated like a process that it desenvolted during your hole life, thefore it´s building permantly, where you have to discover yourself and the answer to that question define your future and the way you would choose for the rest of your life. Yes, it´s esenssecial ge tinto a university soon as you can, hence we can get a good retirement so in that way we can realy look what we want, the best example that I have is may uncle, he though me and he show me that the school is not the only way to find what you wont, therefore you can find hobbies out of it so you would probably find what you realy want. Not, because since i was a lettle boy always get may what I wanna be in the future.

    Goodbye teacher.

  6. Hi Teacher
    To begin with, the vocation is encourage interest that a person feels inside to devote to a certain way of life or a certain work from my point of view for me if it is important because one has to study and work what one likes because if not, you will be a bitter person.
    The need of the person to find the vocation is to be attended by relatives or nearby people, and for example in the school when they open doors and come different universities to present and encourage study different careers ...
    I think that if one is used to studying almost every day and it would only be to continue with the routine but in the case that wants to continue in main schools would be as an obligation to continue on the subject of age
    At first for me if it was, and a lot but talking to my dad and the war band, clarify my decision that I wanted to continue with the parent schools (for now)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi teacher, i hope you are having a good day.
    The vocation for me is something so important, because you have to think that you have to study or work, maybe will be for the rest of your life, so you have to try to work or study something than you really want. I think than want is important to found the vocation is look what are your likes, what type of things do you prefer to do, for example, if you like cooking, if you like play some instument or you like math, things like that. I don't think than is necessary end the highschool and immediately go to the university, because sometimes the people don't what they want, and that is fine, and is really good if they want take a breake to breathe or to thing a little bit the things or what do you want for your life, so i think than is bad went the parents say's than you have to go to de university immediately when you end the highschool. For me, don't was very diffcult, because I always love the music and one day I just take both of my likes, the music and use the pc, adn i found the Musical Production, so in that moment I said: thats what i want. So, for me, realize what i want to do with my life isn't hard, the hard is realize than maybe i have to study smothing different because here in Chile, be an artist is so hard.
    So teacher, i hope you like mi comment.
    Felipe Espinoza

  9. Hello teacher.
    In my opinion, the vocation is very important,because the vocation is something do you like to make, it makes you happy and you earn money thanks to it. The vocation is a stage of life that should be happy because, you studied 12 years to get here. You need to graduate from school, with sacrifice and effort. And have good points in the psu test. Mmm... Not necessarily, because you have 18 years when you finish the school, and you have time to get in the university.
    No, because i know what is my favorite vocation and why i prefer this and not other.

    Thanks you teacher
    Attentively, Moises Leiva
    Good bye :)


  10. Vocation is something that you will have to live with and repeat throughout your life after school, that is why it is very important since I will live for years with that vocation, that is why I must choose something that suits me and I like it. , something that has not bored me for a long time.

    Something very necessary is to see something that you like and with pacion, find the pacion of a job or try.
    In my opinion, it is something that depends on each person, if you need time to think what you want or to rest or if different plans are necessary, but if you want to enter directly it is not a problem, for my taste it is better to enter immediately as you have new knowledge of the school.

    It is not very difficult, since I have always been told to do what I like, to look for what I like is something important, I will not study psychology if I do not like it.

  11. Hi teacher! In my opinion, vocation is very important for work, the best thing about working is to work on something that you are passionate about and like, as the years go by you can find out what you are good at and what you like, for example in music or in sports or in other areas such as mathematics and among others. I believe that if you are ready to take the university, do it as soon as possible, but if you still do not know, take your time and think things through, you can make an incorrect decision and you have to avoid that. For me it has been very difficult, but I think I know which way I go, in conclusion, it is super important that you study and work what you like and calmly choose what you want to do, since you will do it your whole life.
    Goodbye teacher!

  12. Hello Teacher I am Vicente Moyano.

    I think that the vocation is what defines the preference or priority of the person, I mean for example a person who has a vocation to teach is not going to have the same as being a guard, then as a conclusion the vocation defines us if we are people who will fulfill a good role in the society, but especially if we will happy in this.
    Going to the university just after high school depends of the person,but I think that we should dedicate to observe the world we are in, especially because you have to go out into the world for a time to discover what you want to do for the rest of the their lives.
    And for me to discover my vocation was very easy because for a long time I have always liked astronomy and what has always fascinated me and what I want to develop.

    Thanks you teacher.
    Good Bye

  13. hello teacher, I hope you are good and relaxed.

    well, to begin my answer i think what a vocation are very different to your career or work, because the vocation is what we do that we really like, and the career, is only what do you study, and that does dont mean you like it.
    but,the people cant understand the vocation, the people only want a money and, they dont keep atention for the people what they attend,
    and that's a real sh*t.
    its not important go to university as soon the school, as long as, you know what you want to be your vocation.
    i think what you need feel the love for your vocation and afeter that you will know what is for you.

    I hope I have answered what I needed, I wish you a good week.
    thanks for your attention

    Eric Núñez

  14. hello teacher
    in my opinion, according to the the third question is very important because in Chile the university have so much years of study independent your career and the minimum of years is the 3 years become to take your paper or cardboard say "you finish the career and can start you working´s life....... congratulations...etc" and when you like take the specialization you need take more year of study. in the hypothetical situacion enter with 17 years old, you start with 17 years and finish with 23 years old at least.
    the others question.... is very important know the vocation you like, bacause as say bafore " People who follow their vocation are more prone tu succeed ", but is difficult find because this will decide your future and the life.... but how say around there " is difficult but not impossible "
    god bye teacher, thomas silva

  15. Hi teacher
    I think that the vocation is very important because it is what is needed to form an elaborative life and build a civilized country but it is not choosing this because it is great or it gains a lot because what matters is that it is something that you like and want do it since if it is something that you are not interested in, you would not have to do it and mainly to find a vocation that you like is to do something that catches your attention and if it is important, start university and high school because you can not get there without knowing what that you can learn about the vocation you want to be and know more about what you knew, and it was not difficult to find a vocation because if I do something that catches my attention or I like it, I would not mind doing it because I really like it
    bye teacher

  16. Hello teacher.
    I believe that having a vocation is something very important but not necessarily since one ends secondary education since one must have a time to decide things and more important thing like this, I think what it takes to find the vocation of one is to know that you like that you are interested, one does things with greater effort when it is something that really likes something that interests you, apart from the fact that the interest for a certain subject can make you want to know more and more about the subject with the so that you can do better and better what you can want, at least for me to know that I want to study is not so difficult since I have my ideas that are few but are really the things that I like and are the things that really I want to dedicate myself, it is a subject in which I myself have participated for more than a little and I really like it.
    Thanks you teacher.

    Daniel Mercado.

  17. hello teacher, for me the vocation is a fundamental part for each student, since it is knowing your future and also is a fundamental part of your life, you need to know what attracts you, without knowing this you will not have clear what you have for your future, I think it depends on each person since everyone knows what is prepared for that year or needs a year to prepare, since it also depends on the interest of the person and the clarity of what they want to study, as I said the preparation is essential to know if you enter that same year or give yourself a break, for me it is not difficult since I have an interest in something to study and in these years I have been developing in it.
    greetings benjamin mercado

  18. I teacher, how is all?
    In my opinion the vocation is so important because is your future and is the 50% of your life and you need to know all of your next vocation.
    For to found you vocation is look what does you like and what do you like to make all of your live.
    No, finish the University to fast is not important, after the start in university the person need to ask “What’s I go to study?” and for the answer for this question you star in University
    For me is to hard to found my vocation for is not easy to know what is the best signature for me for example: I like technologic but have like 10 vocation in this area and I don’t know what sir I like more
    That’s all for today Bye Teacher Good afternoon, Mourning or Night
    Carlos P. Gonzalez C.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hey Teacher!

    In my case, I believe that having a vocation is something really important. Mainly because my thinking is "if I want to work, I want to work on something that i really like and make me happy". I think that if I'm going to retire at 75, I do not want to spend my entire life doing something just for money, something I dislike.

    But, is it easy to know what to study?
    A student in recent years tends to have great pressure, having little time to choose which to study, and what to do with our future, then one chooses something that will generate money, or something easy to not "waste time."
    I think that if i do not know what to study, i should take at least a year to really decide what i like and what I want to live. Thank you.

  21. Hello Teacher i hope this having a good day.
    For me the vocation is something very important in the life of each person, since it influences in all the senses. Vocation depends on what you will develop in life and also that you will give to the world what you are working with energy and happines. Your whole life revolves around your vocation and you must also specialize in it to achieve happiness and contribute to others, the important thing is to dedicate yourself to what one likes.
    It’s an important decision because it’s hard to repent for university or years to get that job.

    For me the vocation is chosen depending on what you want to contribute, for example I want to be a policeman so that I can defend the population from bad people.

    Thanks you for reading teacher.
    Diego Rejano León

  22. I think the vocation is very important because like everybody say if you do something that you like you never will be working a day in your life and I totally agree with that. I think is necessary try starting as soon as possible but if you don’t know what you like and what do you want to do with your life obviously you need think more about it for take the correct decision because finally it is what you will do throughout your life.
    For me it’s so difficult because I like too many things, too many, and all are very different from each other.
    For example although I like the economy excessively, I also like marine biology and political science, so it’s so difficult for me especially because I’m deciding what I'm going to do with my future.
    Also I think it's hard because I cant to think, well maybe I like this and this but I'm better at doing this especially because I am good at everything that I propose to be(because I like it and I'm motivated to do it). But as a conclusion I think that my more big problem is I like many things and I am able to work in all (I feel that I have many vocations the truth) and if it were for me I would be an economist biologist lawyer but I would spend half of my life studying and it would be quite complex and almost impossible to work in all, also quantity is not quality.

    and remember "the vocation is the backbone of life" (Nietzsche)

  23. Hi teacher Reply to your first question: I think that the vocation that one chooses is important for one's happiness, this goes beyond the money that one would earn with x career, since, if you do not like your vocation, but it gives you a lot of money, this would lead to dissatisfaction with yourself and lead to a depression (in more extreme cases) that translates into low job performance Now, to find the ideal vocation for one, it would be to see what you like, your skills and that is related to your hobbies and although you earn little money, it does not matter, it matters that one is healthy mentally speaking I think it depends, there are people who do not know what to do at the time of leaving school, but there are others who are determined by their university career and who want to finish it as quickly as possible to be independent and earn their own money The truth is that no, I have always had an affinity for language, literature and the artistic. I have always liked to research and read, so finding my favorite university careers was not difficult (journalism and literature)

  24. hi teacher!
    Well, in my opinion, I think that in the choice of what we want to study, it is very important to know what our vocation is, because it benefits us to enjoy our future work. To find our vocation, I think it is necessary to know yourself, about our interests and abilities, and obviously the support of a counselor to guide us in our choice. about the third question, I think it's good because we can take advantage of the time, but I also think that if we still do not know, it's better to wait, so take a good decision. and about the last question, it did not cost me, since I have my future decided, so I could talk about it without problems.
    Thakns teacher
    Sofia Gonzalez V

  25. Hello teacher
    I sincerilly with this, I don't care about my profetion cause the only what I want is Money, respect if a liked o not is only for me,whit respect about to found my vocation I have much time to think and I really liked the administration and the art cause that I don't see the necesity of found my vocation, I don't see the necesity of start inmediality whit go to the University cause you really need to know what you whanted, finally I don't care much about my future cause I only see one point of what a want in my future , a good job
    That is all
    Thanks and see ya teacher

  26. Hi teachers!

    I think vocation is very important not only for working. Vocation actually must be in every aspect of our lives. Act with a purpose.

    To find a vocation, It is needed to not place money on the first priority (even when it is). Because this way, you will do what you like in the best way possible and the money will come without looking for it.
    For me, it is not difficult to find what I want to do or study in the future. Because I know I love sciences, and I have worked oon my vocation the lasts 3 years. So, for me is not necessary to wait before college. But I think If I wouldn't know what I wanna do with my life, I'd wait and find my vocation and purpose. It is not really essential to start university or any other superior school immediately after high school.

    Kind Regards,

  27. Hi Teachers!
    I think that vocation it is a big deal and really big word, because it is seeing you in 10-20 years doing what you like for the rest of life, and if you probably make not the best choice would probably cost your happiness.
    For me it would cost anything, it is looking what you really like and what you are good at, and if you have luck you could do it for the rest of your life, I thing that doing things out of school is really good opportunity to spread your vision of hobbies and stuff. For me it is a really big deal, because if you get soon as possible probably could do more than just a one career an not get old, but if I am not sure I am not going to get in immediately, I do not wanna regret a d waist time doing things that I am do not sure about it. Some times it get difficult because you think the about the phrase and it is doing what you really like for the rest of your like, and like every teenager it get difficult some times.

    Kind Regards.

  28. First of all, hello professor, excuse what happened
    Good for me is very important because it is and will be very frustrating to do something that I do not like since I do not feel the true call to do such work.
     For example, the firefighters do not charge a single peso for the work they do. It is a vocation to work only helping people who have lost everything and just receiving the thanks that is enough for them. I think it is the best example that someone can talk about. about the true vocavion
    according to me one finds it through time and is realizing what he really likes and that's where the magic comes from because one starts to investigate what he likes and hopefully earn a living with what he likes , there are also other cases that it is mine to enter the ARMADA DE CHILE that I liked very small and what I have tried to do is ask my dad, family and counselor of my school to be informed in all areas with what I like
    I think that because you have to keep your mind thinking that you can forget things like everyone else and it is better for the person to enter the university as soon as possible or something that you like and essentially something that like it, also another positive factor is that of every teenager who is earning their own money and that would make it easier to cover their expenses and maybe be able to buy a house and be able to live alone and not depend on anyone else ...
    No, as I said before, I want to be a sailor and it's something that I've wanted since a very young age and it only started as a game with my brother and later on I grew up and I knew that my father is a sailor and that left me "impacted" and that He helped me guide me about that topic.
    thank you very much for your attention and again sorry for what happened
    good bye
    benjamin solis
