Tuesday, May 21, 2019

School Problems [Freshmen]

Dear Students:

 Hope this message finds you well. I'm writing this entry so that we can discuss about the problems you have to face as you attend school. Firstly, it's important to claim that the school process may be something unforgettable, however, situations such as bullying, stress or an excess of homework may lead to severe issues that will impede you from learning effectively.

 Regarding the former situations,

What are the main problems you have to face daily? Why can't you get better results? What suggestions would you give to someone who is doing bad at school? Why?

Please leave a comment below in at least 75-100 words.

Useful expressions: Debunk, overcome, impede, relaxing, time-consuming, under pressure.

Deadline: May 31st, Friday

Kind regards,

Juan Guevara


  1. Hello teacher

    About the questions I will number them

    1_. One of my problems that I have is waking up early and i'm under pressure from part of my parents and the other problem is the homework, but i feels relaxing in the vacations. (43)

    2_. Because i do not think you can deal with stress and i don't have time to do all the things and i'm so tired. (24)

    3_. I would tell him that he only has to work hard so that after he is relaxed and don't feel debunk and prevent other children from being bad with him or her. (32)

    4_. Because there are cases that have been suicides or have been isolated from people. (14)

    83 words

    Goodbye Teacher see you soon.
    From: Eduardo Montes.

  2. Hello today I am going to talk about the school and problems example bulling , stress and excess of homework.

    1 I have to get up too early to go to school , there are a few buses that take me to school so I have to wait for a long time to get one and the traveling time is too much and it’s not relaxing .

    2 The lack of time impedes me to study more , I have too much home work to do for different subjects and this is time-consuming and I feel under pressure most of the time

    3 For a student that is doing bad at school , i would suggest overcome bullying from other class mates , because at school its very common to debunk others

    NAME : Ariel Riquelme

  3. *Main problem in the school*
    -1-One of the problems that we have to overcome every day in the school is noise pollution,-2- that is one of the reasons why we can't get better results because is so decentralized, and it make the study become In a time-consuming activity, it put you under pressure, and impede you to be relaxed while you study.
    As an advice that I can give you, just don't pay attention to any other sound than the teacher voice.
    Ian Menay

  4. School problems

    The problems of the school occurs because of the of attention, bullying, the use cellphones, stress, etc

    1)the first problems de have to face is noise pollution
    2)because the sound from outside impede tuve the class and without the sound we can work under pressure
    3)to relaxing that nothing will happen and that your friend help
    4) because they have friend and friend help each other.

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  6. 1.-The main problems that I have to face are trying to live with different people, which sometimes impede having good living and also learning new things in the subjects.
    2.-Sometimes you can not get better results because it relaxig and time consuming of time in other things instead of studying or does not have a method of study
    3.- What I would say would be that you devote more time to the study because since later on you will be under pressure so that it does not harm you in the psu

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  8. 01- Well, the mains problems i hace to face daily are the excess of homework and test's, that impede me be relaxed, but im trying to organize my time.

    02-I guess it's for time i pass in my cellphone, it's really time-consuming, but i trying to be more responsible and organized.

    03-I know it's really hard for some people, and they feel under pression by a lot of people, but they need to believe in their self and "overcome your goals". Some people will try debunk you, just ignore them and focus on your studies and self, of course dont forgot your social life, if the problem persist talk with someone i can help you like a counselor or your family, because all the problems can be resolve.

  9. 1.My main problems are having to get up early and be under pressure with the notes.
    2.For the acomulaciones of work and tasks, this makes me consume a lot of time and prevents me from concentrating on the study and get better results.
    3.For a student who is wrong in school I would advise you to relax in order to overcome stress and if you suffer bullying I would advise you to talk with someone about this issue so you can undo it as quickly as possible, so that it does not go to major problems and can be managed.

  10. Dear teacher,
    Patricio Lynch is a very small school where students and teachers make a Good job, but as many schools they have problems and that is what I'm going to talk about.
    1. Being under pressure is one of the problems to face daily in school because we have a lot of homework and responsibilities for must to do. Impeding to have a little bit of relaxing.
    2. Because the subject is very difficult for me, also I don’t understand the teacher in the class when he explains.
    3. If a student doesn’t learn what the teacher explains, he must the question for understand. Because he will understand quickly with the teacher’s help, overcoming that expectation

    The good of problems is resolved and lead for what doesn’t return, maybe advise to a friend for what he goes not the same what you.

    Goodbye teacher.
    From: Rodrigo Araya

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  12. 1. The main problems that should be faced is to tell an older adult and tell him what is happening to see if they can help or in this case take other measures in the matter.
    2. you can not have greater results because bullying is a serious problem among adolescents and there is nothing to do and hope that they solve it themselves.
    3.the surgeries that I would give to teenagers would be that the bullying is bad and that they would not like to do the same and reflect what they do, because or if they will not like what they do and then they will do more bullying person.
    goodbye teacher.
    from:javiera castillo leon

  13. 1.-One of main problems i have to face daily is getting up too early. Me and my sister have the same problems every day, but i know we cam OVERCOME that. I feel UNDER PRESSURE because we have to get to school every day in a hurry.

    2.-I could have some better result at school if homework of some subjects were not so TIME-CONSUMING. In general, i never have a RELAXING afternoon at home to do all my homework.

    3-For some student who is doing bad at school i would suggest that nothing IMPEDES them to be better, they just have to trus in themselves.

  14. Hello teacher
     my name is sergio Lobos

    patricio lynch school is known as one of the best schools in the wide beach network, very good academically, is characterized by its high level of teachers and the training of its students which project a good image with a preparation to work under pressure .

    1. One of the problems, which I could mention is the dirt in the room, one of the problems that are values ​​and that discredit our culture, and another problem that bothers is the bulla, I believe that with a good campaign we can overcome the habit of the Clean.

    2. When I have a question, I do not take the initiative to ask the teacher, and I think it is one of the disadvantages, but if I try to find the answers and when something does not work I try to scrimp myself in achieving it, at times one relaxes, but that is seldom, today I have taken the impotance to my notes and try to strive every day.

    3. A suggestion that I would give to a person, is that if he finds the school fome and this does not motivate him, tell him to look for something that arouses his attention, to see what is good and to be able to motivate himself with an extraprogrammatic activity, Try not to be distracted in classes, take notes, have your study schedules, seek support from teachers or colleagues for when you have doubts, and that the more time you devote to your duties, the better the results will be.

  15. Good in this task I will focus on the importance of having good grades and be committed to studies and school.

    1) for me, it's an obligation to get to school early because my father's job "impedes" me to get later so that have to wait a long time until they open the door of my classroom besides, i have to "overcome" the cold every morning.

    2)its "time-consuming" todo homework all the time, i am always "under pressure". i would have to sleep less is order to gel better marks for each subject.

    3)for a bad student, i would recommend to have a "relanxing"attitude at school but never "debunk" your class mates. be positive and trust in your self.

    Well, at the end of this task it is important to emphasize that it is essential to have good self-esteem and be a good student in every way, not only with grades but also because of their behavior in school.

  16. Dear Teacher:

    It is important to impede that school become a place where students do not feel comfortable. In this way, learning will not be affected.

    1. The main problems are stress and bullying, which can affect learning.

    2.The vast majority of students cannot get good results, because they are under pressure.

    3.The best advice for someone who doing badly, is: to be in a relaxing environment, in addition to studying and not spending too much time on time-consuming social networks.

    4.Because, that way you can overcome academically, and debunk any accusation that made you feel under pressure.

    Goodbye Teacher.
    name:Konstanza Diaz

  17. Hello Teacher, good evening.
    *This is my opinion on the subject*
    1. The problems that I present in the school are, my lack of interest and I im roo relaxed in classes.

    2. Mainly because of the lack of concentration and relaxation in classes. nowadays it is easy to get distracted with the cell phone in class, this is time- consuming and prevents studying!

    3. One advice is to put more attention, study, that once overcome the laziness and sometimes it is good to work under pressure.

    4. Because it you do not involve you ask questions and study, maybe you go wrong and you will not have good results.

  18. Hi

    The bullying in Patricio Lynch School is not recurrent but is important DEBUNK that's situations. Sometimes there's a lot of homework which the teachers don't check and finally it´s a TIME-CONSUMING.

    At school, daily, we have to face many situations to OVERCOME like the little time to make hard presentations. Sometimes the teachers give us a teamworks or individual works to finish UNDER PRESSURE in just on class and it's harder get a good grade.

    To overcome that´s situations or get better results it's important come to an agreement whith the teachers for organize the times in a way that doesn´t IMPEDE giving the 100% of us.

    To someone who´s doing bad at school, make the homework and study at home after class is essential because reinforce the learning and the nexts days you will have many time to RELAXING.

    Goodbye Teacher, See you soon

  19. hello teacher
    Here are some answers to questions about "school problems"

    1-Trying to overcome a full school day that makes us time-consuming in the school in this situation makes us be under pressure to be able to have good results in tasks, jobs and tests

    2-a serious idea to impede the use of the cell phone in the classroom, have a suitable environment and relaxing. You need to change learning strategies to make it more entertaining, it is then debunk that it is not possible to learn, we can all do it

    3-use other methods for the study in order to have good results in classes because it is important to overcome the academic obstacles in order to have a good future

    goodbye teacher
    name:Catalina Fernandez

  20. Hello teacher

    In my opinion the low school performance of the student the moment of is under pressure in front a evaluation. Because the student are very relaxed in their study. Some tips are concentration in the class and at the moment of study; no to use time-consuming social network instead of study and question in the class. Because the students how fear that the impede them to make questions. They debunked when they make mistakes. In conclusion the students have to make questions for to learn.

    Valentina Zamorano Barrientos

  21. Hi

    -the main problem that i have in the school, is when the teacher explains very fast and then i dont understand almost anything, im going to debunk that the school is a bad place, but its not, and also my classroom partners make too much noice, and when teacher sends a lot of homework, to me is very complicated, but im not relaxing at the school, just it is a little hard
    -i think that i cant get better results because, my classroom is very noisy, thats really annoying to me, so im going to overcome that types of problems
    -im gona tell them, the school its a place to learn, also to meet people, but the first way is learn, and you should be a person more organized and impede that students disturb your classes, and not fall under pressure to be the best, because mow, you wont lose more hours in time-consuming activities.
    :) thanks, bye.

  22. Hi Teacher
    the main problems to face daily is to take the bus too early in the morning it his bus is full and very much noise, I am under pressure for getting and I'm much time consuming in get dressed

    In my opinion for the overcome the results in the school is to practice news forms of study, tips and relaxing in mi free time and study very concetrated

    Would help in your study and emotionally and suggustion is vist the DAE in Patricio Lynch School and problems debunk in the school so he/she overcome the problems in the school I'm impide he/she pass bored or bad moments in the school and he/she have everthings my support

  23. hello teacher for get started the patricio lynch school with good academic performance, with good students and good teachers, but like
    every school, they have problems of living togheter, or in other
    words bullyng

    -An example in my case is the noise among students, is my problem i have to face daily because its difficult to learn in the class

    -In many cases when i do not learn a subject and i dont give the effort of learning in these cases are bad time consuming for me in classes, but when have a test, i try not tobe under presure and not to be despaired. i usually deductions to find a solution, but way i
    will not overcome myself

    -Other point view also many students have problems of learn and many try learn even though is bored the subject but many students are effort and other not and many students debunk to student not win the goal of overcome and my suggerents for can get ahead the student with difficult, is impede are relaxing and have seriusness for work and search shapes of study and always ask the teacher when there is a questions because these shapes the student will can overcome the proposed goals and for the effort put will can the well deserved reward

    -Goodbye teacher, a big hug
    from: Benjamin Gonzalez

  24. Hellow Teacher

    Patricio Lynch school is recognized in the academic level of the academic institution, the level of students and teachers.

    1-.The main problem is that, , I will under pressure, and I have to get good grades for a future to have a good NEM and be able to choose better jobs

    2-.because who knows I do not put in enough effort and I spend a time consuming my cell phone so I lose a lot of time on my day that I could use for something else

    3-.on the subject notes that he will try harder, that he will ask the teacher but he understands he would put it in and study the double to be able to have better grades

    4-.because it is the fastest and most efficient way for a student to raise their academic level

    Goodbye teacher

    Cristobal Herrera

  25. Hi teacher.

    I attend to Patricio Lynch school, it is a very good school, but we have some problems.

    1) The problems that we have to face daily is that the homework is very time consuming and we don't have relaxing time. Also this year we have more subjects and like we don't have much time, we are very under pressure.

    2) I can't get better results because i haven't learned how to organize myself and overcome those problems.

    3) The suggestions that i will give is that he has to debunk the problems that impede him be good at school and keep studying.

  26. Hello teacher how are you?

    This are the problems that the school have

    1)The problem number 1 is to getting up early and the school is going through many problems that affect the students, and we have homeworks and tests and the homework is a time-consuming.

    2)Because i'm under pressuere for my parent they overexploit a lot and i can't concentrate in my studys and i can't relaxing.

    3) I would tell him that is incorrect because that it could provoke accidents we needs to impede this problems

    4)Because there are people who are left with psychological problems for ever.

    GoodBye Teacher.

  27. Hello teacher.

    1.- I personally feel that I usually deal with problems that prevent me from developing in school, but they are not enough to stop studying or things like that, but they are problems that deconcentrate me and do not allow me to study

    2.- The reason why I can not get better results is due to lack of motivation and laziness, whose bad habit produces ny school problems.

    3.- I feel that the best advice I could give to a person who has school problems, is to leave everything aside and organize the time to distribute the actions that will take place on the day.

    Thank you for your attention teacher
    By: Camilo Manuel Lebuy Hidalgo

  28. I think that the main problem of the school is the homework to home and this is a problem that we face daily and is a time-consuming. I think that this should not be so we have full day in the school where it is assumed that the days between noon and afternoon are for recreational workshops but instead we continue in a classroom hours and hours and we dont have time for relaxing because when we arrived to our house we need continue doing a work for someclass.
    Another problem that we find is the bullying ¿What happen with that student who is being bullied?. Well, it's simple, a student who is bullied loses the desire to learn and a student who has no motivation will find it too difficult to obtain effective learning, this has to end, we can not continue to normalizing something that it is not normal.
    Altough i think that we can get better results, the fact that we are under pressure due to the "nem" makes us stress and impede that we focus on what really matters(learning).
    If i look someone that is doing bad at school i would say her "set short-term goals and think that everything you do now affects you in the future,you can overcome your self " because everyone need a friend hand sometimes, and when you say bad things to te another person, you just debunk her and you don't help in anything.

  29. Hi teacher
    The problems that I have to face daily are the stress of being in school, being under pressure of many tests and jobs which makes me consume a lot of time.
    To have many things in a short time because I do not have any time when I can relax from all the stress.
    Find ways to understand what it costs you and organize yourself in time so you can do everything and thus prevent the filling of things

  30. Hi teacher.
    In my opinion there are some things that impede that I study.
    There are people who debunk other people because they do poorly in some subject
    1. My problem is waking up in the mornings to go to school.
    2. I think my organization is a little bad and times do not reach me, but I know that I can also beat that and improve much more
    3 Try looking for relaxing and looking for some kind of help. Because I would not like to be in that place either, besides I do not like to be under pressure.
    Well, professor, that's my opinion and I find that some activities outside of school consume a lot of time.
    Martin Rivera
    Well, professor, that's my opinion and I find that some activities outside of school consume a lot of time.
    Martin Rivera

  31. Well I am a student from the Colegio Patricio Lynch, a very tiny and normal school, but it in the inside it has problems, let's see them.

    Question 1

    The more noticeable problem is the stress, because we have like eigth tests in a week, including work, so, I think that is very troublesome that we can't study well for all the subjects leading to bad results for almost everyone, also that impedes us to have a relaxing time

    question 2

    Maybe, I don't study well or maybe the teachers don't explain well the subject, also maybe is my organization of the time or can be that we are under pressure of ourselves.

    question 3

    First: Study, but the real study not view the notebook 15 minutes with the cellphone in hand that's not study. You are consuming your time for something more important
    Second: If the student still fault her classmates would help him for better results (search help)
    Third: If none of that worked the teacher in charge should help the student even if he doesn't want
    extra: Take your time and overcome all that is difficult for you .

    Finally I wrote this yey
    well this was my opinión bye uwu
