Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Stereotypes among ethnic grooups [8th Grade]

Dear students:

 Since more than 5 years, many inmigrants have arrived to our country, bringing many interesting customs such as food and language. The migration rate is increasing as time goes by, and so racism is exponentially growing. Hence, this leads to false assumptions about countries, race stereotypes and violence.

 What do you think are the advantages of inmigration in Chile? What things can we learn from them? How is language affected by this?

Please leave a comment below between 60-80 words

Useful Expressions: However, and, First, In my opinion, In conclusion, such as (por ejemplo).

Target Language: Vocabulary from Unit 1, landmarks, typical food, traditions, customs, language, multicultural, diversity, facts.

Deadline: May 31st, Friday

Kind Regards,

Guillermo Salvo
Juan Guevara


  1. Hello techer

    My opinion is that immigration in Chile is good because the advantages are many of them are to learn another language, try typical foods from other countries and meet new people however the language is affected because they are learning new words. In conclusion, immigration in Chile is good and we should not discriminate because we learn something new from these people.

    goodbye teacher

  2. Hi teachers in my opinion the immigration help us to learn to be with different people and for the inclusion, besides that it will be a diversity of cultures where maybe it combine some things like recipes, words or even physical characteristics. In conclusion the immigrations (immigrations) is a positive thing and good that it can be beneficial for the country.
    And here ends my commentary about the immigration.

  3. Bello teacher un muy opinion,the advantages of immigration is something positive for the country, to know, its customs, its culture, language and typical foods.We can learn from them their effort and perseverance yo get ahead with their families in another country.The language is affected as much for them as for us,sin se some migrants their language is very different from spanish and that is a great difficulty to understand it.
    Goodbye teacher
    Catalina Alvarez

  4. My opinion is that immigration in Chile is good because the advantages are that many of them are to learn another language, try typical foods from other countries to know their customs, their culture, their language and their typical foods. We can learn from them their effort. The language is affected as much by them as by us, since for some immigrants their language is very different from Spanish and that is a great difficulty to understand it.

    GoodBye Teacher
    Jaime Bustamante

  5. The advantages and things that we can learn from immigrants are that we can learn from their customs and their languages.
    Thanks to the mixture of Chileans with immigrants the language of Chile will be affected and layers that we change our Chilean idioms for those of the people who enter the country.
    My opinion on all this is that some immigrants favor the country

  6. Hello teacher
    I think the advantages of the inmigrants in Chile are:
    To know different cultures like their customs and life habits. It’s like to bring a little inmigrant’s country of origin to Chile. To share experiences allow open the mind for another’s ways of thinking.
    When we are related with migrants, learn about their culture like: food, dances, clothing, history, politics, etc.
    Our language gradually changes because we adopt inmigrant’s idioms.
    Best Greetings
    Natalie Billiard Núñez

  7. in my opinion the emigration is quite good thanks to one can learn different languages we can also learn customs dishes and we can also from sir who bring us their rhythm their dances the language of us is quite affected thanks to their idioms we can use them the most layers is that future generations can not speak Spanish like us
    thank you very much for your attention

  8. hi teacher,
    I believe that the advantages of immigrants arriving are good because we acquire new customs, new traditions and not just stay with those of our country.
    We can learn many things from immigrants as part of their cultures, such as traditions, dances, meals, idioms, dress style and more things with which we can improve the country.
    I think that the language is not affected, Just because the immigrants arriving we can get more words from them, like idioms that they use.
    Diego Godoy Flores

  9. I think, in Chile is difficult live if you are inmigrant but I not problems with the others persons of diferents idioms, colors or traits for me is a little interesting see people talking in other idiom also i love the traits different of folk from Chile. Apart of everything I know what Chile has very much a lot of people from others countrys and it's like the chileans be disappearing in few time, I'm don't say it's something bad but is a thought frequent in me.

    So this is my opinion teacher. End of the reportage, Joaquin...

    Constanza Bravo

  10. Hello, I think that immigration is a sensitive issue because people have to leave their country to eat but there are racist people who take it badly, the advantages in my opinion that immigration brings the expansion of both cultures and know more different countries, the language in this situation I do not think it is the most affecting as there are many immigrants who understand not in Spanish understand, in conclusion I think that people should be more understanding with this issue.
    Lukas Díaz Garrido.

  11. The advantages of the immigraabts is that they show us their cultures of other countries y think we can learn their languages from them but nevertheless y do not like that they are affecting the chilean traditions, such as traditional food as the corn cake.

    In conclusion, some things are good and bad and affect Chile, first according to my opinion, I think that it affects negatively in the Chilean language

  12. The benefit for the inmigrants is the social aspect because the society needs to learn to living with this People
    In my opinion is a good change in the society because we can learn the culture off different countries like, what is the typical food? Or why he decided live here ? Or something.
    Such as the political tought and the manners of their country, we can compare the countries.
    The inmigrants didn't affect the language because the inmigrants need know the idiom

  13. Hello teacher.

    I personally believe that there are many advantages brought by immigrants such as productivity, a better economy, as well as contributing in the work of cleaning and care, etc. There are diverse ways in which we can all learn, first of all their traditions and customs are worthy of admiring and learning, secondly their language and accent are more understanble which benefits the country to make it more cult. The language is directly affected as they bring another language with other expressions that are not always the same in another country, also integrate words that in some cases the two countries included do not know and that makes it difficult to speak, however also it benefits the natives of country since it allows to broaden the vocabulary and tongue.

    Constanza Moyano Muñoz

  14. Hello
    In my opinion the advantages of the inmigration are the rise of the population in the country, also we can learn about their typical food, traditions, language; but I think is difficult be inmigrant for them because the racism and the different manner to them. The language is a little affected by the inmigration because we can't communicate with them and they can't communicate with us. In conclusion inmigration is not bad, but there are people discriminate to them as if were bad.
    Ansol Aravena

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hello teacher, my comment about immigration is:

    One of the many advantages of immigration in chile is that ther are more people willing to work and that benefits the country economically, another advantage is that chile has become a multicultural country, this means that we are learning customs from them.

    The immigrants have long incorporated traditions or cultures such as for example: the arepas(venezuelan food) that we have incorporated into our diet.

    The language of chile has been modified with some words that the immigrants bring or with some bad pronunciations that the chileand adopt to their daily like therefore the words mispronounced or unknown are due to those reasons.

    Martina Casanueva Vega

  17. Hello
    The advantage of the migration in Chile, in my opinion is that the inmigrants arrive to occupy Jobs that chileans don't want to do because of low salaries.
    The things that we can learn from the culture regarding típical food, to know a differents customs, like religions beliefs, life styles, and more.
    I think that the language is affected in a positive way, because the peruvians are the best speakers of Spanish and we can learn too a new language like the creolé of haitians.
    María Belén Jamett

  18. Hello teachers...
    The advantages of immigration in Chile are, for example, trade and the economy, thanks to this, more job opportunities are created. All countries have their own culture, language and traditions, we can also learn from them, however, we all speak differently and not only use their language, but also us, creating mixtures of words that form sentences with these, such as: A very “aleta” person, which means that you are a very conflicted person.
    Sofia Vargas Muñoz.

  19. Hello, this is my opinión:
    The advantages of The inmigration in Chile would be: the increase of jobs and buildings, The problem is The racism, because The racism only applies for The inmigants
    We can learn their traditions, their way of dressing their typical foods and culture. However The lenguage could be more dificult for The inmigrants, They may have problems for The comunication becuase we all speak differently.

    Thanks for you atention.

  20. ∆ I am Sebastián Rodriguez ∆

  21. para mi el beneficio de los inmigrantes es el aumento de población y es el aspecto social ya que la sociedad tiene que aprender a convivir con estás personas.
    en mi opinión, esté es un buen cambio para poder saber sobre distintos países, para saber si tiene un plato típico o simplemente porque vive aquí.
    el idioma esta complicado por la inmigración porque no podemos comunicarnos de una buena manera.


  22. I believe that the advantages of immigration are that they sell things and go by bus and in many other places and generally they sell super 8 and other things that are typical foods of their countries and also help us to have less racism.
    We can learn to accept different people and how they behave. our language is affected in the accent

  23. In my opinion one of the advantages of immigration in Chile is that we have the opportunity to see and learn about us. i think they will change the very idioms of our country thanks to many people who fall in love whit foreigners , having childre´s ... in conclution our form of communication could change


  24. Hello theacher, the advantages that I believe of immigration in Chile are that they can learn about us and that they have a way of expressing their way of being, like a Haitian they learn from us and express their way of being good workers.

    The things that we can learn from them are various things like culture, food, etc., just like their language.

    The language is very affected especially by people who do not speak Spanish like Haitians, Japanese, Americans, etc.

  25. I think immigration in Chile is excellent because the language is modified and we can understand each other better, and the street vendors, they sell very fresh and delicious things and traditional dishes of their countries and we can learn to treat all people equally, regardless of . of your country and survive as they have done over the years in our country
