Wednesday, May 22, 2019

ICT in Education [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 We are currently living in a digital era in which technology has been gradually gaining ground, so has done education. The current generations have used technology since the day they were born. They know how to use technological devices before getting to know how to talk and of course, this has its pros and cons. Some people think that technology has ruined communication and some others say that technology has improved it.

 What do you think about it? Is tecnology improving our communication? Should teachers use it during their classes? Can technology improve education? Why/Why not? If so, How do you think technology can improve education?

Please leave a comment below of at least 90-120 words.

Useful Expressions: In my Opinion, improve, boost, enhance, internalize, ICT (information communication technology), spread, on the other hand.

Deadline: May 31st, Friday

Kind Regards,

Monica Zuñiga
Juan Guevara


  1. Hello teacher and miss...

    Well, we know that this is true, today many of the children and young people are born with access to technology and we already know how to use it, etc. I think it is because today there is more technology compared to before and now we are a more modern society. What I think about communication is that in certain areas it has favored, but as you say, it has its pros and cons. Regarding the communication at a distance, of course, has favored, technology facilitates communication at a distance, when we have an emergency, when we need to communicate with someone we do not have near or also to know the things that happen. in our environment, such as news, problems, controversies, etc. But, on the other hand also when it is shared in a common space if it is a problem because we pass glued to these technological devices and there is no adequate communication. I do not think that technology helps education, since it mainly distracts you from education, learning, your real focus, sometimes it can help you to look for information, some data, but no more than that. In my opinion, technology could perhaps help education by creating digital school texts or applications to search for information, etc.

    Bastian Sossdorf.

  2. Hello teacher and miss,

    In my opinion, technology has really boosted things like education, jobs, entertainment and even social bonds sometimes. But there's people that use technology at a very early age, which does introduce them to today's way of living, but can also open some dangerous paths, depending if they have an adult's supervision or not. Regarding education, it certainly makes a great enhancing tool for supporting classes and teaching in general, such as looking for information for a project, managing documents and grades and allowing a better visualization for contents. So, in conclusion, technology can be very helpful or very dangerous, depending on how you use it.

    Kind regards,
    Isaías Ormeño

    PD: I had to write this like 2 times because the page refreshed.

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  6. I think that technology is very accessible to all kinds of people in some aspects has facilitated communication when you want to communicate with people who live far away, and also helps to take better advantage of our time to perform other tasks. But on the contrary it has also made the interactions between people less and less, in some cases null.
      I think it's okay for teachers to use it during their classes because the students of our generation have it rooted in our daily routine and that makes the class more dynamic and fluid.
       I do not know if I can say that education improves, I think it can contribute to broadening our horizons and improving our vision of how to face life over things that happen, to be more proactive. At the specific moment of studying and interacting with my peers and teachers, I believe that those who are better educated are the people that are involved in it and technology helps us to have a broader idea of ​​the topics that we deal with in the classes and that these are more graphic and more interesting.

    Kind regards
    Fabian Fernandez

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  8. Hello Teacher and Miss:

    In my opinion I think the technology although it has helped us a lot to connect
    with the other people takes us away with the people we have to our
    around, I feel that thanks to that we have managed to be a society
    quieter when we are face to face, but noisy in social media.
    The teachers should occupy technology in their classes as
    a tool because if it helps to improve education in a sense
    like for example to give immediate results and get us out of doubt
    At the moment, however, it should not always be dealt with, since as
    We the young people are obsessed with this can completely deconcentrate us from the class.

    Kind regards
    Mayte Herrera A.

  9. hello teacher and miss

    Well, also I agree with you for the simple fact that I was born in a time of evolution and technological revolution. Open technology more windows of communication, because before this was not possible and was not as accessible as it is today. Teachers should use it because adolescents feel more attracted to it and it would be a good tool to attract their attention and be able to teach much better. Technology could revolutionize education because as mentioned earlier adolescents are attracted and it would be easier to teach by this means that is the technology to which the conventional methods

    Jeremy Serey

  10. Hi,teacher and miss

    In my opinion I think that it is not bad that the students are at the hand of technology because now they are new generations and it is much easier to learn or study. I feel that it improves when for example a family member or friend is far away so they could communicate by some call or something like that, the bad thing could be that with the people who are nearby we lose communication because they are so attached to the cell phone. And if it could be improved the learning, in addition that could improve the education with some recreational pages in which one can learn entertaining in a more accessible way with the technology.

    Best regards
    Olga De La Fuente.

  11. Technology has made a very important change in the world. Nowadays, children are born with access to technology for good and for bad. My opinion on this subject is that there will always be an advantage and a disadvantage, for example, one can call or send a message to someone who is far away from you. The student can also find more information for their homework, studies, etc. Teachers can now explain things much more clearly. But it also has its drawbacks, for example, people spend much more time "stuck" to the cell phone when they have to talk to someone in person and can not maintain good communication.
    I think that technology affects society, because a student can not concentrate on his tasks or tests due to this saying.

    Francisca Acosta.

  12. Dear teachers.

    I do think that technology has improved our communication. Now we can talk to people who are millions of kilometers away and with a single click. I do not think that technology has many bad things, people who use it must know what the limits are. Teachers use technology and it helps a lot, makes things easier to understand and is simpler. Technology can improve education, but it would be up to us, the students, to know how to use technology in a good way. Using online books or a discussion blog can be a way to include technology in our daily education.

    Kind Regards.

    María José Ortiz.

  13. In my opinion technology contributes to communication but only as a mass media, because that way would be serving to inform about something working like ICT or news, although there are a couple of exceptions, for example, when we need to communicate with someone to Long distance. Plus, the Internet works great has a tool for education because it boosts learning by providing the audio visual media, which is necessary to develop the different skills that we have, makes the classes more dynamic and gives us quickness when we have to do some homework.

    Alondra Quiñones

  14. Hello Miss and Teacher:
    To begin with I think that technology is something done to help us as humans but at the same time it is making us more sedentary and addicted to this, it is a very serious addiction to the celphone and I think that this bad, I also think that technology does not help communication, since it makes us talk through screens and not say things in front, I think that teachers could occupy the technology in classes because it is a better way to explain, With more supporting material, apart from being a more didactic and modern way of learning, I believe that technology can help education, as mentioned above helps with more supporting material.
    Cristobal Diaz Perez

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  16. Dear teacher and miss:

    As you said, technology has his pros and cons, we can communicate with other people who live far away or communicate some emergencies, but in my opinion ICT has been dilapidated our social life. Now we cannot say some things to other people face to face, normally we hide back a display. On other hand, regarding the study, I think the technology is very becoming to education for example when we have research task, we use our cellphones or computers, on that way we can say that technology improve and spread our education. That doesn´t mean it boost education because the majority of people is easy to distract with their cellphones, computer or tv. Concluding this, technology is a support tool and everyone has internalized with it, the only problem is that the human doesn´t know how use it correctly.

    Kind regards
    Monserrat Rojas

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  18. Hi teacher and miss: in my opinion, technology has strengthened communication in some aspects, but it has also ruined it in others, for example, it is good to use it to communicate with people who live far away and it is impossible to visit them, but on the other hand when It is close and it is not necessary to use it, face-to-face communication is lost. This is why I think that technology should not be used as an education because it would eliminate communication and closeness between students and teachers, but I believe that technology could be used as a complement to presentations. I conclude by saying that technology is a complement, not a replacement.
    Viviana Fuentes

  19. Hello Miss and Teacher

    In my opinion, the technology to worsened the communication between the people and I think that doesn’t help to the school education, beacuse the youngers of this century are easily obsessed with this dispositives (cellphones) and for this reason don’t have a good control to use it. But in the university, I think will be a good tools to support projects, presentations and own studies.

    These dispositives aren’t completely bad to our daily life, through of that we can lost stress and meet a lot of people from all over the world.

    Nicole Alejandra Sepúlveda Pezo

  20. Hello Miss and Teacher

    I think that the use of technology has revolutionized the way of life and work of many people. I think that technology is helping us enormously to have communication with distant people and we ourselves have not known how to use this medium well since many people use it in the wrong way, losing communication with their close people due to the obsession or custom they have for use technology. I am in favor of teachers using technology in their class because I believe that technology can enhance education and can provide more dynamic study material for students to learn faster. It can improve education as long as students know how and when to use technology, the use we want to use depends on us.

    Kind Regards
    Fernanda Lorca

  21. In my opinion it is true that over time we have been, so to speak, less social, as there are many people who use technology for a long time and this has advantages and disadvantages. I don’t know if it’s getting better or not, but there are a lot of cases where it’s good to communicate, and it’s the bad side of using it as a game and doing nothing. I think not because in the old days there was no such thing as technology and they took the same classes. It is very difficult for me to answer this question, as I have many doubts, but I think not, as it was not necessary in the past and I suppose now less.

    Kind Regards
    Nicolas Callejas

  22. Hello teacher and miss

    In my opinion I think that technology helps and does not help communication, because if someone wants to communicate with a friend or distant relative, you just have to press a few buttons and that's it, otherwise it's also bad, because when there's a family reunion, the majority is pending to your cell phone than to your loved ones.
    I think that they should use it to show some video or teach something that is not in the study books.
    In my opinion I think that if it helps to improve education because it is in a territory where young people are managed and if teachers know how to control internet management in classes, it would be a success in my opinion.

    Kind Regards
    José Mosqueira

  23. Hello Teacher and Miss:

    In my opinion, the technology give to us the capacity of communicate with people all over the world at the cost of a lot of spread of time and us social abilities like talk face to face, go out with others, etc. I think that the teachers can do better classes with the ICT’s help and this can boost the attention of the students, in the other hand this idea can´t be internalize by some teachers, they think that the whiteboard is better. In my opinion the technology can enhance a class but if just the teacher have access to it because the students can use it in a bad way.

    Kind Regards
    Cristobal Duarte M.

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  25. Dear professor and Miss.

    Well, in my opinion technology has progressed gradually over the last few years, which has improved distance communication, but on the other hand, technology has become necessarily obligatory, which is a vice in people , or rather the need of that.
    Regarding the use in classrooms, in my opinion is very good for teachers, because it is easier to organize content and for students would be the same, as well as the precise understanding of the matter.

    And finally, I think technology can improve education only if it is given a good use.

    Kind Regards.
    Gabriel Fuentes.

  26. I think that technology has improved communication, even if it’s not the healthiest option, it’s easier to find people who are compatible with you.
    Teacher’s should use technology for their classes if it will enhance learning, while that sounds obvious, it’s necessary to clarify it, as making the students do all the work by researching a topic is different to using the internet to compliment the knowledge learned in class.
    Technology can and has improved education, an online learning platform is more flexible regarding learning styles and rhythms than a real-life class ever will be, as it can adapt to each user to ensure effective learning.
    Some examples of this are: Khan academy, Duolingo, Brilliant and more.

    Kind regards,
    David Arias

  27. Hi Teacher and Miss

    Well, the technology has undoubtedly enhance our lives, it makes us faster spread o search for information, internalize through it and communicate or disseminate ideas. Teachers already use technology in the classroom, for example the computers, the data, cellphones, etc. In my opinion, if it can improve education, cause now the children and teenagers are surrounded by it, learn from it, promoting a better lexicon or perhaps boost interest in studying. On other hand, our sedentary lifestyle increases, we dont communicate face to face or when we talk we dont look at each other anymore cuase we're stuck on the phone.

    Kind regards,
    Ashley Navarro.

  28. In my opinion technology is a very good way to communicate with people who are unfortunetely far away from there houses, but this also has a bad side, because the excess of its uses almost null comunication between your close friends, so think there should be a balance between the two of them.
    For me the technology is a very good way to learn, because it helps you to develop new skills that can be much more enriching that the typical ones taught in the classroom. Also, the technology helps the teachers a lot, because it allows them to classes are more didactic and interesting for all students.

    Kind regards.
    Giulliana Bañados U.

  29. Hi teachers

    In my opinion, technology can improve education but it depends on the use that is made of it, technology helps a lot to improve communication since at this very moment I could speak to anyone throughout the world, in my opinion teachers should use technology to have support in their work, but on the contrary the students do not because it could cause damage because the hours of study are excessive and hours in front of a screen is not good, the technology can improve education because it keeps the more informed students and can be supported by technology for their jobs or tasks.

    Kind regards
    Benjamin Retamal

  30. Hi miss and teacher

    In my opinion technology has improved our lives because it allows us to search for information, communicate with other people, disseminate or communicate ideas or things, but technology has a bad side that is ruining our lives, we became sedentary, we did not talk face to face as it was Before, now we're just stuck on the cell phone, In my opinion it's fine for teachers to use technology, because sometimes a powert point or a video makes it much more entertaining, technology would help education would be much more comfortable to use a computer instead of a notebook, but many people would misuse this tool, but for this to happen they could block distractions like games or social networks and only enable what is necessary.

    Kind regards
    Amelia cortés

  31. Hello teacher and miss:
    In my judgment technology attracts a
    collection of tools that make it easier to use, create, manage and exchange information. At the beginning of this century we can see reflected that human beings make use of it for the process of discovery of the world and evolution. Although technology is a great advance and method to extract information at the same time, communication within the world is not improving. family nucleus, but if we refer to social networks are a great help to meet people and communicate with distant people that we can not see.
    In my opinion I think that if it is necessary to insert ICT during classes, we clearly see how technology improves education, since, now we are informed of everything that happens in our environment and we have all the necessary information for our learning.
    Best regards
    Alonso Hernández.

  32. Hi Teacher and Miss

    Like you, I think technology has its pros and cons. That has improved long distance communication, get information wherever you're, easily and quickly boost the use of our time to do other things. With the cost of interactions between people in real life, internalize things that we should say to the face, sedentary lifestyle, frustration at not getting things easily as we always do in my opinion through the use of ICT. The world is changing, the human race is part of that and technology is one of the most important points of this change. As in many jobs, teachers already use technology with their "clients" (students) so if they can and should use it for this global change in addition to being able to improve the education of current and future generations who learn faster with audiovisual media . Approaching knowledge and realities that maybe not all can visualize only with letters.
    Best regards.
    Isidora Aguilera.

  33. Hello, miss

    In my opinion technology has managed to improve education, we know that in this era technology is everything, such as the internet, social networks, which are used to connect with other people and investigate. But in this last time it has been used to educate, as showing videos in the classes, making them more interactive, because it is boring just to be with a notebook and book in front.
    Children from the age of 4 who start using cell phones, which do not know how to use it and can harm them.
    Technology empowers and encourages people to be more informed, internalize knowledge.
    On the other part you have to be careful, since not everything on the internet gives you true information.

    A cordial greeting,
    Emily Olivares.

  34. Dear Teacher and Miss:

    In my opinion technology gives us all the facilities to learn and communicate better, to meet people and be more informed, technology boost us to the information at our fingertips, enhances knowledge and difference Quickly information. For me, this could be used totally for the classes, since we could use tablets or computers to not spend so many sheets of paper and help a little in the environment, besides every time a new information is needed we could have it with a just "click", so for my technology in a classroom could improve learning a lot.

    Kind Regards, Mykaela Venegas.

  35. Hi Teacher and Miss

    In my opinion, technology has given us the necessary tools for many things, keeping us informed, education, communication. What I find bad about this is the misuse that people give to it.
    Technology has helped communication in the field of meeting people, or communicating with people who are at that time distant, but on the contrary to short communication between close.
    I think that with a good use of technology the educational environment can be improved, teachers can improve their classes by making them more interactive through images or videos, which helps students to better understand and care.

    Kind regards
    Laura Armijo

  36. Hi teacher and miss

    In my opinion technology has mostly favored us as users, however I think that as in many things its use has been over exploited, being an addiction for many people. One of my ideas to promote the good use of all types of technology is to know the different uses they have apart from recreation (like games). I also believe that the problem of misuse is not in the device (cell phone, computer, tablets, etc.), but that there is improvement and a good education about technology.
    On the other hand my opinion about the use of technology in classes is being a little excessive in some cases, for example when they only show Power Point and do not make the class a bit more recreational (referring to how to teach the content, perhaps teaching a more practical way). On the other hand there are also people who make good use of technology, such as taking games to understand the subject being more interactive, but not abusing this medium.

    Kind regards
    Constanza Sepúlveda

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