Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Music and cultural exchange [Senior]

Dear Students:

 We live in a society that is about 200 years old, with pros and cons compared to our nearby neighbours from South America. We are still a nation that grows as time goes by, but with no identity whatsoever. Somehow, music represents a country's culture and elicits a glimpse of who we are. For example, the beattles, The rolling stones or los prisioneros (back in the 80s). WOMAD, for instance, promotes multiculturalism through a concert which gives the opportunity to musicians to represent their countries by playing music.

 Considering the former idea, What type of music best represents the Chilean culture? is it same for children, teenagers, adults or elders? why / why not? Should students have more hours of music at school? why /why not? What type of concerts are held in Chile? Do you like them? Why?

 Please leave a comment between 170-200 words.

Useful Expressions: genre, interculture, exchange, spread, promote

Deadline: May 31st, Friday

Kind Regards,

Juan Guevara

Vocation over Trivial Interests [Junior]

Dear Students:

 When a doctor gives you poor attention, when a bus driver treats you in a rude way or when a police officer prefers chasing innocent people rather than dangerous criminals, it is noticeable that they don't  really like the job they are doing. People who follow their vocation are more prone tu succeed, they won't feel that working is a never-ending nightmare or that only money matters. However, it is quite hard to find your vocation due the pressure that society, friends and relatives put into us to study something because of the salary we may earn, but not happiness. Moreover, they impose adolescents to start university as soon as they graduate from highschool, otherwise it would be time 'wasted'.

 With that being said, think about the following questions: How important is vocation for you? What does it take to find your vocation? Do you feel is it essesntial to start university as soon as you graduate from highschool? Why? Is it difficult for you to really know what you want to study?

Please leave a comment below in at least 130-170 words.

Useful Expressions: Hire, employer, employee, experience, apply, thus, therefore, hence.

Deadline: May 31st, Friday

Kind Regards

Guillermo Salvo
Juan Guevara

ICT in Education [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 We are currently living in a digital era in which technology has been gradually gaining ground, so has done education. The current generations have used technology since the day they were born. They know how to use technological devices before getting to know how to talk and of course, this has its pros and cons. Some people think that technology has ruined communication and some others say that technology has improved it.

 What do you think about it? Is tecnology improving our communication? Should teachers use it during their classes? Can technology improve education? Why/Why not? If so, How do you think technology can improve education?

Please leave a comment below of at least 90-120 words.

Useful Expressions: In my Opinion, improve, boost, enhance, internalize, ICT (information communication technology), spread, on the other hand.

Deadline: May 31st, Friday

Kind Regards,

Monica Zuñiga
Juan Guevara

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

School Problems [Freshmen]

Dear Students:

 Hope this message finds you well. I'm writing this entry so that we can discuss about the problems you have to face as you attend school. Firstly, it's important to claim that the school process may be something unforgettable, however, situations such as bullying, stress or an excess of homework may lead to severe issues that will impede you from learning effectively.

 Regarding the former situations,

What are the main problems you have to face daily? Why can't you get better results? What suggestions would you give to someone who is doing bad at school? Why?

Please leave a comment below in at least 75-100 words.

Useful expressions: Debunk, overcome, impede, relaxing, time-consuming, under pressure.

Deadline: May 31st, Friday

Kind regards,

Juan Guevara

Stereotypes among ethnic grooups [8th Grade]

Dear students:

 Since more than 5 years, many inmigrants have arrived to our country, bringing many interesting customs such as food and language. The migration rate is increasing as time goes by, and so racism is exponentially growing. Hence, this leads to false assumptions about countries, race stereotypes and violence.

 What do you think are the advantages of inmigration in Chile? What things can we learn from them? How is language affected by this?

Please leave a comment below between 60-80 words

Useful Expressions: However, and, First, In my opinion, In conclusion, such as (por ejemplo).

Target Language: Vocabulary from Unit 1, landmarks, typical food, traditions, customs, language, multicultural, diversity, facts.

Deadline: May 31st, Friday

Kind Regards,

Guillermo Salvo
Juan Guevara

Friday, May 10, 2019

Food and More! [6th Grade]

Dear Sudents:

 I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing this entry so that you can demonstrate your improvements during this first semester so far. There are 2 topics you need to answer, please read them carefully and leave a comment below.


Suhi, Pizza, hamburgers are some examples of traditional food from other countries. Pizza is an easy dish to prepare and is quite amazing because you can add any ingredient that you want, you only need dough, tomatoes (or tomatoe sauce) and cheese. First, you have to put the tomato sauce on the dough, then you have to put the cheese and all the ingredients you want.

What is your favorite traditional dish? Why? How can you prepare it? Name the steps.

Target Language: Vocabulary Unit 1, Sequencing Adverbs (First, Then, After That, Next, Finally, etc)

Leave a comment of at least 30-50 words


Chile is a country full of culture which has many typical dishes that are representative of our origins. The dishes are made with any kind of ingredients, which can be very useful when you feel sick or tired. Cazuela, for example, is a dish made with vegetables and food or meat. You can eat it when you have stomachache or during cold days. "Sopaipillas" are examples of a traditional Chilean food that people eat during winter. There's nothing better to eat a hot sopaipilla ina cold day.

Do you like sopaipillas? Do you know how to prepare them? What do you eat or prepare when you feel sick?

Target Language: Vocabulary Unit 1, Have to, Don't have to.

 Leave a comment below of at least 30-50 words.

Kind Regards,

Miss Monica Zuñiga