Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Pursuit of Happiness (2006) [Freshman]

Dear Students:

 For the third entry, we'll discuss about the movie "the pursuit of happiness' starred by Will Smith and his son (Jaden Smith). Its plot portraits a struggling salesman who takes custody of his son as he's poised to begin a life-changing professional career. Considering the plot and the activities covered in class: Do you think most people who live in poverty don't work hard and don't try to change their current situation? Has this movie changed your perception toward homeless people? If so, what are the changes you propose? If not, why not? What did you feel while watching the film?

 Please leave your comments below in at least 80-130 words.

Target Language: Simple Past, Question Tags, Would like.

Deadline: May 21st

Kind Regards,

Andres Muñoz
English Teacher


  1. Hello teacher...

    I believe that poor people strive to have a better life, despite all the problems they may have.
    My perspective on the homeless is respectful, sometimes I feel compassion and I would like to help them. I knwow that there are some people who work and strive to have a better life.
    The changes I propose is that some people could help these people.
    I really like this movie, because teaches that you have to make an effort to be able to emerge and have a good life, the attitude and the effory of Chris despite the problems, it´s good teaching.

    -Bastian Sossdorf

  2. Hello teacher
    I think it's true, most people who are poor do not make an effort to keep going, since they learn to live in the street and are usually negative people. Regarding my vision towards homeless people, of course I have changed my perception, I believe that everyones perception has changed, Don’t you? Well, the changes and help for these situations, I would make a campaign, in wich you have to speak with them, to collect food, money, and toiletries to help these people. These are things usually used by affected people. Thus helping the shelters, and also helping them to get a job so they can move forward.

    Kind regards

  3. Greetings Teacher:

    Well, it didn't change my mind because I've always thought that, it depends on the situation of each individual person, since there are poor people that want to have a better economic situation and do a herculean effort in trying to achieve it, and there are other poor people that don't want to do anything with their lives and are fine just begging for a living and not doing anything for anyone, while watching the film I felt moved and inspired by the lengths that Chris went through to work in something that would make money for him and his son, even after all the tough times he never gave up, and that’s a really beautiful message of self-improvement and determination.

    Kind Regards,

    David Arias

  4. Hello teachers
    Not really, since there are people who, no matter how hard they work, try hard and try to change their current situation, can’t advance economically due to different external causes. Now, my position on the poor or homeless is the same even after watching the film, in fact it made me reinforce my opinion, because I think that is precisely the message that the film want to deliver.
    The film made me reflect a lot, because if it is analyzed well, the events are a bit strong.

    Kind regards,
    Alondra Quiñones

  5. Hello teachers

    First, I don't think that's completely true, as there are some people in poverty that are trying to change their life and make it better, but there are also some that don't try to change and just stay like they are. It didn't really change my perception towards them, as I think that just because someone is homeless it doesn't mean they don't work hard or try to change. When watching this film I felt sadness due to Chris' situation, but also happiness when he got through the different problems he had to face.

    Kind regards,
    Isaías Ormeño

  6. >hello teacher

    well, my thought on this topic has not changed much, because always to the people who tries to go out of his situation and they do what this one to his scope for it, but others, well, do not strengthen in the most minimal and agree to live that way, while be alive, for them this one well in the conditions that are. Up to a point where it can manage to make sad. Lamentably, there are people who always will prefer throwing the towel before a nail breaking.
    But this movie is very beautiful, because it demonstrates up to where the love of a father can come to his son, in spite of the difficulties of the life, only to have it to his side, taking care of it and loving it.

    Kind regards
    ~ Nicole Sepúlveda pezo.

  7. Hi teacher
    I think that the poorest people are those who work harder, try to change their situation to live in a better state, to have a better nutrition for oneself and for those who live in the same house. My opinion or my perspective is that people who are poor are more respectful, happier and I would like to help them have a better life and be able to feed better.
    I really liked the movie because it teaches that you have to strive in life, work more to achieve our goals and be happy

    kind regards
    Francisca Acosta N.

  8. Hello Teacher
    No, I think the poor if they work hard to change their situation, to have a better life.
    Well, this movie has made me see a little beyond how poor people work to get through their bad situation.
    Well, if I had to make a change, I would do something to instruct the community to help and see poor people from another point of view, not only as lazy, but also as workers.
    I was very touched by the effort and work that Chris did for his family, especially his son, right? I think we all feel that, or at least the majority.

    -Kind Regards
    Giulliana Bañados

  9. -Hi teacher
     I believe that not all poor people strive to have a better life but some if they do, always had the same vision towards homeless people I think that if you do not make an effort you will not have anything because if you want something you have to look for it nothing will come if only if you do not search do not show, most of all a change could only be for those people who actually try more work opportunities for these people, what I felt when watching the movie was not so sad because if he had not spent everything your money in the machines maybe would have had another future and it would not have been like this now.
    -best regards.
    Benjamin Retamal.

  10. Hi teachers:
    I think that people who live in poverty does not have the same opportunities as others to study and be professional. As for my perception of homeless people, it is as I mentioned; These people did not have the possibility of studying. I do not propose anything, because there will always be poverty. Today there are many beneficial scholarships and free schools, I didn't feel any excitement to see the movie because I had seen it before (but smaller), I realized the things a parent does for their children.

    Kind regards
    Ashley Navarro

  11. Greetings teacher

    I think that the people who live in poverty work hard for change trey live conditions and they are looking for opportunities of a change but they don’t have the chance. The movie change my perception and now I see them like people without a good opportunity for a change because previously I see them like lazy people or people with mental problems. I really enjoy the movie and I like it because it show another perspective of the live.

    Kind regards
    Cristobal Duarte M.

  12. Dear Teacher:

    I think that poor people in some way if they strive to work hard and have a better situation, because most people would like to overcome, have a better situation and life, although there are still people who do not strive for anything.
    Did this film change my perception? Yes, because I think many times you don't think about other people and how they feel. To change poverty there should be better job opportunities and higher salaries in which a person can live.
    When I saw the movie I was very excited because it leaves a nice message, I would recommend it to many people.

    Kind Regards,
    Mykaela Venegas

  13. I believe that if there are some people who do not do anything to get out of their current situation, but there are also some who try hard to get ahead.
    Well, this movie helped me to see better the efforts of poor people like Chris, and how he worked hard to get ahead.
    If I could make a change, I would make people see and be able to motivate some poor people to strive to get ahead, from their bad situation.
    I really liked the movie, it made me see the reality of these people, the effort they make, it moved me a lot.
    Kinds Regards
    Alonso Hernández

  14. I say no, since nobody wants poverty, everyone wants luxuries and here the protagonist did everything to get his family forward, there are some cases but I think not. Yes, as I have seen beyond how poor people work to overcome their economic situation. Well, I would make many changes, but if I have to choose one, I am left with making collections to raise funds and help people and then do that they look for a stable work, a little of pain since Chris the father sacrificed a lot for his son, having obstacles and everything could overcome his problems and limits.

    Kind Regards,

    Nicolas Callejas

  15. Teacher.

    I have always thought that poor people or those with low resources are the most hardworking, and those who try hardest, since they have to work every day to support their family, and always try to get ahead and get out of their situation.

    My point of view about the homeless is intact after the movie, because as I said, I have always heard that poor people are people of effort and that they always try to improve themselves.

    Sadness, that concept sums up my mood during the movie, except when I was finishing, there I was proud of Chris and happy.

    Kind Regards.

  16. Hello Teacher
    I think the people poor if they work hard to change their situation, to have a better life and keep their family, As for my perception i think that most people living in poverty do not have the same opportunities or possibilities of study or work that other people who have money,As for the help I would like to do a campaign that helps people living in poverty by doing a food collection and building more shelters and that the government of more scholarships of 100 percent for them for those who strive and they deserve it so that later they have a better future.
    Kind Regards,
    Amelia cortes

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Answering the first question, no, because eh seen people they live in poverty, working hard to have a stable economic situation, my perception has remained the same, as I have admiration for that kind of people who are in poverty, but they go on with their foreheads in high. In the course of seeing the film, by the struggle that towards the protagonist despite the difficulties he faced and adding the charge of his son, instead of staying in the street, made an effort to fulfill his dream, and that makes me happy.

    Kind Regards.

    Gabriel Fuentes.

  19. I think that the great majority fights to have a better future for his children in order that they go out forward in the life, if, the changes are of not discriminating against the people for his social feature and to support her in order that it goes out improve if they want it, I cause myself a bit of a sorrow because actually there are people it sacrifices itself for his family his children etc, it demonstrated me and to valuing what my parents do for my and my sisters

  20. Hello teacher like the first opinion I think that it was a very good movie, think that some persons regardless try to go out forward and to work, the life to be gained, not, for that I neither am do not even think that I will be in the situation of the movie, I felt a sorrow but simultaneously happiness and to know that they all can will overcome or to go out to ahead. He says goodbye atte.
    cristobal diaz perez

  21. Hello Teacher:
    I believe that the poor if they strive to have a better life, in fact, even if it is difficult and very few can achieve it. My opinion about the homeless is still intact because I still believe that they are hardworking people trying to improve their situation day by day. I really liked the movie because it tries to give you the message that you should strive to have a better life, be persistent in front of problems like Chris and be with the family in spite of everything. For me, I propose to change or improve the lives of people without resources in a campaign, I would like to make a campaign where the main thing is to help these people.

    Kind Regards
    Fernanda Lorca

  22. I believe that homeless people work hard to change the situation in which they find themselves, but some homeless people do not try hard and do not try to change the situation in which they find themselves.
    My perspective has not changed I always respect the homeless people because they are equal to us and we should not despise those people.
    I felt that everything is possible if you have optimism and desire to change things, and that a good education is required to be a good person

    kind regards

    Fabian Fernandez

  23. Hi teacher
    I say that there is a minimum percentage of poor people who work hard because other people will be lazy or do not care about anything or also only work for drugs. To me I change a little the view of homeless people but one never knows the life of others that person has no home for certain reasons. The changes proposed by the film is to see those homeless workers and excellent working parents who give everything for their children. It gave me to reflect the life of my parents as they work for me by giving me everything that,he says goodbye atte

    Kind regards
    Benjamín Hidalgo Borquez

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Hi teacher
    Well, I think it depends on the person, since there are many people who are looking for a good situation to overcome this stage and be able to take something for the family and be able to pay the simple expenses, although there are people who do not try to do it themselves and go out to the street, in addition to supporting my perspective because in any case without home one can make an effort if it is proposed and thus improve. The movie made me think about how we are and I left several teachings that for anyone would serve for their future.
    Kind regards
    -Olga De La Fuente
