Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Is graffiti Vandalism or Art? [Senior]

Dear Students:

 Art has been claimed as a movement that expresses inner emotions and spread them through different means, such as music, poetry, literature or graffiti. Graffiti gives voice to silenced citizens through street art, furthermore it enlightens a city with colourful paintings and give joy to vulnerable communities as well (some people think that way though). Considering this, how does street art give a voice to people who feel silenced in other areas of their lives? Is Graffiti Vandalism or art? Would you do one? Why / Why not? Is Valparaiso favored or damaged by this?

 Please leave your comments below in at least 95-135 words.

Target language: Second conditional, Vocabulary related, connectors.

Deadline: May 21st

Kind regards,

Juan Guevara
English Teacher


  1. Graffiti it's a kind of art? Well I think it is, but it depends of the graffiti. For me, there are two types of graffiti: the one that are just letters in the walls, when people put in the houses things like "garra blanca", or they just put they mark in big houses to break in later and steal. The other type of graffiti is the one that is actually art. If you go to Cerro alegre you would get in love with the street art. There are stairs painted like a piano or painted with colors, murals painted like the space, the sunset, or painted like the beautiful views that we have from our vantage points, between other things you would find if you go.
    So yes, I think graffiti is art, but we must make a difference between the real street art and the stupid things that people write in walls.
    Camila Villarroel González

  2. Is graffiti Vandalism or Art? For ask this questions we need know that writing and drawing on the walls of public space are very old practices. Graffiti that today adorn the great cities of the world, their trains and buildings, maybe are related to the urban culture of hip hop that born in the Bronx of N.Y as a way to express the inequalities that people lived. I think that not everyone who scribbles on a building or on a wall is an artist. If i were a great artist, i could do a graffiti, because the art must be in the street of differents ways and all people can see it. The murals are really beautiful and Valparaiso have a lot of these, but their dirty streets and crumbling houses hinder the beauty of these murals.
    Diego González

  3. Hello teacher!
    Street art as well said, is a way of expressing oneself, and this type of art, gives voice to people silenced by the society, drawing and expressing in a beautiful way what they feel, without harming others; and if this graffiti stands out a lot , it spreads throughout the community causing a kind of reflection according to what the author thinks or protests. However, graffiti is not always art, because sometimes they do it to hurt, either to humiliate certain authorities or to mark territories, so graffiti in my opinion are both, art and a type of vandalism. I personally wouldn't do graffiti because I draw ugly. On the other hand, Valparaiso meets that is favored by the graffiti that has, because if you go to Cerro Alegre you are delighted by the street drawings.
    Ignacio Rodríguez.

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  6. Hello teacher!
    Street art makes voice to silenced people, because these for some reason can not be expressed, either by their lack of expression, personality or work or society, who do not leave, express what you feel.
    For me this is art, because as mentioned above through the same graffiti, seek to say or express what is currently living, the same marches, where the artists say what is being lived in the country, through these graffiti.
    I personally would not do one, because I do not like to draw, I like to observe the great works casts by good artist. For my Valparaiso is favored with this, because there are very good drawings, murals, which brings a lot of culture and beauty to the city.
    Sebastian Soto Parada

  7. Greetings,
    In my opinion, I agree that graffiti is a great way for people to express themselves. Since it gives the opportunity of direct contact with people in their everyday life, graffitis are probably one of the best ways to spread social critic through art. It invites people from every social status to take a moment and think about the issues that society is actually facing. Even though Graffiti is a great way to express oneself if done the right way, it can also be a horrible way of vandalism that does not makes any good and that, in the contrary of bringing colour and cheerfulness to the streets it just makes them decay even more.
    I think that, if I had the time, money and necessary technique I would, without doubt make one myself, since Valparaiso -even though it already has lots of them- also has an incredible amount of vandalistic graffitis, and I think that a good way to cover those is by making real, artistic, graffitis.
    Sincerely, N. Victoria Contreras

  8. Hi teacher, in my opinion I think that the graffiti is art, but the real question is: what´s a graffiti? because the scratch in wall recently painted isn´t a graffiti, is just a scratch without any sense. A graffiti is a mural paint (caricature, landscape, etc) that was painted with a spray paint and that paint have a meaning, try to express some feeling or something like that, and that graffiti represent something that normal people don´t dare say, but anyone knows, as a kind of protest, that is a graffiti. I would do one, but provided that the wall´s owner let me do it and just if that graffiti has a meaning that I want to express in my art. Valparaíso is favored by this because the graffiti make more colorful and nice.
    Matias Cabrera Lobos

  9. Hi teacher! In my opinion if graffiti is art or vandalism depends on the type of graffiti, because if they only say senseless things I consider vandalism, but if they are murals with shape and color is art, in addition these often give voice to people, because represent what they people want to express or just draw something nice or beautiful on a wall. Whit to respect to graffiti in Valparaiso I think that the murals favored the city, since it is a characteristic of Valparaiso and also helps tourism. If I had the time and the talent to make one if I would make a mural.
    Regards Belén Rojas

  10. Hello, teacher:
    In my opinion I think that this, as it has every characteristic from a kind of art, it does give a way for one person to express themselves and comunicate an idea without using any words.
    Constantly comunicating an idea to the world will lead to a lot of interpretations from the comunity, as this visions change acording to the person.
    Personally, I would make one if I had the chance to do it as I think that it is just like any art and I would like to express myself if i were able to do it through my draws.
    According to my point of view, Valparaíso is blessed by this, as the graffiti give color to streets and houses which are known as one of the town's most important characteristics.
    Constanza Cornejo

  11. Hello teacher, in my opinion street art gives voice to people who are silenced because are not heard in many places in society and graffiti makes them to express what they feel, for me graffiti is not vandalism but a type of art that is in view of all people in the city. I would love to do a grafffiti because I think they are very cute, they give color and meaning to the walls, I also think that Valparaiso has been favored with graffiti because when you walk through the streets of the city you see the artistic expressions and see how the City lives through art.
    Kaitlin Ariafne Díaz Garrido.

  12. Hello teacher
    Talking about this way of art, I think it is not vandalism if first, represents something and just don’t is a word that says “I was here” and second because it is a way of express the emotions of the person who painted and the feelings of the population in general. Regarding if I would do one, I think yes because as I said before I would do something with the objective of transmit a message to the people but first I need to learn to paint. Finally I think Valparaiso is in a big way damaged because most of the “graffiti” are stupid things without any sense but if the people work and paint things with more sense I think could help the tourism in Valparaiso and make more beautiful this city

    Javier Cárdenas E.

  13. Hello teacher
    The subject of graffiti is very much questioned lately in all sectors of the country as a city, but what is graffiti?
    is an anonymous inscription, painting or drawing of critical, humorous or rude content, engraved or written on walls or walls of public places.
    Personally I find that there are many points of view for the theme of street art, there are young people who only scratch the walls for their own fun and leave their mark, saying otherwise... but there are others that if express feelings, make beautiful drawings and Some concise cases of criticism of the people, I support them completely. So I couldn't categorize it as vandalism or art.
    I would like to participate doing one, obviously with all the permissions required for this issue, would find it quite entertaining and would be a good way to express everything and let go.
    Valparaiso has gradually been favoring, many people with good intentions give them color and a new air to the city, causing an increase in tourism and all possible aspects.
    Gerald Lobos M

  14. Hi teacher!
    Graffiti... can have two well-defined perspectives, it can be art and on the other hand vandalism, in my opinion, this depends on the form and place in which it is located, since there are beautiful sketches that convey a whole feeling as well as thoughts and that in this way it can represent an entire community that wants to express itself and give its opinion in this way, since it is a form that draws attention and makes you question in an easy and fast way in the streets (as Banksy does, according to the image that you placed); On the other hand there are the alleged graffiti that does not really have any specific goal and only ruins the streets.
    Valparaiso is a city that is recognized by this art, because in every sector that fences there are graffiti that move recipients, but there are also sketches that have no meaning and do not contribute or promote any point of view.
    I like this way of expressing art, since it can reach everyone and makes you question yourself instantly, I have some creations but I would not like to take them to the street since it takes time, work and money, the sad thing is that in reality people do not value all the effort behind all that work to express everything you want in a simple wall.

  15. Hi teacher!
    According to this topic, I think that graffitis it can be art or vandalism depending on what you want to express and in what way it is expressed. This is because the concept "graffiti" is very broad It can be art or vandalism depending on what you want to express and in what way it is expressed. This is because the concept "graffiti" is very broad, since a simple scratch is also considered within this category (tag). In my opinion, graffiti can embellish or ruin a city according to the type of drawing that is made, for example, if they are obscene messages. I would never do graffiti, because if I do graffiti, my parents would kick my ass. Besides, I'm not good at drawing and I do not need to express a message to people either.
    Matias Cárdenas

  16. Hello Teacher in my opinion the graffiti is not vandalism if not a type of art as it is a way to express your emotions in front of people who do not have your same thoughts in a peaceful way that is in the sight of all the people of the city. On the other hand I would love to do a graffiti because they contain many colors, there are different styles, letters wider or thinner among other aspects, also make the place to highlight the colors as in the case of Valparaiso that has been favored by the graffiti so that this does not look so deteriorated with the passage of the years and thus remains patrimony of the humanity like in the case of Cerro Alegre that is a place very visited by tourists.

    Bastian Pereira

  17. Hi teacher! In my opinion exist two types of graffiti: the graffiti painted by artists and those who paint them common people, the first tend to be prepared over time generally large-scale looking to transmit a message for the society. Nevertheless the second type tends to be planned at the moment and usually shows the name of the creator without any artistic sense. In conclusion the second type of graffiti is not art is vandalism. Valparaiso is a city with many graffiti and most are beautiful murals but there are still vandal graffiti anyway, the graffiti favor Valparaiso to its great extent.
    -Fabrizzio Sotelo

  18. I think that it depends on the type of the graffiti, because there are 2 types of it. There’s the one that “doesn’t have a content”, those are just lines and nonsense words or words such as “albo campeon” or any other. And there’s the one that it’s art, the ones that makes a city alive and when you see those graffities you can feel the emotion or the way that the creator is trying to express a feeling or a problem on the society. I think that the expression in the paint itself its actually art, in the second case of course. I would love to do one at least ones but I’m not good at those kinds of arts. And finally I really think that Valparaiso is favored because wives certain vibe.
    Regards Sofia Diaz P

  19. Hi, teacher!

    I think there are two types of graffiti, one is art and the other is vandalism.The first is characterized by a fundamental function: embellish.Art embellishes, illuminates, delivers a message from the community to the community.If you go to the hills you will find real pieces of art that identify Valparaíso.It is wonderful.However, the squiggles, the rallons without sense, without message, without form, are purely vandalism.They don't embellish,ruin Valparaíso.

    I wish make a graffiti, maybe some day, with time.


  20. Hi, teacher!

    In my opinion, graffiti is not art; on the other hand there are the murals that I think it refers to, what I would do if it is to prohibit graffiti because, for example, in Valparaiso, it is full of football team graffiti that makes people see the very ugly city.

    The truth would not do graffiti now I admit to have done some when I was a rebel but they were two lines nothing more and because it does not seem right to me nowadays
    You could give a space to be able to make murals if you could see the true street art not that random stripe

  21. Hi teacher!
    I personally think that it could be both, art and vandalism depending on what kind of graffiti it is. If it's just a name, nickname or a senseless phrase, I would consider it as vandalism, but in the other hand, there also exists the graffiti that tries to give a message for everyone, no matter who you are and since it doesn't need any word, every person can understand it, regardless your social status, race or language.
    I don't think I would do one, not because I don't want to but because my drawings are horrible, but I wouldn't doubt it if I was good at it.
    And finally, just as I said in the beginning, Valparaíso is both, favored and damaged by graffiti. But if we talk just about the ones that are art, then is obviously favorable because it's something people recognize as typical from here and it makes the streets looks colorful and bright.
    Elena Domínguez Hernández

  22. Hi teacher!
    In my opinion, graffiti is art, because through it people can express a person's way of thinking in a peaceful way, without harming anyone. Graffiti happens to be vandalism when this is misused as for example to insult, humiliate or make fun of some person, institution or organization. But in general views is something very good, since it gives joy and more color to any street, neighborhood or city. Everything depends in every way from the point of view of the person, but in my opinion I do not find anything bad that people have the freedom to express and especially if no harm is done to anyone. Obviously you must have the permissions that respect to scratch or paint in order to have no problem by scratching an area without authorization from anyone.

    Joaquin Ortiz Moreno

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Hi teacher
    There are two types of graffiti, the Tag and the mural, the last I would consider it art, while the first I would consider it a form of vandalism, since it only serves to visually damage a structure while the mural tries to convey a type of message such as the feelings of the artist or a criticism towards society, Valparaiso is both favored and damaged by graffiti as one can see in the downtown is full of tags, but if one goes to places like Cerro Alegre one can see how graffiti gives an identity to the sector, I would like to make one later when I have the time and the place to paint one.

  25. Hi teacher
    In my opinion I consider that there are two types of graffiti, one is the typical scribble that doesn´t express anything and we can see in all the streets of the city, and the other type is the artistic graffiti full of colors, which beautify the walls of the city.I think the first type of graffiti is stupid and is useless for nothing more than ruining the facade of houses, in other words, I consider that is vandalism, and other kind of graffiti I think is art, because the artist expresses feelings or real life situations in his paintings, and the people who appreciate these murals, reflect and analyse the content of graffiti.
    Personally I wouldn´t make a graffiti because I don´t have the talent and would be horrible, but I can express myself with a song. I think that Valparaíso is favored with graffitis, because thanks to them this city is so famous and preferred by tourists when they come to visit Chile, it is typical to go to Cerro Alegre, which has murals all over its streets and stairs decorated with colors and themes.

  26. Hi teacher!
    In my opinion, the street art gives a voice to the people more reserved, because they can express their feelings through this type of painting, so release the tensions and that they carry inside and do not know how to express it. The graffiti for me, is divided into two parts, art could call the murals that are created, transmitting a message with them or perhaps be inspiring for people, the vandalism I take on the side, when it is already a dislocated or meaningless messages, yes, sometimes make people with bad intentions and only to destroy private property, as in houses. I would do one, I like to paint and more if it is a mural, only if it is to transmit a message or draw something meaningful and if you give the necessary permissions.
    in Valparaiso, depends much on the sector where they are made, for example; In Cerro Alegre we can see that it is a tourist sector and the, is known for its beautiful murals, which are something characteristic of this hill. Instead, if we go to the center of the city, we can see, graffiti nonsense and for the purpose of disturbing sometimes the citizens, words aggressors or motives of protest.
    Montserrat López

  27. Hi teacher!
    To begin with, I think that the other areas of expression of art, mentioned in the text, are more effective and don’t directly damage the property or integrity of a person. I say this because there are 2 types of graffiti. The one that makes sense and the one that doesn’t have it. With this last one, I refer to the scribbles written on any wall of the city, which gives it a tone of little culture, because, in my opinion, that doesn’t tell you anything, nobody is interested in knowing your brand, it would only matter if you made a well to society but they don’t. However, the murals with different colors and figures should be considered as art, because there is a dedication and desire to show a talent. I believe that graffiti gives voice to silenced people who can express their emotions in a different way because sometimes people are not good at speaking and saying what they feel, therefore, they look for another art to express it. And finally, I think Valparaiso itself is damaged by graffiti at certain points because it makes it look dirtier.
    Macarena Medina

  28. Hi teacher
    i think that the street art give a voice to some people, in my opinion not any line is art, but this depend for the person, the street art give a voice to the people if the art have sense, i think the art of graffiti is a vandalism in only one case, when the people don't have permission for paint, i would do one graffiti, because is interesting, i would like make a change whit art whit sense, Valparaiso in big part is favored for the street art, because have touristic points and good views, but this is not applicable in all parts.
    Bastian Aravena

  29. Hi teacher! I think that art is subjective, and the graffiti gives voice to the people who can’t express what they feel about themselves or the society so they do that just with some cans of paint, but I am talking about art that some people made in the street of Valparaiso, like thing with meaning, a mural paint for example, no stripes or alleged signatures, that is not art.
    I love how Valparaiso looks like with giant colored murals, I think that this kind of thing gives life to the city and the people who life’s there but when people ruin it with scratches without meaning I consider it vandalism. As I said, art is subjective, you may like graffiti or not, in my case I wouldn’t do a graffiti because I don’t have the abilities for do it but if someone has the skills and something to express go ahead.
    Natalia Garrido.

  30. Hi teacher!
    Valparaiso is a city full of art, I think there are many beautiful works in the hills of this beautiful city, but as in all places, there will always be people who do vandalism. I think it is unnecessary to write "I love you dominic" or "together forever" or something like that about the works of art they do on the walls. There are two types of graffiti, those that embellish the city through cultural images and those that only do it without thinking.
    hoping you liked my answer,
    Valentina Casanueva

  31. Hi teacher
    I think the graffiti is an art but some of them are not, the graffiti is beautiful when is created by a real artist with feelings, the others “graffiti’s” that are only words without sense are not art, is vandalism. the graffiti must have lives colors and a form of expression in it, this help to see the lifeless area of the city with happiness and the artist show their feelings and expressions on the graffiti, i really want do a graffiti but in my room, a graffiti that show my emotions and feelings with colors. I think Valparaiso is affected by the vandalism because we see only words without sense and that we can’t understand most of them, so it seem ugly and bad, but in some parts of Valparaiso we can found some graffiti’s really beautiful

    -William Gutierrez
