Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Do's and Don'ts before travelling [Eighth Grade]

Dear Students:

 For the third entry we'll discuss the importance of research about a place before visiting it. As you may know, the internet allows us to look for information, picture and adressess in a second. While some people claim that is well to be informed before visiting a place, others say that know about the place beforehand makes your travel less exciting.

 In your opinion, do you believe that being informed takes away all the fun from a trip? Why / Why not? Would you research a place before visiting? why / why not? where would you get information of a place? can you give examples?

 Please leave your comments in at least 65-85 words

Target Language: Would, vocabulary related to the unit.

Deadline: May 21st

Kind regards,

Lucas Silva
English teacher


  1. Do you think being informed takes away all the fun of a trip? Why? Why not?

    No, because gathering information about the place will increase the chances of getting to know the place better as places of entertainment, good food and culture.

    Would you investigate a place before visiting? Why? Why not?

    Yes to plan and consider all the attractions of the place.

    Where would you get information from a place? can you give examples?

    On the internet through the Entertainment Sites and the place where I am going to visit.

  2. It does not take fun, because is important to be informed from the place you visit. Yes, I would investigate he place where I am visiting, it is important. I would get information from "Google" , or page touristic. In my opinion is very important to look for information because if not, it can happen an accident of any type of problem for not knowing their culture and traditions.

  3. Hello teacher
    It does not because being informed allows to know more thing about the country, in my opinion I visit informed a new country, because it is funnier to be informed. I would get information from internet about the country that I am visiting to not have not problem at I am visiting in the city that I am going and have a stay serene and can visit all the city.

  4. hello teacher
    My answers to the questions are

    No , because if you are not informed you will not know anything about the place that you will not know their culture , their traditions but if you are informed you will know places that you did not konw were in the same place and that you were . yes because i would know what i can do in the place i am and i would have more things to do . In internet pages or in tourist guides , Sernatur page of chilean tourism or google in general

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  6. Hello techer
    I find k if it takes away the fun because if you want to travel to one side is because you want to know because if you search the Internet is like "that I saw it" but it is still good to find Internet restaurant or hotels but for me takes away the diversion.I will investigate but not your tourist places or things like research, as it says in the previous question as restaurants, hotels, or if the country has a disease. I think you would get information with people who have gone to place xo in the tourist guides for that destined place.

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  8. Hello teacher, in my opinion, I do not think so, because one thing is living and be there and other is to be informed for any travel , Yes i do, for to know to visit or somewhere to have fun and
    have a good time, in google or books, tourist guide, family and friends. An example would be a tourist guide, documentaries, megazine and web site.

  9. hello teacher
    Being informed does not take away the diversion, being informed is better than reaching a part that you do not know.
    If I travel, I would investigate because that's how I know where I am and how is the people of the country.
    The information can be obtained from google, touristic information points, internet pages and talking with people who know the country I will visit.

  10. Being informed before traveling does not take away the fun of the trip, it is very important to have some information since all places have their own different culture. I would investigate the place before visiting because I would not want to disrespect the culture or the people, but you can get information in touristism websites about specific areas.

  11. hello teacher my name is Ignacio Quijada
    I think being informed does not take away all the fun of a trip because you know which places are the most touristy if you can say, if you would research a specific place to go because you always have to be informed about the place and what can happen , I would get information of a place in google in poster or brochures for example square Sotomayor place with the parade the presentation of the forces air.

  12. hi, teacher.
    I dont think something like that is fun, because it's important not funny. Yes, i would investigate the place where im going to visit. I think that information of the place would get a tourism website or maybe in brochures of turism, or in documentary of the place where im going, and im going to need web pages of hotels, restaurants of the place etc.

  13. Hello teacher.

    I believe that being informed about a place doesn't take the fun away because, you know where you are and not get lose.

    I will research a place before visiting because i could be informed about the place.

    I would get information of a place by searching in a touristic page or google.

  14. Hi teacher:
    The truth is that I would not like to be informed for the trip, but if I am informed with the main streets and things like that, being only a little informed makes the trip more fun to speak another language or interact with people and Learn from the place with your own eyes.
    that's my opinion.
    Goodbye teacher

  15. hello teacher.

    I believe that it doesn't take fun away because is important being informed about where you are going.

    I will research a place before visiting because i will be afraid to losing in a place that in dont know.

    I will get information of a place by internet in touristi pages.

  16. Hello Teacher.

    Here are my answers for the questions you made it

    do you believe that being informed takes away all the fun from a trip? Why / Why not?

    No,Because Imagine a place where are illness and you not research about that so you can contract the illness you feel bad?,rigth and Not only,you can miss,die for hungry,etc.
    so for your goodness research before the trip.

    Would you research a place before visiting? why / why not?

    For the reasons I mention before,and not only for that, if I don't research I can't find the landmarks and the touristic places
    and the Fares are other reason.

    where would you get information of a place? can you give examples?

    in the internet,maybe in periodics, in the news or, in Brochure's about the country or the place oficial websites,etc.

  17. Hi teacher
    I believe that being informed does not take away the fun of the trip because that way you are anxious about all the things that await you at the place that is going to go. I think that if you research a place before visiting it, you will know if there are any illnesses or entertaining things to do in that place. Obtain information about the place in a relative who has gone to the place or if not google.

  18. hi teacher my name is martin diaz

    my opinion if it investigates it takes away the fun and when one travels it is going to have fun

    I would not investigate because when you travel you will have fun if you only investigate if you travel in a group

    I would invest in pages or videos from YouTube or wikipedia but I would not investigate
