Wednesday, May 9, 2018

A campaing must be run [Junior]

Dear Students:

In the third and last entry of this semester, we'll discuss one of the most trending issues worlwide...water shortage. This essential element for living beings,  is a must in our dailiy life. Actually, we can only survive without it for three days or even less. This phenomenon is known as Drough and has been becoming a serious threat as time goes by. Considering this, what do you think would happen if there was no water around? What are some preventive measures you could take beforehand? What would you recommend to newer generations to assure water for the future? What would you do during a drough in Chile?.

Please leave your comments below in at least 85-120 words.

Target Language: Vocabulary related to Natural disasters (Unit 2), Conditional forms (First and Second).

Deadline: May 21st,

Kind Regards

Pablo Vasquez
English Teacher


  1. Hi teacher:
    I think that if a draugh happens,the entire world will die in a few time,because only the rich people may buy water,but anyways they will run out of water at some moment,I think that if people takes awareness about what will happen when we ran out of water,they will start to use water carefully and stop wasting our water,so if we make that people takes awareness all will be better,my recomendation to the next generations is that they can do programs to make childs know how important is water in our life and that we have to make it last a lot of time,if it happens here,I think that the people will turn crazy and they will make a lot of chaos in the city,so what I think is the best way to survive is to be calm and get all the possible water of my house and drink very few by a long time while some other country sends help,so that is my oppinion about this topic.
    Yours sincerely Ignacia Cofré.

  2. Hello teacher
    If we did not have water around after 3 days, disappear all kinds of alive beings and crop, due to the dehydration, since our major source of life is the wáter. The preventive measures can be to have big warehouses of water, closing the key when you are not using water, etc. They must stimulate the new generations to have more conscience with the good use of the water, which are informed that the water that we have up to today is the minimum and it will not be infinite, to have plans of contingency to re-use water. Example: If I am washing crockery and am wasting water, this to join it in a container and to use her in the WC. In a drought we should to go to big storages of water nearest and To restrict the use of the water.
    Andrea Miranda M.

  3. Dear Professor:
    First, water is the most important element for the life of every being, also our body is made of 70% water, therefore if there is water around the human race would disappear quickly, to prevent this event would carry out a campaign to care the excessive use of water and take care of the natural sources of it.
    If there is a drought in Chile I would adapt the crops to species that need the minimum water and adapt the irrigation system, also use water savers in all faucets and showers, and avoid leaks or loss of water distribution channels of the water.

  4. hello teacher
    In my opinion what would happen if there was no water would be that we all would die, since we depend almost in hundred per cent of the water. What it might do would be to join water, not badly to spend it and with this I refer to not be delaying very much to the moment to the slab bathe or be washed. And in addition to make the keys closed well, between more things. What it would recommend would be since mention previously to use in a consistent way the water. What I would do would be first that everything to gather the water that stays and her to distribute to first that everything to the neediest, then to the children and finally to the rest.

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  6. hi teacher

    If there is no water , Oh! I forgot rain cycle. If there is no sea water then there will not be rain. No rain, No grain! World will starve and we will be extinct

    To take care of the water we have that:

    take short showers, not to leave the opened watering-can, creating dams for the water and to drink not much

    I would recommend them :

    There take care the natural resources, which do not contaminate, that look for new solutions to this great problem that this concerning the world

    if this happens in chile I think that the best thing is of assuring and having care of the water, they all take necessary precautions to survive and if there they are dehydrated the people, the best thing would be to create a group of help

  7. Hello teacher
    Basically,if the water runs out, the humanity will become extinct, because we need to drink water. I think some preventive measures are: take short showers, keep the water tap closed, don´t waste water, etc. I recommend to the new generations to appreciate and protect the water, because this resource is valuable and very important for life. If there was a drought in Chile I would gather a lot of water to administer it and save the rest of the water that I didn´t collect. We must protect the water for the future.

  8. Hi teacher.
    First, if there is no water on our planet, all living beings would die, because the water is one of the most importants elements of the life, I think that the disappearance of water can not be avoided, but if it is to last longer, oh also causing more rain in some way, I would tell them to take care of the water and look for some scientific way to create water or look for a water replacement, I would only wait for my slow death.

  9. Hi teacher

    I think if there was no water anywhere around people would die, because we depend on it and not all people will be able to buy a bottle of water because of their resources. Taking into account that this can happen, it would take measures such as: reuse water (when washing the lettuce that same water throw it to the plants), close the keys and collect water.
    My recommendation to children is to be aware that if the water is still poorly spent, it will come to an end before they are young; So they could go reusing for the good of all.
    Scarleth Santander.

  10. Hello teacher
    I think if came a drought, every living thing on earth would die, since water is a large component of all known living cells, every plant, animal, fungus, etc. would all desiccate completely, and crumble to dust.
    To be prepared we should put a water rationing plan in place in the event of water shortage, water recycling; another way to save water is to install devices that use less water to perform everyday tasks. I’ll recommend to the future generation that they make sure that they are correctly informed and care for the water and learn how to take care of.
    If a drought happens in this country the people would freak out because Chilean people are not used to them, but the best way to prepare you to this kind of natural disaster is to be informed and keep calm,besides, follow a “plan” for this situation and take care of water.
    Fernanda Ortiz Martínez

  11. Dear Professor:
    With regard to the first question, if there were a drought the duration of life would be very short (until we reach extinction), the wars will be for the possession of water. Cattle and vegetables will die, since there would be no water to irrigate the crops and the animals will dehydrate. We would eat dehydrated foods like astronauts, in my opinion it is not very delicious, but it has the bases of proteins and minerals to survive. also, if we refer to a drinking water drought, surely the most urgent chemical investigations would be to make the salt water drinkable.
    Some measures we could take would be that we only have access to the vital liquid for a few hours a day (in fact, some colonies in the State of Mexico do this), we store rainwater for use in the irrigation of crops and we do not leave the keys open.
    I would recommend that they take care of the water, because it is essential for the life of all the beings that inhabit the earth and if they do not take care of it, we will all die and it will be their fault.
    I think a drought in our country could be avoided, but if it were in a drought I would distribute the buckets the water that I have at home (although it sounds strange if I have at home) to my family and when I make sure they are well, I drink a glass of chlorine and I will die

  12. Hi teacher:
    I consider the drought how a big problem because the people in the world without water die.
    If don´t have water in the world the human life disappear, because, the persons need water fot the hydration.
    How a measures of prevention of the drought are the little consumption of water, to close the key of bathroom after the shower and the washing of teeth.
    I recommend to the next generations not dirty the ocean and not to waste this recurse.
    If Chile have a drought I would do a resource that remplace the function of the water.
    Franco Hueso

  13. Hi teacher,
    If there was no water, all living beings will die, obviously, all of us need water to live. Some preventions could be shorter showers, don’t drink water in excess, turn off water after you wet your toothbrush, if you wash dishes by hand, don't leave the water running for rinsing, etc.
    In my case, If I recommend to newer generations about assure water, I will explain this situation and the consequences (maybe the cause of the next world war be for water). I think they must do campaigns about water care.
    In this situation, it’s complicated know what would you do, but I think I won’t do anything, only drink less, and try to survive on this way, until other countries help us.

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  16. Hi Teacher
    i think that if there wasn't any water, people will start dying slowly they will not be able to live long.Things i would have beforehand are water bottles and a water filter to purify any remaining water thats left.if i had to recommend something to the future generation it would be to conserve as much water as possible by taking shorter showers, dont use water unnecessarily, etc. if there was a drought in Chile i would have some water bottles handy and try survive as long as possible.

  17. hi teacher
    to begin, if the water is ended, we would die, because we need to drink water to live. Some preventive measures are: to take short showers, to keep the faucet of the water closed, not to waste water, etc. I recommend to the new generations to estimate and to protect the water, because this resource is valuable and very important for the life, because of her we can live. If there was a drought in Chile, I would administer the water to make it last and, would assemble her in to place where it does not contaminate. We must protect the water for the future for which it is essential.

  18. Hello Teacher:
    If there's no water around, all of us will die. The people will be crazy, therefore wealthy people will get the remaining water because of their power,though they will die anyways (talking of a global drought).
    If we are talking about a real situation, there's no way you can save yourself, even though you want to. Besides, in a global drought the comunication mediums will hide the problem to save themselves, thus they can get a part of the remaining water. You can never know when a drought is coming until it happens, that means you can't do anything before and you will be the first to die if you don't have enough money or economic power.
    I'd recomend to the next generations to protect the water or make devices to decontaminate sea water. Although i think the best solution is to travel to another planet with water, making us interplanetary and opening us a lot of posibilities in obtaining energy.
    If there's a drought in Chile, i would travel to another country with my family.
    Regards, Bryan Gonzalez

  19. Hi Teacher:
    First , i think if there's was a drought , people would die of dehydration, the cattle would die ,the crops would not grow, and there would be less food due to this. Second some preventive measures that we could take beforehand are: save water, for example: if you are going to take a shower, you won't let the water run, use water wisely, if you are going to water your plants, you will need just and necessary water. Third my recommendations for the newer generations are , as i said before, using water wisely is very important, since, if we don't have water, we won't survive, so doing this it’s very important. Finally , the things that i would do during a drought in our country would be, first, to save a lot of water, secondly, to buy drums of water, third, to occupy the water moderately, and fourth, to decontaminated contaminated water, because, if the water is decontaminated , the water will be used for the consume.

  20. hi teacher:
    frist, i think if there's was a drought, is very important always to have water cans if they present these emergencies and to anticipate these cases and since obviously we cannot survive without water if it becomes exhausted all we enter panic also I think that it is important not to enter panic and to monopolize the whole available water in these cases all that we have to teach the future generations take care of the water.
    sofia cayuman.

  21. Hi teacher
    I think that if there was no water everyone will die, because all of us need water to live. Some measures to prevent this are water care: by turning the tap off when brushing, do not leave the water running when rinsing your hands and when you bathe, ect. I think it would be good to make campaigns about water care and its importance. If there was a drought in Chile I would go to buy water right away and try survive with my family.

  22. Hello teacher.
    I think that if we don’t have water, we'll start to die, because, how was already mentioned previously, the water is an essential element for all living beings. In general the best form for care of water isn't occupied of form unnecessary, for example, that it flow while you brush yourself the teeth. Therefore the foregoing is a good recommendation for creating incentive in the people about the care of water, moreover the people should not pollute the environment, specially the water(fresh or salt water). In case of drought in Chile the best form to "survive" is distribute in the moments more important the water, creating one specie of ration for every day.

    1. First, if you don't water have would be very bad for the wordl in general because our body contains a large percentage of water in the body and if not have water would lower the percentage of humans in the world
      second what i would do would be to make a campaign that is for countries that have a greater amount of water as a country..they give to developing countries with low level of water so we wouldn't have these problems as a country which keep water in bottles as well in order to help those countries that have little water.

  23. Hi, Teacher.

    Well, basically if we did not have water we could not live, because as you say in the introduction, water is the most vital for life, in general. I would take shorter showers, close the key when you brush your teeth, do not play with water in any way. I would explain to them the importance of water for everyone, I would make them aware of this to such an extent that when they are great they do the same with their generations, making campaigns or movements for the proper use and protection of water. If there were a drought in Chile, it would save the maximum amount of water in order to have it in case of any emergency.

  24. hello teacher

    Well if we did not have water, what would happen is that people would begin to die of dehydration, it is more likely to create new diseases that would affect the population, which means that the country would go into crisis, the birth rate itself reduce

    A measure that podria to take is that the country has reservations of water, this sirviria demaciado in case of seemed like that one to other one the measure that podrian to have is that the people were freezing the water from this way that this one is guarded and in emergency cases only to have to leave her they defrost

    It them would recommend that not wasted the water, that is to say that block well all the ways of water since to enter crisis like that can be very difficult to go out

    Good first that everything is that empesaria to joining water it tries to save the most possible of water as well as not to play with water, to close well the keys etc

  25. Dear teacher:
    According to the above, I think that if there's no water around, people will die (because we all need water to survive). And some preventive measures could be: keep the faucet of the water closed, don't let the water run while you wash the dishes, take short showers, turn off water after you wet your toothbrush etc.
    I recommend to the future generation that learn how to take care of water and they knows the consequences of a Drought (to take conscience).
    To finish, If there was a drought in Chile, I would travel to south of the country with my family (In addition to keep water bottles and, would try to survive as long as possible… for helps too).

  26. hello teacher
    if there were no water on the planet we would be dead, because it is a main element for our body.A preventive way that water does not run out would be to try to take care of it as much as possible and raise awareness.I would make a talk to the generations more present that shows why you have to take care,the consequences And since we get be if it becomes exhausted.What I would do during a drought would be to try to survive in my house with the water collected until I could because I could not buy water because they be at very high prices.
    maria vega
