Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Peaceful Means rather than Force [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 We currently live in a society that is the result of a globalized world which, in our case, ended up being culturally merged with nearby cultures / countries such as Peruvians, Haitians, Colombians and the like. Hence, The role of discussing this issues has become crucial lately and debate may be one option to reach an agreement politely. Considering debate as a whole and the motions seen in class, do you think that debate is important? Why / why not? What topics do you consider important and should be debated? why?

 Please leave your comments below in 80-120 words.

Target language: Opinion-related vocabulary

Deadline: May 21st

Kind regards

Lucas Silva
English Teacher


  1. I’ve got to say that the debate -in my opinion- is one of the most important things to learn to do and I think that if humanists create things, this is their best creation. Today, is actually dead serious to know how to defend your opinions, because; why we should be capable to have our opinions if we can support them? I mean, at the time, I haven’t read a book from Voltaire (hello teacher monica), but I know that he was like one of the leaders of the freedom, at least in the expresion, respect and equality. But the thing is, I think this guy would be very offended and sad if he’d notice that the people he’d set free, doesn’t know how to defend their ideas. Now, what I think that is important to debate? my answer is simple: everything. Surprisingly, i’m not a politician, but I think that every decision that we make through the day should be clearly thinked and maybe not discussed with another person (if the topic is personal, obviously) ‘cause you always can talk with yourself and make a pros/cons list, and know what's the best to do for ya.

    -Paula Villarroel

  2. hello teacher:
    regarding your questions, in my opinion if a debate is important, because it is an important communicative tool for current democracies and in small scale for our day to day, and thanks to this tool, we can obtain several opinions about the same theme. its purpose, is not to convince, but if it is to put in knowledge of all the options or opinions with which they are counted. the subject that I would consider to debate, would be our day to day, since it will always have its pros and cons to what is each of the days that pass in our lives.

    -Bayron Diaz

  3. Hello teacher, well in my opinion, the debate is a good occasion for the people, because can speak about a motion and say that thinks, the opinions are very personals, and that's why you can defend your position, also can to make a contraargumentation if you thiks that other person is not correct, or dont have coherence.
    Now, i thinks all topics are debatable, from the political, religious, the migrations, etc. Everything is good for a debate, and even more so when they are topics of interest, this make that the debate are most interesant and in ocassions most funny, both for the opponents and the audience..

    -Sofia Gonzalez Villarroel.

  4. hello teacher
    about the debate in my opinion is not the most important thing that there is not the only solution that exists in a discussion but I like to debate a bit about the environment I found negative things the why? is that you can not respect much the opinions of others because you have to find a way to win but not the way to listen to the other of what you think of what can be better etc for me the debate is like a war of who he writes it better and he argues well that I find it wrong of the one who exposes it better, regardless of the other than what he can say about the meaning that he can have etc.What topics do you consider important and should be debated? well I have two topics serian 1) the law of stamps in food 2) animals in danger of extinction must be in special places because I find them interesting

  5. I think who the debate is something necessary and important for the human life, because:
    1)We can give our opinion or arguments about something
    2) We can listen others opinions
    3)For solve something is necessary sit down and talk and this is relevance in all cases
    I think who all topics are debatable nevertheless some topics are more interestings and more debatable who others for one simple reason: some topics have more points for discuss for example "the globalization is good" have to many points for discuss, but in case of "beauty pageants are good for society" is a motion difficult to defend but nevertheless is possible.

    In conclusion: the debate is important? Absolutely. And all topics are important should be discussed to reach consensus through the most civilized way possible

  6. Hello teacher.
    I think the debate is something important because the debate it helps you to reach an agreement whit another person or other people depending on the case, the debate helps to defend you opinion whit your arguments and i think this is something positive because knowing the opinion of another person on a topic helps you to now your point of view of the topic, in my opinion a important topic to debate are social networks because in the case of the most people the social networks are a vice in wich you ocupate a good quantity of hours.
    - Daniel Mercado.

    Hello to the best teacher of the world world!!!
    In my opinion I find that the debate if it is important and very important because it is a formal meeting that one speaks about the topic that some esten in against and others to favor. Also it serves to be able to be written better and to be able to defend with words in my opinion an important topic to be able to debate is that Chile him from sea to Bolivia, that my point of view is that not because estariamos giving something that I gain him with blood of our soldiers

  8. good afternoon teacher
    I think it is quite important that there is and know how to make a debate, since it is a very interesting way to present your opinion to someone who does not have it.
    or for example you can take the case when you are nominated to be presidents, a debate is prepared, and normally you should win the one with the best arguments of what you are going to do.

    for me some good topics would be the following:
      - "Existence of God"
    - "Is there area 51?"
    - "Does the Vatican hide us proof of exorcisms?"

    also, I raised the average with the note of the debate hehehe

    - Eric Núñez

  9. Hi teacher, in my opinion the debate is sooooooo important because it is a way of talking about something, seeing the points of view of each person which makes it very fair with the right people, it is very important to discuss laws and current issues, so it arrives to a vote in general and make a change in society. There are several topics that can be debated, for example: abortion, feminism, among others. I find that these issues are very debatable, since there are 50 and 50 among the people who are in favor and against. This is my opinion, Bayron out.

  10. good morning teacher

    in my opinion the debate is important because develop the abilityes of discuss inteligently or show one opinion in the lkfe

    the importants topic being for example:

    -the imigration in chile, because have the imigrant from peru,haiti,etc

    -is bad the imigration in chile or the other countries

    -the free education in chile, becuse have the cuestion ¿quality for quantity? ¿is good or bad?¿the public school have the bad student?

    in my opinion is important debate this topics

    bye teacher

    thomas silva

  11. Hi to the best teacher in the world

    Of course, the debate is important, it is the most respectful way to achieve an exchange of ideas with another person, most of the time one makes a "debate" when talking with another person, only that it does not formally and structurally As it should be, the debate makes people listen and be able to comment on what is being talked about. A good topic to discuss could be the current issues, but those that occur in Chile, it bothers me to see how people just close their eyes and do as if nothing was happening, but we can not do that. Most people do not have a point of view on a current issue for the same, because they are not informed, it is wrong not to inform themselves, because tomorrow can be your daughter of 20 years who is sexually abused or your 8-month-old niece mistreated by her mother or father, and those are the situations that one must take into account at times, so yes, it would be a very hot topic to discuss. Thanks for "listening" teacher. Laters


  12. Hello Teacher:

    I think that the debate itself is good because, is good form to learn and can to discuss with the objective of persuade of other person and seen the better option for take a decision regarding a problem.
    The topic national level that i would consider more important for discuss is the arrival immigrants in Chile, since this problem affected all the people and are not taking the measurement for resolve this issue. the consumerism because that this issue affected all the people in sense that the people think that if have the ultimate generation, the modern elements you are better and this things produce the consumerism. And last issue the influence the technology in the life of people, this issue affected the society in sense that the technology progress every time more fast and this produce the people obtain more modern things and more amenity produce the sedentarism and other problems and I consider this issue it would be a good subject for discuss in the debate.
    Bye Teacher
    Atte: Vicente Moyano

  13. Hello Teacher

    In my experience, the debate is more than just defend a position. Debate also teaches to listen and understand your oponent, build good arguments and points of intermision. The fact of participate in this kind of activities where you have to defend an point of view, increases your vocabulary, your delivery, and the most important, you will become a more learned person. Also, debate give us the opportunity of discuss about the important problems in the world, a country, a community, etc. So, in conclusion, I think that the debate is pretty important in every field, both scientific and humanist. Because every problem that are affecting the world and ourselves as humans (like global warming, feminism, human rights, etc) must be debated.

    That is my opinion
    (I made the 120 words instead of 300 yay)
    Kind regards

  14. Hello teacher, i think that the debate is important, because the people can exprees your opinions In a different way, this allows that any opinion should count and the people express, I think that there are some topics that should be debated as the abortion, the feminism, the racism, the migration in chile and more things that they harm to the society for having different thoughts, that is because the people not debate this themes and this provocate the conflicts in society, in conclusion i think that the debate is important for all themes, this is my opinion
    Benjamín Mercado

  15. Hi teacher my name is Carlos González: I think that the debate is important because when people want to express their opinion on a topic and share it with another person there many historians that debates about the history of Chile and the world also discuss the existence of God and the stereotypes about whether they are in real life or just on TV.
    There are many issues that can be debated how people who do not have to eat
    low-income people and the feminist protest in the USM.

  16. first of all .hello professor
    well for my point of view the debate is good for all things because with it you can reach agreements, talk about current affairs, clarify issues or inform more about a topic of interest ..........
    the truth is there are too many important issues but for which I would like to discuss is about the feminazis because they are current issues that the vast majority of people are talking about and if they debated what is right and what is wrong about men and women things will be fixed a bit or at least I hope so.
    Thank you for your attention. Thank you: Benjamin Solis

  17. first of all .hello professor
    well for my point of view the debate is good for all things because with it you can reach agreements, talk about current affairs, clarify issues or inform more about a topic of interest ..........
    the truth is there are too many important issues but for which I would like to discuss is about the feminazis because they are current issues that the vast majority of people are talking about and if they debated what is right and what is wrong about men and women things will be fixed a bit or at least I hope so.
    Thank you for your attention. Thank you by: Benjamin Solis

  18. Hello Teacher.
    Well in my opinion, i think than the debate is one of the things more important, because you have to defend your ideas and i have to learn how to make rigth and is a good form to communicate your opinion and is good to learn other poits of views, its a form to be more educated and search information of important issues and of the present.
    Some topics than i think, are the existence of God, because is very interesting and this topic have a loot of the subjects and poits of views different, other topic can be the feminism, but not the feminism than search the equality, if not the extremist feminism, because it can be than this group of people can have this type of ideology, because they are so intolerant and closed minded. Well teacher this are my opinion.
    Bye teacher.

    By: Felipe Espinoza

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Debates are important, because debates helps you to defend your opinion, and defend with arguments.
    For example, in classes, students don't like the topics, but is interesting to debate with good arguments.
    The bad Thing of debates is that some topics are very inequal. For example, the topic of global warming and countries responsability. I think that all topics need to be discused, because all topics are important for some people, and it is funny to see a debate and listen to the arguments.
    Diego Gallardo.

  21. Debate it’s not important, it’s transcendental. Debate means express your opinion with arguments, with turns and respect. Every person must learn how to debate correctly, to express opinions correctly, and not to force our opinions against other opinions.
    The topics that are important to debate are so much. For example, how to create a better society and promote the respect and equality in current XXI century.
    However, the topic that I more like to debate is the existence of God. Is transcendental about our ways to live our life, because, if God exists, we need to be good persons, but, if God doesn’t exists, there is no reason to be a good person. Therefore, that is the most important topic to discuss.
    Daniel Alvarado.

  22. Hello professor, my name is Constanza Hernández and today I will give you my opinion about the debate.
    A debate is very important because it is a very important communicative tool for current and small-scale democracies for our day to day life; and is that thanks to this tool, we can get several opinions about the same subject. Its purpose, although not to convince, is to put in the knowledge of all options or opinions that are counted.
    Some issues that I consider important in the debate are: the death penalty, smoking should be banned all over the world, steroids should be accepted in sports, because in these issues we can draw several opinions.
