Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Is graffiti Vandalism or Art? [Senior]

Dear Students:

 Art has been claimed as a movement that expresses inner emotions and spread them through different means, such as music, poetry, literature or graffiti. Graffiti gives voice to silenced citizens through street art, furthermore it enlightens a city with colourful paintings and give joy to vulnerable communities as well (some people think that way though). Considering this, how does street art give a voice to people who feel silenced in other areas of their lives? Is Graffiti Vandalism or art? Would you do one? Why / Why not? Is Valparaiso favored or damaged by this?

 Please leave your comments below in at least 95-135 words.

Target language: Second conditional, Vocabulary related, connectors.

Deadline: May 21st

Kind regards,

Juan Guevara
English Teacher

A campaing must be run [Junior]

Dear Students:

In the third and last entry of this semester, we'll discuss one of the most trending issues worlwide...water shortage. This essential element for living beings,  is a must in our dailiy life. Actually, we can only survive without it for three days or even less. This phenomenon is known as Drough and has been becoming a serious threat as time goes by. Considering this, what do you think would happen if there was no water around? What are some preventive measures you could take beforehand? What would you recommend to newer generations to assure water for the future? What would you do during a drough in Chile?.

Please leave your comments below in at least 85-120 words.

Target Language: Vocabulary related to Natural disasters (Unit 2), Conditional forms (First and Second).

Deadline: May 21st,

Kind Regards

Pablo Vasquez
English Teacher

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Peaceful Means rather than Force [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 We currently live in a society that is the result of a globalized world which, in our case, ended up being culturally merged with nearby cultures / countries such as Peruvians, Haitians, Colombians and the like. Hence, The role of discussing this issues has become crucial lately and debate may be one option to reach an agreement politely. Considering debate as a whole and the motions seen in class, do you think that debate is important? Why / why not? What topics do you consider important and should be debated? why?

 Please leave your comments below in 80-120 words.

Target language: Opinion-related vocabulary

Deadline: May 21st

Kind regards

Lucas Silva
English Teacher

The Pursuit of Happiness (2006) [Freshman]

Dear Students:

 For the third entry, we'll discuss about the movie "the pursuit of happiness' starred by Will Smith and his son (Jaden Smith). Its plot portraits a struggling salesman who takes custody of his son as he's poised to begin a life-changing professional career. Considering the plot and the activities covered in class: Do you think most people who live in poverty don't work hard and don't try to change their current situation? Has this movie changed your perception toward homeless people? If so, what are the changes you propose? If not, why not? What did you feel while watching the film?

 Please leave your comments below in at least 80-130 words.

Target Language: Simple Past, Question Tags, Would like.

Deadline: May 21st

Kind Regards,

Andres Muñoz
English Teacher

Do's and Don'ts before travelling [Eighth Grade]

Dear Students:

 For the third entry we'll discuss the importance of research about a place before visiting it. As you may know, the internet allows us to look for information, picture and adressess in a second. While some people claim that is well to be informed before visiting a place, others say that know about the place beforehand makes your travel less exciting.

 In your opinion, do you believe that being informed takes away all the fun from a trip? Why / Why not? Would you research a place before visiting? why / why not? where would you get information of a place? can you give examples?

 Please leave your comments in at least 65-85 words

Target Language: Would, vocabulary related to the unit.

Deadline: May 21st

Kind regards,

Lucas Silva
English teacher

Fashion and Music [Seventh Grade]

Dear Students:

 For the third entry, we'll discuss about music and fashion. As you may know, there's a strong link between music and clothing. According to the text on page 41, do you know any other style that is influenced by music? What do you know about it? What music do you like? How often do you wear clothes related to music?

 Please leave your comments below in at leas 60-80 words.

Target Language: Like + ing, vocabulary related to clothing, adverbs of frequency.

Deadline: May 21st

Kind Regards,

Andres Muñoz
English Teacher