Saturday, March 24, 2018

Job Interviews [Freshman]

Dear Students:

 During classes we have been discussing the main points during a job interview, which are essential for applying successfully to a company. Regarding this, I'd like to know certain aspects you would considered in a possible job interview: How do you introduce yourself? What information do you usually offer? What qualities would you like your employer to know about? What characteristics would you prefer not to talk about? why?

 Please answer in at least 65 words (100 max)

Target Language: Vocabulary related to job interviews, Question tags and formal structures.

Deadline: April 6th

Kind regards,

Juan Guevara
English Teacher


  1. I would introduce myself as a Patricio Lynch student, I would mention that I am fluid in the english language, the qualities that i would like my employer to know is that I am very dedicated, punctual, have good lidership skills and that i am not nitpicky about my salary at the start of the job, the qualities I would rather him not knowing is that i can be a bit lazy sometimes I can be too ambitious sometimes

    Kind regards

    David Arias
    Freshman Student

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  3. I would introduce myself in a kind, simple and decent way to make a good impression. I would offer a curriculum to highlight my best qualities and what I can do. The qualities that would be presented to the employer would be that I am responsible, attentive, friendly and always perform the activities, always when I propose. And finally the qualities that I would not like to present would just I'm too lazy, either for manual things, also that sometimes I'm not as punctual as it should be, because in some jobs punctuality is essential.

    Greetings Teacher.

    Gabriel Fuentes.

    1. Yeah Gabrix 99 JAJAJAJ, your not really punctual

  4. I would introduce myself formal, but without exaggeration and look as natural as possible. I would mention that i´m punctual, responsible, trustwhorthy and always available. Depending on the job i´m applying for i would define my best collaborative skills, and of course i would talk about my work experience. What i would not really talk about is that i´m very forgetful, wich contradicts "my responsibility" and i use informal lenguaje a lot.

    Kind regards
    Monserrat Rojas.

  5. I would introduce myself formal, but my dress would have to have a little color and not be too exaggerated. I would like to offer that I perform well in the work I want to acquire. I would say that my qualities are that I am organized and responsible. And I'd rather not talk about being unpunctual, because it would hurt me in the interview, so maybe I couldn't get the job.

    Kind regards
    Ashley Navarro A.

  6. I would present myself formal and very sure of myself.
    I would mention my personal information such as my name,age,etc.I would also show himmy studies in school,university and that I am responsible,puctual,reliable and avaiable for anything.And depending on the work I say my qualities in front of of that as well as show my work experiencie and recommendation letter of my other work.
    I would not say would be maybe in my personality as,being with many people or now messy I Am.

    Kind regards
    Olga de la Fuente.

  7. I would introduce myself as a person committed to work. First, I would say that I'm responsible, hardworking, loyal, and all my skills and abilities that will help me in the work that i'm applying for. I would like my employer to know that I am dedicated to work and a little perfectionist , and that i don't have salary problems. The qualities that I prefer that he does not know is that I hate work in team and that I am not very punctual.

    Kind regards.
    María José Ortiz.

  8. I would present myself very well dressed and sure of myself
    I would give my presonal information os my name, my age, where I live, etc ... I would also tell you where I study, that I am responsible, reliable, very punctual and my qualities would be dependent on work, which features I would not like to talk about, it would be that some Sometimes I am distracted and I do not pay attention to some things, if I say that in my work of insurance they do not accept me.

    Kind regards
    Francisca Acosta N.

  9. I for a job interview, my presentation would be formal clothes, a formal language to give a good impression and have more possibility of have the job. I like would my interviewer to know that in reality want that job . I would say that i am collaborative, tolerant and very creative. The qualities that i prefer not to mention are that i am unpunctual and extremely forgetful.

    Kind regards,
    Anaís Moya O.

  10. Maria de los Angeles:
    I would introduce myself with my full name, I have practiced a few different languages, my qualities that they would like you to know is that I would be very dedicated in my work, the qualities that I would not like to speak would be of my English, because knowing how to pronounce the words well gives me enough shame.

    Kind regards
    Maria Molina Arias.

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  12. I would present myself as an honest, respectful and responsible person. I offer the information of a person of excellent qualifications and sufficient knowledge. My qualities for work are my responsibility, my commitment, my knowledge and my formal presentation. I would prefer not to mention that I am unpunctual, my joker and impatient, because patience and punctuality in a job is very important.

    Kind regards
    Fabian Fernandez

  13. I would introduce myself in a formal way, giving my full name and age, I would also say that i have wide knowledge of the English and Spanish languages. I would also say that I'm friendly, I take my duties seriously, I'm punctual and I have a lot of IT skills. Something I wouldn't mention is that I can be lazy sometimes and I can get distracted easily.

    Kind regards
    Isaías Ormeño

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  15. Hello teacher: today my point of view will tell him on the things that I must say in an interview of work and that not, for example, since an interview begins, greeting, appearing for my name, also my experiences working, for that they must contract me, my title, my knowledge and in the different areas in which I can get out of a jam, also say that I am responsible, punctual, clean, tidy, organized, what I must not say is that I am confused, a bit talkatively, since this they are a few things that podria to avoid the contract.

    Cristobal Diaz Perez.

  16. In my opinion, I would get in the greeting to the boss thus of giving the first good impression. I would offer a system where I was simpler and more rapid of utilization. The qualities that this would announce are that I am a responsible, punctual, respectful, clean, organized, attentive person, politely, that I do not use bad words and the qualities that he would not present, it is that I do not like to be employed at equipment, I like to do the things to my way and that sometimes I can be rather lazy.

    Sending my agreeable mas they greet.
    Nicole Sepúlveda Pezo

  17. I would introduce myself giving my name, age and my job experiences. I would mention that I have a good English and I am very smart. The qualities would I mention to my employer is that I am a quiet person, punctual, skilled and social. The characteristics that I am would prefer not to talk about is that I am a little stubborn because sometimes I think my ideas are certain but they are wrong.

    Kind regards
    Cristóbal Duarte M.

  18. Dear Teacher:

    I would introduce myself formal, maybe in a dress, but not very striking and trying to be as natural possible. I would say information like my name, age and the school I come from, I would tell my employer that I am very punctual and good at teamwork, on my skills and abilities I would say that I am kind and good at helping people. I'd rather not talk about being messy and easily angry, because maybe by mentioning it I might lose my job.

    Kind Regards,
    Mykaela Venegas T.

  19. I would introduce myself as a normal student from Patricio Lynch, formal, because this is the way for a good first impression. I think that is a good idea saying that i can speak three languajes(english, korean and spanish) and i learn fast. abaut my qualities...i would like that people know that i'm punctual, i'm not rude, working hard and a nice person. i'm not 100% responsible, i can be very ambicious sometimes and i'm a bit stubborn, specially when I cling my idea.

    king regards,
    Alondra Quiñones

  20. I would formally introduce myself and I would not be nervous at all. I would say that I have time, I am responsible, very good and punctual. If I have ever worked, what I would not want to talk about is that I am always aware of things, I am thinking of almost everything but less in work but it is usually at the minimum

    Kind Regards,
    Nicolas Callejas S.

  21. I would introduce myself in a formal way, first I would say that I am compromised by the work, honest and I say my skills to for the job chosen. It would give them to know that I am responsible, autonomous and that I do not have the ideal one of salary. The characteristics that I would not say are that not always I am punctual and can relax very easily.

    Kind Regards
    Emily Olivares

  22. In a job interview, i would go formally,in a presentable way (suit and tie), with good disposition, etc...
    The information that would be deliveried is my adress, my virtues, my goals, my family, my previous jobs, lenguages i speak, etc...
    Respect my qualities, to know that i am very punctual, responsible with the work i do, happy and with good disposition to what to be presented, ever.
    I wouldn't want to talk about my private life,
    i would not speak ill of my previous bosses, ask immediately about the salary, because it can be dislocated or badly seen.

    -Kind Regards
    -.Bastian Sossdorf

  23. I a job interview, i would say my name, age, work in which previously I was and because i want the job, I would say my qualities, as for example the punctual, realible, responsible, etc. I would not speak woul be of my friend, pets, salary,etc. Because the interviewerto know interesed you of the work and not of the personal life.
    Obviously you have to go dressed formally and with good disposition.

    Kind Regards
    Giulliana Bañados U.

  24. I would introduce myself saying my name,age, my previous work and if i do not have previous works my qualities and with what me goes better. i would say that I am responsible, punctual, orderly, and that I like to work etc. i would not speak on my pets, my friends, of video games, I would not talk too about the salary that I'm going to have , for that it is of education bad to speak about these topics in an interview of work. Obviously I have to go clean, tidily formally and happy.

    Kind regards
    jose mosqueira n.

  25. I would introduce myself in a formal in a possible job interview, such as: personal information (name, last name, address, where I was graduate from), I would talk about my good qualities for the job, because I am creative person, responsible, formal, puntuality, hard working, willing to learn. During the interview I would my abilites that I can to contribute to the company, also the reasons for choosing the career and salary expectations. I wold prefer not to talk about to sometimes unpunctual and a little loose from time to time.

    Kind regards,
    Laura Armijo S.

  26. Good morning, I think that the main information to ask for is company information such as phone numbers, mail, address.
    The information that one has to give is the name, age, experiences, abilities, weaknesses, salary expectations, the qualities that I would like to know are the experiences of the company, I would not like to talk about past workers and be compared with those Nor of such a low salary.

    -Kind regards
    Benjamin Retamal

  27. First, in a job interview, I would present myself in a friendly, simple and with a good disposition to the position I am requesting. The information that would be delivered would be my qualities, such as being punctual, personal information, experiences, salary expectations, etc. I would also say that I am a responsible and committed worker, the qualities I would not say is that I am quite distracted and forgetful as this could harm me in the interview.

    -Kind regards
    Fernanda Lorca

  28. Well, in an interview I introduce myself safe, kind, never rude. My information is that I am working hard, team work, honest, my salary flexible and that will be a bit of my information. I would like a reliable person to know how to do the work that is not lazy and good work companion.
    I would not say i Being rude, insecure, lazy, unpunctual and
    that would not say in an interview

    -Kind regards
    Benjamin Hidalgo

  29. In a job interview, I would introduce myself wearing formal clothes, good personal hygiene and be sure of myself.
    I would say my personal information and depending the work, I would make known education, experiences and skills that I have in that area.
    My qualities are I'm friendly, clean, organized and ready to learn.
    I prefer not talk about I'm not very punctual and I get distracted very easily, which is inconvenient, because concentration is paramount to doing the activities well and it's probably that the interviewer does not take me into account for the work if I say that.

    ||Kind regards
    Isidora Aguilera.

  30. I would introduce myself by saying my name, age, my knowledge of the area; I would like you to know that I am willing to give everything of my giving my best effort and that I am organized; I would not like him to know that I am easily distracted, that I am not so punctual because it can make it difficult for me to get the job.
    -Kind regards
    Fernanda Quijada.
