Saturday, March 24, 2018

First Impressions [Senior]

Dear senior students:

 I hope this message finds you well. As we talked in class, Stereotypes is seen as a construction of society and not as truths, and it includes a very shallow enough perspective. Considering the former definition, there's an interesting discussion regarding Americans, whether they have to be named that way. If you are FOR: Why should people from the USA be called Americans? Why shouldn't people be offended by the English word 'Americans'? If you are AGAINST: What's the origin of the people called 'Americans'? Why shouldn't people from the USA be called Americans? Who might be offended? What could the adjective and noun be changed to?

 Please leave your comments below in 80-120 words.

Target Language: Vocabulary related to stereotypes

Deadline: April 6th


Juan Guevara
English Teacher


  1. Hello teacher, this one is an interesting topic since investigating I thought that it is the only country of america that has the word america in his name, on the other hand there does not exist another way of calling to yes same in English, since in English United Statesian it does not sound very good. It is because of it that many people say that, though in Spanish it is possible to realize a good translation and name the citizens of The United States as "Americans", in English the term remains very rare. I am agree of that the persons of The United States are called Americans.

  2. Hi Teacher: If people from United States, call themselves Americans maybe is for a recognition or just to put a name on where you come from, such as Brazilians, Canadians and Chileans. Why Americans? Technically an American person is someone from America, it can be north or south. But maybe it can refer to a person that have an attitude such as being rude or lazy. All this stereotype of the American person it can be from the old American movies, and how (in Hollywood) represented their own people, such as fat people and watch TV all day. And finally, I think that the word “American” it needs to be renew from how people it’s now, not how it was.

    Sofia Diaz

  3. Hello teacher. In my opinion, U.S citizen shouldn't call themselves Americans, bacause they are not the only america, America is the name of the country, were there's not only them, but Latino America and the rest of North America. Even tho I do not agree with them using this term I can understand why they use it.
    Historicaly, American(s) was a term used to reffer to all people from that continent, but after U.S independence as a country they kept using the name to reffer to themselves, as opposite to Canada, who shares their same geografical space (North America).
    In other words, I don't really care, because, even if the term American was to be used to reffer to all people from America, I think it just carries a lot of prejudice and bad stereotypes about their "culture" already, so it's better if it stays as it is.
    N. Victoria Contreras

  4. What’s up, teacher? I think USA people can't call themselves "Americans" if they use that with arrogance. I mean, okay, we all are Americans because we live in the same continent, but why use that like a stereotype? Americans isn’t only USA people, isn’t white and blonde individuals, isn’t only cowboys and Iroquois tribes and that’s the reason why many people from others American countries feels offended. “Exist others Americas” said Michelle Obama, and that’s true. The origin of this stereotype can be from Hollywood movies or since the first world wars, where USA was a world power. They would call themselves “USA people” or “gringos”. Bya, teacher!

  5. Hi teacher! From my perspective, I don't think that the U.S. people should call themselves like that because they are not the only country of the continent, maybe they are the only country with the word America in the name,maybe yeah, they have the economic power of the continent but that do not give them the right to call themselves like that (this is one of the reasons that I found doing some research. The other one is that they call themselves like that because of their arrogance).
    I don't think that we should be offended, maybe a little displeased or irritated but we don't have to be offended. I'm against that they call themselves like that, but I just ignore it (but I do get a little irritated haha)
    Regards, Camila Villarroel
    P.S: Maybe they should try to call themselves United statesians .

  6. Hi Teacher! I think USA people can’t call themselves Americans, because the origin of the American word comes from the same continent (America), before it was referred to the natives of the whole continent not only those of the north as it happens today.
    Americans should not be called Americans, because the American word is for all the countries of America not only the USA and I think they refer to the people of USA only because it is the country that has more power compared to others.
    I believe that nobody is offended by being called Americans because the word refers to that you are from an important country worldwide (and I think that’s is cool).
    The word American could be changed by “stateside” or by person coming from the USA.

    Belén Rojas

  7. Hi teacher first I want to say that I do not like that people who are from the USA call thems Americans because it is not the only country that exists on the continent. After what investigates the origin of this is due to movies made by Hollywood or after the first world war.
    Also the people of USA they call them Americans because they are the largest country in the continent; I think this is what could bother us the most (all of us who are not from the USA) because we have an American root and because we do not belong to the United State no "we can call ourselves Americans”

    Kaitlin Ariafne Díaz Garrido.

  8. Hi teacher, this topic is very interesting to investigate because I had never asked. After my iinvestigation, I could say that the origin of people called "Americans" is because they are only country of America that has this word in its name, for the stereotype that say that they arrogants, because people of the world don't see the continent as one, they see it as the USA and the rest of the countries, and finally, because not exists a way to call themselves in English. They shouldn't be called Americans because they not be the only country in the continent, therefore, I'm against. I think that native people can be offended because they fought for a place on this continent. And finally, they could be called United States citizen, because it's the fairest.
    By: Macarena Medina

  9. There are many reasons why people living in the United States are called "Americans". As a first point, in spanish, these people are called "estadounidenses", but in english there is no way to call them, this being a reason to selft-proclaim "Americans". Also, it is the only country on the American continent that has the word "America" in this name ( United States of America). In addition, as a general opinion of the people, it is said that the United States is an arrogant and self-centered country, since they do not understand that they are part of the continent. People in the United States should not be called "Americans" for the same reason as being a continent country, not all of America. In America there are many countries like Chile, Peru or Mexico, which despite being part of this continent, are not called Americans, for that reason, because they are not the only Americans, they should not call them that.I think that the people of United States should be called by " USA people" or something like that.

    Valentina Casanueva Vega.

  10. Hello teacher, first of all this is a very interesting topic to investigate. Since they are the only ones who have the word America in their name and believe that that is why they have the right to call themselves that. But for me the people of America are named because they have no other word to identify them as such, ie, they believe as the center of the world, plus as is the largest country in America.
    I also think they should not be offended, as it is their nationality. Plus they are depicted with their American.
    Sebastián Soto P.

  11. Hi teacher,there's an interesting discussion,and after research about this topyc I'm not agree that they called Americans, because not is the only country in America. At the beginnig the United Estate's people used "americans" to refer to themselves, and the same time, in Hispanic America they said of 'Americans' as the natives of the continent. The problem is that the American´s politicians recognize the power of the United States and they call themselves Hispanic Americans or Latin Americans. I't was like an indirect way to give the concept of Americans to the USA. I don't like this, because we are all Americans and there shouldn't be a distinction.

    Diego González

  12. Hello teacher, in my opinion the U.S.A people shouldnt call themselves americans because they are not the only one on the continent america so they does not have the right to use this term. this term was born in U.S.A to refer the native people, but with the revolutions the term step of the natives to the people who made the revolution, i think that nobody might be offended because is a confusion, the U.S.A shouldnt call how they do because the americans are all of people who lives in the CONTINENT of America

    William Gutierrez

  13. Hi teacher, I think that the people that from in USA don't call them AMERICANS, because the true meaning comes that the native people that this continent, so that the term Americans belongs to all the people of America and not just to a country. However, the fault not of the USA people, because this term also belongs to them, the problem is the rest of the country's for not calling us Americans.
    -Fabrizzio Sotelo

  14. Hello teacher, I think it's a very interesting topic, personally I do not think it's right that the use of the word "Americans" is referring only to the people of the United States, because the word itself refers to the people of America in general and not to a specific country, even though they are the only ones to have the name of the continent in their country (United States of AMERICA) does not justify that they call themselves that way, it only shows arrogance on their part because America It is formed by many countries and not only by them.
    They are right only because it is not very good to say "United Statesian” that is why many say that, although in Spanish you can make a good translation and name the citizens of the United States as "Americanos", in English the term it is very strange. But in spite of this the most just thing is that they do not refer to themselves as Americans since many people are excluded.

    Joaquin Ortiz Moreno

  15. Hi teacher, this is a subject of much controversy that you have raised, I don`t really care, but if I had to choose I would be against them calling themselves americans, when investigating the birth of this term it was generated at the beginning of the eighteenth century to refer contemptuously to the Native Americans, but that change in the resistance against the British Empire in the war of independence in which they used the term "American" as a banner of war, by continuing to investigate the history of the united states with the most reliable source of information (Wikipedia). Since the independence of the united states most of its population have been immigrants, So it is my believe that they should not be called americans, when I tried different ways of calling them instead of "Americans" they all sounded bad but I will stay with the one that humored me "Ussians".

    Esteban Larenas

  16. Hi teacher! First of all, after informing me on the subject, it could be said that the origin of the people called "Americans" is because they are the only country in America that has this word in their name, because of the stereotype that they say they identify as arrogant people, because the people of the world do not see the continent as one, they see it as the USA. UU
    Americans should not be called Americans, because this word is for all American countries, not just for the US. UU And I think that reference is made to the people of EE. UU Just because it is the country that has more power compared to others.
    Today I believe that no one should be offended at being called an American because the word refers to the fact that you are from an important country all over the world, as it is recognized by many things and is a model to follow.

    Maritza Tripailaf Irarrázabal.

  17. Hi teacher, in this case it does not bother me that people who are from the United States are called Americans, because technically yes they are, I also believe that there is no other name to refer to that, another way to tell them is gringo this word comes from the war of texas, where the cavalry soldiers were green, for that reason when they were captured the Mexicans said green go that over time was mutating to gringo.
    Although I do not deny that there are Americans who use that name to say that they are superiors, unfortunately, people in Latin-American have the stereotype of the person of the United States, conceited and judge a whole country for them.
    Vicho(Vicente Bastias)

  18. Hi teacher, in my opinion the word Americans don´t be use just for the people was born in USA, that word should be use for all people was born in the American continent, because in America there are other countries than USA and they have the right to call themselves a American. The origin of the people called Americans is because they are the first independence country in the continent. Actually, I feel offended every time I listen to someone called american just a people was born in USA, I hate that, because I think that here are a lot of people and just they can call themselves Americans??? It is not fair. I don´t know how say “estadounidense” in English, but I think that is the correct word that we have to use for them.
    Matias Cabrera Lobos

  19. Hi teacher!
    In my opinion, I think that the name that is given to the United States' s people like "Americans" is because it is the country that stands out of the American continent. In addition, it is one of the world powers and a very developed country for its technologies, architectures and others. I do not disagree with the nickname, because at least it does not affect me as a person who does not say "Americans" to Chile. It is simply a nickname that they have earned for all the development they have as a country.
    Thanks for read me!

  20. Hi teacher, talking about the facts involved in the creation of the word AMERICAN i can say it was used in the begining to refer the native people, but in 19th century the people of usa start to use it to refers themselves. I don’t think it is fair use the word American to refer the citizens of usa because for me the word american involve all the people and countries that are in this continent and not only the united states of America and their citizens, although the word America is include in the name of the country. For my a good solution would be the creation of a word as we have it in the spanish language that is “Estadounidense”, because as I said we are American to, specifically latin AMERICAN.

    Javier Cárdenas E.

  21. Hi teacher! Actually a long time ago I’m totally disagree that EEUU people call themselves americans, I thing that they like that name because they feel superior to us, I mean superior to Latin American countries, hence their origin , they try to feel the most important country in America, however, as we saw in class, here, stereotypes are born towards them, perhaps they use this term because they want to abbreviate their name as inhabitants of the USA without any bad intention.
    I don’t think that we should be offended in this aspect because, regardless of the name that these people refer to themselves, we are still "Americans". They should be called simply “gringolinenses” as we call ourselves Chileans.
    P.D: gringolinenses hahaha.
    Natalia Garrido.

  22. Hi teacher!
    To be honest, this is not the first time that I think about this topic. I remember that I used to hate when people from the US called themselves as "Americans" because they are, obviously, not the only country in America so if they are called "Americans", people from Brazil or Mexico or even us, should be called like that too.
    However, now that I think about it, it is not something really important to me, I mean, I personally don't really care, but at the same time I understand why people from others American countries could get offended. But at the end of the day, even though we are all from the same continent, Americans are the only ones that don't have a way to refer to themselves so I don't care if they use that word.
    And as a final thing, don't you think that it would be so weird if they actually change this word for another one? Like, I think it would be so hard to get used to it and if it's hard for us I just can't imagine how it would be for them.
    Elena Domínguez Hernández

  23. Hello teacher
    First of all this is a subject that has caught my attention for quite some time, why do the inhabitants of the United States call themselves Americans?
    My opinion is that as they are one of the largest countries of America in terms of territory as infrastructure and development in all respects they were granted to be called like that ... I am not against that because at the end and after ee. uu has always supported chile at all times and there are no big problems ... apart they should be proud that we call them Americans because it is one of the most important countries in the continent.
    Gerald Lobos

  24. Hi teacher!
    Because the word American now is not used as an offense, nor as a discrimination against people living in the USA, we refer to them based on the translation from Spanish to English would be American, to refer to the nationality of people who live in the United States.
    We can also see that the name of the country contains this word, "United States of America"; it’s the only country that contains that word.
    That is why they should not feel offended to be called like that, according to “RAE” definition; American: Natural of America /of or pertaining to America or the Americans,they have these characteristics, is for this that “American” word has not a bad connotation.
    Constanza Cornejo

  25. Hi teacher!:
    I find this topic very interesting and I had to investigate and investigate more about this topic. I disagree with the fact that they call themselves "Americans" because, this stereotype, comes from what is believed and known that the United States is the Hispanic country and that there was known and named the continent itself as America, I think it is wrong since every country counts, together we form America and we all have the right to call ourselves that, every country counts.

    Montserrat López

  26. Hi teacher, that is a really interesting topic for me, because I hate that some people think that are better than the rest. (Ok, I think you guess my posture)

    In my opinion, I believe that the people who live in USA shouldn´t call themselves "Americans", because as a country, they are not friendly or concerned by the "union" as a continent, and are discriminatory with some countries because they feel better than the rest, like Cuba or Mexico.
    For me their economy, their territory and their professional armed forces don´t give them the right to call themselves "Americans", because they imply that they are the owners of America and have the power over all other countries.
    Personally, I think we're all the same, regardless of race, money, or the way of thinking, and all the people deserve to be respected.

    María José Ibacache.

  27. Hi teacher, i will start talking about how the Word appear and they started to use it and after researching some info in the internet i found they started to use the word American to refers the native people but they used the Word more frequentely acording to their power increase in the continent and the world. I disagree in call the usa people as American because the continent have more countries than Usa. Also we are latin american and we belongs to this continent too. The use of the Word American to refers the citizens of usa shows how big is their ego.
    Ignacio Rodriguez valencia.
