Saturday, March 24, 2018

Araucaria Park [8th Grade]

Dear students:

 Considering the topic discussed last weeks, you are going to provide your opiniones based on the Araucaria Park (which was very interesting and eco-friendly): What's the difference between a adventure vacation and a traditional vacation? which one do you prefer the most? How do travelers and tourists affect the environment today? What useful skills can you learn on this vacation? How does this vacation protect the environment? Would you like to go on vacation like this? Why or Why not?

Leave your comments below in 45-60 words.

Target Language: Vocabulary related to vacations (text on page 22 and 23)

Deadline: April 6th

Kind regards,

Juan Guevara
English Teacher


  1. taking into account the previous classes we talked about the holidays in this case I will talk about two in specific which are the adventures and traditional.
    The adventurous vacation
    it is projected more the diversion and the danger and especially the adrenaline instead the traditional culture and tranquility provides the rest and rest.
    Which of the two holidays do I prefer?
    The adventurer because I like adrenaline and danger.
    How do tourists affect the environment?
    in one part if they affect and in another part not in what sense affect by the
    garbage disposal and for what they do not affect is due to the economic access they bring us. What skills can I learn during this vacation? are that allow me to learn new habits new learning and many crafts. How does the environment protect this vacation?
    protects the environment in the event that there are resupply workshops or there are resilience workshops that many people of all ages participate in, so that benefits us. Would you like to go on vacation like this?
    If I would like it, I develop new skills and I learn many new and productive things.

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  4. on the subject heard in classes I will talk about two in particular the first is the traditional holidays and adventure vacations What is the difference between a holiday and a traditional holiday? traditional holidays are typical with family and games and adventure vacations are more free and you disconnect from social networks for a while. What do you prefer more? of my liking, I prefer more of adventures. How do travelers and tourists affect the environment today? There are some tourists who make the environment more ambitious and others that make it worse. What useful skills can you learn during this vacation? that dirtying the environment is not good. How does this holiday protect the environment? throwing the papers to the dumpster Would you like to go on vacation like this?
    If I would like to go on vacation like that, why or why not?
    because it would be super travel with better environment and not dirty so much

  5. Regarding the theme that we have seen, I will give my opinion about Aracucaria Park through some questions, the first one is ¿how do adventure vacations differ with traditional vacations? Traditional vacations are more familiar where you go to the typical place of camping instead the adventures are more entertaining for young souls, holidays in which there are activities such as Araucaria park. Which one do you prefer? I prefer adventure vacations. How do travelers and tourists affect the environment? If you are a traveler who smokes, harms or harms the environment, it negatively affects the environment but if you respect and care for it, it affects the environment in a positive way. What useful skills can you learn during this holiday? I can learn basic survival skills in nature such as planting food or purifying water. How does the environment protect the holidays? I protect them with basic rules like no smoking and ecological rules. Would you like to go on vacation like this? If I like it because the holidays in Araucaria Park is an adventure because it has activities such as kayaking, fishing, farming, water purification, trekking, hiking etc .. and also has amenities such as hot water, bathrooms and showers, cooking arias and dinner It is also an eco-friendly place.

  6. Hello Teacher My name is Ignacio Quijada

    The holidays were in araucaria park were extraordinary vacations, when I arrived home I arrived with valuable knowledge and experiences, some activities that were done there were kayaking hiking and fishing, they did a walk which had good level of exercises, the facilities of being there were that the houses occupied solar energy .

  7. My opinion about the araucaria park is that it is very interesting and peaceful.
    1-What is the difference between an adventure vacation and a traditional vacation?
    -The adventure holidays are joy and danger.
    Traditional holidays are calm and conservative.
    2-Which do you prefer more?
    -I prefer more the adventure holidays
    3-How do travelers and tourists affect the environment today?
    - they affect it because they destroy the environment, either by messing or making picnics in unsuitable places.
    4-What useful skills can you learn during this vacation?
    -Scalar and traking
    5-How does this holiday protect the environment?
    -Following the instructions of the places, respect the prohibited areas.
    6- Would you like to go on vacation like this? Why or why not?
    I would like to go because the new experiences are always enriching.

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  9. The difference between a traditional and adventurous vacation is that the traditional ones are more peaceful, the traditional ones are like more culture more tranquility and the adventures are like more adrenaline being more outdoors more sport, they are like hiking, climbing mountains, kayaking is more funny.
    I prefer adventure vacations because I like adrenaline, danger and sports.
    tourists or travelers damage the environment by ruining the landscape, throwing garbage, damaging nature, the skills I learned is that the solar panels help the heating and make hot water,
    a fine that charges people who harm nature, if I would like to go on vacation because it would be fun and I would have a great time and more if it is with my family besides doing a lot of sport like kayaking, all that would be too fun.

  10. good in this comment I will give my opinion about the Aracucaria Park through the questions that the teacher gave, the first is what is the difference in an adventure vacation and a traditional one? The traditional holidays are more familiar where you go to swimming pools, or camping etc .., however the adventures are more entertaining for young people, in which one goes with his friends to have fun to entertain themselves and learn new things. Do you prefer? I prefer adventure vacations because as I said I find it more entertaining. How do travelers and tourists affect the environment? This depends on the person, for example, if the person who smokes and starts smoking later will throw the cigar to the ground and that can cause a fire. What useful skills can you learn during this vacation? I can learn things like survival, how to plant, the things that I can eat in the forest etc. How does this holiday protect the environment? I protect them with basic rules such as not smoking and things that do not harm the environment. Would you like to go on vacation like this? If I would like it, because the holidays in the Araucaria Park have activities such as kayaking, agriculture, fishing, trekking, hiking, etc. and also has hot water, bathrooms and showers, kitchen etc.

  11. my opinion on the araucaria park in the questions
    1 question: the araucaria park is very entertainig and have more activitys
    2 question:i prefer the araucaria park
    3 question:the people destroy the environment throwh the litter to the floor and sea etc.
    4 question:i learn fishing and kayaking and more activitys
    5 question:look after the environment is very easy,the litter don't throwh in the floor and more
    6 question: yes, is very entertaining in family and friends
    7 question:i learn activitys, we entertain in family, go the kayaking in family

  12. Hello
    considering the previous topics:
      my opinion of araucaria park is an interesting topic
    What is the difference between an adventure vacation and a traditional vacation?
    the difference is that an adventure vacation is a distraction, sharing moments with the family and the difference in traditional vacation is quiet, passive
    Which do you prefer more?
    which I prefer is the adventure vacation
    How do travelers and tourists affect the environment today?
    the vajeros affect them by inflicting and not throwing the garbage into the garbage dump as it should be all.
    What useful skills can you learn during this vacation?
    doing physical activity like climbing, swimming.
    How does this holiday protect the environment?
    not throwing garbage, take care of the environment.
    Would you like to go on vacation like this? Why or why not?
    I would like to go and more sharing with my family.

  13. Hi teacher:

    In my opinion is the adventure vacations, i can to join more with the family and survive, the traditional vacations, for me are like stay at home and spending time with family, going for a walk, going to the beach or pool.
    The best things that can do in adventure vacations are know the nature, kayak, sharing with the nature.
    The best things in a traditional vacation are travel, going to the pool and eating ice cream.
    I prefer traditional holidays.
    Martin Rivera
    Bye Teacher.
    8th grade

  14. The difference between adventure vacations and traditional ones is that in adventure vacations you can involve yourself with the environment and at the same time do many things in the outdoor in contrast to traditional vacations. I prefer advanture vacations but travelers have affected the environment because they pollute places with garbage. This type of vacations you can learn survival tactics, also learn about these places and the history of them, etc. We should protect the environment by using solar energy for example in order to protect while life. I would like to do more adventure vacations in the future because they are very fun and I can learn many new things about different places.

  15. my opinion 1)is what vacation traditional is bored no is entertaining because not is dynamic ,auraucania parck is funny is dynamic ,2)prefer more araucania parck dynamic does kayaking,fishing 3)afect positive because ,protect mother nature 4)live in nature because is a activity da araucania parck 5)whit house eco-friendly use solar energy dont damage a mother natural 6)yes i would like to because is dynamic is eco-friendly an so funny.

  16. My opinion is:

    1 Adventure holiday takes place in an open-air environment where nature is contemplated, where technology does not exist to achieve action and traditions in more urbanized spaces where everything is within reach.

    2 the traditional one that can be enjoyed by the family to be closer to the comforts.

    3 affect the environment, sometimes leaving places with garbage, fires that can cause a fire, throwing garbage into the sea, causing damage to the flora and fauna.

    4 Learn how to make a fire, purify water, collect and harvest food from the land, build shelters. Performing various activities.

    5 they achieve that one learns to care for and protect nature and to value what we have.

    6.-yes, by a closer contact with nature, enjoy other landscapes, new experiences.

  17. My opinion is:
    1:For me the adventures are not as common as going to the beach, you can do more dynamic things reaching an adrenaline in the activities. And the traditional ones are quiet, focused on going out with the family, in more common places because they are closer.

    2. The adventure because you can do activities that each family member like and can share more with family.

    3. They are wrong because they throw garbage to our country, where they are careless and do not charge of acts.

    4.- Learn how to make a fire, purify the water, collect and harvest the food of the land, build shelters, and also to live and survive in nature. Performing fishing activities, hiking, canopy, kayak.

    5.- Teaches you how to conserve nature with natural activities.


  18. my opinion is :
    1: for me, adventure vacations are to disconnect from technology and achieve things that one does not do every day, it is a direct contact with nature. And the traditional ones are those that we can enjoy more every day, since they are closer to one such as the exit to the park.

    2: adventure, because I love adrenaline, because one also gets disconnected and can share more.

    3: they affect the environment because they throw garbage like cigarettes or phosphorus causing forest fires. They also throw away plastics that cause damage to the environment.

    4: Learn to make a fire, purify the water, collect and harvest the food of the land, build shelters, and also to live and survive in nature. Executing fishing activities, hiking, canopy, kayaking.

    5 .: Because it teaches you how to care and also how nature is important to us.

    6: yes, because it is a nice experience to share with the family

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  20. My opinion on the questions:

    1.Adventure tourism is more entertaining and extreme but the traditional one is more familiar.
    2.I prefer more adventure since it's more fun.
    3.They affect the environment by, throwing garbage through the streets.
    4.To recycle and other activities.
    5.Taking the garbage to my house.
    6.If I would like, go vacation. because I can get to know new places.

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  22. Hi teacher my nime is Magdalena.
    My answers at questions is:
    1. The vacations traditional they are more normal, the more common swimming pools or beach. The vacations as the Araucaria Park they are more focused on the natural and the new.
    2. I prefer the vacations the aventure.
    3. Not know the customs Chilean.
    4. We can learn abilities the survival or experiences news.
    5. For example without using things contaminants for produce fire.
    6. Yes, i like the adrenalin and the activities outsid of what common.

  23. The diferent is the vacation the adventure one learn thing news and is more funny and the traditional son funny but not other learn thing news and more funny.
    Prefer vacation the adventure.
    Affect because let very dirty and sometime ruin the nature.
    Other can learn a cut firewood and fire ligt.
    Yes,because can work in team.

  24. The araucaria park is a place where you can reflect, relax, and have a lot of contact with nature.

    One difference is that the adventure holiday you really disconnect with the devices and make contact with nature, instead of a traditional vacation that is not the same as adventure vacations you can not experience for yourself. You do not interact much like the other vacations but they may be safer.

    I prefer adventure vacations, because I like to expend my time fishing, kayaking, hiking, among others. In addition, you need a good level of fitness.

    The bad thing is that there are tourists who pollute, and do not follow the rules for a good use of the park.

    In the holidays you can learn many things such as kayaking, hiking, and others.

    I can protect the environment by following the rules, and of course not throwing garbage in places where you can't.

    I would love to go to a vacation like the ones in the araucaria park where I interact with nature, I can do sports and many other things. Also where there is eco-friendly and occupy solar energy.

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  26. the difference between an "adventure" and a traditional vacation.

    Adventure vacations: in my opinion, it is outdoors, they teach basic survival skills, they live in the wild, they live intensely outdoors during the weekend.

    trraditional holidays: are those that do not live in danger of survival or adrenaline, it is more cultural live, more meetings with people nearby and talk about topics according to the date.

    I prefer adventure vacations because:

    I like challenges more like adventure, for example, being outdoors learning survival skills in case of taking advantage of nature to the fullest.

    I believe that travelers or tourists affect the environment in:

    in the amount of garbage that they throw to the streets or that they do not take care of the botanical gardens or the public gardens, etc. They should do more recycling workshops and talk about the environment, etc.

    What skills can I learn?

    many, for example, the ability to survive, learn new sports, know how to care for the environment and why it is important, etc.

    How does it protect the environment?

    It protects them, although it is true that during the holidays there are or there are recycling workshops on the environment, many people participate in these workshops in all the smallest children and make several benefits for the community and the environment.

    Would you like to go to vacation like that?

    Yes, if they are productive ecologists, I learn new things, develop my skills and care for the environment and because it is so important.

  27. hi teacher, according to the last thing we have spoken these classes, I will give my opinion on the Araucaria park.
    First, i love the idea of the eco friendly, because with the solar energy would come out hot water from the shower in the same way. Second, i think the park would be really fun because it has activities like: hiking, fishing and kayaking, apart from being taught how to survive in the jungle and also to plant some plants.
    That's all, thank you for your attention

  28. Hi teacher! :D (I am sebastian)

    I will make anwers of the question made it

    What's the difference between a adventure vacation and a traditional vacation?

    adventure:A vacations full of extreme Risks,dangers and adrenaline.

    Traditional:Is more passive,Pacific,relaxing and calm.

    which one do you prefer the most?

    I like more the traditional vacations because are more pacific and quiet unlike the adventure vacations
    I don't like the adrenaline.

    How do travelers and tourists affect the environment today?

    In a serious way like the garbage in the nature or the global warm.

    What useful skills can you learn on this vacation?

    mainly survival skills,like construction of shelters and survive in the wild.

    How does this vacation protect the environment?

    because are eco-friendly vacations one example of this the energy is not electric energy,is solar energy.

    Would you like to go on vacation like this? Why or Why not?

    no,because i don't like activities in water like kayaking and others of too much sacrifice like hiking.i prefer the vacations in a house.

  29. Hi teacher my name is benjamin gonzalez of school patricio lynch of 8° grade, and my opinion of araucaria park is

    1.the diference the adventure vacations and traditional vacations is what in the case the adventure vacations is more productive and a desconet of tecnology. And instead and traditional vacations is more of to know and learn differents cultures.

    2. I prefer more is the activity adventure, because is more entertaining and cheerful.

    3.the people affect missing the and nature.

    4. I learn to movilize me better, nature and have more awareness. protect the environment would be reciclyng and cleaning.

    6.I would like go to vacations is go to EE. UU, Because I would like see to statue of liberty and take several photo.

    And ready bye teacher!!

    Benjamin Gonzales

  30. hi teacher my name is lukas antinopai
    my opinion of the questions you made it are :

    What's the difference between a adventure vacation and a traditional vacation?

    that adventure vacations run the risk, adrenaline and risk in the environment causing fear or euphoria when in contact with nature

    that the traditional holidays seek the connection of nature with oneself in a peaceful and relaxed way

    which one do you prefer the most?

    I prefer the vacations in the nature since they are risky and the adventures are looked for and I like to coexist with the nature

    How do travelers and tourists affect the environment today?

    tourists affect the environment in a negative way, such as global warming, trash both at sea and on land

    What useful skills can you learn on this vacation? How does this vacation protect the environment?

    the skills a can leader in this vacation are :

    survive in the nature gather and collect wild food and constructions of shelters

    How does this vacation protect the environment?

    because are eco-friendly vacations one example of this the energy is not electric energy,is solar energy.

    Would you like to go on vacation like this? Why or Why not?

    If I would like to be on a vacation like this because the attractive parks I like a lot
