Saturday, March 24, 2018

Globalization [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 I hope this post finds you well. As we have debated so far, globalization is, in few words, integrating and merging cultures, as well as getting benefits from each other (financially and culturally).  In your opinion: is globalization something good or bad? Can you mention any positive or negative effect of globalization? Which one? How can we see this in Chile nowadays? do you think Globalization is a controlling process from the United States or other big countries?

 Please leave your comment below in 65-100 words.

 Target Language: Vocabulary related to globalization

Deadline: April 6th

Kind regards,

Juan Guevara
English Teacher


  1. Hey there. In my humble opinion, Globalization is life. As so many things, globalization have a lot of benefits and disadvantages, as well. Me? I keep the good things, but my favorite thing about globalization is that this model allow us to have our lives through the economy. As we know, there are some treats that allows us to live more comfortable and happy -Ignorant bliss-. Anyway, there are some thing that I don't like about this, called global issues. Of this category, the one that I most hate, is the melting of the polos as a consequence from the globalization. There’s another global issue that we see every that in Chile, and this one is the trash. We are so careless about the healthy of our world that we actually don't care where our trash goes, but at least, our president haven't get off our beautiful country of the Paris treaty. On the other side of the table, I think that US is the guilty of everything.

    -Paula Villarroel

  2. Well, in my opinion, the globalization is good, because whit the globalization can open the doors to the other countries, to travel and for companys and the globalization is good to now whats happening in all the world, and this make possible than the people have foreign products, also make the cultures of other coutries make more popular, so that what i think of the globalization.
    Well teacher, thats what i think about globalization.
    Bye teacher

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  4. In my opinion we live in a world that is changing very rapidly and in a way so complex that is difficult to know which are the most positive changes that this one leaves and the negative that they were influencing to the company of the tomorrow. In addition, There is a substantial increase of the trade, economy and technology, on positive part of the globalization and on the negative part the resources that the world generates are not for persons who need it but for the people elite, also it increases the poverty, marginalization and contamination.

    Marcelo Bernal c:

  5. In my opinion the globalization is good because, permits a better conection in the countries, because exist new technological advanced. In this sense the globalization is good as the people travel to different countries known the new cultures and new styles of the life the other people, but exist a negative point. The globalization it is a selfish system considering that only develop countries is benefit of this system as have a advanced economic and your riches.
    Yes, for example in Santiago the comercial store have products as clothes and perfumen that come from the other countries for example USA, GERMANY, CHINA, ETC.Yes, because the USA or other big countries are the main countries that benefit of the system doing growing your economy and riches.

  6. In my opinion the globalization is so good, because first:this help who the differents countrys can comunicate
    2)this help to the economy of differents countrys throug the export and import
    3)the globalization help to solution the differents global issues.
    -Maria paz Carriel

    1. We can see this in the economy of chile trough the export and import.
      We can se this in the internet,like facebook in who we can comunicate whit people of other countrys and in my opinion i think who this can be considerate in the globalization

  7. hello teacher, regarding your questions, in my opinion the globalizacion is good, for the spread, because there is more union between the countrics and bad because there is no economic equality. we see this in chile regarding technological advances, good trade treaties and the high emigration rate. yes, EEUU have a great advantage in the sense of economic expansion, but if we think about it well, it benefits all the other countries.


  8. Hello teacher, my name is Constanza Hernández, in this blog in will give my opinión about the globalization
    Globalization is bit bad, unlike, the tendency to globalize is good, one of the positive effects can be, that makes life easier because technology changes and offers us improvements, which are also easy to acquire. But globalization also has negative effects like the various companies, cause pollution, by causes of different gases, also by the exploitation of mining resources, pollution in water and in the atmosphere.
    Globalization in Chile is progressing step by step and we can see it in the different treaties that the government carries out with more developed countries (U.S), important agreements with universities, companies that manage with the implementation of new machinery. In addition, people have been made aware of the care of the environment.

  9. I think that globalization at a certain point is good, I mean, it has good points as bad points.
    A bad point would be how the traditions of each country are affected by including traditions of another, turning a centuries-old into a hybrid, forgetting the past

    The good point would be the most obvious, the economic benefit that each country receives when exporting its products (clothes, movies) making the country cresca hiding

    To conclude globalization is good if you have some limits

  10. I think the globalization is good in the economy and not only that, some cultures of other countrys will survive with the pass of the time but the negative is the excessive inmigrant , the economy is the most benefict because the other cultures give his traditional food and other and the country buy that for a high cost, i think the goblalization is fine but not so much because the inmigrants

  11. Hello teacher, here is my answer:
    For me, a lover of knowing new cultures and traveling around the world, the globalization is a good thing if we know how to handle it. Why?, Because thanks to this process, the diplomatic relationships between nations increase and the cultural merge enriches. Also, the technology circulation improves, benefiting places that didn't have any kind of connection with technology before.
    Now, we have to know that globalization comes with negatives consequences too. Such as racism, damage to our environment, and other consequences that affect us both directly or indirectly.
    We live this globalization in Chile, by the migration of Haitians looking for a better quality of life. Also, we can see a lot of products imported from USA, Germany, China and other countries. Music, dances, and arts are involved in the globalization too.
    I don't think globalization is a controlling process from powerful countries. Because every country is responsible of respect their own culture, customs and people. Plus, I think that the culture of a country evolves with the pass of the time.
    That is my opinion

  12. hello teacher
    I think that globalization is bad and good at the same time, because on the one hand it benefits us with technology, but it makes us forget our culture and use what is "fashion". This can obviously be seen in the streets, when people wear the same clothes they all wear or they can also be seen as we forget our cultures (mapuche culture in general).
      if I think that strong countries govern us with glabalization, because they invite us to be "perfect" like them
    Eric Nuñez

  13. hello teacher my name is rayen soto, in my opinion globalization is good and bad at the same time good because you can travel to the countries you want and there are new technological advances that allows a better connection, you know new cultures and negative affects are that poverty increases, increases a large percentage of trade, damage to our environment and on the other hand this USA, China among others dance, music, typical food, traditions etc. good teacher that is my opinion

  14. Hello teacher, Im Moises Leiva.

    1) I think that the globalization is so much positive as negative, since this one helps so much economically, politically adn technologically to different countries of the world
    2)A positive effect of the globalization they are the agreements of free trade between different countries.
    3)In the trade that has Chile with other countries of the world, since for example:
    -Export and import of copper
    4)I believe that if because as all USA knows it is one of the major world powers, for which this enriches to USA.

  15. Hello teacher

    In my opinion is bad because the most of his cause the contamination,racism,shortage water,poverty etc.In the negative problem in the country and thee positive in that is start resolve someone how the said before.
    Someone people in Chile think what negative because Chile have very problem what being how the imigration,phenomeon climate in other.Yes with in country bing and much tecnology.

    Thanks is my opinion.
    Simoney Riquelme

  16. Hello teacher, my name is Felipe Rivera, well, my opinion the globalization is good, because the globalization is good for bunch peaple with different culture of each country, a effect is increase of wisdom in different culture and the increase of economy, this self in Chile perfectly, as the exchange students exchanging cultures and thoughts of each country and exportation that trade products for maney, and the globalization it is not of a country if not of all the world, in conclusion, globalization is not a bad thing because it gives us diversity
    well this is my opinion of globalization, thanks teacher

  17. Hi teacher:

    aswering to your question if Globalization is a good or bad thing, maybe late i realize that Globalization is something good cause' makes us a better world(economically and culturally speaking), and of course makes us a more interconnected world. Then you ask me if i could mention something good or bad, something good could be the economic spread, like the export and import of manufactured products, and something bad could be the inequality( economically and socially speaking). Maybe we can see this in Chile with all this technology, good business and immigrants. Yes i think that Globalization is being controlling by super world powers and maybe it's how it should be, but what i disagree is the way they manipulate us to believe that they are not the kings of the world. Well thats all i have to say for you teacher, im leaving.


  18. Whatsup teacher, in my opinion, the globalization its a something good, beacause is a oportunity for relate custom and the ease of obtaining technology, but, the bad side, Is the struggle of powers and goods, competition between powers, inequality between people, among other. A example for the side bas Is a relation of the chilean and "Haití" people. And a example for the side good Is a exchanges of merchancy. I think what not is a controlling process, beacause is a culture what evolve whit the pass of time.
    This Is my opinion, Goodbye. Atte: Bayron P.

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  20. hello teacher

    okey, I think of the globalization is bad and good, because the globalization help in the comunication of big countries and small countries in your progress for developed countries, but the "big countries" not help of de poverty countries for example venezuela or haiti. in chile help of this countries with job,house,etc. and the finish cuestion in my opinion is........ yes controlling process the developed countries is very important in the globalization

    -Thomas Silva

  21. Hello to the best teacher of the world!!
    The globalization is a economic, technological, political process, which consists of the increasing communication between the different countries of the world joining his markets, companies and cultures and my opinion the globalization is "neutral" since one of the reasons of which for that it is positive it is by that the costs of production are diminished and therefore products offer to minor prices but simultaneously, greater economic inequality between the developed and underdeveloped countries due to capital concentration in the developed countries

    NICOLAS PINO (Pineitor)

  22. Hello teacher,I am Benjamin Mercado, in my opinion the globlization is good, because the people can connect every since, the people use the tecnology for communicate, and this makes that the languaje and the culture changes and adapt according for the present, in Chile,an example is the exportation and the turism. I don´t believe because all countries adapptes to their realities and not for the other countries, because all countries have a different cultures languaje, in summary i don't believe that globalization will be a controlling progrees for other countries.
    This is my opinion
    Greetings Benjamin Mercado

  23. Howdy Teacher,i know i am a bit too late answering but, well a wanted to do it anyway.

    And, about your question that the globalization is a good or a bad thing, i think that is impossible to just one or another, because as almost everything in the world it has its bad things and good things.

    I can mention both of a good thing and a bad thing, the good thing it is that thanks to the globalization the countries are much more connected with each others and we can know what happens around the world more easily, but i think that because we are much more connected it somehow increases hate and racism.
    Well in Chile if you ask me, i think i will mention what happened two o three years ago when a big fire was affecting the city of Valparaiso and the United States send here the Big Plane called "Supertanker"(i think that was its name) to help to extiguish the fire.
    And about the last question, i think that the United States is very important to the process of Globalization but is not controlling it, the others great developed countries also need to contribute.
    And, i think that is all, sorry if my answer is too long but, i dont think i can make it shorter.
    well, i am Luis Villamar and with all said
    Goodbye teacher.

  24. by: Benjamin Solis

    good first of all hello teacher
    Well, in my opinion, globalization is a good thing because it helps us to connect in a better way by exchanging products, growing our economies, sharing cultures .......... etc.
    good thing the positive thing according to my point of view is that we can know more about a country and it serves us economically and I do not see anything negative in globalization
    hehe: D
    the truth I see it in the commercial side because the great part that we buy in our daily lives come from outside the country (united states, china, among others)
    I think that if because they are large countries or powers can implement that and how the small countries follow the big countries and that will always be the same either in globalization or other things

  25. Hello teacher my name is Carlos Gonzalzez -My opinion about the globalization is Good
    1°:A positive aspects the people use the internet (is part of globalizatios) a lot, it is possible comunicate between countris,peoples,company etc...
    2°A second asspect is posible the people to know in live time, news for the another countries
    1°A negative asspect is the more infomation of internet is false.
    2°Another negative asspect is the internet have virus and a hakers they can steal you and you money
    In my country, some people live isolated zone, and they can communicated whit the familiars and frieds
    The outer countries control some part of the globalizacion

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  27. hello teacher, in my opinion, the globalization is good because it helps to progress in the economical and the technological part in diferents countries of the world, and with the globalization, the people can travel more easily and this help in the intercultural part, because the people can comunicate with people from diferent countries, in Chile the globalization helps in the area of the technology and you can see it in all the places.
    Goodbye teacher.
    Daniel Mercado.

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  29. We can't think that globalization is something 100% good or 100% bad. Obviously, globalization has good things, and also has negative things. But in my opinion, the globalization is neccesary to evolve like society. I think that merge cultures is the best option to survive.
    Know what is happening in other countries is essencial to know how prevent bad things and how imitate good things. For example, if we know what is happening in North Korea, we can prevent that something like that happen in Chile.
    Globalization has good and bad things, but globalization is so crucial that we need it, despite the bad things.
    Greetings, Daniel.
    Excuse me for the five words in excess.

  30. Hello teacher! I am sorry about it for not post before but forget it):
    Well, beginning, for my, the globalization is good, but as any action it has negative and positive effects, allows us the union between the countries and with it we know different cultures. Also there allows the import and export of technological products what is good for the country because this one has a major development. Seeing the negative part, the globalization also can exploit resources, and we can see increase of temperature in the world, water shortage, etc
    -Sofia González V.
