Monday, August 24, 2015

Youtubers, Instagramers and Internet Stars [Seniors]

Dear Students:

 In this time, the main topic to be discussed is about famous youtubers, you know...famous people who upload videos and get tons of suscribers and, eventually, money. From the website youtube,com, there're countless channels and endless categories of videos to watch. In this thread, the question is quite simple:

- Who is your favorite Youtuber / Channel? Why?
- If you had the opportunity of creating your own youtube channel, how would it be?

 Leave your comments below in at least 100 words, include LINK to visit the channel you posted about.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: September 4th, Friday,

Discrimination to Applicants [Junior]

Dear Students;

 During our lessons, we have learned how important to write a good resume is. However, there's something we forget, our physical appearance or that our employer discriminate us because of that.
What do you think of gender, age, race, religion, dicrimination when applying for a job? How do you think it can be avoided?

Leave your comments below in at least 80 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: September 4th, Friday.

Lost [Freshman]

Dear Students:

 Imagine you are lost on an island in the middle of the ocean. Choose a book and a music album you would like to have with you. Share your comments in your group, giving reasons for your choice.

 Leave your comments in at least 65 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: September 4th, Friday

Independence Day [Eighth Grade]

Dear Students:

 In this thread you'll have to post about this special day celebrated on September 18th, where we participe in different activities around the region / country. According to what we have seen during these units, I need that you write about:

- What do you do on September 18th?
- Who do you celebrate with?
- Where do you go?
- What do you eat?
- Do you know how to dance Cueca? explain if you're good or bad at it.

 Leave your comments below in 45 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: September 4th, Friday

Favorite places around Valparaíso [Seventh Grade]

Dear Students:

 Through this month, you'll have to post about your favorite place in this region, Valparaíso. Think about where this place is, why is so pleasant and fancy besided its background history. Descrine this place:

- Where is it?
- Describe this place?
- How often do you go?
- Who do you go with?

 Leave your comments below in at least 40 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: September 4th, Friday

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Remarkable Moments in Sport - [Sophomore - GRADED]

Dear Students:

 You're going to write an article, related to a remarkable situation in sport. Look up for information throughout the internet, magazines or newspaper. Post your comment in at least 150 words (max. 200). Consider these questions:

 Who did it?
What has he / she achieved?
What details can you add?


Juan Guevara