Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Horse Whisperer [Junior - Optional Extra Credit Activity]

Dear Students of mine:

 As we discussed on Friday, here you have the activity meant to be part of the horse whisperer's quiz.
Provide your opinion, answer these questions:

- What I like about the movie: [50 words, Support your answer]
- What I don't like about the movie: [50 words, Support your answer]
- What do you think The Horse Whisperer is really about? Trust, Love or Horses [50 words, Support your answer]
- What would have been the best ending about this book for you? [50 words, support]

Leave your comments below, include linkers and specific vocabulary taken from the book.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: June 1st, 23:59

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Festivals Around the World! [Senior]

MUSIC!!!, I know it's one of the topic you like the most. In class, we discussed about the top 10 most important festivals ever!, so you'll probably infer what's coming next.

 In your opinion, what's is the best music festival you know or have been to? Where is it? What music genres can we listen there? is it expensive? Which artists can we see? Support your answer with links or videos in youtube. Leave your comment below in at least 75 words. Good luck!


Juan Guevara

Due Time: April 10th, 2015.

World Natural Disasters! [Junior]

During Unit 2, We'll discuss several topics, being one of the most important the topic "disasters" seen in lesson 1. During the life of our planet, it had suffered countless disasters, including a big meteorite that impacted millions of years ago, and exterminated the life of dinosaurs.

 In your opinions, which was the greatest natural disaster that took place in our planet? when did it happen? which were the consequences? could it have been predicted or stopped? Leave your comments below in at least 70 words (SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER, INCLUDING LINKS OR VIDEOS).


Juan Guevara

Due Time: July 10th, April.

Extreme Challenges! [Sophomore]

As part of the introduction to Unit 2, it's important that we debate about some of these "extreme sports" that take place all over the world. Some examples would be Bungee Jumping, Wingsuit Flying, Mountain Biking and the likes. From your point of view:

 What's the most extreme sport around the world? why? support your answer. Is there a place in Chile where you can try it? where? Leave your comments below in at least 65 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: April 10th, 2015.

Cutting Edge Technology! [Freshman]

In Unit 2, we've debated about inventions that would improve our life in the upcoming years. Despite our discussion, I'd like to know what the most important invention in the last 5 years made you feel anxious and looking forward to get it.

 What's the best invention in the last 5 years? explain what it is about. How does it work? When will it be released here in our country? Please leave your comments below in at least 60 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: April 10th, 2015.

Favorite Dances [Eighth Grade]

There are multiple games in the market, where you can dance or at least simulate the experience of dancing (e.g. Just Dance, Dance Dance Revolution, Easy2dance, etc.). According to the first unit seen in class, and the typical dances here in Chile, it makes me wonder what your favorite dance is (Cueca, Bachata, Reggaeaton, Electronic, Samba, breakdance, etc) .

 What is your favorite dance? Why? Have you ever tried it? Where? Would you like to learn how dance in a better way? Please leave your comment below in at least 55 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: April 10th, 2015

Landmarks around the World [Seventh Grade]

As we discussed in class, there are many landmarks all around the world that we might visit during our lifetime. Let's imagine for a second...we have huge amounts of bills in the bank, so we can take a trip abroad wherever we want.

 If you had the opportunity, where would you go? what landmarks would you visit? why? Leave your comments below in at least 50 words. Use vocabulary and linkers seen in class.


Juan Guevara

Due time: June 10th, 2015