Monday, July 1, 2013

Metal: Chile’s favorite music genre? [7th Grade]

Why the Metro, micros and Santiago’s streets are filled with long hair, leather and Black Sabbath shirts. 

Metal, aside from being “a solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity,” is also a type of music, and one that is very popular in Chile. Metal music can range anywhere from simple music with heavy distortion, to incredibly technical and lyrical music — also heavily distorted — akin to classical music.

Created in the 1960’s and 70’s in the United States and Europe, metal music quickly branched off into sub-genres, spanning from thrash-metal to glam-metal, metalcore to death metal, even drone-metal and doom-metal.

In addition to the relatively abrasive style of music, the word metal is also used colloquially as an adjective, in phrases such as “that’s so metal.” The best example of this is Tony Iommi, guitarist for “Black Sabbath”, who, after losing the tips of two of his fingers in an accident at the factory where he was employed, had them replaced with metal finger tips with which he plays guitar. That, indeed, is so metal.

So why is metal so popular in Chile? Why are there so many long-haired people garbed in all black with the words “Metallica,” “Iron Maiden” or “Black Sabbath” on their shirts?

“It has something to do with our past,” says Ignacio Orellana, founder of and original member of New York-based band Pirosaint. “Back in 1987... there was so much control by the police and everything, I think we are always retaining those things we couldn’t have for free.”

Many Chileans are introduced to metal music by their family members at a young age. Two such Chileans, Pablo Bentacour Flores and Nicolás Sánchez-Carvajal, became acquainted with metal music when their elder cousins introduced them to English heavy-metal band Iron Maiden.

“When metal came to Chile, the dictatorship censured it a lot,” says Flores. “The Chilean metal bands formed in the 1980s were completely underground. The style of music is strong and fast, and the mosh pit was a place where the tensions of the 80s could be released. Metal has always served as an escape from the repressive authorities.”

Moshing, the pseudo “dance” of metal music, involves a circle of people pushing and slamming into each other to the sounds of metal music.

According to Sánchez-Carvajal, “many of the most influential bands of the genre come very rarely, some not at all. I think metal is loved here because it was a style of music never heard before in the country, and because metal concerts liberate the individual from their daily routine.”

But, according to Orellana, that’s not the only reason metal music is big in Chile.

“Now [we] have another phenomenon: [those who] believe that 'old' means 'good' and 'new' means 'bad.' All the copycats are now trying to live a life that happened so many years ago, that a few people like myself got to live: going to concerts, being stopped by the police because of your long hair, spending the night at the police station. Now all the newbies have the internet and all the things we never had, plus the police can’t touch them. That is why I believe people today wear those black t-shirts so freely — nobody is judging.”

The most popular metal bands in Chile are, curiously enough, not Chilean. In fact, according to Orellana, aside from the bands Criminal and Dorso, most people here don’t know metal bands with members from their own country.

According to Orellana, there are many Chilean bands that can compete on a worldwide level from a songwriting/production standpoint. But the bands lack “the most important thing of all:” commitment from fans.

Due to the heavily distorted sound, shouted vocals and occasionally disturbing subject matter/band names — Cannibal Corpse, for example — metalheads and metal music as a whole frequently get a bad wrap. Many people think of metal music and its fans as satanic, amoral and just downright weird.

Although this may be true with bands such as Anal Cunt, most metalheads are some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. Even in the case of Anal Cunt, the incredibly insensitive and downright preposterous lyrics are written ironically, as can be clearly seen in the songs “Ha, Ha Your Wife Left You,” “Hitler was a Sensitive Man” and “The Guy who Shot His Kid up with AIDS is Awesome.”

This misconception about metalheads stems from the origin of metal music, Orellana said.

“[We were] fellas that were always doing the wrong things,” says Orellana. “We were just long haired guys that made noise and got drunk...or at least that was what they thought about us.”

“The thought that metalheads are bad people is an opinion based purely on unfounded prejudice,” says Flores. “The best example of this is the mosh pit. At first glance, mosh pits seem violent, but if you look closer you will find that every time somebody falls, hands appear to lift them back up. To me, that’s fellowship.”

“Most metalheads despise music we consider commercial or empty,” says Sánchez-Carvajal. “There are metalheads who are complete imbeciles, who want to fight everything they come across, but from those I know, they’re generally good people.”

“We can’t deny that there are groups of metalheads who practice satanism. In Norway they’ve burned churches, in Chile they’ve called [the spirits of] people and animals,” says Flores. “To me that is more representative of a mental disorder than a love for music.”

Despite noisy and relatively drunken beginnings, metal music can be as “complex and intriguing as classical music,” requiring metal musicians to be incredibly talented to perform it. Nowadays you can find many metal musicians who also play in orchestras, such as singer/guitar player of ‘Kintral”, Juan Quinteros S.

Musicologist Robert Walser stated in an article written for the ever-informative Grove Music Dictionary that many metal guitarists utilize “chord progressions and virtuosic practices from 18th century European models, especially Bach, Wagner and Vivaldi.” Among the guitarists mentioned by Walser were Eddie Van Halen of “Van Halen” and Marty Friedman of “Megadeth.”

“Heavy metal takes away my stress,” adds Flores. “Sitting down with some friends, having some beers and talking about life while listening to some metal — that’s as relaxing as it gets.”

By Charlie Actor (
Copyright 2013 - The Santiago Times

Deadline: July 31st, Wednesday 


  1. Well I do not know much metal, just what I read in the reviews. And I think it's a style of music that some people like and do not judge by their dress nor as they are, because everyone likes different styles of music and life.

    Kaitlin Díaz Garrido.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. support your comment and I think the same about you that other people do not have to discuss your tastes, we all have another way of life for expresarce through proves to dress as the person is. A I do not like at all the metal as it is agresibo according to what I think and what I know about this kind of music, to a not so one has to decide upon the way are the likes of another person, that's what I think (:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello! I do not like the metal, but I support the different musical options of the others and respect it.
    Well, the metal in my opinion is very aggressive and strong. The people judge for his way of dressing. c:

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I do not listen to metal, because it is not my taste, but I find that if you can that many people like the metal but elsewhere metal.Este is stronger the type of music can be well-known in Chile, or persons conosco not listen but all have different tastes and opinions about this topic matal.

    What you identify them is their dress and long hair as the text I think that's why more or highlight a little known that some people are in the streets, but I can not comment much on them in conosco really not that I have no relatives or friends metalheads.

  6. This type of music I do not like it, but people have different taste of music, this type of music called metal did not know him until now, apparently think it is not going to like that as I said the text are very satanicas.Lo types most impressive songs I read was about the man who cut the tips of his two fingers on his job and put two metal fingers, I found very surprising since the man followed what happened after playing guitar in his popular group called "black Saturday".

  7. my opinion is that the metal is one of the most listened music in the chile, is very famous.
    and is my 2nd favorite musical style after the reggaeton.
    in the end I mean the metal is very famous ... its rhythm makes you want to dance

    Joaquín Ortiz Moreno
    7° Básico.

    1. I think than this musical style can't dance because do not have rhythm and I believe than don't is the style most listened.This music i think is boring,satanic and I don't like when they paint their faces.
      Diego Gonzalez

  8. I do not like the metal because I do not know it very well but all the persons we have different taste of music,I think that people dress as well because they want to look like them although I am not anybody to judge either its clothes or its tastes, we all are normal persons.Well, the metal in my opinion is very strong and aggressive.

  9. My opinion about this musical style is that I find it boring because it has no rhythm, it is dance, sing and shout a lot. I respect all styles of music but do not like to use their long hair and painted faces nor as dress, especially with those poleras dark and ugly drawings.
    Diego Gonzalez Carrasco

  10. I not be much metal, but if you had heard of some of the bands that aparesen there, had companions who likes listening to metal, as also others that you don't like, so I think that it depends on the person if he likes or doesn't like listening to metal, but apparently for what it says in the text, the metal is well known in Chile.

    Ignacio Rojas

  11. The truth i find the metal boring,i don't like to listen it because I find that it has no rhythm,long hair and the gestures and all that I don't like it but as I said above is my opinion and not everyone thinks the same thing.And we have to respect the tastes of the people
    Mauricio Aguilar

    1. Very good opinion, I think than you opinion is excelent because I also think you don't have rhythm and I do not like when they paint their faces, plus their songs are all satanic. I don't like the hair they wear, their hair long and stinky
      Diego Gonzalez

  12. my opinion on the metal is a musical genre that is very good, entertaining, not like a lot, but in reality I hear sometimes oddball but sometimes when I'm with friends and think of different musical genres including pop, rock, etc.. .. as there are many more.
    Felipe Tamblay Orostica

  13. i think the metal is listening much in chile because passed from generation to generation in people.
    i don't like this style because i think is boring and i don't like long hair. this is my opinion the theme
    Javier Cárdenas

  14. Well, honestly the metal is heard in our country, such as the characteristics of those who hear this strange kind of music that are named in the text are true, because when I say metal at the moment relates to music with a lot of screaming or a person rude, loud, and imagine black clothes, black hair and other things.
    I do not like this kind of music but now I knew its history I find interesting, makes you change your thinking to the metal this many years ago in our country.
    By: Macarena Medina M.

    1. I like you opinion of the "Metal", because is very interesting to know about the people that can change the opinion through of the history.
      Valentina Casanueva Vega.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Teacher, this post is incorrect.

    2. I do not believe that it is the favourite music of Chile, because it is very strong, satanic, very dirty and is not good for the children, and imagine black clothes, black hair and other things. That is my opinion.

      Matias Cardenas

  16. Well, I don't hear metal, nor is much about this type of music, several people judged by his way of dressing, but all people have different tastes, my opinion on the metal is that it is a kind of "heavy rock".
    Javiera Ortiz Martinez(:

    1. I don't listen metal, but your opinion is very interesting, because there are your tastes and this text talking about the metal, and I agree with your opinion about metal: Is a type of "heavy rock"
      Camila Villarroel González

  17. I think that the metal is not a very listen music in Chile because in Chile there are othertypes of tastes for example the bachata and the reggaeton.

    Benjamin Rivera.

    1. And I dont listen the type the music "metal" because I dont like the metal.

    2. my opinion is that benjamin is right to the say that people have different tastes
      Ignacio Rojas

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. my review is that many people listen because seen from a long year, and also because a lot of people following dede going everywhere from Chile to the world, and I think I see poreso much, and metal is much listen
    Sebastian Soto

  20. I don't listen to metal but respect the genre.not be much metal but looks like that maybe in chile can be favorite for some people. usually the metalheads go with black or red shirts and hairstyles as moicanos among others more.
    Bastian Pereira 7 basico.

  21. What I think about this kind of music "The Metal" is that I like in my opinion not my type of music, and if Chile is one of the favorite musical genres is well everyone has different tastes and not fulfill the tastes of other people have to respect the different tastes.
    ~Javiera Ramos Rodriguez.

    is not the kind of music i like ,

  22. my opinion on the metal is a very heard music in chile

    I do not like so much but the pace is very good and I think the metal Hear God fed people all over the Country and even worldwide.

    Gerald M 7th Basic Wolves

    1. - I agree with you Gerald ... I dare to say that Metal is one of the most listened music styles together with other Chilean Musical styles, plus today is known that the metal is heard ... that you can see how people dress and crazy hairstyles that go out.
      Joaquin Ortiz
      7th Grade

  23. Honestly, I do not like all kinds of metal due to their clothing, faces painted, shouting, etc.., But I'm not disrespectful to the people who listen to metal because it is his personal opinion and decision, and the metal is heard by Chile and its people so I have to get used to.
    My style of music is very different from the classic metal because my style is more cheerful and say normal, but now because of its history, played like the classic metal styles, but with different lyrics.

    by: Natalia Garrido

  24. Hello!, my oppinion is the different musical, is a genre good , is notable for clothes and long hair but resperct , my friends listen metal and metal is mean very famous but if you had heard of some of the bands that aparesen there
    Constanza Cornejo

  25. My opinion about the metal is that the people have different tastes. The metal is famous in chili with regard to his music is good but the people, but the people pass in respectively to his taste, one dresses in jackets of leather poleras bloody aveses, etc.. Diego Martínez Contreras 7 º Grade

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.


  27. Indeed I would argue that this style of music is heard a lot in Chile and my dad is one of them, but not necessarily to listen to metal you have to have long hair and black clothes.
    A I do not really like this style of music but I listen to the influence of my dad and conosco some metal bands like Iron Maiden, Metallica and Black Sabbath to which I will go see them in concert with my dad
    By: Belen Rojas

  28. I argue that the book we learn of his language and his aparicensia because they dress well and we are going to learn their language as if I am one of them and they care if we learn their language we learn and communicate more their religious beliefs.

    Benjamin Varela

  29. my opinion about the metal is that is a miusic not a popular in Chile becauase the metal is a music for adults and not for kids, the pepole prefer other style in the music as a reggeton or a cumbia etc...

    Fabrizzio Sotelo

  30. In my opinion the metal is a type of music heard for many peoplein the everyone, but i don't like because i have other tastes in music. Finally i thin that we should not judge by the looks of people who play and listen to music:)
    By: Elena Domínguez H.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Hello, A I do not like metal, but Ithink we all have different musical tastes and you have to respect it because everyone is different
    And we must not discriminate by appearance, by their dress.

    Sofia Mesina

  33. In my opinion, the metal is music that is not very good and it is not bad, but that type of music i don't like screaming already that much.In Chile i do not believe that is the best style of music here in Chile.
    Fabian Carvajal.

  34. Savka Sepulveda:
    i personally like metal because is not just meaningless words at random, most of the songs talk about war or political problems (at least the songs i heard) and about the metal in chile, i think it has lots of followers (when you walk through the streets you can see lots of black dressed guys) but is not the most liked kind of music in chile, at least in my opinion.

  35. I do not listen to metal, because it is not my taste, but I think that it is possible that many people like metal, but elsewhere is stronger metal.Este the type of music may be well known in Chile, or people conosco not listen, but everyone has different tastes and opinions on this metal.

    Identifies what is their clothing and long hair as text so I think more or highlight a little known that some people are on the streets, but I can not comment much on them in conosco really is not that I have no relatives or friends metalheads.

    Esteban Larenas

  36. hello:33
    I think is a very listened kind of music in chile but i personally dont like it so much because the pop is of my taste,and the metal is very tough, i think the metal is a very liked kind of music here in chile because whatever you go you can find people wearing shirts and accsesories from metal bands ^-^

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Hi c:
    I don't like the metal, the metal is a very unpleasant kind of music for me, as it is very sharp and I like the music more enjoyable, in chile sometimes and seen very few people "metalheads" but for me would be very unpleasant view.

    Montserrat López S.

  39. I believe that the metal is a musical very popular kind in Chile, but that not many like. My I do not like, but if to micha people and it is necessary to respect the musical tastes of every person. I belive that in Chile there are increasingly followers of this musical style

  40. I dont believe it because I do not like the metal like cumbia and regeton and all that kind of music I do not like metal because the songs just scream shout Desig only words but not understand anything.
    Nicolàs Pino

  41. I don't listen metal, and don't like metal, becouse is much strong and the other kink of music for example pop, rock, roch and roll and others

  42. Hello
    I think that some take it to end this taste of metal, also sometimes think it makeup, dressing up nonsense I find strange.
    But they are free to choose the music that they like while when entering a bus they listen with headphones everything is OK
