Monday, July 1, 2013

Mars rover makes a pit stop in Chile’s Atacama Desert [Freshman]

NASA-funded rover is on a two-week-trial run in the Atacama, searching for microbial life in both the desert’s and the red planet’s soil.  

Move over Curiosity, NASA has a new rover headed to Mars. Nicknamed Zoe, the rover is in Chile’s own Atacama Desert for a trial run before potentially undertaking its investigations on the red planet. 

Referred to as “the Earth’s harshest climate” by the Zoe Project’s lead scientist, Nathalie Cabrol, the Atacama is a 600 mile stretch of land located off the Pacific coast of Chile. Made up of nothing but sand, rock, salt lakes and lava, it is the ideal place to run Mars-related simulations. 

For this particular test, researchers from the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) will see if Zoe can find signs of life in the Atacaman soil. Zoe, unlike her older brothers currently on Mars, Opportunity and Curiosity, is specifically designed to look for microbial life underneath Mars’ surface. 

“Scientifically this study helps us understand how life survives in extreme environments with implications to both Earth and Mars,” David Wettergreen, professor at CMU Robotics Institute told  

The two week trial, which began June 17, is not the first time Zoe has visited the Atacama. Her first test was back in 2005. From that run scientists concluded the rover needed some improvements. “Zoe 2.0” is now equipped with a one-meter drill and a soil analysis program called the Mars Microbeam Raman Spectrometer. It is also considered more independent than previous models. 

“Zoe is more autonomous than previous rovers,” Wettergreen explained. “This rover is able to operate for days finding its way from one goal to the next and automatically detecting features of interest that it should examine along the way.” 

With these modifications, Zoe was deemed able to begin the mission. During the two weeks, the rover will methodically scan 20-30 miles of the desert. It will follow pre-written instructions about where to go and what kind of samples to scan. After analysis it will take drill samples twice a day. 

If everything goes according to plan NASA will send a rover, possibly Zoe, to Mars in 2020.

Check in next week to see The Santiago Times’ exclusive interview with Nathalie Cabrol about Zoe’s performance and other scientific projects in Chile. 

Deadline: July 31st, Wednesday


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i think the humans probably will find ssomthin it wont like us , but in this robot just check if was water on there, and make test on desert of chili, but what hapend if the robot detect a water? whats next? try to see who was there before the robot? i dont know in my perspective i prefeer let the things as they ares far now

  3. in my opinion is a pretty good idea send zoe to atacama, because is safe for the machine, and the scientists can make a ´´deeper investigation´´ and upgrade the machine, in another aspect, is beneficial for chile, because attract tourists and people interested in the topic, in in other words this proyect is awesome

  4. From my point of view, that is really important and is an awesome progress of the science, maybe Zoe would can find life on Marth. But, if the robot find life in this planet, what will happen? The humans would go there? I think that don't will happen

    This project is really expensive, like a lot of science projects, this money can solve problems like polution, famine or penury. This things are more importants than the life in other planets.

  5. Hello Teacher

    My opinion on this new machine called Zoe perishes me that it is an excellent idea to do tests in the atacama desert before contact to Mars.

    Also I think that it is good that they already have echo some evidence in this desert and they have improve Zoe. What most strikes me is that this zoe 2.0 has a drill, a system for analysing a soil type and is independent compared with any other. Finally I hope you find something because it has an excellent system with ability to scan 20 to 30 miles.

    Jorge Barraza

  6. Personally i think that it's a good idea to make tests before the main investigation in mars, but i think that Chile could be a little bit smart and get paid by "rent" the atacama to this scientists, because the foreigns arrive and make tests in our country whenever they want

    María Belén Basualto.

  7. I believe that it is Brilliant that they have sent to Zoe to Desert Maybe need something else and they can continue to improve. It es good he idea of a robot that can last long days searching for things because it can be a breakthrough in science or perhaps not find nothing on Mars.

    Kevin Yáñez Mendoza

  8. I think that idea of Zoe and the others rovers is very interesting and if this end well the possiblity of live on Mars will be something more real than we think now. I hope that this test result successful to Zoe and can be go to Mars in 2020.
    Nicol Atenas.

  9. Hi teacher, in my opinion I think that the idea of zoe is very good and the other rovers, I think that it is good that they have done some tests on the decirto.I think that is very interesting to know if there is life on Mars is a breakthrough in science and I am proud to chile to be part of this great project.
    Kamila Dìaz.

  10. hi teacher I think that is an excellent project I loved that nasa has decided the rover will did simulations in the atacama desert seems very beneficial both for the rover zoe that adapts to the rocky environment and arido as also to chile, which is involved in this scientific project maybe check that there is another type of life on Mars would mark the history.

    Maria josé guerra

  11. in my opinion is a great idea use the atacama desert to prove this robot , for my is cool know that a robot stay in my country or test and then go mars looking for life. i think the tecnology of USA is very good for build a robot with this qualities and also think will found life in the red planet because the north americans are a very persistent and intelligent.
    Cristobal León, freshman

  12. in my opinion is a pretty good idea of zoe and the others rovers is very interesting and this end well the possiblity of live on Mars will be something more real than we think now, i think the humans probably will find something.

    Katalina Ramírez

  13. my opinion is very interesting to think that we already sent robots to Mars quisas in a few more years can we biajar humans beings to Mars or even e have ablate in calase even live on Mars it sounds live on Mars siensia com a story of fiction

    Manuel gutierres

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. in my opinion, i think, the nasa had to a great idea to the create this robot called "Zoe", because would have a good opportunity for know if possibilities that life exists in this planet "red" are true. But, if were true.. the people ordinary how we in this planet " the tierra ", would have a possibility to the live in mars? or wouldn't be able to this? Is a question important for me, i excited about this proyect, i hope out positive.

    Valentina Inostroza.

  16. Well, in my opinion, i think, that is a great advance in the technology, to is a great advance to the humanity, because, find life in other planet is so awesome, but, if ZOE find life in mars isn't possible send people( for now), because we don't have the tecnology to do it , but maybe in the future we will can.

    Oscar Gonzalez Saez/ freshman

  17. in personal opinion I think that NASA with the ZOE inbestigacion parese me well because should they enbiear to ZOE to Mars (Red Planet) trademark is very important in the history of Chile and NASA. Besides that well bring in something Siberia for life on other planets.


  18. well,i think about this is rover is a exellent idea for science and also would can that Chile is known in the world.Zoe would be great contribution to our society. It would be pretty that the experiment was a success. This is an opportunity to see if we could live on Mars

    Matias Espinoza

  19. Hi teacher , In my opinion is very crazy because on this new machine called Zoe perishes me that it is an excellent idea to do tests in the atacama desert before contact to Mars.
    Also I think that it is good that they already have echo some evidence in this desert and they have improve Zoe. What most strikes me is that this zoe 2.0 has a drill, a system for analysing a soil type and is independent compared with any other. Finally I hope you find something because it has an excellent system with ability to scan 20 to 30 miles.

    Andres Valdenegro

  20. hello teacher. I think the idea of ​​Zoe and the other rovers is very good. I would like to find life on Mars would be something revolutionary for whom world.And many years save if we changed our country but I hope the result of this successfully tested Zoe out so you can go to Mars in 2020.

    lucas cristinich

  21. Well, I think that is not very important, I mean...Do you think that Zoe could find life in the redplanet?. We have a lot of dreams, We would like to discovered life, water or new things...but that won't happen, I think this is another "fail" trying to be different. We have to be realists.

    Constanza Piazza

  22. Hi teacher. In my opinion the Zoe is an exceptional rovers that can make help us to know if is possible find life in extreme conditions like that there is in the planet Mars. Is fabulous that in Chile's find a place with these conditions and allow to be thought in such an important study.

    Luna Soto V.

  23. Hi teacher. I think we are advancing with the technology, cause Zoe sample too much variation than previously, so possible later is live on Mars. Also, for first time, we may see what things there on Mars.

    Matías Kachler

  24. My opinion is that if you find water or life on Mars would have a chance to "move" the planet, but no one hardly anyone knows if these human lives are friendly enough to share their planet, hacique in my opinion we could not change our planet.

    César Calderón

  25. Hi Teacher. My opinion on the subject , is very interesting , because i am interesting in things about the planet , the moon , the sun , the stars ect.. I think the idea a Zoe is great , see thing of mars .. is fabulous ... the idea is very good for the persons , I hope everything goes well for the 2020. Is an excellent invention of robot ( by nasa ) I wait , is good project.

    Catalina Piazza
