Monday, July 1, 2013

Chile’s cannabis debate resurfaces amidst primary elections [Senior]

Campaign group ranks candidates’ positions on cannabis regulation, placing further scrutiny on contentious issue during primaries. 

As Chileans head to polling stations Sunday to choose who will represent its two major political coalitions in the November presidential elections, some candidates have called for changes in drug laws. 

The campaign group “No Más Presos Por Plantar,” or “No More Penalties for Planting” created a ranking of presidential and parliamentary candidates according to their positions on cannabis regulation. On the page,Vota Cannabis, presidential hopefuls José Antonio Gómez and Tomás Jocelyn Holt both scored “green leaves,” meaning they have openly called for a change to Chile’s drug policy, codified in a law referred to as “Ley 20,000.”

Mario Vergara, spokesman for Gómez’s Radical Social Democratic Party (PRSD), believes that the current law needs to be changed as it is full of inconsistencies and because drug policy to date failed

“For example, consumption is legal but two friends can’t meet and consume, as this classifies as organised consumption,” Vergara told The Santiago Times. “The same happens with carrying, as the allowed amount to carry is not specified, only that it is an amount that can be consumed ‘in the near future,’ whenever that is.” 

The group No Más Presos Por Plantar has condensed its petition, available in an executive summary, in five points, used to determine where the candidates stand on the issue. The demands include the classification of drugs on scientific bases, the elimination of a list of lawyers who defend drug cases, the establishment of authorized amounts and the decriminalization of “organised consumption.”

Iban de Rementeria from the Chilean Harm Reduction Network states that one of the consequences of current drug policy is that it criminalises an excessive number of people. 

“Eighty-five-thousand people are arrested under the drug law each year whereas only 17,000 are arrested for burglary, which is the crime the police gets most complaints about,” de Rementeria told The Santiago Times. “Clearly, resources could be put to a better use.”

Although Chile’s mainstream politicians are adopting more conservative stances on the topic of drug policy reform, citizens and civil society organisations are leading the debate to bring about change. 

For Eduardo Vergara, director of think tank Asuntos del Sur, the drug debate is still taboo in Chile and public figures shy away from it for fear of damaging their reputation. Last year, conservative politicians called for the revival of a constitutional reform bill that would punish politicians for illegal drug use. The bill, first approved in the Senate in September 2004, would bar politicians from holding public office if they use illegal drugs. 

However, Vergara argues that Chile is also the ideal country to provide leadership in Latin America on the issue. 

“Chile, because it is not contaminated by the thousands of deaths and massacres associated with the war on drugs, and because it presents more stable levels of democracy and economy, has the opportunity to lead the debate and show the example,” Vergara told The Santiago Times. 

Vergara believes the situation is changing at a fast pace now, and said a few years ago this debate was not on electoral agendas at all. Today, former and incumbent presidents across Latin America are pushing for reform in a wave that will be, according to Vergara, “unstoppable.” 

“Something unprecedented is happening,” Vergara B. said, “Politicians, congressmen, students, academics and so on, have realized the extremely negative effects drug laws have in Chile.”

“There’s plenty of evidence worldwide,” Vergara added. “The harmful effects of marijuana are much less serious compared to other legal drugs such as tobacco and alcohol.” 

Although the issue is being touched upon by a growing number of politicians, most of the candidates for this year’s presidential election have been given a “yellow leaf.” The symbol means they have either agreed with some, but not all of the five points.  A “red leaf” is assigned if the candidate has declared themselves against decriminalization of cannabis. 

Candidates who have scored a “yellow leaf” include Alfred Sfeir Younis, Marcel Claude, Franco Parisi,Marco Enríquez-Ominami and Andrés Velasco Brañes.

Pablo Longueira, Andrés Allamand, Claudio Orrego Larrain and Michelle Bachelet have all scored red leaves for their conservative positions on the issue.

Roxana Miranda scored a “grey leaf” indicating no reference was available. 

Bachelet said in May 2013 she would consider revising the current drug policy as well as the classification of marijuana as a hard drug, which has been in effect since she signed a decree while serving as president in 2008.

Deadline: July 31st, Wednesday


  1. Well, from my point of view, the cannabis is a topic about which one has spoken very much lately, a topic that for me already is very handled. Now, that the candidates for president take so much this topic in his debates for television or in if, that give a lot of importance to it, for my it is a form of " people win " since there are many young persons and adults who are been delighted by the topic.
    Probably they will feel … weak persons with his offers? That begin to take topics from which come that they can "fight easily of the people " and this way attracts more public who votes for them. There being so many topics of social interest that would matter more in the country, as the creation of new NGOs that serve children to help the people in situation of street, vague animals, without any way to be able to pay a basic education, families that live with less than one basket for more than 5 persons, between other topics of greater interest.
    I don’t say that the cannabis is such a secret topic, in my serious brilliant opinion that it was possible to smoke legally as it is possible to smoke the disgusting cigarette, but … .I insist, the politicians are giving him a lot of importance to this topic, importance that does not deserve this little plant and his legality, if they want to legalize it or not, do it as soon as already the votings have won, but better that they propose things more important that they serve to improve a country, and do not go away popularizing with topics of the second degree in that he is interested to the multitude.

    ~Ivette Delgado Gallo~

  2. From my point to the view, I’m not aware of this topic, but in my opinion, if you come to legalize, , a large percentage of crime will decrease, since being legal, them it would get bored of consume the drug and allow for to leave drug and so would be in balance with cigar and Alcohol. Also the cannabis is used for medical treatments as cancer. Finally I am in agreement and I want to her legalizing , as this does a less damage and for me is more "Good or healthy" in compared to the Alcohol or a simple ordinary cigar.

  3. The cannabis in comparation with another drugs... it isn't so bad, so we can study this proposals before saying no to everything, we have to open our mind a little bit more, there are so many stupid laws and prejudices coming specially from conservative people... emmm im not sure, but i think that the alcohol or the tobacco kills more people than the weed... and legalizing this drug, we could affront the dealing of this... trying to sell some of better quality than the drug dealers and including a tax for the gobernment...

    Bachelet only talks bullsh*t... that's my opinion

    Sebastian Basualto Barraza

  4. I think that cannabis is only a drug more, but law is law and one can't break it, I know that are some laws that are stupid and have some contradictions, nevertheless how I say before law is law, In my opinion I don't believe that if someone have a hobby or something that you like to do, you can do it, but not tresspassing my space, in legal terms I think that cannabis may be legalized but in medicine terms,if the sistem want to legalize it I think that it would be a huge horror.
    I don't judge about this because I am not in favor or against and also I don't believe in the candidates and people allied with policy

    Jason Briceño

  5. From the point of view of the users of this drug, I think is unfair can't use a drug less dangerous than the alcohol and the tobacco. But from my point of view.... legalize it is good for medicinal use but everybody knows this will not keep. All the users of this drug want more and more and more, for that exist the trading of weed, so legalize it would make a lot of troubles. Is a drug and nothing would change it although you use it only in your house and more excuses like that.

    Ignacio Pavón

  6. the cannabis like vergara said have less serius than the legal drugs like tobacco and alcohol so shouldn't be such a big drama about changing the drug law and i remember the case of sergio lagos's brother i mean the law atm is not the best and the police sometimes made some mistakes i am a "grey leaf" cause i never smoke cannabis so i cant talk about the effects if there serius or not and the conservative option is so fake i mean they just try to get votes nowadays chile is not conservative anymore so i think that the politics need a new "wave" of politicians to make strongs changes in our country
    Ignacio leyton

  7. In my opinion , legalizing cannabis shouldnt be much of a problem , in fact , cannabis have way more positive things besides alcohol or tobacco , but yeah its still a drug, so i think that we need to know the consequences that drugs does to our health and use them with caution.

    From another part i think the politicians of chile are a bunch of unconsequent guys , because they never do actually what they say to its public , so we need some changes... In all of the aspects! especially education . But lets get move in the topic . Drugs are lethal in excess . So why they allow them , knowing that the people consumes them unconciously?.

    Finally , i will only say that Bachelet it wasnt the best president of Chile , in fact i hated her . Just because she made so many bad changes to our country , especially to students ( most of you the "cult" guys know what im talking about) ...

    Rodrigo Amigo

  8. In my opinion the cannabis is a natural drug, and if there are people who like to use should be left to prevent minor issues, as there are more processed drugs, dangerous and more addictive another reason to legalize it is the traffic if was legalized people would have personal consumption plantations / natural and not would buy the traffickers without knowing that placed other additives is legalized eventually will go slowly forming civic responsibility, everyone seeing their limits, on the other hand that should opinion of the citizenry be not the candidates

    Andrea Galdame

  9. In my point of view, legalizing a drug that is already legal for medical purposes, if it is open for all the public would become a problem harmful for people already accustomed to illegal.
    The police do their job, but we can not demand some things they do not have enough clues for the investigation ... Of course, if those anti-drug brigades are enough and maybe those others are deficient.
    Back to the politics of marihuana to a topic cause has no voice in the Senate, has no future follow this dream and that somes candidates continue to have them...
    Cristopher Peregrin

  10. In my opinion, the legalization of the cannabis is not a little so serious for the company, the problem this one in which alone they see the negative side that can have this one, since generally it is said that it is the beginning of something worse and very much strong, but the positive side of this one to be that it is one of the best medicinal remedies for persons that really he needs them. If we were starting seeing the good factors, they would be given all that the consumption in general will diminish in a high percentage in addition it is said that this verified.
    We have to have in all that in the company in which we are, this one based in ideal ancient, therefore modernity of the 21st century already they do not bear it in mind. The topic of the cannabis is seen as something so complicated and even they do not realize that there are many persons along the world that they her consume and that does not have anything of problems, it is alone that our country does not want to open the eyes for the truth and for the reality.

    Mackarena Fuentes

  11. I think that the legalization of marijuana whether to allow, but unfortunately in our society,, laws have many gaps that make these inefficient running, for example, is allowed but does not specify dose consumption, at the same time not allowed smoking in groups, or plant, buy, sell, etc.. therefore society Smoking Allowed marijuana but does not allow acquire it, these gaps in the laws are flaws that need improvement, because if allowed to legalize marijuana for onbtener a good result in society, one must start from everything from improving their origin laws.

    paul cáceres

  12. My opinión about legalization of marijuana is that a lot of political opposition against this are uninformed like had showed in televisión and don’t know that marijuana is minus dangerous to the health in comparation to other legal drugs . In a text say “The noxious effects of the marijuana is minus bad in comparation with the tobacco and alcohol”. If we search numbers to compare marijuana and alcohol we can find this “More of two million of person die in the year for alcohol”. About marijuana we can find this “seven thousand years of consume and anybody has dead”. Adding to this I think that is a contradiction, with respect to government, I don’t understand how can legalize something noxious for the people how tobacco and alcohol. If the government see the economic side could sell marijuana and the state will gain more money and will win the battle against the drug trafficking. This drug is frowned because the people have the stereotype of bad person that consume (thieves, assassins). Ana Graue said “It’s the same system that clasify the marijuana like synonymous of delinquency , adiction and evil”. So I think that the people have frowned the marijuana only because are uninformed, politics look for avoid this topic for defend his reputation. How say in the text “the discussion about drugs is a tabu in Chile and public figures avoid talk of this for scared to damage his reputation”

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. In my opinion I believe that what provokes the company to obtain them is the danger that this implies. This plant like good we know it was and it is used as medicinal plant and that can help to recover or help in the treatment of certain diseases. " The harmful effects of the cannabis it is much less serious in comparison with other legal drugs as the tobacco and the alcohol. " With regard to this I agree totally since the alcohol for example produces similar symptoms, it is harmful to the organism and the consequences can manage to be worse, nonetheless, it continues being legal. On the other hand the tobacco this one directly related to the appearance of 29 diseases of which 10 are different types of cancer. With this we can deduce that the drug trafficking would diminish and people who consumes it might say it openly without being afraid of a social repression.

  15. From my perspective, all the talk about the legalization of marijuana bores me, because they just go on and on and on.
    I must say, that the presidential candidates are very utopic for their proposals, even thought I'm not well informed about their plans, i'm sure that they won't change much according to the the 2000 law, for the laws are in hands of the congress, not just the president.
    The laws are made to respect them. Many people say that they want to use marijuana for medical purpose, and from what I've understood, that's what the law says. So what else could they want? if they already have what they ask for.
    In the case that marijuana becomes legal, consumers should be responsible and don't get crazy,because as they say, is for a good purpose

    Fernanda Chandía

  16. I think the legalization of any substance that produce harmful effects in our body can't be legal. Although the marijuana doesn't cause damage as the alcohol or tabacco equally is bad for some organs of the human body, an example is our brain and nervous system. Also in my opinion any vices as smoke , drink alcohol or others should be incentivated, I think that the society should encourage that people to do sports, and have a healthy living, I don't like the idea that the guys in the congress want to legalizated the consume of a drug and not are able of put resources for infrastructure for do physical activity, is irresponsable. Our country have very high porcentage of obese children and I think this is more important that a little persons that wanna smoke, in our country there are problems more importants for solve.

    Bastian Sepúlveda

  17. In my opinion I don't agree with the authorization the cannabis, since thought it serves medicinally and beech studies of that it is good for some thing, it is a drug, and the majority of the consumers they are addicted, I believe that the candidates that speak of legalizing it, partly they do it because they want and on the other hand it is to have more vote, since they know that it is a topic apellant nowadays, especially in young persons, and is to gain votes, Nonetheless it does not matter for me very much, but I do not agree with the authorization the cannabis.
    Claudia Madrid

  18. I think that is okey that finally the cannabis get legal, i mean it would be better for everybody, because the law that restricts marijuana is so silly because it's okey that someone smoke weed but buy it, planting or carrying is ilegal so is like what the hell ? So... How it suppose that someone will smoke it if you can't even buy it? Neither the good way or the bad way, and for these reason so many people go to jail for silly things like have their own plant on their house or because the have to buy it but in the bad way (traffic drugs) because it isn't sale on stores and this is one of the reasons that jails are full of people and at the same time the state spent a lot of money for those people who doesn't have toe in jail because their ”crime” is way less serious than drinking alcohol on the streets or than smoking cigarrets n a close place, cannabis it isn't that dangerous how some people may think, cannabis is more healty that drinking alcohol, and this is a legal drug so I ask to myself , What is going on with the world? Maybe cannabis is ilegal because it is a tabu ? Could be, but it have to be legal, because there is so many people who smoke weed juat for the fact that it is not legal, so this people would drop it, jails wouldn't be full, the laws wouldn't be stupid and the traffic would desappear because there would be stores who will put it for sale, so I think that people have to be a little more open to this theme because their like it or not, someday they will have to talk about it.

    ~ Valeria Larenas G.

  19. I think that the auto-cultivation of cannabis should be legalized in Chile because this way it would decrease the traffic of drugs. In adition in chile the alcohol and the cigar are legal.Even wh en they are so much harmful than the marijuana, The marijuana that the dealers sell is more harmful, because they combine with toxic substances, and with the auto-cultivation would not happen.

    Marcelo henriquez

  20. in that respects to me as a person , i dont identify myself with this topic , but that doesnt mean that im not aware of it . i'd like to say that cannabis should be legalized , because statiscs say that consuming cannbis grows up only because its prohibited , so if they legalize it it should lower down the consume of it , and that will benefit our people.
    But you should always keep in mind that if cannabis is legalized will be more accessible to younger children so it is possible to start a new cycle of drug addiction which not only affect the elderly


