Monday, July 1, 2013

Art exhibition denouncing Chilean dictatorship premieres in Santiago [Sophomore]

More than 100 international works portraying suffering at hands of government repression on display in Chilean capital. 

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Sep. 11 coup d'etat which deposed Marxist President Salvador Allende and instituted what would become a 17-year military dictatorship under Gen. Augusto Pinochet. 

Museo de la Solidaridad de Salvador Allende is honoring the milestone with a new exhibit entitled “Imaginarios de la Resistencia (Collective Consciousness of Resistance)” containing more than 100 works denouncing the dictatorship. 

As part of a collaborative art project which “symbolically restores the wounds created by the democratic breakdown and repression,” all the works refer to people’s ability to overcome pain and trauma.

Despite its focus on the dictatorship in Chile, the exhibit is a multicultural affair with paintings from Spanish, Mexican, Finish, English, Polish and Chilean artists, among others. 

The exhibition is divided into five sections, each of which characterize one aspect of the dictatorship. 

The five divisions include violence against the human body, the role of the CIA and Chilean press in fomenting the coup, the flag as an abstract representation of the state, the victimizer becoming a beast and resistance against the dictatorship.

Marisa de Martini, the museum’s communications director, said that the exhibit is relevant to not only Chileans who lived under the dictatorship but also “for anyone who knows what it’s like to live in a dictatorship and feel its repercussions.”

“It’s symbolism that can adapt to almost any other circumstance,” said de Martini. “Any dictatorship, any war can likely have this same representation, it’s universal.”  

The exhibition opened on June 26, marking the anniversary of Allende’s birth, and will run until Sept. 1.


  1. In this topic my opinion is positive because I believe that is a good way of showing
    one of the milestones that framework to our country. I also believe that it helps to understand in a more didactic form to the generations who are not living in this time. My last argument is that art is my hobby and I love this type of exhibitions.

  2. To my point of view is very good, since I believe that it is a good way of showing
    leading event that marked our nation. I also think it helps us understand in a more entertaining for the generations who have lived this time.

  3. From my point of view it seems interesting exposure as one can find out what happened at that time besides being didactic can be understood through the paintings better than a well written report that youth understand or better understand what step years ago...
    Francisca Muñoz

  4. Good starting with my previous stance on the issue there are many ways to show what happened in that period but this way is very interasante to see and try to infer and represent those images that were the events that marked the time step chile finally is that people only attend and report more about what happened.

    Ivanna Zamora Campos

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My opinion on this subject is the coup d'etat of 1971 is one of our country historical moments since he marked all Chileans and that is celebrated its 40th anniversary with an exhibition of art anniversary, which is a way of expressing the feelings and situations that occurred, is magnificent since is favors closeness for the culture and us not living that experience can learn through art a little more than our history

    Camila Nancul Pacheco

  7. Well, I think that this exhibition is an excelent way to show to the public what really means the military dictatorship, and how horrible it was. I think that this is the easier way for the teenagers to understand how much pain did the people from the 70s suffered. Art is good, and if it express something that really happened, well better!

    Pablo Vásquez.

  8. my point of view on this subject, I believe that it is a good way of showing the historical moments And to show historical events happened in this epoch.Nevertheless I was not born in this epoch as to give a more based opinion

    ~Salvador Henríquez.

  9. Well, I think this is the real interpretation for the dictatorship in Chilean, 'cause for this was fell our political and country.
    This moment "is the moment" for our country to show the hurt and years of silence of all the Chilean people. The art is a expression and better with the our story.
    For the end in my opinion this is the Chilean voice's.
    Thank. By Karla Araya.

  10. from my point of view is very good, as it rescues the identity of our country showing their history and milestones importantly, it helps young people to understand in a better way the history of his country, that's my opinion on the subject .
    I remain yours
    Alfred steven gutierrez ortiz

  11. My point of view towards the portrait is good, because it is a milestone that marks Chilean society. This milestone was the coup on 11 September 1973, where society is divided into different ideological aspects, also leaving out the thought of what discover embers of a dictatorship.

    Javier Gallardo Pacheco

  12. I think it is very intelligent to create a museum of what happened in the past that the Chilean context is very important, I think this museum will serve to show him the Chileans today and people who were in the dictatorship and know the consequences and how much I suffered during those years.

    Erik Mansilla.

  13. From my point of view, this exhibition is interesting because it tries to promote the art through stories that marked a before and after in the country, this also helps to promote the Chilean history. But on the other hand this exhibition attempts to recall the great suffering of those who contradicted the military regime.

    Benjamín Contreras Pacheco

  14. From my point of view, this type of initiatives, it is very well to the future generations, both for Chileans, and foreigners who are interested in our history, in addition to the be a didactic exhibition, it is easier to capture the attention of young people, and ensure that these are aware of the milestones that marked history in our country

    Juan Barrera

  15. Well this museum is going to cause a great impression on those who see it but it would be great to learn correctly what people lived all that time and it was awesome and plus one when you summon the abrupt coup and change the reality of many people.
    Sebastián Lillo Núñez

  16. For my point of view it is a good idea, because the museum is a didactic way to learn historical facts, which makes the teen interested in learning more, as in this case all the important facts that occurred when he was as president of Chile Salvador Allende in 1973.

    By: Natalia Miranda

  17. In my opinion this is a good initiative, because this kind of art express in a fairly clear everything that the Chileans lived in the 70's.

  18. in my opinion I think this kind of exhibitions are very important, as it shows the suffering and chaos that lived at that time, also because it is one of the most important milestones of our country.

    Guillermo Contreras Apablaza

  19. Hello Teacher...
    Ok, from my point of view I prefer don't disclose my opinion, all this for not created controversy or a type of "Bullying"... I prefer reveal this opinion:
    - This museum is very interesting and wonderful, because this topic called Dictatorship is very important for people to know in depth, mainly in this time where the people think is very easy this topic.
    For this point I think to people need this museum for learn more of Dictatorship.
    Good Bye Teacher!

    Nicolas Toro

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. From my point of view this is a good way to understand the history of this country and even more for the young people.
    I like this type of exhibitions or any exhibitions of art.
    Leonardo Pino

  22. I think it's a subjective exposure which generates different opinions from what each person directly or indirectly lived. On the one hand consider a contribution to the history and culture of Chile, it is always important to have a history of what happened in our country. Talk about this topic is difficult because it brings painful situations and unwelcome memories.

    Javiera González

  23. My point of view about this, is that it's very good, because with this,people in Chile can get culturized and knew more about it. Another point is that this incedent mark the country and every person who lived in that ages. I think this is a very good way to show about this, it may be repeat it.
    bye master juan

    Nicolas Cruz Aguirre

  24. From my point of view, this exhibition seemed very interesting because dictatorship epoch was a determinant milestone for our country because of suffering, repression and pain who most chilean people lived. Besides, I think that art is one of the best ways to transmit feelings and sensations involved in any movement or event on a full way.In this case,it's one of the events which changed the chilean's history markedly and which should be known for all of us. Finally, I believe that the advantage of art is that it can be understood by any person regardless his language.

    Coni Rojas

  25. I think this is a very important exhibition because will help us to understand more about the military dictatorship and his aspects more relevant; In addition will increase the cultural standard of our country and to generate diverse opinions in the population
    Karla Romero Moya

  26. I believe that this exhibition is very good for our culture, cause increases the knowledge, about the dictatorial period in chile, of the people that visit the exhibition. Also this type of art exhibition are funny, didactic and informative at the same time.

    Diego Gutierrez Berrios

  27. i think that this is very important for us, because is our past and our history. also is very important know because happened this historical landmark, because, although have other thinks about the president Allende Its really important for all chilean people. , because its a historical moment and shows general culture and knowledge about this theme.

