Sunday, May 5, 2013

Children’s e-book launched in indigenous Chilean language [7th Grade]

A new e-book and accompanying documentary will be released Thursday in Chile’s indigenous Mapuche language. The e-book, called “Epew Pichikeche ñi Rakizuam” (The Thoughts of Children), is written in both Mapudungun and Spanish. 

Youth from six schools in the southern cities of Puerto Saavedra and Carahue, where much of the population is Mapuche, wrote the books in special workshops where students were empowered to tell their own stories. 

“The most important thing is that it is focused on the children’s work,” Carolina Isla, project coordinator of the e-book, told The Santiago Times.

“The kids made the story without their families or teachers, they independently created the story,” she said.

Provide Opiniones in at least 35 words.

Deadline: May 31st, 2013


  1. In my opiniont is interesting this new e-book that has been created with the experiences of Mapuches children, where they are to give to know their culture, in a way through his stories entertaining.

    The fact that is written in Both Mapudungun and Spanish reach more people who wish to know more about this nice culture.

    Maritza Andrea Tripailaf Irarrázabal.

  2. The new e-book on my idea I think will do good for people who do not know about that book septaria that looks very interesting and very of this culture and is written in Mapudungun and Spanish people will be interested in this culture very nice and that people interested in this culture and is very cheerful and fun of this culture that vay things I do not.

    Benjamín Varela

  3. :D Hello!
    I believe that is interesting the new book, because they think that it matters for some people to know what the children communicate already be in Spanish and Mapudungun.
    The People will know The most important things, it consists of the work of the children.

    Valentina Casanueva Vega

    1. I feel the same as you. I think this is very interesting to find that this book does a good to society, with this book we know how to do more interesting Chilean languages ​​as the Mapudungun is known but not known in some people, I would like to have this book that would also help me to learn more words and communicate.

  4. My opinion that is okay because the e book it serves to learn the mapudungun, to learn more this culturen, serves for the kids learn this culture of chile and the people speak mapudungun.
    Javier Cárdenas Escobar

  5. For me it is important for children to the Mapuche culture tell their stories through a book in their own language Mapudungun, that their language and culture are not lost and are known throughout our pais.Chile
    Diego Gonzalez Carrasco

  6. Hello! : 33 will be a book and a documentary very interesting as they will be of a significant civilicacion for chile, and this will serve to the culture of chile, and better communication of mapudungun
    Constanza Cornejo

  7. Hello:)
    I think it's okay to make a book n spanish and mapudungun because that different cultures will be able to understand, acording to my opinion, and so we will be able to understand another lenguage.
    Camila Villarroel

  8. Hello.

    I think this new book looks very interesting, because children can speak different languages of our country, express their opinions freely of action we have.
    I think I'll read this book, because I already got into the subject.
    Natalia Garrido

  9. My opinion is that this very well have children write their stories without the help the parent or teachers.

    I finally nice looks excellentchildren Mapuches writhe yours histories without help.

    the is my opinion......bye

    -Joaquín Ortiz Moreno

  10. is very important that children learn history Mapuche culture through a book in their own language Mapudungun and

    Spanish too, and also their culture is not lost because they are known throughout nuetro beautiful country chile

    Gerald Lobos M

    this is my opinion bye!!

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  14. Good wiht respect to the new e-nook, is one initiative very good of part of the students of the six school mapuche since. They show a reality,what that we know and in addition this is in mapudungun and spanish it is very goog for what the people get to know our culture.
    Diego Martinez Contreras

  15. It seems positive that will rescue the mapuche language since we would be rescuing a part of our culture and are given the job of teaching children so they tell their family stories through the mapuche language

  16. Good my opinion is that good that the Mapuche have a book that this in Spanish and mapudungun for that like that one can be of his language and probably manage to speak is good for his culture for which like that.little because his this tribe staying a bit of side.
    Bastian Pereira 7 basico.

  17. I thinks that is a very good idea because is important that mapuches children have more knowledge and culture of the theire own nation.

    1. And the e-book is a interesing idea because also come on national TV.

    2. I Like you opinion, because is breif and very important. The people mapuches has rights to the culture through of the book.
      Valentina Casanueva Vega:)

  18. Sebastian Soto
    I think about the book I Mapuche which is good because we learn about your Latin language and they learn from us our language, and after sunrise if we were to where that book Mapuche can talk to them
    Sebastian Soto

  19. Hello, I really like the idea and I think it is good to learn a bit more about the cultures Aboriginal and teaches me how the wear, how they have fun, as is their education.

    Sofia Mesina.

  20. My opinion about the new e-book is than is good because maintain the native and Espanish languaje connected,is very possitive for Chilean people,the natives need learn Spanish and for do a lot of things.That is my opinion about this theme
    Mauricio Aguilar

  21. Hello, I think it's very good to de mapudungun and spanish books since as people learn to speak mapudungun. It is alson very important because I find it very interesting to learn a language on an ethnic people very import for the country.

    Kaitlin Dìaz Garrido.

  22. My opinion about the children have taken out a Mapuche language book is that this very well because the Mapuche have left aside and not taken into account and also on the other hand is good because children need to learn their culture own country.
    ~Javiera Ramos Rodriguez.

  23. In my opinion this book is good i would like to read it to know a little more about the Mapuche and get to know our descendants where living etc in my opinion I buy it already that the mapuches living in Chile.
    Fabian Carvajal

  24. Hello:)
    to me this idea is very important because it is a native village is said to have been in history, then they should keep their customs and languaje that is being lost,
    it is best that they do their own children which is great as this maybe help them in the future. c:

    Montserrat López S.

  25. I think it is interesting to do e-book on Mapuzugun and Spanish and I have written young telling their story and have focused mainly on youth work. Also I think it's important that you have written in Mapudungun, as it is the language of an ethnic group of our country
    By: Belen Rojas

  26. In my opinion it is interesting this new e-book that has been created with the experiences of mapuche children, where they have to make known their culture, a way through entertaining stories.
    The fact that it is written in mapudungun and spanish to reach more people who want to know more about this beautiful culture.

    Esteban Larenas

  27. I think it's good idea because you can learn another language and also so we can learn more about this culture. Perhaps many people want to buy this e-book, it e-book very interesing and funny7 to read:)
    By: Elena Domínguez H.

    1. I like your opinion, because I agree with your opinion that you can learn another language and also you can learn more about this culture :)
      Camila Villarroel González

  28. In my opinion, I believe that it is good that the children Mapuche could count his history to travez of a book, since, as me, there are no many books written by people Mapuche. I believe that it is a good way of expressing

    Nazareth Contreras

  29. My opinion about this theme is than is important because is part of the Chilean culture.The languaje is really hard of learn because we don't know much about the Mapudungun languaje,this is my opinion about this theme,good bye!!!!

  30. My opinion is that the history mapuche is important then its a book is important, but above all your lenguage over time it is losing, then the mapuches is very inportant for both Chile, as for word.

    Fabrizzio Sotelo

  31. Hi, I think that it is good to make a book of the Mapuche because so we Chileans entered in culture with them I think that it will make us learn a little more about their history, their meals, their way of dressing and their language.

    María José Ibacache Torrejón

  32. I think that is very important from the Mapuche , because now they do not help , in my opinion is very good that do this in mapudungun and is perfect for they … and this is my opinion. :)

  33. Savka Sepulveda said:
    in my opinion i think is really intresting to know about the lenguage of the etnic groups of chile specially their llenguage because is really weird and hard to understand and this e-book will help us to know about this etnic group who is one of the oldest etnic groups in chile.

  34. Well, I think that this book is very interesting, since they are two languages successful, also because the children will be able to express themselves better, are going to be able to understand better between these two cultures and maybe going to be able to understand between these two cultures.
    Javiera Ortiz Martinez(:

  35. Hello
    I think that this idea is good because this will serve to help reading both Spanish and mapudungun.
    This will also help to the future when they have more large have no problems reading as some children suffering by their little reading comprehension is excellent this idea.
