Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hazing, Problem? [4° Año Medio A]

Brace yourselves, Pain is coming!. Next year, you will apply for the University and as "freshman" you're gonna become "fresh meat" for sophomores. The Hazing is a ritual known as "mechoneo" in Chile, where first year students must complete a bunch of activities (cut his hair, ask for money, etc.). Lot of people consider that is an offense for this teenagers, nevertheless it seem they like it!

 What do you think about this initiation? is it good? would you like to be hazed? What for?


Deadline: April 5th, Friday


  1. Well, In my opinion the denominated ritual of initiation is an offense for the new students, because If I'm a "freshman" I would not have a welcome in that way, I disagree with the people who do that, If I were a Student of sophomore In the University(I don't care wich University) I'll not do that, I don't want to hurt people, I don't like to be hazed, I will not stand it, I disagree in a 100% percent. I will like be recieved in a party or a competition but not in a brutal action.

    Jason Briceño, Senior

  2. Well, in my opinion i don't wanna be in this situation and i know that i will not be in this situation, i don't have any problem with this ritual but i don't wanna be here.
    And i will not be in this situation because i wanna enter to the navy and in a second option i wanna enter to Santa Maria College and in that place they don't ¨Mechonean¨, i really wanna tell a detailed commentary about that but i too uninformed of that topic.

    Joaquin Reyes, Senior

  3. Well, from my point of view, there are universities that make "mechoneo" instead of being a fun activity, make changes to a very humbling activity for new students. I do not understand, what is the idea of ​​so much humiliation, for me this activity is a lack of creativity, as it easily could be nice and fun activities to make it in the memory a nice time, but many students who have gone through this, left with the ugly memories of all the humiliation they had to pay.
    Personally, to me if I would go through this initiation, but as in the University of Valparaiso in some races, you do not break your clothes, do not throw things stink, but only make you wear funny clothes and good, ask for money , but for me that would be the least if I will have all my stuff back in good condition.

    Ivette Delgado Gallo

  4. Well, according I think it is common for university life, almost like a ritual and I would not bother me go through it, because then I will do it too to new students when I pass into another year of study
    Initiating people in this way, for university life is normal, do not think this ritual die from one day to other.
    Go through this ritual will only be a programmed process in my life and would not be bad add that I'll enjoy it.
    Cristopher Peregrin, Senior

  5. I'm sure of everyone like "do" hazing but no one like "get" hazing. I'm disagree totally with the hazing, is funny but only for the person who do that. I don't want to be hazed because is supposed I'm the new one and I don't like a reception like "welcome to the hell, prepare your anus" I want something like "welcome to the university, i'll be your guide, we have bitches and beer". I know somes universities when do a party to receive the new ones, every university must do that, there are the news, a party is a good welcome.

    Ignacio Pavón

  6. I think the step from the school to the University is very important in your life, so you have to live it up!. I would really like a nice welcome from sophomores next year, an enjoy one, with activities as contests, competitions, something like that. On the other hand I wouldn’t like they make me ask for money, cut my hair or my clothes I think it is not necessary because some students don’t have enough money to buy clothes again, sometimes they cross the line between respect and abuse. Therefore I am not agree with this kind of “mechoneos”.

    Felipe Hidalgo

  7. In my opinion I would say that "mechoneo" is not more than a whin from because they humilliate them (a los nuevos) and that is a shame, that dont prepare yourself to the university or life.
    In my concern, it is forbidden this tipe of initiation in universidad catolica de valparaiso, its looked us as fresh meat, for that is possible that I will not live that experience.
    Mauricio Aracena Tawers

  8. from my point of view is normal in all the groups of people you have to initiate a person with some kind of test to become a member of the group i dont have a opinion if i like this practice or not because my opinion can change and of course i wouldn't like to be hazing i hate the smell of the products that they throw you and i hope i could be matriculate in the UTFSM because they dont hazing you
    ignacio leyton

  9. I think that this initiation is kinda embraced for freshman students, because the sophomore guys make them disgusting stuff like, throw flour to them, cut the clothes and mix differents foods for "wash" our hair with that... It's very humiliating.
    I wouldn't like be in that situation for the same reason that I said before.
    I hope that when I enter to the university, don't be "fresh meat"

    Fernanda Chandía

  10. From my point of view this practice is humiliating and embarrassing, but at the same time, I think that is a new and fun experience. Even when I'm not agree in a 100% porcent, i'm not desagree, because maybe in that moment i'll be mad and angry with the sophomores, but in a few years, when I was thinking about my first day in the university, I might remember with nostalgy when i was iniciated, is for that, that i think that maybe, I don't want to be hazed NOW, but when i grow up, i might going to think "Maybe be hazed isn't that bad"

    Daniela Correa

  11. I think that is not a bad idea, I am agree but there is some people that make hazing without any consecuense of what may happened in the activities.
    Is very extremis and vengative but nither is a bad welcom, also the hazing it isn't about just the bad time, it is too some parties and more.

    Mackarena Fuentes

  12. Well I really don't like the hole situation, 'cuz I don't like that people who have been trough this before take like a revange and make that to me, I don't wanna that someone cuts my clothes, or dirt my hair and skin, I don't want to be smelly because of it, I realley don't like the hazing thing. But I'm agree with the hazing parties, because is a really good way to make new students feel like welcome, and it is a good way to know others students too. I mean... I'm not desagree with that of asking for many to get your stuff back, but I don't like the idea of cut my clothes and get dirty.
    I don't want to be hazed, but I guess that I will be hazed k9.

    ~ Valeria Larenas G.

  13. in my opinion i think that is a complety s*** because its embarrasing and dumb also if i kill myself studing to be in the university why i have to be agree with the fact that some ramdom a##holes write things in my head or shave my hair or throw me garbage with fish heads and flour in my case if some jack##s tried to haze me the first thing i will say is go to hell and if they insist i probably kick the heck out of him because my parents dont pay a lot of money to somebody come and screw my day

    ola ke ase sir im cristian silva

  14. I think is a good idea if is do it with responsability, without abuse of new students that enter to the university, but in our country this "party" is a bad joke, in my particular case I don't wanna pass for that situation cause I feel that will be very bad for me, also cut my hair and get broken my wear, other thing is kiss the pig's head, that is revolting D:, Hazing isn't a party for all people in the university, is funny only for som people...

    bastian sepulveda

  15. I think that this not this initiation well due to the fact that it does not have absolutely ningun meaning valorico, in addition is an inconvinient moment for which there happen persons who dese my point of view do not have anything to do. I did not want to be a lock since for my it is a loss of time and is a moment in which evil passes and must be inconvinient enough in alone which they make you happen for really disagreeable and disgusting situations. I believe credit listened in algun place does a little time behind, that nowadays this action is not obligatory for those of the first year of university, since it goes against his will (in some cases). Could respect and not look at them as fresh meat.

    Abigail Velásquez González.

  16. I think that hazing in one way it's fine cause is a funny moment but in the other way can make that freshman that will enter to the university star to meet the sophomorester.
    But the students that create and organize the activities cross theline. For the record now it's volunteer , because is I don't want it, I don't so it.

    Now I don't now if I want it or not.

    Nicole Huentrutripay Jara

  17. I think that at this height most the initiation rites acquaintances as "mechoneo" are already part of the tradition of each career of the respective universities toward students who they come newly entering the university world, however thus as happens with the protests and subsequent what has been smashed, also happens in these rites of initiation, is exceeded by humiliating people and often outpacing how funny the barrier of so tragic, causing both physical and psychological accidents to these new students, therefore, in my opinion I think not is bad do these rites, and does not have because quit make them, but if they must do with a lot of control and security order to avoid later accidents.

    Paul Cáceres Arnaiz.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. i'm totaly disagree, cause i think is not fun for the new guy at all. you can see how the other people joke about you, making you do disgusting and freaky things.
    maybe they can do something less humiliating or do a party or something like that. i think is absolutely unnecessary do the ''mechoneo''

    Kimberly Peralta A.

  20. Personally, i think that ... well i really dont know what the f*** think about this s**t because i dont give a f*** about this s**t, its something that, if you're universitary, it will happen, it doesn't matter if you like it or not... so stop telling "oh im disagree blablabla" you little p***y classmates, i would like to try the "semana mechona" only for the "fiesta mechona" you know, only for meet new people and make friends and MAYBE MAYBE ONLY MAYBE get drunk and dope until i can't move my f***in' feet... But i know i won't be accepted in a university... so f*** it too.

    Peace, Sebastian Basualto

  21. In my opinion about the famous "mochoneo" is that many times can be entertaining to a degree where one entertains a good time both the lock and the former student, anything can be fun if there is not violence but these typical mechoneos often reach violence.
    On one hand it is good because it is a tradition of the university and also to meet and take a little more confidence and not make as a rookie to college without having confidence and knowing anyone but as I said before it's hard when the situation becomes in violence, and I would not be hazing or walk all filthy but I wish it was something less messy and entertaining such as festivals and activities.

    Carolina cajas.

  22. In my opinion is unnecessary this type of events, since not needed of “ mechoneo” for give welcome to University and having an endless number of celebrities they choose to use this one. I believe that this is not necessary, but it is my point of view, to sorrow that per years carries out this type of activities. Nevertheless would accept the "mechoneo" since, it is the first time would goes in to University giving this way one more step in our lives , which would be very mad in spite of the consequences, But they will make us suffer in the first year and for next year, will we us.

  23. I think that the mechoneo is an experience mas and that it is possible to live with the best disposition always one itself being respected and to the demas, I think that the activities inside the mechoneo must be entertained and i like live but not that happen to take my physical integrity, for example to cut the hair or to take my silver, my clothes. I hope anyhow that it is a good recollection that a bad experience.

    darinka abarca


  24. I think it's a good start of the first year of college for all, where a new important step for most students, full of responsibilities, but often of activities that take place in the "mechoneo" the limits sometimes cross the line, for example, leads to shock or leads us to do things that are out of our parameters, which becomes unpleasant for many.
    I would like to be rookie, and it's something that doesn't happen again in our lives anymore, it is an activity to mark a stage in which we sample a new world.

    Daniela Arellano

  25. The "mechoneo" is a welcome that state universities make. Is basically breaking the clothes of students in first year and fill them with paint, take away their things and send them to borrow money in order to retrieve their things. In my opinion I do not really like the "mechoneo" because it will maybe happen to me, but I know it's a tradition of universities but not of my liking, I think they could do other types of welcome but i don´t agree this because students have several problems sometimes by asking for money on the street.

    Marcelo Henriquez

  26. In my opinion these hazing find their origin in a large pent-up aggression among youth, which is channeled out of control when masses of people that are the same and whose individual behaviors can take refuge in group behavior.

    Moreover, as young people feel welcome in a condition of superiority to the new students who come into the state of the "weak". And as those responsible for sponsoring the rituals have been through the same thing last year, there is a kind of revenge on their behavior.

    You could say it has somehow lost the sense of wonder, the sense of initiation and ritual to go to the vulgar, in the sense that many attitudes, behaviors and negative jokes are not enough to cause humiliation and shame.
    - Andrea Galdame -


