Monday, March 4, 2013

Back to School [7° Año Básico A]

Are you ready for some action this 2013? are your ready for learning more? Well, that's the first topic about, write below about your perceptions of returning to the school. Consider the previous grammar learned years ago and explain your ideas clearly.

 If you have any question, just ask me at school. Regards.

Deadline: Tuesday 26th, March


  1. In this year 2013, I am a spirit, to beat in the studies...and I'm ready to learn more, and achieve to do well in all the classes the school.

    Mathematics is more difficult for me, and I know that this year, with great effort I will do better.

    Also, I hope to have new friends, and every day, be a better person to have a nice year.

    Maritza Tripailaf Irarrázabal.

  2. Hi, I'm a teacher. This is a test for my dear students.

  3. yeah, I'm ready to go back to school after a well deserved holiday in the south of Chile, back to learn more and learn more about English that is what it costs me more and music also cost me, I also hope to spend course and continue to learn more in the coming years and be someone in life and become a better person.
    Javier Cárdenas

    1. I seems quite well that you had fun in your vacation, I wish you improve in all the classes and that you learn more English to have best vocabulary and that you become someone in life, I hope that you can improve your mark by music to that upgrade in the school. I loved your comment was pretty good.

  4. I my vacation the pass family playing plaistation 3 with my cousins, uncles, my brother, father and neighbor. I also went to the beach with friends and cousins. Now that we bequeath to the school we have to study so that we fence well. PostScript: I liked your blog goodbye teacher.

    Vicente Bastias

  5. Sebastián Soto
    I in my vacation play soccer, swin, and play computer, grace vacation i rest toward very cloose one hounder a cloose and study especially English. And timplate wach sea un to de go toward the school.
    Sebastian Soto

  6. I was not ready to go to back to school because i had to make new friends and had to integrate a course with people who not even know.
    but now that i have friends, i find it fun to go to school because i see my new friends and do many fun things.
    Camila Villarroel

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  8. I felt so ready for this year, for reasons to meet new children, have other friends, etc. But I've adapted to them and discovered certain features in them. And would not reach testing classes, jobs, tasks and other things. I hope this is a good year for everyone ... Happy 2013!

    Matias Cardenas 7º Grade

  9. Yeah, I'm ready for action this 2013. I'm also ready to learn, I really liked this topic, because I'm with all the enrgies to go back to school and learn, I would love to, learn english because in previous years. I'don't learnd almost nothing and I want to make bestin all

    Sofia Mesina

  10. If I'm ready for this year 2013 to learn to speak English and translate well and want to learn more English because I like it.
         and every branch that I will do well, because I want to be the best. This year I will learn a lot and go to a front.
    Benjamín Varela

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  12. This year I'm ready to study to the maximun, but faced a new challenge, get to new school and I hope to do well as in the years previous.
    The better of all is tha I hope to have new friend and peers.
    I want this year met all my goals ans to do well in all subjects.

    Kaitlin Díaz.

  13. yes!!! I want this 2013 to do good in the subject similar the past year but much better and amusing to go school is not bored.
    Fodder the best thing about going to school is to learn something new every day and live it with my friends think its very amusing…!!!Goodbie 2012…hello 2013!!!

    Joaquín Ortiz.

  14. Yeah!! I am ready to study the universal (English) language, also to be preparing for the tests and to put the whole possible attention to the teacher Juan. I did not want to enter to the school for having to get up early.
    Valentina Casanueva.

  15. Yes, I'm ready for this new year, if prepared to learn more and beat me more to be better in English, and I was very excited to go to school, that if to play, not to study.

    Ignacio Rodríguez Valencia

    1. i hope you enjoy the vacations in december,january and february, your pass the year in 2013. i think this coment is good.
      Javier Cardenas

  16. clear I'm ready, but I do not like is that you have to get up early to go to school but think that clear yes and I'm ready to learn more about everything possible, and getting me good grades.
    Mauricio Aguilar

  17. Well, my opinion is that I would like to learn much more history, english, math and science because I liked the teachers, my classmates and friends reception.
    I'm in 7 th year was different and at first I was a little bit nerviuos but also anxious.
    Macarena Medina

  18. Return to the shcool was good because I return to see my friends and teachers in this year two thousand thirteen.
    Also because I will can play again like the old year table tennis and socker with my friends, learn new things this year (mathematics, sciences, history, languaje , english,etc)
    Benjamin Rivera Cuevas.

  19. I think this year i will improve my notes and my behavior in all class specifically in history because last year I was not very well. We also hope to have new friends and share with them at recess. The firts day of school was nervous but now I'm not, i hope not to be around the rest of the year. I am very happy to be back in class!! :)
    Elena Domínguez Hernández.

  20. My opinion is that I would like to learn very much English, mathematics, and to share every day with my new and former companions, friends and teachers of college. Some teachers are more nice that others, but, all the equal one of good at the matter. I believe that this year goes to be one of the best of all.

    Natalia Paz Garrido González

  21. My opinion about the return to school. I feel bad, because I like going to the beach, pool, play video games, go shopping, dancing at parties, etc. I think I like to learn new things, meet new colleagues, new workshops, to see friends, but sometimes the lessons are boring (except English) ha ha ha ha.

    Diego Gonzàlez Carrasco

  22. Well I found this year 2013 with various new things such as new partners coming from different places, and I have new teachers for some subjects. During this year I want to learn to play drums, since my father gave me a hope to beat this summer and in English, as it is one of my subjects that I have trouble and would like to find a method to beat.
    Hopefully this year I hope to find new friends and to be beneficial for my family.
    Belen Rojas

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  25. This year 2013 i come with great force lots of action prepared to pay an excellent year, and I strive to be the best ,my opinion about my school is that it is the best , i can't wait to get to know new friends ,sharing with them in workshops of sports and play
    Felipe Tamblay Orostica

  26. I'm ready for this year 2013 and learn more about english,I think returng to school going to he entertaining that in my case I am a new student i made new friends and also we are going to learn more about I'm gethng readup .

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  28. yes! I am ready for this year,I would like to achieve my goals of study in English, since I am complicated, but the only thing that i want to learn more!
    Montserrat lópez serey

  29. If, I am ready to learn mas and to know since one declares the words in English and to know the meanings, also it wanted to read texts in English to try ablar in English with my companions of course or class and to learn all the subjects that I touch. What I want to learn mas is an Englishman - lenguaje-matematicas etc..
    Diego Martinez 7ºBasico

  30. good this year I have really wanted to learn many things on vacation new.also the pass very well and now I have really wanted to learn much because English is an important subject in the world. know speak English is very good if you go to other countries .
    Bastian Pereira 7 basico.

  31. Hello:3
    I don't feel ready to this year because i miss go to beach, go to house of my friends, but i'm going to study so much and give the best of me and got a good 7º grade
    Jessica Oliva P.

  32. I am ready for this year to get me out for good grades and pass of course whithout problems and learn more and understand the teachers.I think it very nice to be to enter of the school .

    Fabian Carvajal 7º grade

  33. in my opinion is bad because I do not like school so yes I like to meet friends is fun besides that I will miss my summer going to the beach, pool and playing computer

    Esteban Larenas

  34. I’m ready for this year , but I’m new and this is a problem becouse I’m not friends , but soon I will have ; in my opinion this year I ‘m ready in the new school with new mates and next futures friends :)

  35. In this year 2013 has been very entertaining because they have spent so many new things new and very entertaining profs, sympathetic and cheerful and also the materials are very entertaining this year.
    I really liked the 2013 and hopefully never end

    Gerald M 7th Basic Wolves

    1. Yo estoy de acuerdo contigo Gerald... En este año han ocurrido muchas cosas nuevas como por ejemplo profesores nuevos,son muy simpáticos y por sobre todo enseñan muy bien

      Joaquín Ortiz
      7º Gade

  36. Yes!!, I’m ready for this school year, I hope this year is a good year . I am very filled with enthusiasm of seeing my friends, Since it cannot see them in the vacations :c I am very happy to return to see them.

    Nazareth Contreras 7º Basico

  37. Hello , I am ready for 2013 much enjoy the holiday , but this year i am reaidy , i will improve my grades especially history , i shall edearvor more , I am complicated, but the only thing that i want to learn more!
    Constanza Cornejo

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  39. Yes, the reason why I want to go back to school is that I want to reconnect with my friends, laugh, and improve a little more my knowledge in some areas such as language, math, and English, because it is in the classes that I consider more important, i feel blue because just the Sun, beach, summer, sand, pool and walks with my family.

    María José Ibacache Torrejón

  40. I'm a little amxious to enter the school because I want conoser many new colleagues and have friendly with them and learn much more about English to improve my grades and move on because in my holiday apart from going to sandes me an put in a intituto of English in valparaiso and tamie that elm had a great class and a great time on my vacation cuz I went to the place of my uncle went to the Andes and play iquique went to the ball
    Nicolàs Pino

  41. Hello,My oopinion is that the back to school is very fun, becouse you find yourself with friends, know your new friends, and maybe meet new teachers, Learn new things, etc..

    Fabrizzio Sotelo

  42. Yeah!!! I'm ready to go back to school then of the best vacation of my life for the birth of my sister Anaís in january, from there my life changed in the sense that now there is a little person who I have to protect against all and a life who depends on the decisions of my and my family. And I hope this year is school improvement, more friends with whom to share and I hope you had a good time.
    Matias Cabrera
