Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Smoking Cigarettes [ 2° Año Medio A]

A pair of weeks ago, the government established an official law about smoking in closed environments. It seems people kind of approve this new system, nevertheless some others don't. What do you think about? are you a chain smoker? do you agree? Why?

 Regards and express your ideas without using a translator.

Deadline: April 1st, Monday.


  1. i think,this law not this one very explained,because in the restaurants,bars,etc,already a separation of the smokers existed and not smokers,then?this law where it is applied? im agree this law but also not..i neither consume cigars I do not also have the intentions of proving it..

    Salvador Henriquez.
    Im first comment!

  2. Well, I don't smoke, and I have planned to never do it, that's the reason I think this is a good law, principally because the people who smoke affect some others doing it in public spaces, and obviously, that's a danger for them an the people who are in the restaurant, or closed spaces... I think that if you like to smoke, do it! But just try to don't affect other people, that's my opinion.

    Pablo Vásquez G

  3. Well, unfortunately most people only quitting to leave of smoking within enclosed environments because if surprise it inquebrantando this law can suffer a fine and not giving realize that thanks to it, they cause damage to smokers passive, for my part I am one of many people that they do not smoke, can't stand the smell of cigar, it bothers me much being next to someone that this smoking because also I not only hurts me affects also to many young people, children and adult that does not consume it.
    I agree with the law because it is there is something that is going to encourage passive smokers, taking into account local Nocturnes that your space is very small or is filled with people and with the smoke is made very difficult to breathe but even if this law is approved and raise its price in trade will continue to follow consuming, but is it think that people reflect on this theme.

    Ivette Lastra

  4. I don’t smoke besides I am against the idea that people smoke in closed places as the people that are not smoking are also affected. They become in passive smokers and usually they are most injured. For this reason I think that the smokers should have more awareness with the other.

  5. I think that law is so good for the people, because smoke is bad everybody, for the person who smoke and the people who is near.
    I don't smoke and think never do it, because is bad and smell weird.
    For that reason i think the law is a great idea.

    Leonardo Pino Grez

  6. I agree. I don't smoke, because I want to take care of my health. I don't understand why many people are smoking actually, if everybody knows that they are killing themselves, in fact 14.000 persons are dieing in a year because of smoking. This law is very important because is helping smokers to leave this vice, besides, it's very important for the people because smokers will stop of disturbing them with the smoke at their side. Finally, I believe that authorities have to plan other ways to combat this problem, such as increment the prices of the cigars or promote the healthy life of different forms.

  7. I think that this law is very good and efficent because so the people not smoking in closed places for example Pubs, Hotel, Motel, restaurant and other common places, but not everything is pink or beautiful, for example I think that this law is very strict and was implement very fast for this reason the people not accepted this law in the best form .
    Emmm I a Smoker??? Ouuu plis I dont smoke, is ridiculous and I will not smoke never in my life. "Short and precise"

    I agree with this law.... mmm Yeah for a simple reason I'm not smoker I hate smoke close to me.

    Good Bye Teacher!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I think that this law will not be effective because people addicted to smoking will do well no matter what the law, but I agree with this law. I also think he will do something good for the city but some people will just not happy but can comply

    Erik Mansilla.

  10. I don't smoke because is so bad for the health. I do not find the reason from the people who smoke to do it, is not necessary for the life. I agree with this law because is good for the kids and everyone because the cigarette smoke remains in the air and it can be very bad for the non-smokers and people with respiratory issues.

    Leslie Romero

  11. I personally find that this system is good for people that not smoke , already that can be asthmatic or annoying for nonsmokers. Is good that this law it hold so not contaminated the environment . To this project the bar, restaurants and discos have an exclusive space for smokers
    By : Javier Gallardo

  12. I do not agree in smoking in closed spaces because it is bad for the persons who are in these environment and do not smoke. It is an environment that contaminates demaciado in spite of only igniting a cigar. I do not smoke since I believe that it is a senseless vice, believe that it does not have felt to smoke to feel better, the only thing that they achieve on having smoked is to damage and to kill itself slowly.
    By: Karla Romero :)

  13. or agree with the new law, since the profit in the nonsmokers. Although I think that this law will not be fulfilled by all Chileans because people ecuentra demaciada against the law to not smoking in closed environments.

    I do not smoke, because I think it is a bad habit that only results in disease and is slowly killing you.

    By Natalia Miranda

  14. From my point of view the law banning indoor smoking is very well that in these places there people who do not like smoking and have smelling the smoke of which is smoking. I do agree with this law by those who do not smoke or do not like you now have to go outside to smoke in open areas to avoid disturbing other people.
    I dont smoke.

    Francisca Muñoz

  15. good to me this law is very well done as in bars, pubs, nightclubs, restaurants and casinos, Malls Taxis, buses or buses, or Universities and higher education institutions in these places have cough ends of govern former smoking areas.


  16. from my point of view, I find that the law is good because not everyone likes actually smoking and the smell is very annoying, also has chemical components that make bad health, I think that people who smoke done great damage to his lungs devido that smoking made ​​up venom that's my point of view.
    Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz

  17. I agree with this law because in alone Chile it is a low percentage of population the one that is in the habit of smoking, in addition, not because the persons who smoke they are damaging other persons must load with this hurt because of the smoke. I have never smoked and I never think do because from my point of view it is spending of money and also an easy way towards the death.

    Benjamín Contreras Pacheco

  18. Well, I don’t like smoke cigarettes because is so toxic and I'll wanna to live too much time. This norm for my view is so much intelligent ‘cause many people, like me, no smoke cigarettes but other friends smoke side by me in the closed place, me too smoke and I think this norm protected me. Beside this time potentials smokers are teenagers because is this new style “hipster” they like it, I don’t understand.
    First the life, Teacher prefer no smoking.

    By: Karla Araya :DD

  19. This new law seems like a good idea as long as the respect and oversee, as people who smoke to bother others who do not share this vice.
    I totally agree with this law because I do not smoke and my family either, besides that we will enter places that were just smoking.
    However, this law is quite strict with people who smoke because your space is too small for it, but is favorable for most.
    This law helps to walk in public places with more confidence to people who do not smoke and dislike cigarette smoke, also helps the environment.

    Javiera González C.

  20. Ok, am think this law is very intersting cause actualy the smoker are more anda more and i hope to decrease the smokers. Besides giving cancer, cigarettes also damages the teeth, so am not a smoker as you know a like very much the sports as athletics, football, etc. That is my opinion but is that many do not share.

    Sebastián Lillo

  21. this law is very harmful to the environment because the smoke is concentrated in one place and this makes it annoying to those who feel this bad smell I do not smoke but I think those who smoke must come to a more open and relaxed in this place.
    Is only doing harm to the environment

    Guillermo Apablaza

  22. I believe that this law, should have been make a long time before, cause the smoke not only affect to the smoker, as well to the person who is beside to her. Im´not a chain smoker cause is very toxic for the health, also i am very athletic and for thats reasons i don´t smoke. I am completely agree with this law cause in the closed areas the smoke stay there and afect to all the persons who are in the same place and this is very unpleasant.

    Diego Gutierrez

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I'm not a smoker and never tried a cigarette, I agree with the new law although there were places for smoking and not smoking in closed environments for example in a restorant althought he felt smell cigarettes, we can now attend closed environments where cigarette smoke did not hurt our lungs, I passive smoking .

    Camila Nancul Pacheco.

  25. I think this law is good, for example I don’t smoke, the smell and the smoke disgust me. Besides I think if somebody wants to ruin his health, he can make it on his own without expose the others.

  26. I believe that this law is very important because smoking in closed environments it’s bad for our health and not only for the smoker but also all the persons that are around. Personally I don’t like the smell of tobacco. I have been in the presence of a smoker and my clothes stay with a horrible smell of cigar and is very uncomfortable, and cigarette smoking may cause cancer, for these reason I agree with this law.

  27. Well, I'm not a smoker and I really hate cigarrette's smell. I'm agree with this law because is a disrespect for the people who don't smoke and want have fun in I dont know a restaurant or any other closed environments. I think that the people who want to smoke should do this in a opened environment for don't harm us.

    Jessica Cáneppa

  28. I cloud nine, because this norm guarantee the right a breathe pure air,already that pass beside of a active smoker(smoking obviously),although you not smoke,you will be consume of indirect form to breathe the smokew.If this norm is aproved,those not wish consume smoke, or can´t avoid (in the case of the small childrens), not are forced in certain form to be exposed to ´´legal drug``besides eliminate risks in your health such as diferents tipes of cancer or decrease the physical capacity.although not believe that this norm is comply for all people.
    by: Juan Barrera.

  29. I think that smoking is not necessary, nor less in places that affect the ambient.
    I mainly don't smoke and i do not call attention to the cigarette by the same thing is that I agree with the law and that there is a restriction on smoking in public places and closed. By which these individuals deverian better to think in the damage toward others rather than to them. (:

    Ivanna Zamora Campos

  30. I am dont like de cigarrete and his smell. Although i repect at the smokers, i think that the people who smoke should not do it indoors, concert or in the stadium. The cigarrette is toxic and his smell is bothersome

