Sunday, May 5, 2013

Interview: Inti Castro’s graffiti legacy in Chile’s port city [8th Grade]

Inti Castro appears as a typical Chilean: casually dressed, dreadlocks, smoking a cigarette on an outlook over his hometown of Valparaíso.  If you saw him on the street, you wouldn’t know he is one of the most well-known street artists in the world.

The artwork of Inti, or INTI, can be seen from Paris to Lebanon, where his brightly colored murals span over sky-high buildings in the city centers.  From images of clowns to symbols of religious idols and political slants, Inti’s art embodies Chilean culture while sparking a commentary on the ongoing struggle of poverty within the country.

“I’m inspired by the Latin American people and culture before the Spanish invasion. The indigenous original towns, culture, people, and the continent in general before the European influence,” he says. “Difference is not a bad thing, it’s what enriches a culture.”

As the interview began, Inti immediately turns the meeting into a conversation between friends.  With one of his most well-known murals as the backdrop, he explains the significance of the massive piece of art, which can be seen from Cerro Concepción in Valparaíso and has evolved into an icon for the city.

Provide Opinions About it in at least 40 words.

Deadline: May 31st, 2013


  1. In my opinion, the intis castro are people who draw in the walls and gates of the city without the permission of the owners and the politic system arrest them. But they have the biggest mind in the world because their creativity is immense,i like the graffitis which are in the downtown with big words and random things. But i like one that is close to my house, this says red nose surrounded by bonfires. I expect a response to my opinion.

    Thanks bye.
    Ian Stevenson 8th garde

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    2. okay partner Ian jajaja, I do not agree whit you of that it arrested as he not scratch without permission , because he have bigger works in cities different and countries and if it had done without permission , it had caught does any time I think, for example the graffiti or the works that be near the monument Prat where there a tree big painted in the wall and the earth falls, is a works that it did whit permission as well as the other works around the world...

      bye Ian.
      Benjamin Gonzalez Donoso 8ºth grade

    3. Good Response Bro. But some intis make little graffitis with bad messages and words against the politicians like one near the school, this graffiti says ''thieves with ties'' talking about the ministers. In the other face of the coin,companies hire intis to 'pimp' their shops and that is legal...

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. ian you're wrong about this, because these confusing Graffiti with a scratched is like this you can not confuse between a scratched Graffiti and this is my opinion about your post(:

  2. Hi my opinion, the intis castro is people very grate. They write what they think no matter what others say, and think that without them valparaiso not be the same.
    I personally like graffiti, are a way to express themselves through art.There are very young valparaiso engaged in graffiti and art that happens to me I would like to learn.

    Joaquín Novoa Pizarro
    8th grade

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    1. You Opinion About Of Intis Is Very cool.
      I liked your comment

  5. I would say that these types of graffiti art yes they are because they are very beautiful, beautify a city and atract tourists, unlike those ugly scratches made in the old buildings and the houses and they have no grace.

    Iván Salinas Infante
    8th grade

  6. Hi in my opinion what Inti are people who do harm to the city with its graffos, however this attracts tourists and give a unique style to the city, a cultural center style.
    in my opinion is very, very, very beutifull and cool.
    Bye Teacher
    Nicolás Rivera
    8° GRade

  7. Hi, Teacher. In my opinion, the graffitis give a personality to a city. Some graffitis are very beautiful, but other graffitis are a horrible things that ruin the beauty of this art.
    Valparaiso is a beautiful city and now the graffiti are part of this city.
    Bye, Teacher.
    Fernanda Ramos
    8º Grade

  8. hi my opinion what serious good it allowed because is an art very nice for people who do because express their feelings acroos theses drawings but the trouble would that would ruin the streets
    bye, teacher

    victor riquelme

  9. I think inti valparaiso is a person that many people know about the hippie style and clothes rapper and a graffiti on the walls of the hills also my opinion that this culture should not disappear because is very important and beautiful

    bye my beauty teacher <3

    isidora sanchez
    8º grade

  10. My opinion of art that makes is very beatiful inti is original because I think that everyone would recognize it for its graffiti art and his clothes and his works are really beautiful and that this art does not disappear.

    Bye teacher
    Arantxa Zubicueta P.
    8º grade

  11. Hi teacher! I really like this concept, because i love graffitis. I think the colors incorporated are so beautiful, also I think that is a important patrimony, because the murals can see everywhere. I would look to do an event related to this art.
    Bye Teacher :)
    ~Cynthia Cáneppa.
    ~8° Grade.

  12. hello teacher my opinion about inti is it the is like colors the felings that express without they almost not we would valparaiso is a beautiful I people no like graffitis because not watch the colors the their house or yes a like
    8 grade
    Yerko Antonio

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hello teacher! my opinions with graffiti is that there are some very cute us, but there are others that ruin the art of Valparaiso. I really liked this concept because I love graffiti and I think that Valparaiso is a city characterized by graffiti art here, one thing I like the bright colors graffiti that some have and what they draw, write or try to express .

    Goodbye teacher!
    Fernanda Vega ~ ~. ~
    ~ 8 ° Grade ~

  15. I think the Graffitis are beautiful because looks good with the town and encourage the towns but the Tags i don't like because It looks ugly city with so much scratched people do not understand also i belive what the people not know the difference the Graffitis and Tags, the difference is that the tags are made with featherbed or cans and have phrases or the name of the one who does and Graffiti are drawings made with cans and this is my opinion.
    Cesar Henriquez
    8th grade

  16. Hello teacher! my view of graffiti in part are good and bad, good for some people because they are a way to decorate various countries like Chile. They are bad for some people because they are nice to people because grate businesses, homes, etc.. As for my view are nice but the graffiti scratched into parts that should not be.

    Until then profe
    Bastian Perez
    8th grade

  17. In the city of valparaiso you see many graffiti, the graffiti My opinion is that in some cartoon you can observe the art in them and as in others not, for example
    rare the letters and abstract cartoon that do not everyone can visuality.
    The graffiti are very difficult to be and not just anyone can do I say it takes a bit of art on the inside ...

    8th Grade
    Dante Diaz

  18. Hi, in my opinion Inti Castro is a creative person who tries to surprise the public with graffiti in different cities. I like your work but this city this forbidden scratching on the walls, I think with the authorization of individuals and the permission of the authorities would look prettier Valparaiso. Here I leave my comments, bye.

    Name: Daniela Berrios Oñate.
    Course: Basic 8th.

  19. hello teacher,my opinion about inti castro expresses it that think making art in the streets,of a form very striking to my,do not think it vandalism, ho only stripes in a wall as many people think.Not by the fact of that it expresses painting in a wall of a alley, in a door will streets,i like it that ago,becouse not think that art either alone draw in a leaf,ho a sculpture, a picture etc. In the wall of a alley i aso it consider as art.

    name:Victoria Rojas

    1. La conejita ? lslñkañslkañslka xd Good opinion

  20. Well in my opinion Inti Castro is a very good artist he expresses his arts in the streets, too much people don´t like his art but I think that it´s a beautiful work, in change most of the people that makes graffitis only make ugly a city, because they only scratch the walls, I very love his art and I don´t want that he leaves his "work", If I have the possibility of see his graffitis, I accept it without problem.

    Name: Felipe Andrés Miranda Fonseca.

  21. Hello teacher, well in my opinion the graffiti of Intri Castro that is shown on the picture means than a woman is talking with someone about something religious, because she have a book on her hand (like a bible)and also have something like necklaces in her neck. And that is my opinion about the picture. Bye teacher

    Rodolfo Rojas

  22. In my opinion the graffiti looks good when it's a nice drawing and expresses something positive when negative not show weird stuff etc. ..
    for example this graffiti expresses positive charges but is smoking but that is not noticeable enough to say or anything bad is smoking as the idea is that it looks good and seeing the graffiti looks decent.
    Sophia Garrido
    Basic 8th

  23. Hello teacher, in my opinion I like the graffiti, I find it an art like music, drawing, etc. But that does not seem god or nice for the city is the tag that is those garbatos were one does not see art only wrongdoing or rebellion, is something that loks bad and affects as many cities valparaiso more.
    Speaking of Inti Castro's work I like is pretty striking, showing a true work of art.

    Mauricio Valderrama

  24. hello teacher, in my opinion inti castro is a character of great cultural importance and also a person who motivates others with his graffiti.
    The Graffiti is fun, colorful and is a feature of Valparaiso, but I don't like it when written on the walls with insults or when doing graffiti in places agenos without permission to do so, that is what i think.
    Sofia Egaña
    8º grade

  25. Hello teacher

    mi opinion is that , the grafitti is beatiful .
    Valparaíso is known by his colors and in these colors the grafittis are, Inti is one of the most known grafittis; i not know inti but observe it. I like it grafitti but some it is bad in the city

    bye teacher

    Ignacio Godoy F.
    8º grade

  26. In my opinion the graffiti on the walls of large buildings Valparaiso gives a great feature of the city and a twist that not all cities have, but it's the other part that some people do graffiti on the doors of houses, causing so most of the people think that graffiti is a crime and must be punished by law.
    Montserrat Rojas Bravo
    8 ° Grade
