Sunday, May 5, 2013

Press freedom still lacking in Chile [Junior]

Freedom House, an international human rights watchdog, released its freedom of the press rankings ahead of World Press Freedom Day, and Chile remains at only “partly-free” after being dropped down from “free” last year. Despite this disappointing ranking, the Andean country fared better than the region as a whole.

Chile’s overall global ranking by Freedom House lists the country as “partly-free,” on a scale that lists countries as either “free,” “partly-free” or “not free.” An earlier index released in January by  international organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF), placed the country at 60th, a jump up 20 spots from the previous year. The RSF report reflects a segment of the year, while the Freedom House report reflects the entire year.

The Freedom House index takes into account, “the legal environment in which media operate, political influences on reporting and access to information, and economic pressures on content and the dissemination of news.”

Chile first dropped down to “partly-free” in 2011 following increased arrests and pressure on journalists — particularly photographers — covering the education protests across the country, Ana Piquer, executive director of Amnesty International in Chile, told The Santiago Times.

“There have been allegations of police violence specifically aimed at employees of the press that were covering the demonstrations, apparently trying to avoid the collection of evidence of human rights abuses,” Piquer.

“[Multiple organizations] reported beatings, arbitrary arrests and confiscation of audio-visual material, and it is unacceptable from the point of view of human rights, and it directly affects the freedom of the press in Chile,” she added.
Piquer also noted that the lack of diversity among the major media providers in Chile can cause certain issues to remain invisible, and create an incomplete understanding of others.

“In Chile the media are concentrated in certain economic groups, so that their editorial lines tend to be aligned,” Piquer said. “ With few exceptions, it is common that all the media coverage is about the same topics. Therefore, it is frequent that certain subjects are invisible, or the coverage does not reflect all angles of the case.”

Professor Faride Zeran,coordinator of Universidad de Chile's Freedom of Citizen Expression Program, also spoke to The Santiago Times about the dangers of a concentrated media in Chile.

“If we stick to the concentration of media that exists today in Chile, in the newspapers with the duopoly El Mercurio-Copesa, in the radios with the Spanish and national conglomerates that homogenize the spectrum... the picture is bleak,” Zeran said. “Mostly because there is no diversity of other media that collect the country's political, social and cultural wealth.”

Zeran gave the example of the documentary,  “El Diario de Agustín,” that has been kept from Chilean airwaves. The documentary exposes the connections and influence of the government on El Mercurio, Chile’s historically largest media chain, throughout the last half century.

“[There is a ] persistence - from the military - of a culture that encourages dictator-era censorship and self-censorship, in which authorities’ fear is so strong that today a documentary awarded internationally as 'The Augustine newspaper' of filmmaker Ignacio Agüero... not only cannot be displayed on public television... but also on channels dedicated to the diffusion of documentaries, ARTV, which after announcing the exhibition, a few weeks ago, decided not to show it,” Zeran said.

Karin Karlekar, project director of Freedom of the Press for Freedom House, explained to The Santiago Times that there is much Chile can improve on, such as implementing legislation designed to open up the media landscape.

“Even though there was a lot of legislation passed strengthening provisions for community radio in Chile it seems like the implementation of has not been fully implemented,” Karlekar said. “I think that it would be a positive step to try to regularize the legal status of community radio which is a very important media environment in Chile and also would help to increase media diversity and help with concentration issues.”

She also noted the police and judiciary could place a greater effort in protecting and securing press freedom, citing the example of the still unsolved 2011 bomb attack that rocked the headquarters of Copesa, the Chilean media conglomerate that publishes the national newspaper La Tercera.

Provide Opinions about it in at least 50 words

Deadline: May 31st, 2013


  1. I think Chile is a country where the press ignores the reality of what actually happens in marches where public force protesters pleases where they start first with the confrontation is more crimp is present when this happens but editing change all the video content making it appear that the government is good.

  2. the work of press in Chile not much freedo, This medium this very restricted for the policies of our country which can't develop this work of form normal, in some ocassions receive abuses, knocking for part of people this very good cataloged, not understand this a work which not this very valored here in chile.

  3. i think the press doesnt have to be restricted because is not him or her decision its their job and if him boss say ''you have to do this'' they can't say no its hims way to live and how can got money for their family and all can say that they want and the police have to see the real bad people not the people who dont do nothing they only show to the people what happened on the march

  4. I believe that the freedom of press does not exist in chile, since everything is censured by the owner of her same press, television, radio, etc. So someone with mas authority or money bribes in order that his company or personal image does not meet harmed, though always one denies this, anyhow the people knows that this type of things happen.

  5. In my opinion the press is restricted only for the editorial line. Because each channel have his own opinion. Well i think that youtube is the best massive communication medium well the internet in general because each one have his own opinion and nothing restricts you about what you upload post or comment.
    ~Renzo Riveros~

  6. In my opinion the press in Chile has always lied, either by the repression and censorship, or because the power is always between same persons. The organization that creates the study shows for first time reality, because everything is becoming more evident.
    The most reprehensible of this situation is that when you try make known the facts are not disseminated or as we have seen in the text, are censored.

  7. In my opinion the press in chile is censored for the big interests institucional ,political and economic. Freedom of the press is not found in the papers or on the news but mainly on the internet on websites like Youtube and various blog.The real news is that shows all points of view and that can only succeed people with review and desire to share the reality.

    ¨Vincenzo Rosati¨

  8. I think Chile is a really censored country, because obviusly the press can't show all the stuff they have recorded, because they have to select it with an authority that is watching them, saying to them what stuff they can show and what they can't.
    I think that's good because you can't show all the images you have recorded because there are childrens and teenagers that watch those TV Noties Show, and it's not good to let them watch the explicit material until they have 18 years old or more.

  9. In this case I have a really clear opinion, the thing here is that we can't just go against the press and the reporters, because they can't just film what they want; in every television channel exists an editorial, who says what they can show and what they can't, so every reporter has someone that tells to him what to do, in that point I don't agree with people that just criticize whitout a real argument. In the other part I think that they need to show us what is REALLY happening out there, because a lot of people just make their opinions using what they see on the TV.
    Ximena Solís (:

  10. The mass media today have been under strict control, which is wrong because I'm using one arrives to report what happens around them and the whole world but how do so if you are constantly editing ? today are showing them what favors them, reservandoce the second side of the coin. This was I can draw livertad retencios of postponing release until the country is properly conducted in communications

    Vanesa Constanza

  11. in my opinion the press is heavily censored chile, this takes away freedom of expression as we can not learn from all that is happening in society today, this should change and that the press can speak freely and thus lied the channels and the government wants us to believe because they are things that are often not in line with reality.

    -Felipe Carriel-

  12. In my opinion the press censorship is bad for several aspects, first because they do not give the information as it is and may omit any information that they want, so they can change reality to their benefit and tell us about it, so that can easily lie on the topic are reported. I truly believe that Chile is not a free country at all.

    -Adrián Olivares-

  13. in my opinion the press is heavily censored because it shows only what you want to show and not all the information, it makes people not find out all the information, only learns what the press says, omitting information. this causes people to be uneducated on the subject and can not review the subject well and he does not know all the press manipulates much of a news information making people know only what they want. chile is a country not entirely free since the press does not give all the information of the case.

    -miguel parra

  14. In my opinion, the press in Chile it's really censored, because the TV and the newspaper not always they give the correct information, they conceal a lot of information or better said, they manipulate this information to create "polemic", in order that the people buy the newspaper or watch more TV, given more interest economic and politic.
    Paul Lazcano

  15. I honestly do not think that an international study to find out how free we are as a country, but no longer have reason.
    If last year we were "free", it is impossible that our "ranking" change from year to year considering the amount of social movements has been this last time. Anyway last year not long ago and have been free in traces.
    I do not know if it's the right government or real people woke up and realized all they do with our future politicians and we do not realize.

    With love the best dancer in the Harlem shake in the history of the universe ...
    Franco Saldaña

  16. I honestly agree with that Chile is a country "censored" because maybe it's not good to show everything but I strongly believe in the position that if you are going to show something that is right, but right and necessary.
    To me censorship is not something negative, but commonly the media did not take properly, use it to leave the upper classes or politicians as the good of the "movie".
    Although teens are always the ones that cause the problem, anyway the police react the wrong way and sometimes that means not shown, but rather displayed as stone throwing teenagers or break things public.
    I can say that if you are going to use censorship omitting the truth is as hard not what really happens.

    - Vania López -

  17. I think the press evade the reality of our country since they only show the negative of the demonstration. Sometimes I think they do that just to change the subject so the government pulls a "weight" on it, and it does not respond to any requests that people ask.

    Montserrat Bascur

  18. In this case, I think that chile is a country in where the censored is abundant.
    Having in consideration that the lines of channels must be followed according to assignation that the editorial give,I think that isn't as good, because this don't generate a opinion own in the people,because it don't have all information, having only the position of the newspaper or TV

    Nicolas Cardenas

  19. In Chile, the information provided has been filtered and a clear example was when he leaked the information in the coup milititar.
    In my view, I believe that freedom of expression never regain after 73, everything is the same, but with another name and a clear example of that was the joke you told a joke puppet of the Jews.
    Vivian Gonzalez
