Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Is it too late for climate change? [Sophomore]

Dear students:

 As you may know, climate change is a current threat that humanity has been facing for the last decades. Although experts have claimed there's nothing else we can do, there's a large percentage who still believes humanity can overcome this situation. In your opinion, are we too late on global climate change? why / why not? what would you do if you were leading a global government? which would be your proposal? how would you apply it?

 Please leave your comments below in at least 75-115 words.

Target Language: Opinion-related vocabulary, multi-word vocabulary.

Deadline: May 2nd

Kind regards,

Juan Guevara
English Teacher


  1. As you will already know, I’m all pro-ecosystem. In my opinion, it is never too late to have the intention to do things right, even with our own world, even when sometimes we think that it takes care by itself, but, what if we arrive too late, in an objective sense and of pure survival? I believe that this is the beginning of the end of life as we know it. If we start taking care of our planet from now on, we may live longer than we expect, because of the margin of human error. But if we do not take care of it, I will make sure that I have thousands and thousands of liters of water waiting for me at home, and then sell it and make me a multimillionaire. But i wonder: in the end of the world and in the desperation to continue with life, will money continue to be the most precious thing?. If I lead a global government, I would buy all the existing parcels in the south of Chile with access to a river, and would make me "the great Donald Trump" (get out of the Paris agreement and tell the world that global warming is a big lie). I would build a self-sustaining bunker and raffle the tickets to survive the end of the world. But I think I would educate my people, and create real awareness about what the environment is, and speak without censorship what could happen to us if we do not take care of them. I’ll infect schools, institutes and jobs with my mentality. I think it would be something like the avenger of nature.

  2. Hello teacher:
    with regard to his questions, we are not late to the global climate change, because we can change in general all the persons helping to improve our own environment, which I'd do if he was leading a global government is to apply a green regime to every citizen to create conscience in the world, and an offer serious to replace all the factories of pollutant environment with factories that believe energy of biomass and the form in which I aplicaria it is placing as law every citizen of this planet.

    Atte: Bayron Diaz

  3. Hello teacher.
    I not believe that is too late on global climate change because the people metion all the time from the climate change from what look take the planet and the people be take concide in this matter from the climate change.
    Good about the leader of global government take hold to measure drastic for make a better place. My proposal be is stop from fabricate sack plastics and use sack reuse why is more recommended now is less toxic and help the planet, other measure is use energy eolian ,nucler and solar now is more natural in the tecnology and whit be measurement can best world.
    Bye teacher.
    Atte: Simoney

  4. hello teacher , the earthquakes are most common of what he belives himself, these are created by the movement of the tectonic plates.

    it is necessary to prepate in these cases.
    first if you have handles or hung mirrors it must withdraw them and later it has to cut the electricity in his home.

    if yoy have food, water, medicine has to guard it for 3 days.

    if you suffer a hard wound and it loses great blood, first it has to stop the flow of blood with a vest that is to his scope.

    if you have a children do not make them alone and if they are in the college most be in the sure zone.

    I think that the chileans I us laughed mos at earthquakes because we are a country in a sismic zone that already we are accustomed to the earthquakes

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  6. I think that never is too late. We need to change our living habits, we can't still have oil cars, or abuse of the coal industries.
    The problem of the climate change is principally the economy. Clean energies, like Nuclear Fusion and electric cars, will ruin the economy of countries like Siria or Venezuela, that have a lot of oil in their lands.

    The global government is a good solution like idea, but in practice I don't agree. We all know that money breaks people's integrity. The global government should be unbreakable and will solve the problem,if is a corrupt government will ruin evertything that we built like society.
    My proposal is this: More investment in Nuclear Fusion and we'll solve every energy problem, and promove globalization for reduce poverty in countries.

    PD: Please ignore my profile photo.

  7. hello teacher , the earthquakes are most common of what he belives himself, these are created by the movement of the tectonic plates.

    it is necessary to prepate in these cases.
    first if you have handles or hung mirrors it must withdraw them and later it has to cut the electricity in his home.

    if yoy have food, water, medicine has to guard it for 3 days.

    if you suffer a hard wound and it loses great blood, first it has to stop the flow of blood with a vest that is to his scope.

    if you have a children do not make them alone and if they are in the college most be in the sure zone.

    I think that the chileans I us laughed mos at earthquakes because we are a country in a sismic zone that already we are accustomed to the earthquakes,good bye mister

    PD:please ignore my profile photo

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  9. Hello Teacher
    In my opinión believe that never too late for reaction for climate change because, the people still can help the planet for reduce the climate change and the people take prevention for contribute for this planet for example recicle, reuse, change tire use the light sabe energy and use the renewable energy.
    And if i were leader for global goverment i will construction the reserves for protection the ecosistems and promote or require the recycle and introduce the renewable energy as replace for contaminate energy in the countries and i will create the organizations who are responsible for enforcing and contributing to these tasks mentioned before.
    Bye Teacher
    Atte: Vicente Moyano

  10. Hello teacher
    Well, i think we have time to make something to avoid the climate change, because nowadays the people is taking care about the global warming and the climate changes.
    If i was a leader of a global government i will make than all the countries sign in a contrat or a crib sheet than says all countries have to change the normal cars to electris cars and make than all the countries have to clean the smoke from factorys or something like that.
    Thats my opinion teacher, bye


  11. I dont think who is late for we do charge of the climate change, for one simple reason: never is late for help or solution a problem, we ever can do something, you only need know what you want doing and do it, sound simple but this dont be simple if we talking of the climate changue, but nothing is impossible. If I lead a global government the first thingh who i would be do it is impose a law for decrease the pollution gases, next i would contract ambassadors of different countries who supervise this, something like a: climate changue police. Next of do this if i lead a global government i would be do a campaign for take care of our natural resources in case of emergency, something like a fortress (i refer something like: we dont can control the climate changue, is moment of enter in a survival mode, everybody who to the fortress). I woul be create a economic strategy for finance this, because this wonder thing is so expensive. I know who this sound like a fairy tale but in some place say who "if you want do it, you can do it"
    postscript : for my family and my loved ones would have the more big fortress, to live longer

  12. good afternoon teacher
    I think it's too late to fix the disaster that humanity has left on earth.
    you can not repair all the damage you have done for centuries by not using plastic bags, at this level there is not much that the human can do.
    There would be a possibility, but it would be to close all the factories, to ban cars that use gasoline, and I doubt that could happen.
    And if I were part of a government I would not bother to do something, because, as I said before, there is nothing to do.
      happy worker's day
    -Eric Núñez

  13. hello teacher
    I think that already no't We are on time but we cant live with him and try not polluted the planet in footwear for example: stop occupying the nuclear plants as pollute a lot the world other example is the contamination in Santiago as the cars pollute the air and damage the ozone layer as the smog builds up in the ozone layer and produce the global warming, in consequence the temperature rising what it cause the
    melting of the poles.
    bye teacher
    -by Alejandro Balbontin

  14. hi teacher
    okey in my opinion we arrive late of the global climate or the global warming and the people make the contamination in the world, because the people cause this problem of the world

    i think that all cuntries (develope or puverty) have space of cultivate trees and have plants for the green planet and of finish that all recycle whit the "green planet" the people have the best life, more life and the animals not dead for contamination
    good bye the best teacher in your house
    by thomas silva

  15. I believe there is still time to address global climate change, because different things you can do to address global climate change, an example is recycling, planting trees, like many others. If a global government leader, my proposals are:
    -Planting trees
    -Driving less
    -Do not use both appliances
    Bye teacher .

  16. Hi teacher. Well, I think it's not too late, with all the technology we have we can create several things, such as to protect the ozone layer and others. Although I also think that there are some things that can not be fixed, like the melting of glaciers and several extinct animals, I do not know what it is to run a government, so I do not know what I could do if I led a group of expert people. I would put to work many scientific experts in the field to investigate and come up with some solution for this, since I do not have the knowledge to help scientifically.
    10-4 Bayron... Out?

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  18. Hello teacher my name is Carlos Gonzáléz and my opinion about the climate change is:
    Yes we are too late to stop the climate change why no have there is no way to go back because the damage is already done but there are many ways to fix it.
    I would try to eliminate gasoline cars and promote electric cars the shops that try do not throw away so much smoke.
    I would apply it little by little and charismatically also helping with some help with money.
    And this is my opinion goodbye teacher.


    dear teacher:
    I think that even we are in time of doing a change, weigh anchor but something is something, at least to solve the global warming that the world had to have solved enough time ago, but in any case there is no solution but it will be able to delay a bit what serious the end of the world. A global campaign has to be done because it makes analyze if it is that a change happens in a couple of years, but this begins for us and there are no people who has initiative to realize a change that to them he they was benefiting or to his future generations.

    PD: Marcelo Bernal

  20. Hello teacher
    In my opinion we are still in time to trate with global climate change because, i think never is soo later to trate with something soo important how this, if takes measures soon i think to this would not be very difficult to deal and this problem would stay on the past, if I govern, I would promote the care of the environment in general because bad care of the environment is one of the main causes of climate change, and apply it by promoting in the schools, universities, etc.
    Good bye teacher
    Daniel Mercado.

  21. Hello teacher,
    I think we are on te edge from the no return. We are on the limit of what our planet can hold on. So, is not too late, but if we don't take any measure on this situation, in 5 or 10 years more there will not be any solution.
    If I was a leader, my principal propose would be to prioritize find a sustainavle and no-polluting kind of fuel, and then to clean the whole planet. Including sea, air, and land. My way to apply it would be to attract engineers, and people who is really interested to work on it, and make the population become aware of the situation.
    That is my answer.
    Kind Regards,

  22. Hello teacher, I'am Benjamin Mercado, I think there is still time to control climate change, because all change in the world all days, and if i were leader, would to restrict the nuclears plants restricted the air thrown out, i would apply it in the nuclears plants not naturals and naturals because the air contaminated all, in conclusion i think the changes importants it's part of the people and the authorities.
    Good bye teacher

  23. BY: Benjamin Solis
    well hello professor, I think we reach half but we also know that the climate change is advanced but also can be implemented to solve this great problem we have.
    At least if I were the leader I would try to implement the buses with electricity or solar panels so we can have energy for the whole day, that there would be 1 day every month without vehicles to reduce the climate change.
      I would try it first in a city and I would go a little to see how people react to this and the weather. and if it works slowly, I would propose that they be implemented throughout the country

  24. Hello Teacher,

    In my opinion the people can do something to prevent the Global warming, but is not only the obligation of the people. I think is the obligation of the civilians, the Governments, the factories, etc...

    I think that even it is possible to do something to prevent, any example of this is the renewable energy or the good use of the water, if everyone coughs up a grain of sand we can do it! :D
    But in the world we have many big problems apart from the Global Warming, as the overcrowding for example, this problem affect directly to the global warming. It will be a slow way to attack this problem! <3

    Esteban Fuentes V.


    Hi to the best teacher of the world
    We can be the first generation that there finishes the global poverty and the generation last to anticipate the worst impacts of the Global Warming .... sincerely my opinion is that though Aryan I sound a bit "stupidly" the money eliminates in general that everything is "free" in order that they eliminate these contaminating factories and that it is quite natural it is mas to eliminate the stress in the persons and that they are happy ... not so natural but that we work out benefited since also the nature works out benefited and end mentions my offer according to my opinion it is to eliminate the money and that we are happy with the nature.

  26. Before to say anything, i think that is not to late if we first accept that the climate change is real situation today, so as yo ask, NO, it's no to late for climate change, because if we propose a complete change . I'll do something like a green world, i would make people aware of the damage we do to the world and how much we needto survive, as i said, would make a greener world , replacing all kinds of factories produced polluting gases, and use all the technology to create ecologicall cars, and appllying it by law

    -Luciana Oñate

  27. Hello teacher, my name is Constanza Hernández and today I'm going to give you my opinion about climate change.
    Yes, because we do not take care of our planet and we as a society all we do is pollute.
    My proposals would be:
    Try to move around on foot or by bicycle, as far as possible, of not being able to be, resort to public transport.
    Walk down the stairs of the house as long as you can. Going down is an act that barely drains you, In addition to doing a little exercise with little effort, You save two trips to the elevator and save energy.
    All these proposals would apply them all over the world and they would become a law.

  28. hello teacher in my opinion I think it's not too late because you can solve the problem but not in the long term because it can be getting worse and worse and there will be no solution over time, but there are different ways to justify yourself example protect the ozone layer and others that can not be solved as for example the extinction of animals that are a large amount one of the solutions that I would give would be to avoid fuel, clean more streets and bring in expert scientific engineers to solve the problem and that would be my answer
    Rayen Soto
