Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Glorification of Violent and Criminal Lifestyle in lyrics [Senior]

Dear Students:

 Through the second entry, I'd like to propose a discussion regarding music, culture and stereotypes. Since long time ago, words such as "bi***, fu** or kill" have been largely used in lyrics in order to portrait a violent imagery. Censorship might be an option, nevertheless it's not allowed to ban the liberty of expression among people. In your opinion, Is it correct to defend artists right to free speech? Why? Do you think banning this lyrics would be a coherent solution and stop spreading sexist messages across the globe? Why/why not? Is it hip-hop the main problem? Why / why not?

 Leave your comments below in at least 90-130 words

Target Language: Vocabulary, opinion-related words, Modal verbs.

Deadline: May 2nd,

Kind regards,

Juan Guevara
English Teacher


  1. In my opinion I agree that music is a means by which to express feelings, thoughts and emotions that are sometimes repressed by society. For example, I like the genre of hip hop because singers usually talk about education where it is accessible only to high classes and middle classes, but in low classes where it is dominated by poverty is difficult to access a quality education, Therefore these singers express what they have kept in their hearts that many times, these people treat them as criminals for the fact of raising ideas to undertake in the world. Singers who talk about violence should be heard by a minor public where minors are banned.

  2. Hi! I think that freedom of expression should be regulated for today's artists, especially if they are artists who sing sexist messages and violence against other people. Music is a very important tool of expression and I have always thought that letters should tell us a message that will help us as a society to accept today's social problems. Music now has less content than older music. It no longer criticizes social problems such as Blur, or talk about environmental problems like Jamiroquai, or sing about simple feelings like Oasis.
     Now everything seems to revolve around love and sex. Maybe it's because today's society prefers that kind of music more, I don't know. Anyway, I think that censorship should work on songs that contain explicit content and that affect the well-being of younger children. I don't think it's just a problem with hip-hop or R & B because there are many offensive songs of different musical styles. That's why I listen to old music :)


  3. Hi! I think that liberty of expression as well should be censored or regulated because sometimes the lyrics get to the wrong people like the children and I think they unconsciously learn from the lyrics. Prohibiting sexist lyrics is not going to stop the problem but you should be careful who listens to the songs as I said the children although do not understand that the lyrics refer to the same learn from them and this problem could be solved by not transmitting songs with those lyrics on the radio or on TV. In my opinion the hip-hop is not a problem because not only has sexist lyrics they speaks of different topics obviously depends on the song also there are other styles of music that also have sexist lyrics.
    Belén Rojas

  4. Hi Teacher! I really think that isn’t the genre the main problem, it’s the way the singers express their feelings to the world on their songs, because they can express themselves without using bad words I think that it’s even unnecessary us them because some artists are a role model for children’s and, somehow, they are learning all that you cannot use other words such as the bad ones. Also, a lot of songs talk about sexism and treat a woman as an object, and that it’s a really bad thing because there are teaching to children’s “how treat a woman” and do in it on the wrong way. I really thing that singers can express trough the music without using bad words and do it on the same way
    Sofia Diaz

  5. hello teacher,in my opinion it is to defend their lyrics because it is their way of expressing themselves and of being undone, because the songs in a certain way are their way of expressing what they feel or think about a situation and it would not be right to censor their lyrics.Because they cannot deny him the right to express himself through songs. Also if you are allowed to singers of the other style, as the Pop express itself, because it should not be to styles like hip-hop, I think it is wrong to prohibit taking the right to this style mentioned above, although some people do not like this tip or music. To conclude according to me hip-hop is not the main problem due, that there is more genre that encourages these letters.
    Sebastian Soto.

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  7. Hi teacher! well, i think that the language that the artits use in their lyrics it's not the problem, it is the message they want to get across. For example, if the song is about the problems that the singer is having in a certain moment of his or her life, like loosing the confidence in themselves, it's normal that they use words like f*ck because they want to transmit a really strong message to the people, they want that the people understand what is happening in their life, in their heads. In the other hand, we have artist that don't want to transmit their feelings, they just want to tell us what they do in a party or who knows, but they do it using sexist expressions that is not necessary to include in the song, making the artist look like a person that have nothing important to transmit to the people.
    Maybe the problem here is not the liberty of expression, because the artist can say whatever he wants, maybe the problem is the people who listen this songs with no important message.
    Camila Villarroel González

  8. Hi teacher regarding this topic I believe that music is a way that the artist has to express their thoughts and emotions, so if you want to control what they say that would go against freedom of expression, by the mere fact of prohibit certain vocabulary in the songs this does not prevent the spread of the message through another medium, hip-hop is not the only genre that uses an offensive language in its lyrics, so it is not the fault of hip-hop that is express a message considered offensive

    Esteban Larenas

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi teacher!
    Regarding to the topic, I think that in today's music an inappropriate language is used to express rudeness. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong so far because you can express what you want in your day to day. The problem is that there are many people who listen, sing and repeat those lyrics. The problem is that singers attract a lot of people, and these people repeat what their favorite artists do. This has happened in several genres of music lately as in "trap", and in "reggaeton", in which the woman has been denigrated, drugs, pistols, etc. Lyrics, which in my opinion, should be thought and questioned by these singers.

    Matías Cárdenas

  11. Hello teacher
    My opinion is quite simple, because I find that you should not defend them, nor attack them, anyone can create the music and style you want and if you do not like, change it and do not listen more, do not generate problems and controversy, because you do not like me , but to other people if... so avoid is better.
    I find that it is not right to prohibit this type of lyrics or songs, as they will always be available anywhere and will be worse to prohibit, as people call more attention to do as listen to these things, apart as I said if you do not like , avoid it and solved problem.
    Hip-hop has been present since the year 1970 and is not to blame for this, it's just a trendy issue and seeing things from another point of view, I'm sure in a couple of years, there will be no such problems and I think today the Trap And Reggaeton have been much more influential in the topic of sexuality, among others... so I do not blame the hip-hop of anything.
    Gerald Lobos M

  12. Hello teacher.
    Regarding this topic, I think that the society should start to worry about abuses, violations, thefts, homicides and not worry so much about the lyrics of a song. I think this because this type of music is a biz, a way to go out of the place where they live. I think that prohibit this kind of music is not the solution, a person who doesn't like that the lyrics say, shouldn't listen to it, it's easy. Hip-hop is not the problem. The problem is the education that is being given to the new generation. Values must be given great importance, which if those are well learned, those will not change by listening a certain type of music.
    Macarena Medina M.

  13. Hi teacher!
    Music has always been a supposed problem for society, since it is quite influential and also marks a whole period. Subtly we support or denigrate different musical groups, depending on our tastes. It is important to be aware of the lyrics, since some go far beyond the superficial, music is a way of expressing some feeling, changing little by little the receiver's perspective.
    I believe that music, like all art, has the right to freedom of expression, since it helps us to see life in different ways in different ways, it broadens our mind. On the other hand, the restriction of letters is not coherent, since it is not the solution to problems that is why it is very necessary that each person has the ability to discern things and not get carried away. With respect to Hip-hop, it is not the main problem, no musical genre is the problem. The real problem is the restriction that we submit ourselves as a society.
    Maritza T.

  14. Greetings, teacher
    On my opinion, the problem does not lie within hip hop as genera, so it is not something you can just decide to put a censorship on. The problem goes a little beyond that. If I remember properly, hip-hop was born within black culture, as a way to express oneself; it’s a style full to the brim with the artist opinion and experiences on life, which are more often than not, violent and full of hatred from society towards them.
    Do I think that it is correct to defend artist’s right of freedom of speech? Yes. Why? Well, liberty to say whatever you want shouldn’t be something that’s taken away from you, although it does NOT mean that you can just say the first thing that crosses your mind, you got to know that there’s people who might get offended by this, and that’s normal, but what you can’t do, no matter what, is being disrespectful to them and knowingly degrade them, because your liberty ends where the others liberty begins. Banning these lyrics won’t do anything but make people and artists even more angry towards society, so a superficial solution to the problem would be add an age restriction to songs that are too explicit and aggressive, even though that won’t completely eradicate the problem. In my opinion, to really eliminate this problem, there should be something done with society first.
    N. Victoria Contreras

  15. Hi teacher!
    In my opinion, I think that anybody can say whatever they want in their songs, but knowing that it is going to be listened to all kinds of people, as, in case that somebody does not support a specific artist or music genre, they can just stop hearing it
    In the other side, I do not think that forbidding this kind of lyrics would be a solution because the music is a way to search for liberation and a form of expression that is in everybody's reach.
    Any music genre can appeal to violent or sexist lyric, not necessarily hip-hop uses this techniques, so the problem does not relapse only on this genre.
    Constanza Cornejo

  16. Hello teacher!
    I think that the language that the singers use in their songs not is a problem, it´s that exist lot of people who listen this songs and repeat these lyrics without an idea about the artist want to express. Hip hop lyrics are known for containing swear words, therefore, hip hop music has been censored on radio and TV, but through hip hop, the artists can express feelings or thoughts, also serves to criticize society. This genre not is the only that uses an offensive language. Music is the instance where we can escape from our problems, from external concerns and express our feelings. I think that the problem here is not the liberty of expression, the real problem is the censure in that we are suppressed as society.
    Diego González

  17. Hi teacher, my opinion in this topic It is that artists should defend their right to free expression as singers express their feelings from everyday life situations and should not be banned from talking about. I think the censored in the songs is fine because sometimes words are used that are very strong and reach the ears of children. I think that without censored sexist increases in the field of music. I do not think that hip-hop is the musical genre of the main problem in this topic, maybe if it is involved, but not as the main problem.
    Kaitlin Ariafne Díaz Garrido.

  18. Hello teacher, in my opinion the singer can express your free speech because that’s why exist the different styles of music and the problem of the criticizing one or another type of music is for the public or the popularity that have this. For example, the children shouldn’t listened music oriented for an adult audience this is fault for the parents. On the other hand, the hip-hop not is only a type of music, this is a culture and there is confusion for the hip-hop and reggeaton. The hip-hop represents the free expression, but no in the bad way.
    -Fabrizzio Sotelo

  19. In my opinion, there is no problem with the use of inappropriate words in the songs, because they can be used so that the song's receiver can feel the artist's feelings more directly and perhaps understand what he really thinks without any censorship.

    From another point of view I think the real problem is the people who listen to that kind of music without the awareness of what is really transmitted. Those who compose this type of music are in all their freedom since we as a person have the right to express ourselves. On the other hand the range of public of the artist who makes this music should be a little more conscious people, with this I personally rule out the possibility of creating censorship against these people.


  20. Hi Teacher
    In my opinion the liberty of expression is an important thing on the world of the music because, the music is in itself a form of expression if we don’t let they sing or play the music how they want, we are cutting the expression of the music, so is coherent defend the artists right to free speech. In the case of the spreading sexist messages is a problem, because we have to change the society if we want to change that. Banning the lyrics it does no produce nothing. In the case of the hip-hop I think it depend of the place because it’s a battle, in a battle everything is approved. So this is my opinion about the expression of the lyrics in the music nowadays
    William Gutierrez

  21. Hi teacher! My opinion in this topic is that the language that the singers use in their songs it's not important, but in that exist people who listen this songs and repeat these lyrics without an idea about the artist want to express. The hip hop not is bad, because through hip hop, the artists can express feelings or thoughts, also serves to criticize society. Music in general is good because we disconnected a moment from all around us. I think values must be give more importance, which if those are well learned, those will not change by listening a certain type of music.

    Nicole Badilla

  22. Hi teacher, I sincerely defend the rights to freedom of expression of artists because I feel it is a good way to express their feelings, or their point of view on a controversial issue or something like that. While there are many lyrics that contain sexist messages or violence, I think people care more about the rhythm than about the lyrics. However, more than a "censorship" could be a "wake-up call" or a way of raising awareness among artists to worry about writing. I think that hip-hop is not a musical genre where these kinds of problems are found, but in the "Trap", because most of the artists of this type of music use vulgar vocabulary for, I do not know, have a more public juvenile or something like that.
    Valentina Casanueva Vega

  23. Hi teacher!
    In my opinion the liberty of expression is something that should not be taken lightly can’t remove these liberties, maybe hip-hop is the genre of music that most abuses this type of expression which is known is not the fault of the artist or singer is of the people who listen to these genres and glorify it. What I think is the most important thing is that young children imitate what they hear and believe that saying or doing these things is normal, you should respect the age indicators for products such as video games when they say it is for adults 18 years but even if a child of 12 years can buy it or his parents buy it as a gift. (Vicho)

  24. Regarding this topic, I think that the music is made for express anything, either personal experiences, problems that the society hide or simply their feelings. However the genre doesn’t influence on the message that the artist wants to deliver, the important thing are the lyrics, and in my opinion, I think that the artist is in his right to express himself with the word that he/she want.
    On the other hand, I think that banning this lyrics isn’t the solution, I think that the society should change the way of treating people, because generally, the people who listen this type of music don’t know the real message that the artist want to transmit (In the case of social review).
    María José Ibacache.

  25. Hi teacher
    In my opinion I find right the freedom of expression of the artists, but yes, it causes a great impact when young children, sing the lyrics, as if it were normal this macho behavior or perhaps, as they do not know what they mean some words sing it because it They know the unaware song that they say inappropriate things. I think the best option against these cases would be to censor but even certain ages, where one is aware, not to take attitudes and follow what the songs say, so the freedom of expression of the artist is not affected and can do a good to the new generations. As I said before if it would be a solution to censure, but for the ages still in development because, socially, as one hears a lot this music, in developing ages can be taken of bad influence actions that point out the songs because it affects them much the social life in the rest. this type of music is not the problem, since there are songs of this type, without inappropriate language, in if the problem comes from certain artists who are dedicated to influence within this category.

  26. Hi teacher!
    Regarding to this topic I think that no one has the right to deprive other people from freedom of speech, and hip-hop is definitely not the problem. There exist a lot of song that aren't exactly 'family friendly' that aren't part of that music genre.
    I think that swearing on songs it's not really a big deal. Most of the artists try to express themselves in their lyrics, so sometimes swearing is necessary to add the real emotions that the artist was passing through in the moment he/she decided to write that song.
    The main problem with this type of songs is that children are exposed to them and they will probably try to act like these lyrics says. But in that case, I personally think that the people who are in charge of the kid should teach them if what the songs says is correct or not.
    Finally, in my personal opinion, I don't really listen to this kind of music because it's not really my thing, but I also don't care if other people like it or not. If you like it, you should listen to it and if you don't, then you just shouldn't listen to it. It's really simple, but it also really helpful.
    Elena Domínguez

  27. Hi teacher
    Talking about the topic, I don’t think censor a song is a good solution because ban the liberty of expression and in the past the situation was very different.In the past, the lyrics was less violent or explicit and talk about real situations that happened to the singers. one example of this is the song "everyday struggle" of the rapper notorius big and for me in this period the lyrics had more content not like today, that all the songs even the videoclips only shows the power they earned by the money they have. However for me this is not a good reason for censor the songs. In my opinion, a solution could be stop listening to this kind of songs.

    Javier Cárdenas E.

  28. Hi teacher
    Regards my opinion of this topic, I thing the song with explicit lyrics are bad because most of the times the lyrics of this song says bad think of the woman, sex or the power they have and we can see this in Spanish songsof singers like bad bunny, anuel or Bryant myers or in songs in English like gucci gang of lil pump. Also, in the past the women was more respected and they don´t talk frequently about the money, make this song more romantic. Finally, I agree in censor the lyrics of the songs because by this, we can live in a more equal society.
    Ignacio Rodríguez.

  29. Hi teacher:
    Well, in my opinion the artists can say whatever they want in their songs, if they use a lot of swearwords or not, that is their problem; but about the sexist terms I thing they don´t need to used and they shouldn´t, because they make a wrong image of the women, commonly the artists (men) used the image of women for despise or underestimate, and that is so wrong, because the women and the men are the same, they are humans.
    And the hip hop (and don´t just this music) don´t is the problem, because i know rappers that they make song with an important message for the people and don´t underestimate anybody with their lyrics. So, the problem are the artists that make bad lyrics.
    Matias Cabrera Lobos

  30. Hi teacher, I think that each person is free of do what he wants do, it is ok defend the artist, because the people is free of do the songs that they want and if I don’t like a song I don’t listen this type of songs, I think that ban this lyrics is very exaggerate, because have people that enjoy this type of songs, the hip hop is not the problem, the problem can be the person that write the songs, because exist many songs that have sense and is a very fake stereotype that the hip hop or rappers are bad peoples and have a sexist message
    Bastian Aravena

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  32. Hi teacher, in my opinion use insult words in a song is not that bad like it’s sound, I mean, that kind of words can’t be reapleased for another for express what they want to say.
    We can’t ban the liberty of expression for the singers or songs writers. The song will not be the same if they are repressed, if they use that word is for a reason. Maybe hip hop songs used more amount bad lyrics but they are not the only one. I hear pop song and almost all at least use one insult. A solution for younger people that don’t understand this kind of language is just stop listen music whit this contents.
    Natalia Garrido
