Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Earthquakes and Natural Disasters [Junior]

Dear students:

 During Unit 2, will be discussing about instructions and priorities during natural disasters of any kind, such as earthquake, tsunamis, etc. Considering this, What preparation should you make before earthquakes hit? What kind of injuries are caused by earthquakes and how do you treat them? What do you think about chilean perception regarding the magnitude of earthquakes (considering that Mexican got shocked with a 6,0 earthquake and here we laugh out loud about it)? is it correct or are we overconfident about it? What frightens you the most from earthquakes? What would you recommend to children while and after earthquakes? do you think countries which suffer from natural disasters should receive help only from developed countries?

 Please leave your comments below in at least 85-120 words

Target Language First Conditional, Unless, Zero Conditional, Vocabulary related to unit 2.

Deadline: May 2nd

Kind regards,

Juan Guevara
English Teacher


  1. Hello teacher.
    it is very difficult to know when an earthquake will come, but if an earthquake arrives you will need a plan. earthquakes cause windows or pieces of concrete to fall from buildings, so if you hit a piece of concrete or window you will have cuts or bone breaks, and i dont know how i treat then. I think that it is good, because we take it more calmly, but we are very overconfident whit it. It scares me that something could happen to my family. I would recommend that children remain calm and attentive to what happens around them to react in the best way. No, because the solidarity does not depend on the development of the country, the countries more developed can help with materials or food and the least developed countries can help with humanitarian help.
    Cristian Bravo.

  2. Hello Teacher:
    The basic precautions that a person must have, 1.- Stay calm (in some cases not is possible), 2.- To be kept in the place (because it will be trembling there and out), 3.- If it is a closed place, to be under a table or in the door.
    Slight injuries as a small wound some where of the body and also more serious injuries as the break of a bone or the most serious wound in the head. The most serious injuries can treat with frist aid kit that must be had in these case. the most serious injuries, the most be treated for a professional and to go to the nearest hospital.
    this happens in some persons, since others suffer from panic. I think that it is totally normal because we are a seismic country and it is common for us to.
    Maybe we are overconfident about an earthquake just to let other people think we are cool and we are not afraid about it, but we need to be you consent and think that a worse natural disaster can happen.
    I am afraid of an earthquake disaster because of the damage it causes at homes, people injured or dead. It also causes psycological and physic damage on people.
    I recomend, as I previously said, when it stopped inmediately ask help to a responsible and relaxed adult.
    Maybe, because they have mas resources:).

  3. Hello teacher
    For an earthquake, I should know which places are safest in each room, I should also have a bag with clothes and have a flashlight and a radio. The injuries are mainly caused by crushing of poorly made structures when building the room. What scares me about earthquakes is the noise that occurs. The recommendations made to children is to stay calm and explain what happened and that they should not be afraid. The perception that Chileans have about earthquakes is that they do not get scared since they are used to this natural disaster.

  4. Hello teacher.
    How we know live in seismic country, therefore we must be prepared with the sufficient implements in order that this one is carried out of the best way. One earthquake it cannot cause any type of wound, if the person remain calm, on the contrary if the person is very scared the most possible thing it is that somethings happens to him. Our perception on the earthquake is different because we are used, if this was not like, we would of any intensity of earthquake. If we presume for the rest of the countries. If you are in an earthquake, it must look for a sure place until finished, after that, it must to go a sure place. Not only the develop countries can help.

  5. Hi teacher!
    To be prepared, I think that people should be informed about how keep the calm if an earthquake happens, because in my opinion, that's the most important thing to do.
    If an earthquake happens, the most common injury would be psychological, because people end up with some kind of trauma most of the time.This should be treated with a psychologist.
    In my opinion, Chileans perceive the magnitude of the earthquake relaxed, because we are used to them. I think that we are very trusting and this is bad, if comes a earthquake. Because this can cause that the people don't take the earthquake seriously.
    Earthquakes do not scare me, but if my family is not with me, I despair.
    I recommend children don't be afraid during and after the earthquake and always keep the calm.
    I think countries should always help in these cases.
    Sincerely, Ignacia.

  6. Dear teacher.
    First to face an earthquake it is necessary to have to first aid kit of the first aids, to recover the wounds caused by the earthquake mainly for precipices and blows provoked by the movement it is necessary to disinfect and apply pressure to them to avoid the hemorrhage, the perceptions that is the Chilean on the earthquakes is logical because already they plough accustomed to this, for which we presume with regard to this. To child during the earthquake must support the calmness and later to this one looking for help of an adult. I think that deberiamos to unify all all seize brothers and to help the needy one.

  7. Hello teacher for my the earthquakes are not so important because in the country where we are (Chile) is one of the most seismic countries. What I must do before an earthquake is to prepare my rucksack with clothes, my cellular one to be able to contact myself someone or some relative. The wounds of an earthquake are going to depend according to the country. Chile already this accustomed and because of it they are the guffaws equally we must not presume them because it never knows one and one can come an earthquake of high degree and can harm to our country. I would say to the children that they hide under the table if it is that it is very strong. I think that if it is that some country suffers very much as any country it it is necessary to help it is developed or not.

  8. hello teacher , the earthquakes are most common of what he belives himself, these are created by the movement of the tectonic plates.

    it is necessary to prepate in these cases.
    first if you have handles or hung mirrors it must withdraw them and later it has to cut the electricity in his home.

    if you
    have food, water, medicine has to guard it for 3 days.

    if you suffer a hard wound and it loses great blood, first it has to stop the flow of blood with a vest that is to his scope.

    if you have a children do not make them alone and if they are in the college most be in the sure zone.

    I think that the chileans I us laughed mos at earthquakes because we are a country in a sismic zone that already we are accustomed to the earthquakes

  9. Hello Teacher!
    I think that in general, it is difficult to ever truly be prepared for the occurrence of a natural disaster. With that said, there are some things that can be done to help prepare for an earthquake. For example, make sure that you own a first aid kit, flashlight, canned food and other basic emergency supplies. It is also important to familiarize yourself with emergency earthquake procedure, and to know where the safest or most stable parts of your house, school, or office building are. If you know what you should do in the case of an earthquake, you can stay calm and think clearly when it happens. Chileans seem very unconcerned by earthquakes, as Chile is in the “ring of fire” and therefore they are normal here. However, not all countries are so well accustomed to earthquakes. For example, if a 6,0 earthquake happens in a city in the northern United States where they are not common, it will have very significant effects. Personally, I am afraid of earthquakes because they can have terrible consequences, including casualties as well as the structural destruction of cities. I think that countries that suffer from natural disasters should receive whatever help other countries can offer, regardless of whether they are developed or not.

    ¡Hola Profesor!
    Yo pienso que en general, es difícil y quizás imposible estar completamente preparado para un desastre natural. Sin embargo, hay algunas cosas que pueden ayudar a una persona a estar preparado para un terremoto. Por ejemplo, es importante tener un botiquín de primeros auxilios, una linterna eléctrica, alimentos enlatadas, y otros suministros básicos de emergencia. También, es muy importante saber el procedimiento de emergencia para terremotos y donde están los lugares seguros en la casa, el colegio, o el edificio de trabajo. Si sabes lo que debes hacer durante un terremoto, puedes estar tranquilo y seguir pensando claramente cuando pase. Los chilenos parecen muy despreocupados con los terremotos, porque Chile es un país muy sísmico. Así que los terremotos son algo normal acá en Chile. Sin embargo, muchos países no son tan acostumbrados ni a los terremotos ni los temblores. Por ejemplo, si pasa un temblor de 6,0 en una ciudad en la parte central de los Estados Unidos, donde nunca pasan, será algo muy grave. Yo tengo miedo de los terremotos porque pueden tener consecuencias terribles, incluyen los damnificados y la destrucción estructural de ciudades. Yo pienso que los países que sufren de los desastres naturales deben recibir ayuda de otros países, independientemente de si son países desarrollados.

  10. Hello teacher:
    First the preparation that all need to do before the earthquakes is first of all know the safe places of the house, school, etc..Second,perform preventive drills for these situations. Third,have stored supplies and first aid kits, are very important to survive a major disaster, if you have provitions , you will survive in case of shortage.Finally keep the fragile objects insured so that they do not hinder the escape at the time of the earthquake, if the objects fall down, you won't pass easily. The injuries that are caused by earthquakes are slight wound in the legs or arms and the breaking of some bone, they are treated by cleaning the wound or in the case of a broken bone putting something to keep the area stretched,if you are hurt, you will need to go to hospital.In the other hand i my opinion Chile has a good perception regarding the magnitude of earthquakes , because we are an seismic country and we are all used to these phenomena , but that is not an excuse for laugh at disasters in other countries,if you live in other country that not its seismic, you will have fear and you not laugh about it .Finally , for concluse the final questions , the thing that frightens me is the sirens, what I would recommend to the children would be to follow the protocol that exists in these situations, and all the countries we have to unite so to get over it faster.

  11. dear teacher
    The first priorities before a natural disaster would be the routes of leak and of safety. Then one would be protecting in a sure place and finally to prepare necessary things, as the food, water, etc. The housings considering that not all the houses are prepared for this type of catastrophes, you are would would be those who have a more light material. Another hurt they would be the streets, the public systems of illumination. And it might improve investing more money in the mentioned previously. Our perception is raised since we are a seismic country and take it with major tranquility. But it is not nice that we joke of other countries for the simple fact that we already have received many earthquakes and of major magnitude. What more I scare is the hurt that it could provoke. What would recommend him would be that one was taking it peace and calm. Beside protecting his physical integrity. If it is necessary since the caused hurts are too much for a country that is in development.

  12. Hello teacher!
    In my opinion, I think it is difficult to be fully prepared for an earthquake. However, as a personal experience when there is alert or I feel it may have been a natural disaster like an earthquake, I prepare a backpack with a first aid kit, an electric lamp, canned food, sweets (chocolates mainly), blankets, towels and food for animals (for my pets and other affected animals). Apart from that, it is good to do simulations, like the famous daisy drill.
    With respect to the second question, earthquakes often affect urban areas with deficiencies or more structural, resulting in high mortality rates and mass casualties with traumatic injuries; These injuries often require medical and surgical care. Other minor injuries can be scrapes on legs or arms, which can easily be treated with patches. With respect to the perception that Chile has about earthquakes, I think our country takes it as a mockery unless they are about 8 or 9 degrees, in fact Chile is known to be the country of earthquakes. It is common that earthquakes occur frequently in our national territory, and we have even confronted the most powerful one in history (Valdivia 1960). In fact, two earthquakes of our history are located in the top ten of all time (at least in a record we have to be)
    In general, I am not afraid of earthquakes, but I think I would be afraid if I were in a high place with many be honest, I do not like to deal with children, but if they were like that, I think I would tell them to stay calm, because if they can not suffer an accident. To conclude, I believe that all countries should help each other, whether developed or not, as in the case of Chile that has experienced thousands of earthquakes and that already knows how to manage them, but it is not a developed country. and in the case of the United States that if they suffer an earthquake they believe that the world will end and they do like 8 movies about earthquakes that do not even reach 7 degrees and that destroy entire cities.
    with nothing more to say or mock
    i leave
    atte.Camila G

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  14. hello teacher:
    It is very difficult to know when an earthquake will come, but if an earthquake arrives you will need a plan.
    1.-if you have reservations of water and food, wait after the earthquake ends. You need to stay calm and keep in the place, away from windows,because it could break.
    2.-if you have an accident, wait after the earthquake, and then call the ambulance.
    Chile has a good perception regarding the magnitude of earthquakes, because we are an seismic country, but that is not an excuse for laugh at disasters of other countries.
    Finally, in my case, the people crying. what i would recommend to the children would be to follow the protocol that exists in those situations.
    I think no, because all can help, sending food, water, clothes and medicaments.

  15. Hello teacher.
    In Chile we have all the preparations for earthquakes, because Chile and Japan are the most seismic countries in the world; however, i think basic preparations are to have flashlights, canned food, and all the survival stuff (not only for earthquakes, for all the possible natural disasters). The worst damage possible with a natural disaster is obviously the death of people, but they can also destroy entire cities in minutes. This kind of damage can be fixed with the help of other regions in our case, but the help of other countries can be good for the people, and for world peace. We had the biggest earthquake in the world, that's why we laugh of the controversy that a "little earthquake" makes in other countries. But if we had an earthquake that killed a lot of people or destroyed a whole city, we would feel bad if other countries laughed about our situation. I don't really think that we are overconfident, but that it's warranted because we are well prepared. Plus, the scientists think that a bigger earthquake than the 9,6 of Valdivia can't exist, at least in the next 10 years. In my childhood i was very afraid of earthquakes, but now I am only afraid when my family is not with me, because I'm not sure if they are safe. I would recommend to the kids that if there's an earthquake they shouldn't run, because if they run it is more dangerous. They need to follow the instructions of the teachers and the instructions given before with a simulacre. I think a country affected by an earthquake must receive all the possible help, whether it is a developed country or not.

  16. Hello teacher
    I think that the best way to be prepared for any natural disasters is create a “disaster preparedness plan” for your house or place of work. In this case the earthquake; you have to know what you and your family are going to do before the earthquake happens. If an earthquake with a huge magnitude happen, the injuries will be physical and psychological and this should be treated by a professional.
    I think that Chilean persons are used to that kind of earthquake and we take lightly this subject, unless that the earthquake could be horrendous; because Chile is a seismic country but we are so confident that nothing (destructive) will happen… and we have to be prepared. My most concern about this kind of disasters is that I’ll not know where my nearest and dearest are.
    My recommend to children during an earthquake is drop to the ground, take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture, and hold on until the shaking stops; also stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture. And listen to the person in charge after all happen.
    In my opinion ALL the countries should help a little bit at least, with anything that they have, it not depends is they are a country developed or not.

    Fernanda Ortiz.

  17. Hello Teacher!

    I think the most important thing that we must know in these situations, is to know the safe places wherever you are. Also, we must have a first aid kit for any emergency and canned food. You must be calm, because If you get upset, probably you will have an accident. If you know the emergency earthquake procedure, you will be fine.
    In Chile, earthquakes are very common, that’s why we always laugh at a 6,0 earthquake. However, we must be prepared for any disaster. We don’t know when an earthquake will be, and maybe, it can be above 8,0 or 9,0.
    In my case, I’m not afraid about earthquakes, maybe I will be worried If someone I know lost their house. I recommend in these cases, be with your parents, they will tell you all you have to do.
    I think every country can help in these situations, not only developed countries. Maybe they can help with some money to buy food, build houses, buy blankets, etc.

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  21. Hi teacher
    In Chile, the earthquakes are very common and I think that is good, because we are well prepared and accustomed, therefore we can laught at a 6° earthquake ;however, If we have a 8,5° earthquake minim, the people could die. I think basic preparations are to have canned food, flashlight, water and blankets.
    After an earthquake, you could suffer injuries in any part of the body or only die.
    In my case, I´m not afraid about earthquakes,but if my family is not with me, i will be sad , because my family give me security and love.
    I recommend to the children always be calm and wait for instructions from an adult.
    I think that all countries in the world can help in these situations, at least with food or money. We should not depend on a developed country.
    Javier Ignacio Espinoza Olguín

  22. Hello Teacher
    i think having canned food, water, flashlight and a first aid kit would be best. you can get injured easily if the earthquake is big enough, if you get hit by a piece of metal from a roof of a house a good medkit could stop possible bleeding in the body. i think its nice and interesting that chileans react this kind of way on earthquakes its good that people dont worry about it that much but if a big earthquake comes and we are not ready our over confidences will be our demise. nothing really scares me about earthquakes its normal in chile i dont really do much when it happens but if the lights cut out im obligated to get up get my flashlight and check on my family. i would recommend to keep calm and dont panic during the earthquake then after the earthquake check on your family. i think it would be awesome if other countries help each other.

  23. Hello teacher.
    In first intance if a earthquake happens in chile the people should be taking a precautions, for example in case of tsunami the precaution is to go a high place fastly.
    In my case the instance of earthquake I think that the solution is to go out of the house and to wait in the street until it finishes the earthquake.
    If a earthquake causes hurts in the house I repair the hurts, because the house might fall down.
    The chilean people thinks that the earthquake is normal in this country, for this reason the people see a earthquake how a minuscule problem and not like something to have him be afraid.
    Is incorrect underestimate the earthquake, because in any moment can be worse.
    If the country have a earthquake I scare whit the prolongation of the earthquake.
    I recommend to look to his family and tha an adult takes charge.
    Finally I thinks that the countries affected with earthquake theu should collaborate with all kinds of not alone country with more money,because every country load his expenses.
    atte: Franco Aracena.

  24. hello teacher
    from my point of view to me, the tremors do not scare me because my family taught me since I was a child that I did not have to fear them and that it is not good to run away because wherever I go, this will continue.
    It is clear that Chile is a country that is seismic which the majority of the population is accustomed to these phenomena since in the country there are constantly earthquakes, compared to other countries that are not accustomed in their population panics, given that chile itself is a seismic country this a proper constructions and security measures according to this
    the precautionary measures that must be taken if there is an earthquake would be:
    1) Keep calm
    2) get away from the windows
    3) be under a table
    4) get away from easily falling objects such as: refrigerators, furniture, etc.

  25. Hello teacher
    Well, I feel it is easy for Chileans to know how to react to earthquakes or this type of situation.
    I think that all Chileans are prepared with reserves or provisions in case of emergency, because if we live in a country as seismic as Chile, these catastrophes are likely to happen. Earthquakes cause many accidents, what one would normally do is leave injured people in a place no dangerous until the earthquake is over and there, if they are very injured call an ambulance.
    I think this is because we are too used to it, and I find it okay to feel safe if it happens; I do not fear anything about the earthquake; I would recommend that they be close to their parents and calm; no, any country can help even with the minimum.

  26. Hi teacher
    First, earthquakes are a natural cause, which has not yet been able to create any system to prevent or deceive when it will come one earthquake, but the basic forms in wich a person can take precautions are...
    first keep calm and stay relax
    second you have to know where is the security zone and after the earthquake go for there
    third and last you have to protect yourself, moving away to the windows and be careful with the things that are in height, and in this way you could evit an accident.
    However, we´re a country that have preparation to solve this kind of problems withou help of another coutries
    -Jessica Oliva

  27. Hey teacher,
    It’s obvious that we can’t really know when an earthquake is gonna hit, so I guess that the only way to be actually prepared is to be prepared at literally ALL TIMES. For example; after the big tsunami in 2010, people were told to keep a bag full of supplies such as bottled water, flashlight, clothes, non-perishable food, batteries, some kind of radio, etc. so they would be ready if another earthquake comes. As of what injuries can earthquakes cause, it goes from a minor injury, PTSD, and others to actual death. It is really trivial, you don’t really know what are you exposed to until the earthquake hits, for example, if an earthquake hits while you’re in a danger zone, such as the beach or in an unstable house, you will be more susceptible to the damage. I actually don’t think Chileans are overconfident about earthquakes, just because of the facts that our buildings are especially designed to be “earthquake-proof” and that we know how to act if an earthquake hits. This ain’t nothing new to us, so I guess we have that little peace of mind that we are not that vulnerable to earthquakes as other countries.
    I’m personally not afraid of earthquakes whatsoever, I even kinda like em, but what makes me really anxious is that my grandma suffers from panic attacks when earthquakes hit and she can get really bad depending on the magnitude of this natural disaster. Her health worries my family and I a whole lot, so we are all actually scared for her. I think that the most common thing to say is “stay calm” but most people don’t actually do that, so I wouldn’t really know what to say other than to stay safe and think before doing. I think that all countries should help one another and it doesn’t matter if they are developed countries or not because if there’s will to do it then that’s all it counts.

  28. hey teacher!
    I think that if there was an earthquake we should have a rucksack of emergency well equipped for any thing, though the Chilean company is very accustomed to the earthquakes of this frequency, other natural disasters might happen and if we are not prepared, something serious will happen. I think that we should not presume, since there are people who loses everything and we take it as a joke. Im scared of the fact of losing everything that I have, or to someone nearby to me to lose everything in these disasters. I advice to support the calmness and always to be with your family. I think that if they have the desire to help, they can do it and it is nice

  29. hello teacher
    The preparation we must do in an earthquake is to be clear about what should be done at the time of an earthquake (the plan), evacuation routes have a flashlight, water, canned food and an emergency kit in case of an accident.If there is an earthquake, there can be many psychological or physical injuries such as furniture falling, mirrors or a house being destroyed. You could treat them by going to a psychologist and going to the doctor.I think Chile's perception of the magnitude of earthquakes is good because as it is a seismic country we are already used to, therefore no house or buildings fall as in other countries that the lightest earthquake falls many houses and more accidents happen.we are very committed to being a seismic country and this is bad because, at the moment when something very strong happens, they do not take it seriously and many accidents can happen.What scares me most about an earthquake is sound. Although I'm not afraid of him in general.I would recommend that children at the time of an earthquake follow the instructions of the adult in charge, remain calm and help those who are afraid.I find that if there is an earthquake we should receive help from everyone or from those who can help us, not only from the developed countries
    maria ignacia vega

  30. Hello teacher
    In my opinion, before earthquakes hit, we should make sure in a bag, a first-aid kit, clothes, canned food, etc. On the other hand, after an earthquake, you could suffer injuries in any part of the body unless you die (If you have an external wound, it is logical that you treat with the first-Aid Kit).
    I think that in Chile, we can laught at a 6° earthquake because we are accustomed and that's fine, we're calm (we're also well prepared). Respect to me, earthquakes don’t scare me so much, I'm afraid of what might happen next ... If a earthquake occurs and affects my family, I’ll be sad and anxious. I recommend to the children keep calm and be with an adult, they will know what to do.
    Finally, I think that countries that suffer natural disasters should receive help from any country, since, in these cases, all well received. If a natural disaster occurs, we need food or money (anything)…

    ❤Love, Maca❤

  31. Hello teacher
    I think before earthquakes we have to make a plan and an emergency bag with water, lanterns, first aid kit, etc. When people are too nervous could cause a lot of injuries to themself and to other people. I think we have the perception that the magnitud of the earthqueakes in other countries is too low compared with Chile. I think we are overconfident. The thing that i have more fear is that my family could be hurt. I would recommend to children that they should stay always near to an adult that could be help them in case of emergency. I think that countries that suffer natural disasters should receive help for all the countries that can help them.

  32. Hello teacher
    In my opinion to know that Chile is a highly seismic country take certain precautions to avoid fatal outcomes such as: leave the aisles free,always have shoes on hand as well as a flashlight, remove dangerous things from the edges so they do not fall and Keep the doors always open. With regard to the causes of an earthquake I keep calm, protect young children and take them to a safe area.
    We Chileans are accustomed and prepared to receive impacts of great magnitude, so a tremor of 6.0 would not cause us much damage, the problem is that we mock without knowing that there are countries that are not prepared for such magnitudes, so That I am against our little empathy attitude about it.I am not afraid of the tremors because they are natural things but it is sound that comes with them causes me a little fear.I would recommend to the children to look for a table to cover themselves, to avoid climbing stairs and to always be attentive around them.
    Personally I think that the developed countries should not necessarily be the ones who help in this case since other countries and with very good intentions would provide the corresponding aid.
