Sunday, June 14, 2015

Bicentennial Man [Freshman Level - Graded]

I hope you enjoyed this movie a lot!

As we established, this activity will be graded and it needs to be written perfectly. Don't hesitate and ask if you need any help. Now, Answer the questions:

 In your opinion, Can robots be human? Why / Why not?
Why do you think Andrew wants to be a human?
Do you think there would be a robot like Andrew in "real world"?
What do you like about the movie?

 Please answer each question in at least 30 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Date: June 19th, Friday

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Green Mile Review [Sophomore - Extra Credits]

Dear Students:

 As an extra credit activity, here's the topic that we discussed in class. I encourage you to see this movie ASAP and discuss the questions below. The objective is to use all the grammar structures seen in Unit 1 (Past Simple, Continuous, Used to & Vocabulary). Leave your comments below and answer these questions:

 Why do you recommend this movie [50 words, support your idea]
 What's the message / moral of this movie [50 words, support your idea]
 Describe the best moment from the movie, what happened? [50 words, support]

 I attach this link with the movie, you can download the movie and the subtitles if your wish



Juan Guevara

Due Time: June 8th, Monday